Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1405 Drinking

The lunch box Sha Zhu was carrying was full of good ingredients.

A box of soaked northeast mushrooms, a box of natural wild fungus, a box of tender beef tenderloin, and two chopped chicken legs.

"You go to someone else's house to eat, and you bring your own ingredients?" Su Yi looked at the things on the chopping board and said with a smile, "What? Do you think my food is not good?"

"Where can it be? Don't you guys cook? That's the only convenience. Besides, didn't you just move in?" Silly Zhu said happily, "We're brothers, we don't see outsiders."

Su Yi nodded, rolled up his sleeves and said, "You are in charge of the cooking, and I will be in charge. Tell me, what kind of vegetables are you chopping?"

"You know how to cook?" Silly Zhu was puzzled.

"I haven't seen pork, haven't I seen a pig run?" Su Yi smiled and picked up the potatoes on the chopping board, and began to peel them skillfully.

"It's like that." Sha Zhu's eyes lit up and he frowned suddenly.

"Huh? I just realized it. Who do you call a pig?"

"Don't bring a pole to recognize relatives!"

"Maliciousness from He Yuzhu +88..."

"That's a dog, Qin Huairu is a human and a woman, can it be the same?" Silly Zhu said angrily.

"Hey, I have a bad temper!" Shazhu yelled in anger, "Su Yuanchao, you are talking too much! I will fight it out today, and if I don't knock you down, I won't be called Shazhu Come on, do three first!"

"Someone is here, if you don't feel ashamed, just keep crying!" Su Yi said.

Su Yi thought it was quite interesting, and couldn't help laughing, so he stopped talking.

Seeing that Sha Zhu was crying so much, Su Yi said with disgust, "Why don't you come back when you've cried enough?"

"You are not allowed to say that!" Su Yi put on a serious face, "The pig is innocent, why do you belittle it?"

"You also said just now that you knew how she would answer you before you even asked." Su Yi said, "Why do you think so?"

"Actually, I just feel sorry for her, that's why..."

"Yanchao, I'm suffering! I'm so wronged! But no one cares about me except you, not even my own sister. I'm suffering, woo..."

Speaking of this, Shazhu was already a little frustrated: "I probably understand what you mean, you want to tell me that I don't even rank well in Qin Huairu's heart, right?"

"Then why don't you want Sister Qin to come?" Silly Zhu said, "Sister Qin needs more care."

It is impossible for people to deceive themselves. Silly Zhu is now trying to persuade himself not to be with Qin Huairu, to lie to himself that he doesn't like her, but sooner or later he will face up to his heart, and in the future he will find that he still can't forget Qin Huairu, and still likes Qin Huai Ru's.

"Come on, come on, if you're willing to die, I'm willing to bury you." Su Yi laughed.

Isn't that the thing?

"I don't even worry about me, but you don't worry about me?" Su Yi said.

"Yes, why." Su Yi said, "Why are you a good young man and want to raise three sons for others? Why can you only marry a widow? Why can't you find a good partner? Why can't you get married Can't you have your own children? Why do you have such a high salary for so many years and you haven't lived well? Why are all of this?"

"What about you? It's impossible for Qin Huairu to regard you as the sky, okay, three more children before you get married? Is your little salary enough to support them? You only have a lifetime, and you're going to be like this Now, you don't have any hope for you anymore?"

There is nothing to say about Sha Zhu's craftsmanship, the color, fragrance and taste are all good, and Su Yi's index finger twitched when he saw it.

"This is not a conflict." Su Yi smiled, "You decide not to marry Qin Huairu in the future, not because you never liked her, but because she is not suitable for you. You must understand this, otherwise you will still will fall in."

"Am I narrow-minded?" He raised his eyebrows and said loudly.

"You are not careful, the first night I just moved in you..."

Both of them were young men with quick hands, and all four dishes were on the table in a short while.

"Do you have any sympathy? I'm crying like this, and you still drive me away?" Silly Zhu cried even harder.

"..." Silly Zhu looked at Su Yi quietly.

So if you want to persuade Sha Zhu, you can't bind the two matters of whether Sha Zhu likes Qin Huairu and whether Sha Zhu wants to marry Qin Huairu.

"I didn't say anything..." Silly Zhu said coyly, "I just want to say that you don't have to worry about me in the future, and you can do whatever you want. Although we brothers have just met, I am absolutely assured of your character."

"Maliciousness from He Yuzhu +77..."

dong dong dong...

"Aren't you interested in her? I have to hide a little bit, lest you misunderstand me." Su Yi said.

"Maliciousness from silly pillar +99..."

"Haha..." Su Yi wanted to laugh seeing him like this.

You are bound now, okay, if silly Zhu doesn't like Qin Huairu, it means he won't marry her.

But what's wrong with crying when you drink too much?

"Maliciousness from He Yuzhu +22..."

"What on earth are you trying to tell me!" Silly Zhu said depressedly, "It sounds like you're trying to persuade me not to have sex with her, but now I'm saying that I just pity her, and you insist that I like her... "

"Ah?" Silly Zhu was a little dumbfounded.

Silly Zhu sighed: "Actually, I also know that she is not suitable for me. I am a young man who has never been married, and my job is not bad. Why do I have to find a widow with three children? I have not only been hanging by her all these years." On a tree, I have been going on blind dates, Aunt Liu of the street office has introduced me no less than twenty, but either I look down on them, or they look down on me, isn't that also appropriate?"

This thing exploded on the spot...

"It must be Xiaodang, and Sophora japonica is the same." Silly Zhu said, "Let's not talk about the three children, even if I fell into the river with Jia Zhang, she would definitely save Jia Zhang. If you save me first, then Don't let people poke her back? She values ​​the word filial piety the most, and I will definitely rank after these two words."

Su Yi laughed and said: "Brother Zhuzi, in fact, what I said today is quite unfair to Sister Qin. After all, even if she is a widow, she still has the right to pursue happiness. If she really wants to find you, you can bend over and give in. It's not impossible for you to do this. For her, this is a good thing and a normal thing. But from your side, you have to ask yourself why. "

After that, Silly Zhu found out that he actually liked Qin Huairu, so he would feel that this was tantamount to marrying Qin Huairu.

He took out the remaining three bottles of Moutai from the back room, and said to Sha Zhu, "Don't leave if you can't finish drinking!"

While the two were talking and laughing, Su Yi danced the knife into the air, cutting out potato shreds that were evenly copied and pasted.

"Don't scare me, I'll cry for anyone who comes!" Sha Zhu poked his neck and sucked his nose, "Why can't I cry? Don't I even have the right to cry now? Huh?"

Su Yi chuckled: "But once you get in touch, you will find that there is an old bachelor living in the same courtyard as this girl. This old bachelor has brought five children and raised a very powerful old man. This girl If you have nothing to do, you can help this old bachelor wash clothes, cook and take care of the children. If this is the case, are you still willing to find this girl?"

Silly Zhu was so frightened that he didn't push over, and grabbed Su Yi's arm: "Brother, I'm convinced brother! It doesn't matter whether you can drink it or not, as far as your bragging ability is concerned, I will bow down to you, one word—— Clothes!"

"What about Xiaodang?" Su Yi asked, "Do you think you and Xiaodang fell into the river at the same time, who would she save first?"

Su Yi waved his hand: "A thousand cups? How is that possible."

"Okay, listen to you!" Silly Zhu also said simply.

Su Yi said: "It's different, so you don't want to marry Qin Huairu just because she is pitiful. You still like her."

After three glasses of wine, Shazhu sighed and said: "Now I know why those girls looked at me in the wrong way. Ma De, I'm still stupid, bragging to others, deliberately letting them know about it, It's so obvious that I'm kind-hearted and helpful...Really, Yuanchao, I just now realize that I'm a pig!"

"Hey, to be serious, last time you asked me to ask Qin Huairu the question I asked." Silly Zhu said, "She said it must be a rescuer. I can guess the answer, but what does it mean? "

"Have you ever blown away after getting along with you?" Su Yi asked.

Su Yi said: "I have to talk to you about the reasoning behind this, but let's talk over some wine and cook first!"

As soon as Su Yi said half a sentence, he became cowardly, and hurriedly interrupted Su Yi with a laugh: "Brother! Can I call you brother? I'm narrow-minded, I admit it, but let's not mention this matter, I'm ashamed to death. "

"I can't figure it out, but I'm too lazy to think about it." Su Yi shook his head.

Su Yi smiled and picked up the wine glass: "Come on, let's go one more time!"

Silly Zhu was taken aback.

"I hear what you mean, why don't you get drunk after a thousand cups?" Silly Zhu asked.

"Sister-in-law Yu Li doesn't have a stable job, isn't she? They are all neighbors in the neighborhood, so they should take care of them." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Brother, you are teasing me again!" Sha Zhu said angrily.

"Don't come here, I can't tell you are mocking me?" Sha Zhu snorted, "You must not understand why I fell in love with a widow..."

"Brother! I was wrong, can't I be wrong? Please don't hurt me! Your mouth is too bad!" Sha Zhu clasped his fists and shouted, "A cultural person is a cultural person, my god, at this moment I'm so stupid that I'm not even as good as a pig..."

Silly Zhu said embarrassedly: "I've been making trouble for a long time, this root is here, okay, blame me, ruined Sister Qin's chance to subsidize the family..."

Su Yi seldom relaxes, laughing and laughing with Shazhu for a while, and Shazhu returns to the previous topic, asking Su Yi what Qin Huairu's answer means.

Abin's college entrance examination results are not very satisfactory...

"Are the three plausible? Liuliu Dashun!" Su Yi waved his hand.

"Maliciousness from He Yuzhu +88..."

He was so ashamed that his old face was flushed now.

"The stray dog ​​at the entrance of the alley is pitiful." Su Yi said, "Today I saw it with four or five little scabies looking for food in the garbage, why didn't you bring it home?"

Beef tenderloin with mushrooms, black fungus in cold sauce, shredded potatoes in vinegar, plus a pickled pork slices, two meat and two vegetables, rich in nutrition.

After a pause, he looked at Su Yi and wanted to say something.

Silly Zhu's eyes were straightened: "Brother, I will only drink half a catty, and drink six taels at most! Any more will make you drunk."

"I'm a big man, it's okay to be wronged a little bit." Sha Zhu continued, "If I really marry her, it must be for her good and our family's good wholeheartedly."

A big man was crying out of breath.

Silly Zhu laughed and was about to speak when he heard Su Yi say leisurely: "If you have [-] cups, just rinse your mouth."

"That's needless to say?" Silly Zhu said, "The stick is her lifeline, without anyone, she can't live without the stick."

"Maliciousness from silly pillar +143..."

Su Yi thought for a while, and said: "If there is such a girl, this girl is good everywhere, has a good job, looks good, and has a good personality. You met her on a blind date, would you like to get in touch with her?"

"That's too much!" Silly Zhu said, "There are quite a few of them, and they don't want to talk about it for no reason. Really, this woman is so thoughtful now!"

After a pause, Su Yi shook his head when he thought of the love value that exploded just now, and then changed the topic and sighed: "But I advise you to forget it. When a couple gets married, the husband treats his wife as a treasure, and the wife treats her husband as a treasure. Only then can life be prosperous and smooth, and it can also be smooth.”

As he spoke, He Yuzhu was so sad that he burst into tears.

"Why?" Silly Zhu murmured.

"Drink! Drink!" Silly Zhu was disturbed by hearing this, and raised his glass again.

"Six? I'll go, aren't you too ruthless?" Silly Zhu was taken aback.

Su Yi said: "She has three children and a mother-in-law. If you can accept that you are the fourth in her heart, then you can find her as your wife."

Now it was Su Yi's turn to be speechless.

Silly Zhu looked dumbfounded: "Fuck, you are so good at cooking, and you still ask Yu Li to cook for you? I thought you couldn't!"

"Stop!" Su Yi stopped him before he could speak, "I keep my word, and I won't go back on my promises."

"Qin Huairu should also have a good impression of you." Su Yi said to Shazhu.

Silly Zhu sighed: "It's not that I can't accept it..."

There is no doubt that Shazhu drank too much.

"Three in a row!" Sha Zhu gritted his teeth.

Sha Zhu slapped his thigh: "Then I am so willing!"

Su Yi laughed and said: "What's the point of drinking without getting drunk? I really envy you, you can still get drunk..."

Su Yi gave him a thumbs up: "Brother Zhuzi, you are a saint, I admire you!"

I just drank a little more than one bottle, and the second bottle of wine is only a quarter down. You can't drink too much...

Silly Zhu's face flushed as if he had been slapped with chicken blood, and he slapped the table hard and shouted: "Yes! What the hell is this! Why do I, He Yuzhu, have to be a silly Zhu? After so many years Now, except you can think of me calling me brother Zhuzi, why should everyone call me silly Zhu? Why am I stupid? The old ones, and the young ones too, what’s wrong with me, I’m stupid?"

"Hey, Su Yuanchao, I found that your mouth is really bad, you are almost catching up with me..."

"Who said six?" Su Yi squinted, "Six and six, I said 66!"


There was a knock at the door.

Silly Zhu was stunned.

"Come in." Su Yi said.

A woman pushed open the door and entered.

Silly Zhu's eyes were wide open, his neck stretched out, and his limbs drooped, like a blind bear just waking up from hibernation.

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