Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1420 Benefits

It was almost twelve o'clock after the matter was negotiated. After consulting the big leaders, Yang Baorui asked the secretary to order the kitchen to prepare meals for six people, and decided to have a working meal in the factory at noon.

After that, the atmosphere became much more relaxed. The big leader asked Su Yi some personal questions. He admired Su Yi's appearance very much. Maybe it was because he had been in a high position for a long time. Very interested.

He also made a joke about Su Yi and Wen Hui.

"My niece has always thought highly of herself. My aunt introduced her to someone, but she didn't like any of them. But if it's about aiding North Korea, I think Xiaohui, you can definitely consider it. I don't care about such an excellent child. I feel amazing. What do you think, Xiaohui?"

Wen Hui wasn't shy either, and said with a big smile, "You ordered me, let's try to get along."

"Women don't give way to men, reporter Wen is really straightforward!" Director Yang praised, and looked at Su Yi, "Aid North Korea, the girls have expressed their views, do you have anything to say?"

Wen Hui looked at Su Yi, smiling calmly, but actually clenched her fingers involuntarily.

Now her mind is full of Su Yi who she talked about just now, and she really thinks that Su Yi is very good.

"I listen to the leader." Su Yi said with a smile.

He is not against it either.

Wen Hui looks very pretty, so the first test must have been passed.

But whether the personalities are compatible or not, you can only know after getting along with each other.

Compared with other women Su Yi knew, Wen Hui was outstanding both in terms of her own ability and background.In fact, whether a woman is good or not, and her family background, are not in Su Yi's consideration.

In many cases, a woman who is excellent in all aspects is usually unable to play the role of wife well, or it needs the man to make certain sacrifices before the two parties can get along well.

The reason why men are usually willing to make sacrifices is either out of love or out of interest. The former is not to be considered, and Su Yi does not need the latter. They are standing on the same starting line and have no advantage at all.

Later, on the way to the cafeteria, after Su Yi had a brief conversation with Wenhui, he even made a judgment that Wenhui was not suitable for him.

Maybe the big leaders deliberately wanted to match Su Yi and Wen Hui. On the way to the cafeteria, the leaders walked in front to talk, leaving Su Yi and Wen Hui behind.

"Aid Korea, aren't you a party member?" Wen Hui asked.

"No." Su Yi shook his head.

"Then you will mention it to my uncle when we are having dinner later, and see if your factory manager Yang can help you get a spot to join the party." Wen Hui said seriously to Su Yi, "This opportunity is very rare for you. Yes, if you catch it, you will lose at least ten years of struggle. It is not an exaggeration at all. Aid North Korea is a rare opportunity, and the opportunity waits for no one. In the system, one step is the first, and the next step is the first. If you can maximize the credit this time, You will benefit for at least ten years."

"Actually, I want to enjoy life more, and I don't want to run so fast." Su Yi smiled, "I want to slow down. Compared with work, I pay more attention to family."

"Yanchao, your idea is extremely wrong!" Wen Hui frowned, "How should a person spend his life? Don't regret for wasting your time, and don't be ashamed for doing nothing. Now we are still young, and it is time to fight hard. When struggling, a good man should aim everywhere, you can’t be content with the status quo.”

Su Yi glanced at her and said, "I thought girls didn't like to talk about work in private. It seems that you are really different."

Wen Hui smiled and said: "I just think that if I want to find the other half of my life, we should not only be a couple who support each other, but also comrades who fight side by side. We fight together and build the motherland together, that is the best Something romantic. What do you think, Yuanchao?"

"I think being able to grow old together is the most romantic." Su Yi said, "Adding a little bit of stuff will make this romance a little bit weaker."

"It seems that what you are after is pure love." Wen Hui said.

"It's more accurate to use the word simple." Su Yi thought for a while.

As long as you are still in human society, you will inevitably be pushed away by certain things, whether you like it or not.

During the meal, Su Yi didn't bring up the matter of joining the party, but Li Xinmin brought it up first.

And he has already figured out a way to help Su Yi.

He briefly told the big leader about Su Yi's brave deeds, and the big leader was very surprised. He didn't expect Su Yi to have such good qualities.

Li Xinmin said: "This is what I think about the big leader. Can we use this incident to reward the North Korean operation as a moral model model in our district, so that he can join the party and participate in the work of the learning base as a party member?" , whether it is a good thing for the base or for him personally."

"This is a good idea," the leader nodded in agreement. "It's better to join the party sooner rather than later. In this way, Wen Hui, your newspaper will publish an article to create momentum for aiding the DPRK."

"I wrote it myself!" Wen Hui said happily, "This is a good deed by a good person, and it must be published in the newspaper."

Yang Baorui smiled and said, "There is a place in the FireWire Party factory, but you have to report to the district for approval. I don't think it's a big problem about aiding North Korea."

Everyone present is thinking about Su Yi's future, not only to cultivate Su Yi, but also because Su Yi's status urgently needs to be elevated to be worthy of what he is going to do, otherwise the name will be unfair and cause criticism .

Su Yi could only hold up his teacup and stand up to express his gratitude.

Even if he has the means and the most scheming, he can only thank him at this time, and it is impossible to say what he doesn't want or doesn't want to say.

This kind of thing can only be done, not willing.

Wen Hui seemed happier than Su Yi when this matter was settled.

"Today's food tastes good." The big leader commented, smiling and calling everyone to eat with chopsticks.

After eating, the car drove to the entrance of the cafeteria and picked up the big leader and Wen Hui.

After Yang Baorui watched the car go away, he said with some emotion: "In the next period of time, some people will be busy."

"Isn't it?" Li Xinmin said, "Director, what do you think about the five establishments of the study base?"

"One sub-section, four section members." Yang Baorui pondered, "We will decide the candidates for the sub-section. The rest of the staff will be recruited through fair competition."

Li Xinmin said with a smile: "Director, I want to ask for an extra quota, look..."

Yang Baorui took a deep look at Li Xinmin and said, "It's not impossible for you to consider the plan you proposed. So let's do it."

The conversation between the two actually divided up the distribution rights of the five establishments.

The staff of the sub-sections are selected according to their ability, and the quota of the four ordinary section members should be divided equally, but now Li Xinmin has to leave one more, Yang Baorui has one left, and Li Xinmin has three to himself.

Just like later generations, one establishment means an iron rice bowl, and it is self-evident what it means to be able to control one more establishment distribution right.

This kind of power distribution has nothing to do with Su Yi, no matter how capable Su Yi is, it is impossible for Su Yi to get involved in this kind of thing.So he watched from the side, pretending not to hear.

"Aid North Korea, you don't have to worry about the preparations for the base for the time being. But the publication of the factory newspaper is imminent." Yang Baorui said to Su Yi, "In addition, I plan to hand over the radio station to you. The news and propaganda work should be from text to sound. For overall planning and management, you must be prepared to do more work for those who are capable.”

"Yes, factory manager." Su Yi was slightly surprised, but quickly agreed.

In fact, a radio station doesn't have much workload at all. Yang Baorui compensated Su Yi because of Yang Weimin's affairs.

Yang Baorui patted Su Yi on the shoulder and left.

Li Xinmin waited for him to walk away before he smiled and said, "Director Yang really cares about you. I never thought that he would actually give you the radio station."

The old fox realized that there must be something he didn't know about it, and was a little suspicious of Su Yi.

Su Yi said: "It's a pity, I have been with you since I came to the factory, and I feel really sorry for letting down the friendship of Director Yang."

Li Xinmin patted Su Yi on the shoulder and said, "Just don't feel sorry for me."

"I will always feel at ease in front of you." Su Yi smiled.

Li Xinmin laughed and said, "It doesn't sound like a good thing."

"Director, what instructions do you have for the factory newspaper?" Su Yi asked, changing the subject.

Li Xinmin said: "The content of this issue must be to build momentum for the learning base, and it must also be linked with the Beijing Daily. There should be no problem with the content. But the problem of manpower... At the beginning when the three of you competed for the job, the winner was the deputy. Editor-in-chief, the remaining two are editors. Zhang Chunmei and Li you have the confidence to make good use of these two people?"

Su Yi said: "It's okay for Zhang Chunmei to say that Li Chengcheng was originally a literature and art officer. Even if he is an editor, he is also a part-time job. If he takes care of both ends, I think this person will not put his mind on the factory newspaper. Director, can you start a new job?" Arrange someone for me? It's best to be full-time."

"You are welcome, but where did you get the establishment?" Li Xinmin said angrily, "One radish and one hole, you can forget about such a good thing. If you don't want to use Li Chengcheng, I can replace it for you."

"It's also a part-time job to change someone." Su Yi said, "If it doesn't work, it's okay to hire someone else."

Li Xinmin glanced at Su Yi, who looked at him with a harmless smile.

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +88..."

"You are really ticking the needle." Li Xinmin said helplessly, "You just came to the capital, who did you ask for?"

He is also a human being, how could he not realize that this is Su Yi taking advantage of the opportunity?

The official establishment of Su Yiyan is not in the finger, but Li Xinmin can make the decision for a temporary employment quota. Of course, this temporary employment quota is not given randomly.

"I didn't ask anyone, I just wanted to find someone who can handle things." Su Yi said, "I will take care of three things in the future, and there is no one who can do it. It's really difficult."

"Don't be an example!" Li Xinmin pointed to Su Yi and gave him a glare.

Su Yi smiled and nodded.

Of course, the next time is not an example, it will not be so simple next time.

The salary of a temporary worker is the same as that of an apprentice, 14 yuan dead wages plus a subsidy of [-] yuan.But apprentices can still become full-time workers after three years, but temporary workers will never have the hope of becoming full-time workers unless there are other opportunities.

Even so, there are plenty of people vying for a temporary worker position.

For example, in the courtyard, the families of the second and third uncles are absolutely vying for it.

Su Yi wanted such a quota, not to find out who to give it to or to exchange for some benefits now, but to be prepared, and he could not say when he would be able to use it.

After sending Li Xinmin away, Su Yi had nothing to do, so he went to the back kitchen to find Sha Zhu.

Silly Zhu was lying on the recliner and taking a nap, while his apprentice Ma Hua squatted beside him and talked with him.

Seeing Su Yi coming, Sha Zhu immediately instructed Ma Hua to make tea for Su Yi.

After busying for a while, the two sat down, and Shazhu said with some emotion: "Brother, I can't understand you more and more. Good guy, the big leaders who came to inspect are all around you, what is your background?"

"If I really have a background, I will live in a western-style building, and I can still squeeze into a courtyard?" Su Yi said.

"That's right." Silly Zhu sighed.

"In a bad mood?" Su Yi asked.

"Rain, white-eyed wolf, my liver hurts from anger." Silly Zhu said, "Because of Ding Shangdong's matter, I want to sever ties with me."

Su Yi chuckled and didn't comment on it.

"Ask you something." Su Yi said, "What happened to the half-collapsed house next to my house?"

Silly Zhu said: "That house collapsed a long time ago. It collapsed when I was young. I heard from my dad that people were hanged in that house, so no one wanted to live in it. Did anyone move in for two days? To be sick is to be unlucky, and it will remain empty for a long time, and once it rains for a long time, the house will collapse. No one cares about it, and that’s it.”

Su Yi said: "If I want to use that house, should I find it in the street or in the factory?"

"Yo, I really don't know whether the house is in the factory or on the street." Silly Zhu was stunned for a moment, "I guess not many people in the courtyard know. But the deaf old lady in the backyard must know, today Let me go back and ask her for you."

After a pause, Shazhu asked: "Do you want to get another room? Why, the two rooms are not enough for you?"

"It's a pity that the space is empty, so it's better to use it." Su Yi smiled.

It’s not a problem to go to the river every morning to defecate wildly, and the public toilet in the courtyard is too disgusting, so the private toilet at home has to be put on the agenda.

If this matter is not done well, it will be labeled as a petty bourgeoisie, so Su Yi has been thinking about how to operate it to build a separate toilet for his home in a reasonable and reasonable way.

Not to mention, he really thought of a bad idea.

However, if this idea is to be implemented, the first thing to do is to get the place next to the collapsed house.

He came to Sha Zhu to ask about this, in fact, he wanted Sha Zhu to help him figure out the ownership of the land.

"You just wait to hear the letter." Shazhu was really enthusiastic, and took care of everything.

Then he happily said to Su Yi: "Yanchao, I have a chance to approach Teacher Ran!"

"What chance?" Su Yi asked.

"When Qin Huairu came here at noon today, he told me that Banggener was going to hold a parent-teacher meeting." Shazhu said happily, "I thought, isn't this an opportunity? Qin Huairu was worried that he didn't have time to go, I'm fine." Son, I just happened to be able to take a trip for her. Can't I see Teacher Ran?"

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