Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1419 Negotiated

"I... this is the sanitation area of ​​our workshop, this time it happens to be my turn... so what, you go up first, I'll go out and wait." Qin Huairu was a little incoherent, and hurried out with her head down.

Su Yi saw Qin Huairu's embarrassment, so he didn't talk to her much.

Besides, there is no reason to greet a woman in the men's bathroom.

After Qin Huairu went out, he stood by the urinal and poured water.

Outside the bathroom door, Qin Huairu leaned her back against the wall and breathed heavily, her eyes widened to keep her tears from falling.

She didn't know why she was crying, but she just felt sad.

But standing still, she was attracted by the voice in the men's bathroom.

After listening for a while, Qin Huairu twisted her legs uncomfortably, and muttered, "It's pretty strong, like a water gun..."

In the toilet, Su Yi, who was draining the water, suddenly became weird.

He shivered, pulled up his pants and walked out.

When he came out, Qin Huairu's expression was already normal outside the door.

"Yanchao, then this matter is over, right? Are you okay?" Qin Huairu asked.

Su Yi unscrewed the faucet while washing his hands and said casually: "It's all right, justice defeats evil."

"It's fine, but I'm so worried..." Qin Huairu breathed a sigh of relief, "This matter is all because of me. If something happens to you, my sister will feel uneasy for the rest of her life. By the way, those stubborn The Lord won't come to make trouble again, will he?"

Su Yi turned off the faucet, shook his hands, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, they come again, I'll sip it with a water gun!"

Qin Huairu was stunned, unable to react for a while.

After Su Yi said this sentence, he turned around and left with a smile.

Qin Huairu was stunned for a while before she said in embarrassment: "What ears? You can hear this..."

At 10:30, the leader's car stopped at the gate of the factory on time.

The heads of all departments in the factory were greeted at the door.

When the big leader got out of the car, Yang Baorui led a group of subordinates to "hula" and surrounded him.

"Welcome, welcome. The big leader came to our factory to inspect the work. The whole factory is full of joy and enthusiasm!" Yang Baorui said excitedly, holding the big leader's hand with both hands, bowing his body slightly.

"You, Yang Baorui, are speaking more and more nicely now?" The big leader laughed, "When you were the company commander, you dared to talk to me in public! Where is your temper? Why is it gone?"

"My temper is still there. If the leader needs it, I can take it out at any time!" Yang Baorui said seriously.

"Forget it then, you put away your cows!" The big leader laughed.

Everyone burst into laughter, Yang Baorui blushed and coughed continuously.

"This...Reporter Wen is here too?" Seeing Wen Hui get off the other side of the car, Yang Baorui hurriedly changed the topic, "Haha, let's get to the point, let's get to the point."

"Director Yang, please rest assured that the conversation just now will never be published in the newspaper." Wen Hui said seriously.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and laughed again.

Yang Baorui sighed and said, "It's over, how can I, as the factory manager, establish dignity in the future?"

"This is to blame me for sweeping his prestige." The big leader pointed at him and turned his head with a smile and said to Wenhui, "Xiaohui, when reporting, we should try our best to make our factory director Yang a little bit more prestigious, so as not to scold him behind his back." I."

"Yes." Wen Hui nodded seriously.

Everyone laughed again, and the scene was full of joy.

The big leader’s eyes fell on Li Xinmin who was on the side again, and the latter hurriedly stepped forward and stretched out his hands and said excitedly: "Hello, big leader, I hope for the stars and the moon, and finally I look forward to you! What the factory manager said just now is exactly right. What I want to say is that as long as you come, it is the greatest recognition and support for our work!"

"Comrade Li Xinmin, I remember you." The big leader smiled and patted the back of his hand. "Every time there is a meeting, you represent the Red Star Rolling Mill. Today I am a guest. You, the master, have to introduce me well. The customs of your factory."

"Sure, sure, please rest assured the leader!" Li Xinmin said hastily.

The big leader looked around and said with a smile: "Then let's talk while walking?"

When the leader spoke, naturally no one objected.

At that moment, everyone surrounded him and walked towards the factory.

The people from the security department stood neatly on both sides of the factory gate, saluting together, with solemn expressions and fully armed, like soldiers waiting for inspection.

The big leader waved past, carelessly said a few words about the security work, and Yang Baorui answered them one by one.

The concrete road is sprinkled with water and is very clean.Ordinary employees and small grassroots leaders have long been ordered to stick to their posts and respond to inspections by leaders.

After inspecting several departments along the way, the chief leader soon came to the office building of the Propaganda Section. Yang Baorui introduced the measures of the rolling mill's reform of the propaganda department to the chief leader, and the chief leader expressed his support and highly praised it.

Along the way, Wen Hui, who just took pictures and didn't speak, suddenly asked, "Where is Comrade Su Yuanchao?"

Everyone was taken aback by this question.

This big reporter still knows Su Yuanchao?
"He is waiting in the conference room to report on his work." What surprised all the leaders was that Yang Baorui actually answered this question, "When the leaders finish inspecting each workshop, reporter Wen will be able to see him."

The big leader smiled and said, "I won't go to the workshop. I'm just in charge of publicity, so I won't judge production. Baorui, Comrade Xinmin, let's go directly to the conference room."

"What's the big boss talking about? Your instructions are more needed in terms of production, and the workers are all looking forward to it." Li Xinmin said hastily.

"Forget it." The big leader shook his head.

In fact, the main purpose of his coming was for Su Yi's proposal, and this way, he could be considered to have grasped the proposal.Otherwise he wouldn't have come to inspect a factory.

Yang Baorui naturally knew the real purpose of the big leader, the rest of the process was just incidental, and the big leader's words should naturally be omitted.

He hurriedly said: "Then let's go to the conference room. The rest of the people will not go. Regarding the spirit of the big leader's instructions, we will have a meeting in the afternoon and then communicate the research. Okay, let's stay. Xinmin, you follow."

"Yes, director."

Leaving behind a group of bewildered factory leaders, the big leader took Wen Hui and the secretary, accompanied by Yang Baorui and Li Xinmin, to the leader's office building.

The rest looked at each other.

"Old Yang, this Su Yuanchao... What kind of satellite did he build, and he actually wants to report directly to the ministerial leaders?" A deputy factory manager asked the question that everyone wanted to ask, "and specially arranged for a reporter to interview Propaganda? Your propaganda office is making a big noise. Tell us, what's going on?"

All eyes fell on Yang Shutan.

The corner of Yang Shutan's mouth twitched, and he said with a smile: "Well, it's hard to say now, but you will know later."

"That's not right." The deputy factory manager said with a smile, "Su Yuanchao is from your department. It stands to reason that even if he reports directly to work, you should be there, but why didn't you go? You shouldn't be with me. We don't know what's going on, do we?"

Yang Shutan laughed and said: "Then just pretend I don't know, anyway, don't expect to get anything out of me."

"Okay, the secrecy work is good enough." The deputy factory manager said helplessly, "Then you should at least reveal what it is about, so that we can also be mentally prepared. A big minister came to inspect unexpectedly, comrade We are all worried."

Yang Shutan hated in his heart, and he also wanted to know what it was about, but the problem was that he really didn't know anything.

But he can't show that he really doesn't know at this moment, otherwise he, the director, doesn't even know what his subordinates are reporting to his superiors, and he will become a joke.

He looked around and said with a smile: "You guys, don't worry, you will know what you should know sooner or later."

After finishing speaking, he put his hands behind his back and walked away slowly.

"Maliciousness from Yangshutan +100, anger from Yangshutan +88..."

Su Yi in the meeting room received a large wave of emotional points, among which the one belonging to Yang Shutan was the most conspicuous.

With Su Yi's shrewdness, how could he not know that his ignorance would offend Yang Shutan, his immediate boss?
But he did it anyway, obviously on purpose.

Yang Shutan was equivalent to the great wisdom of the Guoguo Army in [-], so there was no need for Su Yi to get too close to him.And Li Xinmin won't be happy if he gets too close.

This point, presumably Yang Shutan himself is very clear, so he will definitely see Su Yi as a thorn in his side, the positions of the two sides determine that the two of them are destined to be hostile.

At the moment, Su Yi is doing "PPT".

Of course, it is not a computer PPT, but a manual PPT.

He used A3 paper and a brush to make intuitive and easy-to-understand pages, and then manually played the "slideshow".

Explaining products to customers is Su Yi's old profession, and he is too familiar with it.

So although the time was short, Su Yi completed all the preparations before the big leader came.

The big leader arrived soon, and Su Yi politely shook hands and said hello, and was patted on the shoulder by the former to encourage him.

After the door of the conference room was closed, it was time for Su Yi's speech.

In name, Li Xinmin was the initiator of this project, and Su Yi was only helping the errands to do the work. It stands to reason that Li Xinmin should be responsible for the presentation.

But the few people present knew the truth of the matter, so there was no need to hide it.

This is also the main reason why only these few people participated in this lecture.

Su Yi's report materials were read by everyone present, but what can be reflected in a short report is very limited, which requires Su Yi to give a detailed explanation on the spot.

Su Yi will definitely not be nervous about stage fright.He stood on the stage and talked eloquently through the self-made PPT, discussing the necessity, feasibility and multiple meanings of the establishment of the experimental base for theoretical study of workers from various aspects, and put forward a preliminary conception of the structure and functions of the base after its establishment, and further Perfected the things that were not deep or not mentioned in his report materials.

This novel and intuitive way of preaching is refreshing for the leaders, and the effect is naturally surprisingly good.After Su Yi finished explaining, the big leader did not ask questions immediately, nor did he talk about the project itself, but first praised Su Yi's manual PPT, and asked in detail about the skills and way of thinking of this method.

His secretary wrote down everything Su Yi said word for word. Wen Hui was also very interested and asked the secretary to transcribe the notes.

After this small episode, the big leader began to ask questions about the project itself in detail.

It has to be said that the big leader is still very good, and many questions are very sharp, pointing to the core, and there are even things that Su Yi didn't think about, and they have been pointed out one by one.

However, Su Yi just lacks an understanding of the current basic national conditions, but his thinking and vision are unrestricted.Not only can I draw inferences about the problems raised by the big leaders, but I can also quickly expand my thinking and continuously improve this plan.

At the beginning, Yang Baorui and Li Xinmin were able to interject a few words and occasionally participate in the discussion.

Later, the thinking of the two could no longer keep up with the big leader and Su Yi, and they could only listen.

The poor secretary hasn't stopped since she came in. She changed four pens and wrote half a notebook.

Unknowingly, Wenhui looked at Su Yi with brilliant eyes, and from time to time contributed a wave of gradually rising love.

Su Yi sighed secretly, he was already low-key enough, but he was still like a firefly in the dark night, unable to hide...

It is a foregone conclusion to set up a pilot experimental base for the workers' theoretical study movement in Beijing's Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. It is initially planned that Yang Baorui will be in charge of the base as the general director of the base, and Li Xinmin will be the teaching director of the base.Su Yi is a teacher of college students and will also be the head teacher of the first theoretical study class for workers.

In terms of teaching staff, the big leaders will invite professors from the party school, and he will also come to give lectures regularly, and will invite some leaders to give party lectures and theoretical policies from time to time.

From this aspect, it can be seen that although Su Yi, the head teacher, has only a name, his gold content is really not ordinary.

Su Yi is still a college student in the internship period, so it is impossible for him to be promoted directly now.But when he became a class teacher, he couldn't just practice and try out.

The big leader waved his hand and decided to give Su Yi a written commendation in the name of the Propaganda Department.In this way, the factory can go to the district organization department with this written commendation, count it as a "significant meritorious service performance" for Su Yi, make an exception and advance to a regular position, and promote the administrative position.

Su Yi proposed that this plan has not yet been implemented, and it is only at the theoretical level, but the benefits have come one after another.

The location of the base is determined to be in a large auditorium that is rarely used. There will be a listing ceremony at that time. The relevant procedures for the establishment of a new department will be supervised by a senior leader. Basically, it will be a process that will be completed soon.

Maybe before the organizational reform of the Propaganda Department has been approved, the procedures for the workers' theoretical study and experiment base have already been completed.

However, in terms of staffing, the big leader can only guarantee five places, and the rest of the base's staffing must be resolved within the factory to see if it can be squeezed out from other departments.

Historically, reforms have involved the whole body and involved the interests of all aspects. Su Yi can completely think about it. For the five extra establishments, there will inevitably be open and secret struggles in the factory, and many people have to use their brains.

In terms of trainees, the first batch of trainees plans to have [-] places, and adopts the method of voluntary registration, which is limited to workshop workers.

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