Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 125 Invite 4 big bosses to drink tea

Chapter 125 Invite the Four Big Brothers to Drink Tea

"Hey Aji, I brought back all the five big bosses in Xinji, but I detain them forty at most..."

"It doesn't take that long, Sir Lu. After half an hour, one will be released every 5 minutes. Remember to let them go through the back door."

"What are you going to do? You don't want to kill all five of them, do you?"

"Don't worry, I won't mess around. What you have to worry about now is me, sir? I'm playing with my life. If you're not careful, you'll never see me again!"

"It's good to know! Don't mess around! I don't want you to be hacked to death on the street, so I ran to collect your body!"

"Crow's Mouth!"

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi took two guns, two walkie-talkies, some tape and ropes in his room.

He strapped the gun to his waist, found a bag to put everything he had left, and returned to the room.

At this time, the seven younger brothers in the room have all gotten to know each other well, chatting and spanking, laughing and joking.

As soon as Su Yi opened the door, everyone stood up together.


they shouted jaggedly.

"Come out to do something." Su Yi said.

A van, a second-hand car that Su Yi bought before, plus Su Yi, there are eight people in total.

The two drivers previously appointed by Su Yi drove a car each.

Liu Jianming took two people to take the bus, and the remaining two, including the one who was able to taxi, followed Su Yi in the car.

Su Yi took out a walkie-talkie from his bag and handed over the rest to Liu Jianming.

"Turn the intercom to Channel [-], follow the car in front." Su Yi gave an order, patted Liu Jianming on the shoulder, then turned around and got into the passenger seat of the car.

The younger brothers got into the car one after another according to Su Yi's instructions, and everyone's face was full of apprehension and nervousness.

These seven are all newcomers, and they are young and Dangerous for the first time. Except for Liu Jianming, everyone else has no experience.

When Liu Jianming looked at the contents of the bag, he knew what he was going to do this time.

He secretly admired Su Yi's caution in his heart.

Before the operation, everyone gathered together and cut off contact with the outside world, which ensured that no one could leak the secrets in advance.

Then he started to act. Until now, even he didn't know where he was going, what he was going to do, who the target was. Su Yi made the secret work to the extreme.

What Liu Jianming didn't know was that what Su Yi did was just the basic operation of the police.

What he didn't even know was that according to the original trajectory of fate, he should have been undercover at the police station, wearing a suit and tie, instead of going secretly in a van with his head covered to tie up meat tickets...

Good luck tricks people.

The back door of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station is next to the courtyard wall of Kowloon Park, a narrow one-way street with few pedestrians.

Two cars parked here one after the other.

Su Yi looked at his watch, 25 minutes had passed since he called Lu Qichang.

"Step-brother, are you working here?" The bald man asked angrily.

"What?" Su Yi casually asked while observing the situation outside.

"This is the police station, step-brother!" Another younger brother said in surprise, "We work here, and the police can see us as soon as we go out."

"Scared?" Su Yi glanced at him with a half-smile.

The younger brother smiled coyly: "No, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid."

Looking at it, Su Yi frowned.

"Don't get out of the car." He ordered, and then walked down with the big phone.

Staying away from the car, he called Lu Wenchang again.


"There are two guards at the back door, can we remove them first?" Su Yi asked straight to the point.

"What are you doing!" Lu Qichang raised his tone sharply.

"Please invite Guohua and the others to drink tea." Su Yi said.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Lu Qichang said angrily, "Aji, I can help you, but I'm definitely not helping you without bottom line!"

"At least you have to tell me your plan, right?" Lu Qichang paused, then said slowly, "You don't say anything, just tell me that you want to be the most prestigious undercover agent in Hong Kong, I believe you, but you don't Me? Did you make a mistake, you!"

"Okay." Su Yi sighed, "Lu sir, if I want to be promoted, is there a big chance in Xinji?"

"I think even if Ni Yongxiao comes back, he will let you continue to be his bodyguard instead of letting you go out to watch the scene." When it comes to business, Lu Qichang immediately regained his energy and calmed down, "And Xinji will definitely be Ni Yongxiao next. Xiao Xiao and the four big bosses are fighting to the death, even if I help you, within three to five years, you don't even want to be in the top position."

"It's almost like this." Su Yi thought for a while, but didn't refute Lu Qichang, "Then what will happen if I become famous and become famous?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Qichang was a little confused.

"My thinking is like this for the time being," Su Yi said, "Things have to be done one by one. I can't say what will happen in the future, so I have nothing to say to you. In short, I will do it first. You Watch it first. If you really don’t think it’s going to work, you can call it off at any time.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and he said, "I'm going to be promoted to Chief Inspector soon, and now you just give me a call to cooperate with you in tying up meat tickets? Aji, if you can't get the position, I will personally arrest you and enter Stanley! You half an hour!"

"Beep beep..."

Su Yi smiled slightly, put away his big brother and walked back.

When he got back into the car, he happened to see two police security guards guarding the back door chatting and walking towards the door.

This scene was not conspicuous, and at this moment, the younger brothers were all whispering nervously, but no one noticed it at all.

Su Yi picked up the walkie-talkie and began to arrange.

After 3 minutes, Gandhi's figure appeared at the back door. He was lighting a cigarette while walking out.

When they got to the van, the door slammed open, and a black gun was aimed at Gandhi.

Gandhi's complexion changed drastically, and his whole body froze.

He looked around immediately, trying to find a way to get out.

But he soon saw a person standing not far away, putting his hands into his clothes, and staring at him with warning eyes.

Gandhi threw up his hands dejectedly.

Two thick arms, one left and one right, pulled him into the van.

The door was closed, and the car shook for a while before returning to calm.

"It's done." In the car, Liu Jianming's breathless voice came from Su Yi's walkie-talkie.

Su Yi picked up the walkie-talkie: "The next one will be here soon, get ready."

"and also?"

In the van, the eyes of the four younger brothers including Liu Jianming widened.

Guohua came out next.

The younger brothers did the same thing and caught him without much effort.

And then there's the niggers.

Still unable to react at all, he was hit.

Who would have thought that someone would kidnap a ticket at the back door of the police station in a van?

But when the last Wen Zheng was tied up, there was still a little accident.

This guy was very vigilant. As soon as he walked up to the van, he felt that something was wrong when the van shook. He looked in through the window of the van. Although he couldn't see much, he was keenly aware that the driver was looking at him strangely.

Wen Zheng turned around and ran away without saying a word.

At this time, Su Yi's long-standing caution came in handy.

The bald man who could hit three at a time had long been guarding the other side of the corner. As soon as Wen Zheng ran over, he rushed out a set of combined punches and beat Wen Zheng stretched out on the ground.

Then two people got out of the van, one raised his head and the other raised his legs, lifted Wen Zheng into the car, and closed the door.

"Call work!" Su Yi yelled through the intercom, and then waved out the window, signaling the bald head and the people outside to get into the car.

After everyone got into the car, the two cars drove away one after the other, disappearing into the traffic on the street.

 I still owe three shifts today and haven’t written anything yet, so I stayed up all night to code it out.

(End of this chapter)

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