Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 126 Did You Kill Brother Kun?

Chapter 126 Did You Kill Brother Kun? (Add 17 for the lord Seventeen Nights Rain_812)

Kill Ni Kun, kidnap Guohua, Wenzheng, nigga and Gandhi.

The biggest bigwigs in Xinyi'an, except for one Han Chen and Ni Laosan, were all taken over by a nest.

Don't think that this is a personal grievance or a gangster fighting and killing people, this is a terrible thing!

Once everything they have done is exposed, they are dead!

At that time, although Hong Kong Island is big, it will no longer have a foothold for them.

There are nearly [-] younger brothers in Xinyi'an, each of whom can drown them with a mouthful of saliva!

Liu Jianming felt that he must be crazy to be with such a crazy boss.

The craziest thing is that whether it is killing Ni Kun or kidnapping the four big bosses, it is too difficult to do it, but under the command of their big boss Luo Ji, all this is like eating watermelon It's as easy as drinking cold water.

I was confused, and I did it all, without any surprises or dangers, and it went so smoothly that it was outrageous and unimaginable.

When passing by a video store, Su Yi stopped the car, took out a few stacks of money from the trunk, and gave it to a younger brother, asking him to buy a video recorder and a few blank video tapes.

Then the car drove directly to Tai O and bumped into the mountainous area.

Finally, the car drove into the yard of a forest farm workstation with a locked gate, and it was almost dark at this time.

It seems that no one has been here for a long time. Su Yi asked his younger brother to pry open the door and go in to check around. He unexpectedly found that there is still a working generator here, and there are half a barrel of diesel oil.

So after tossing for half an hour, the lights in all the rooms came on.

In the mountains, Su Yi's big brother has no signal at all, and everyone's BB machine has become an electronic watch that can only read the time, so there is no need to worry about leaking the secret anymore.

Su Yi opened the back door of the van and took a look. The mouths and limbs of the four big men were tightly bound with tape and ropes, and they were lying in the compartment staggeringly.

"Bring them all to the gatehouse." Su Yi looked around and ordered.

The concierge is a separate room next to the gate, at least a hundred meters away from the row of rooms in the yard, separated by a large forest.

After the younger brothers carried the four bosses into the concierge, Su Yi ordered again: "You all go to the back, Jianming, and pay attention to the walkie-talkie."

"Yes, stepbrother."

After watching all the younger brothers leave, Su Yi turned and entered the concierge.

"Woooo, woooooo..."

The four bosses tried their best to "woo woo" to Su Yi, apparently wanting to communicate with Su Yi.

But Su Yi didn't even look at them, found a dirty cloth and roughly wiped the dust off the chair, then sat down and closed his eyes to rest quietly.


"woo woo woo woo……"

The four bosses struggled desperately to make a sound.

Su Yi frowned slightly, took out the gun from his waist, opened the safety, and patted it on the table.

The world immediately quieted down.

Half an hour later, Su Yi suddenly opened his eyes.

He stepped forward and tore all the tape off the mouths of the four big shots.

They were breathing greedily.

"Luo Ji, what the hell are you going to do!" The black ghost scolded first, and he glared at Su Yi, "What tricks are you playing?"

"Luo Ji, let me warn you, if you dare to touch any of the four of us, you will be finished!" Guohua threatened with a sullen face.

"Aji, why did you make it like this? You can talk if you have something to do, right?" Gandhi sighed.

"Step-brother, I'm young, if you do something wrong, please bear with me, I'll apologize to you here, but there's really no reason to treat me like this, right?" Wen Zheng smiled.

They each said their own words, or cursed angrily, or threatened seriously, or persuaded each other, or smiled playfully.

However, no matter what they said to Su Yi, Su Yi just looked at the four of them with a smile.

"Fuck, are you deaf? Luo Ji, don't play tricks! I warn you, let us go immediately, if something happens to me, your whole family will be buried with me!"

"Luo Ji, you kidnapped the four of us, and there are at least tens of thousands of young and Dangerous people in Hong Kong Island looking for you everywhere. Can you afford the consequences?" Guohua said coldly.

If so, after 10 minutes, the other three big bosses didn't get a response from Su Yi, and they all shut up. There was only one nigger left, who was still cursing loudly, and his words became more and more ugly.

Finally, Su Yi seemed to have heard enough.

He coughed lightly, and focused all four people's attention on his face.

His condescending gaze swept over the four big bosses one by one, and finally fell on the face of the black ghost who scolded the most fiercely just now.

"Nigger," Su Yi said slowly, "Brother Kun, did you kill him?"

"I'm going to Nima!" the nigger yelled.

"The answer is wrong." Su Yi smiled, and suddenly pointed the gun at the nigger's head, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet passed through the nigga's forehead, and lifted the skull at the back of his head with the brains, spraying red and white all over the ground.

The scene suddenly became quiet, even the sound of breathing was suddenly held, and the needle could be heard!
So abrupt!
The shot was fired so suddenly!
No one would have thought that Su Yi would kill the nigger so simply and neatly without any hesitation.

Before that, the four bosses felt that Su Yi was just scaring them, and they didn't dare to do anything.

But now, the three of them are completely scared to death!
They looked at Su Yi, who was wearing a faint smile from the beginning to the end, and his face remained unchanged, and they felt chills all over their bodies.

They finally fully understood that Su Yi was not scaring them.

Su Yi really dared to kill them!
"Crazy! You are crazy!" Guohua murmured, his face was pale, and his legs shook involuntarily.

Su Yi's eyes fell on him.

"Guohua, Brother Kun, did you and the nigger kill it?" Su Yi asked gently, as if chatting about family matters.

"It's not me! I don't!" Guohua stared at Su Yi fearfully, gritted his teeth and said, "Luo Ji, you killed the nigger, do you know that he has more than [-] younger brothers?"

Su Yi looked at Guohua with regretful eyes, shook his head and sighed.

"What do you want to do?" Guohua yelled in horror, "Don't mess around, Luo Ji! It's too late for you to regret it now! You..."

To Guohua's relief, Su Yi didn't shoot him directly in the head this time, but pressed the walkie-talkie and ordered, "Come here."

Soon, Liu Jianming came. He glanced at the black ghost's dead body, and his expression froze.


"Let the six of them see the blood." Su Yi ordered lightly.

He pointed at Guohua: "Take him there."

"Do not……"

After being stunned for a few seconds, Guohua let out a hysterical roar of fear.

Liu Jianming was stunned for a long time, and seeing that Su Yi didn't intend to speak again, he stepped forward and dragged Guohua who was struggling and screaming, and walked out the door.

"Aji! Aji, I killed Brother Kun, I admit that I killed Brother Kun, please spare me! Please forgive me!" When he was about to be dragged out of the house, Guohua suddenly felt blessed, He grabbed the door frame and howled.

(End of this chapter)

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