Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1406 Unhurried

Chapter 1406 Unhurried

The woman who came was tall and tall, and she looked a bit like Shazhu.The facial features are quite upright, but the chin is a bit long, which doesn't meet Su Yi's aesthetic point.

As soon as the woman entered the door, she stared at Shazhu with a half-smile and said, "Brother, tell me why I don't care about you anymore?"

Silly Zhu was completely dumbfounded.

Suddenly, "Ouch", he hurriedly turned around to wipe away his tears and snot.

"It's a shame! It's over, my brother is ashamed in front of my sister!" He yelled angrily.

"Besides, it's not the first time I've seen you ugly when you're drunk. If you had no face, you'd have no face." The woman said disdainfully, and then she smiled and waved to Su Yi, "Are you Brother Yuanchao? I'm Sha Zhu My younger sister, He Yushui, my brother has caused you trouble, and I apologize to you on his behalf."

"Maliciousness from He Yushui +66..."

"Go, go, why are you meddling in the relationship between the elders, do you need to apologize?" Sha Zhu waved his hands angrily, "Why are you here?"

He Yushui said: "As soon as I entered the courtyard, I heard you crying and howling here, saying that I don't care about you, so I can't come in and have a look?"

"Is it over? Hurry up and leave!" Sha Zhu waved his hand away, "Don't delay my drinking with Yuan Chao."

"Do you think I want to watch you drink like crazy?" He Yushui said unhappily, and he looked at Su Yi with a smile, "Brother Yuanchao, when I entered the courtyard, I happened to meet a girl who came to look for you, so I brought her in , people are at the door.”

"Maliciousness from He Yushui +77..."

As she spoke, she opened the door and said, "Why don't you come in, sisters?"

"There are still people!" Sha Zhu widened his eyes in horror.

Sure enough, another girl came out from behind the door.

It was a person who surprised even Su Yi——Li Lan.

The girl didn't dare to come in because of the posture in the room, she stood at the door awkwardly and said: "Yanchao, I have something to do with you, did it delay your drinking?"


Silly Zhu got up abruptly and walked quickly into the room. Looking from behind, his ears and the entire back of his neck instantly turned red.

"Yo, my stupid brother is shy." He Yushui said with a grin.

Su Yi also couldn't help smiling, nodded to Li Lan and said, "Sure, the room is a bit messy, so I won't invite you in, let's go out and talk."

"Then I'll wait for you at the gate of the courtyard." Li Lan said.

Su Yi waved his hand and walked out without his coat on.

He Yushui hastily opened the door.

"Maliciousness from He Yushui +88..."

After both of them went out, He Yushui hurried into the back room, with a slightly serious expression on his face, he said, "Brother, follow me back!"

"You really, there are outsiders, why don't you send me a signal to remind me to be careful?" Silly Zhu complained, "I'm still a big girl, ouch, this time I'm so embarrassed-you all heard me cry, didn't you?" Bar?"

He Yushui stomped his feet and said, "Oh, I don't have time to tell you this right now, so hurry up and go back with me, and stop dealing with this Su Yuanchao in the future, he is not a good person!"

"No, who did you hear? Why isn't Yuanchao a good person?" Silly Zhu asked in a daze.

"He got into a fight with a group of gangsters today, do you know that?" He Yushui said with a serious face, "It's obviously a trivial matter where big guys are fighting and making trouble, and he has to make a dozen of them go to the prison, He also set up a trick to let people sneak in. Shang Dong just happened to deal with this matter. He said that he might shoot a few people. Don’t you think this person is so cruel? You drink with such a vicious person, you Aren't you afraid that he will kill you too?"

Silly Zhu was stunned for a long time before he said: "No, you...why didn't I understand? Yuanchao made more than a dozen people from the other party go to prison? Did he fight with someone? He beat a dozen people by himself ?”

"It was a group of gangsters who wanted to beat him. It wasn't a big deal at first, but he insisted on playing tricks to kill him." He Yushui explained again, "Brother, this Su Yuanchao is too cruel, he must not be a good person. I won't associate with this kind of person after I go home."

Silly Zhu was anxious, and waved his hand and said: "You can pull you down! What's the matter, you just listen to the wind and the rain? He is not a good person? Ding Shangdong told you this, right? That kid has eyes on his forehead , Who looks like a good person? He also said that I am not good for you, and I am too lazy to bother with him for your sake...Go, go, go back, don't meddle in my affairs, I love With whom to come and go with whom!"

"Didn't that kid look down on my big uncle? It just so happens that I bother him too! After the new year is over, you can live your life well. I'm not the same as that kid!"

"Oh brother! Isn't it for your own good?" He Yushui stomped his feet and said anxiously, "This Su Yuanchao got into a fight with a bunch of bastards just after he moved here, and even got killed. Can he be a good person?"

"It's not up to you, or Ding Shangdong, to decide whether a good person is bad!" Sha Zhu sneered, "If Su Yuanchao breaks the law, he will come and arrest him, and if he doesn't break the law, he's a fart! Su Yuanchao is going, but Su Yuanchao can't fight back and retaliate. What kind of policeman is this level? You can be a stupid official in the old society... Oh! Why are you kicking me!"

While Shazhu was talking, He Yushui stepped forward and kicked Shazhu suddenly, the pain was so painful that Shazhu hugged his legs and took a breath.

"I remind you kindly, you still call me a man, who else will you kick if you don't?" He Yushui glared at Silly Zhu, "You can just eat and drink with these dubious people, sometimes you regret it! "

After saying that, he turned around angrily and walked out.

"I'm a college student, why are you so nonchalant?" Silly Zhu pulled his neck and yelled, "The Daoxiang Village you ate yesterday was given by him. Bad words, our old He family doesn't have such a dishonest person like you!"

He Yushui was about to go out and then stopped, turned around in surprise and asked, "Didn't my sister Qin give it to me?"

"People knew you didn't have anything to eat, so they asked me to leave it for you. They said, we can't starve our sister!" Silly Zhu said angrily, "Afterwards, I didn't... so I gave it to Qin Huairu, count her as Qin Huairu I have a conscience, and I know to leave you two dollars..."

He Yushui sneered furiously: "You are really my good brother, you really...forget it, I don't bother to talk about it, I'm used to it after so many years."

After that, he turned around and went out.

Sha Zhu shrugged, frowned slightly, and sighed: "The image is gone..."

Su Yi didn't brag to Shazhu, his current physique, drinking is no different from drinking water, that is to say, it's hard to even feel slightly drunk after tasting the taste.

So he's sober.

When the two walked out of the compound, Li Lan was silent for a moment, and contributed several waves of malice and fear to Su Yi, as well as a small amount of joy and love.

Sha Zhu said something very well, women's minds are really complicated.

"For Wang Cheng's business?" Su Yi asked breaking the silence.

"Yes." Li Lan lowered her head, kicking the stones on the ground as she walked forward, "His father called my house, and the police station my father took me to... Originally, the adults also came with me, but I didn't let him." .”

"Why not?" Su Yi asked.

"I'm a little afraid of you now." Li Lan looked at Su Yi with a complicated expression, "Really, you shot too hard. My dad asked the police chief. This case is settled. Ba Qingtai is dead. Wang Cheng Even if you don't die, you will never get out of prison in this life."

"How good is this?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Punish the evil and promote the good, Huoxiang is righteous."

"Fear from Li Lan +88..."

"Actually... Wang Cheng only hangs out with them for fun," Li Lan said. "I grew up with him. He doesn't have a big heart, but he is really not a bad person. He revenges you, just Because you hit him, he wanted to vent his anger. Aid Korea, there is really no need to make such a big fuss."

Su Yi stopped, looked at the sky and said with a smile: "In a few decades, the stars and the moon will never be seen again."

"Maliciousness from Li Lan +55..."

This was just Su Yi casually expressing emotion. He looked at Li Lan and said, "Since I fought back passively, there is no reason to blame me for fighting back too hard. Sister Lan, he is him, and you are you. Since he makes trouble, you If you don’t meddle, then don’t ask me when I fight back.”

"What I regret most now is that I didn't care about this matter at the time. If I had persuaded Wang Cheng well, maybe I wouldn't be where I am today." Li Lan looked at Su Yi, "Yanchao, if I gave you two Make peace instead of leaving it alone, will you give me some face today?"

"People respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot." Su Yi smiled at Li Lan.

Li Lan nodded after a slight silence: "I understand. Yuanchao, thank you for still being willing to talk to me well. From now on, we will still be the two of us."

"That's for sure." Su Yi nodded.

"Then I'm leaving, you can go back." Li Lan said, "We have time to have dinner together some other day."

"Sister Lan, who told you where I live?" Su Yi asked suddenly.

Li Lan hesitated slightly, and said: "There is a policeman named Ding Shangdong. Just now, this girl is his partner. Ding Shangdong asked her to bring me here on a bicycle from the police station. Before entering the door, this girl specifically told me not to tell you about it. .”

Su Yi nodded and said: "Understood, I won't see you off, Sister Lan. After I finish my busy days, I will treat you to dinner and I will tell you the location and time."

"Happiness from Li Lan +89..."

Li Lan smiled: "Okay, then I'll wait for you."

The two waved goodbye.

After Su Yi went back, Sha Zhu had already sat at the dinner table again, while He Yushui was nowhere to be seen.

"Yanchao, who is this girl? Your date?" As soon as Su Yi came in, Silly Zhu couldn't wait to ask.

"No, just ordinary friends." Su Yi replied, "Why, did you like it?"

"Okay, okay?" Silly Zhu eagerly asked.

"No." Su Yi shook his head, "This girl is a bit kind, but not much. When encountering anything, think about yourself first, she is not your good match."

"Really?" Silly Zhu was dubious, "This is like a fortune teller on the street."

Su Yi said unhappily: "Fuck you! Believe it or not!"

"Believe me, believe me, can't I believe it?" Sha Zhu said with a smile, "Come on, come on, let's go one more time."

Su Yi said seriously: "Let's go, but there is a condition."

"You say." Sha Zhu raised his neck.

"Don't cry after drinking." Su Yi said seriously.

Silly Zhu was startled, his face flushed instantly, he pointed at Su Yi and shouted in embarrassment: "Su Yuanchao, don't you blame me? Who told you to poke my heart?"

Su Yi smiled and clinked glasses with him, and the two drank it down in one gulp.

Silly Zhu smacked his lips and sighed: "Actually, after listening to your persuasion just now, I also want to understand. Aid Korea, I have to find a woman who will be the first to save me whenever I fall into the river. Otherwise How can I be panicked all my life?"

"You're enlightened." Su Yi nodded.

"Hey!" Silly Zhu came up to him suddenly happily, "Let me tell you, there is a class teacher in Banggener, whose surname is Ran, who is handsome, educated, and has a good temperament. I think it suits me very well."

Su Yi nodded: "If you like it, go and try it. As long as you can do two things, you have hope."

"Which two points?" Silly Zhu hurriedly asked.

"First, sincerity." Su Yi looked at him, "Second, you can find any excuse yourself and go directly to her, or ask Aunt Liu from the street office to introduce you."

"I can understand the first point, but the second point..." Silly Zhu looked at Su Yi puzzled, "I was thinking about asking the third master to introduce me. This third master is an old neighbor of our courtyard, and is Colleague Ran, with this kind of relationship, why don't I use it?"

"You just finished offending the third master, and then turned around and wanted to use him. Do you think the third master can help you?" Su Yi asked.

Sha Zhu's eyes widened, and he suddenly pointed at Su Yi: "Yes, yes, you reminded me well, Lao Xier Yan is not a good person, and he might ruin my life-long event! Dude, I want to remind you, We need to do one more!"

The two laughed and continued to drink, chatting all over the place.

Su Yi didn't mention that He Yushui was malicious to him, and Sha Zhu didn't say what his sister just persuaded him.

In fact, drinking and bragging is quite boring.

But it's also quite interesting to do this boring thing once in a while.

I thought that tonight would pass so peacefully, but tonight was destined to not be peaceful.

The two were drinking when there was another knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Silly Zhu was already drunk, and asked for Su Yi.

A man's voice came from outside the door: "Xinjiekou, Zhou Changli."

"I don't really know each other, come in and talk!" Sha Zhu said drunkenly.

Su Yi looked at the door with an undiminished smile, and let Shazhu talk.

There were two people who came in.

One was wearing an army green jacket, with a thin body and sharp eyes, and the other was tall and had a pair of dead fish eyes.

After the two came in, they naturally looked around to see the surrounding environment clearly. Dead Fish Eyes turned around and closed the door, then inserted the door from the inside, and blocked the washstand and slop bucket beside the door behind the door , and then strolled to the window on his own, and drew the curtains.

The leader in the green jacket looked stern, went straight to the table and sat down, took a look at the Moutai wine on the table, then took Shazhu's wine glass in front of him, poured himself a glass of wine, and picked up the wine. Said: "You are Su Yuanchao, right? I came here to make friends with you. If it saves face, we will do one."

The posture of the two of them made Sha Zhujiu sober up a bit in fright, looking at this and that in surprise, he didn't dare to speak any more.

A needle drop could be heard in the room for a moment, and the atmosphere froze.

(End of this chapter)

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