Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1421 Help

To be honest, Su Yi was startled by Silly Zhu.

Are you saying this person is stupid?

He is not stupid, on the contrary, he is a monkey and a monkey.It's just that he is sometimes too reckless and impulsive, which often puts him in a disadvantageous situation.

But as long as this guy has anything to do with Qin Huairu, he will become stupid in seconds.

To hold a parent-teacher meeting for Bang Geng'er on behalf of Qin Huairu, and take the opportunity to pursue Teacher Ran...

You are the parent of a child, what kind of teacher Ran are you chasing after, the unknowing teacher Ran thought you were going to have a broken shoe with her, it would be good if you didn't smoke you.

Taking a step back, you have explained clearly to Teacher Ran that you are just the sorghum next door.

Here comes the question, is it nice that you hold a parent-teacher meeting for the widow's son?
Su Yi felt that he had talked so much with Sha Zhu before, and it was all in vain.

Is he trying to distance himself from Qin Huairu?
Isn't this still the same as before?

"Brother Zhuzi, in the future, you can come here however you like." Su Yi sighed and patted Shazhu on the shoulder.

Shazhu felt a little guilty, and said: "Yanchao, I can tell from what you said, I'm afraid I didn't do the right thing."

"Hmph..." Su Yi squeezed out a laugh from his nasal cavity.

"You're laughing like that...that's really wrong." Shazhu scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "What should I do? I've already promised Qin Huairu, and it's not good to go back on it. If I retreat, she thinks I can't bear to part with the tuition fee of two yuan and fifty cents."

"Wait a minute." Su Yi's eyes widened, "What tuition fee?"

"Two yuan and fifty cents for the tuition fee. She has not paid the tuition fee of Banggener. Teacher Ran is pressing her so hard that I can't pay it this time." Silly Zhu explained, "You said that Qin Huairu helped me make a mess The opportunity to meet Teacher Ran, why can't I express that the tuition fee is just a favor for me... Hey, how can you walk away without lifting your ass?"

Silly Zhu grabbed Su Yi who was about to leave.

"Brother, I really can't listen anymore, just let me go." Su Yi sighed, "Experts said that health preservation should start from young, and I have to take precautions for my blood pressure. After staying with you for a long time, I will have high blood pressure."

"Don't help the court, don't, don't, I was wrong, can't I make a mistake?" Sha Zhu smiled apologetically, and didn't let go of Su Yi's arm.

"Let go." Su Yi said helplessly, "What's wrong with you, you just want to help Qin Huairu, what's wrong with you?"

"Why don't you say you have sharp eyes? Hehe, yes, I just want to help her this time." Shazhu said embarrassedly, "I told Qin Huairu last night that I want to draw a line with her. I hurt someone. I don't want to make compensation, and I feel better about it."

"You evil..." Su Yi shook his head, and couldn't help sighing again, "Why don't you live with Qin Huairu, and don't think about Teacher Ran. Really, you two are suitable."

"Don't help the court, brother! I call you brother!" Sha Zhu was anxious, "To be honest, I was thinking about what we said last night. Raising children for others, I should have a woman who wants to save me first in the water! Qin Huairu... I just want to help her, it really doesn't mean that. I swear, if I make up nonsense, I will Give birth to a son without dermatitis!"

Su Yi asked: "The truth?"

"I swear, brother!" Silly Zhu said.

"Then I'll listen seriously." Su Yi said.

"What does it mean to be serious? It's true!" Silly Zhu said speechlessly, "Yanchao, I can't go back on what I promised, and now I know that I can't do it properly. The remedy, how can it not only help Qin Huairu, but also make me chase Teacher Ran?"

"I'm too lazy to meddle in your nonsense." Su Yi shook his head, "You can figure it out yourself."

"Don't, brother, help me, it's a lifelong event, you have to help me..." Silly Zhu smiled and grabbed Su Yi's hand and wouldn't let go.

"What's wrong with chattering?" Su Yi threw him away and said helplessly, "If you want me to tell you, don't make any detours, just go directly to Teacher Ran and tell her that you want to have sex with her. Afterwards, if you help BangGenger hold a parent-teacher meeting, people will only think that you did this to get close to her."

Silly Zhu stared blankly for a long time, then suddenly slapped his hands, pointed at Su Yi and said, "You really have a cap! Really, you deserve a bright future. With this brain, what can you do?"

Silly Zhu really admired him, he really solved the problem that seemed to him a dilemma with a casual sentence, he couldn't think of such a simple truth.

"Lend me your bicycle, I'll go to Teacher Ran now!" Sha Zhu gritted his teeth suddenly.

"Now?" Su Yi was startled.

"Right now!" Silly Zhu slapped his thigh, "The elementary school is also on lunch break at the moment, and Teacher Ran must be at school. I'm going to risk it all. I'll tell her directly. If she agrees, then I'll chase her; If you don't agree... yes, what if she doesn't agree?"

Silly Zhu, who still regarded death as home in the first half of the sentence, suddenly became cowardly again at the end.

"If you don't agree, find a way to get her to agree!" Su Yi said, "If the meat is not rotten, then stew it for a while. You are a cook, don't you understand the reason for this?"

Su Yi's words gave Sha Zhu courage, Sha Zhu slapped his thigh, gritted his teeth and said, "Just do it! Lend me your bicycle!"

"Go for a ride." Su Yi smiled and handed him the key, "It's downstairs in our department."

Silly Zhu snatched it away, and said solemnly to Su Yi: "Comrade, when I return triumphantly, I hope you can sing a Katyusha for me!"

"I'll call you sir!" Su Yi said.

"Thank you, comrade!" Sha Zhu turned around and left, opened the curtain and went out through the back door.

Su Yi picked up the tea mug and took a sip of tea, then suddenly frowned and looked towards the back door.

I saw Silly Zhu's head poking out from behind the door curtain, his big face full of smiles.

"Yanchao, will you go with me?"


In the end, Su Yi, who was reluctant, was dragged and dragged by Sha Zhu to help him embolden him.

When a scholar meets Bing, he can't explain why, but Su Yi doesn't leave. Silly Zhu hugs him and doesn't let go, Ma De.

Silly Zhu took Su Yi with him on a bicycle. Along the way, he kept rehearsing what Teacher Ran should say, and hoped that Su Yi would help him think of an opening speech.

Su Yi was bothering him now, so he didn't bother to give him advice, he just said: "Sincere! Do you know what sincerity is? It's just telling the truth, say what you have, say what you think! You just come up with your most authentic The condition is fine."

"Would Teacher Ran dislike my lack of education?" Silly Zhu asked, "Besides, I'm not good-looking."

"Be more confident, what is ugly?" Su Yi said, "You are ugly."

"...Su Yuanchao!" Shazhu cried out angrily.

"Besides, are you less educated? An illiterate is an illiterate, and you are not allowed to beautify yourself." Su Yi continued.

Silly Zhu was so angry: "Go back, I don't need you anymore."

"Your uncle, it's almost here and you want me to go back?" Su Yi said, "I have to watch the excitement anyway."

"You came here just to watch the excitement? I asked you to be a military adviser!" Silly Zhu said, "You have to help me a little later, if I say something wrong, you can still Help me round the field."

"Why don't you say you're stupid?" Su Yi said with a smile, "You're having sex with a girl, can I stand aside? Besides, don't forget that I'm single too. If I stand there, What's the matter with you."


Sha Zhu slammed on the brakes and stopped.

Su Yi waited for a while and saw no response from him, so he couldn't help asking: "Hey, why are you in a daze?"

Sha Zhu got out of the car and pulled Su Yi down: "No, you have to go back."

"Crazy you!" Su Yi was so angry, "You are the one who let me come, and you are the one who let me go. What are you going to do?"

Sha Zhu looked at Su Yi depressed and sighed: "I miscalculated, I shouldn't have brought you here, you are here to grab business."

"I won't fight with you." Su Yi said, "Don't worry, I still talk about this point of loyalty."

"But I can't stand people's business rushing to you." Sha Zhu frowned, "I'm standing with you, a fool knows who to choose. In case Teacher Ran really likes you but not me..."

"Who asked you to pull me here?" Su Yi looked innocent, "I'm drinking tea, you have to drag me."

He patted Shazhu on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, I'll give you an idea to make sure that Teacher Ran doesn't like me."

"Really?" Silly Zhu was somewhat skeptical.

"What nonsense!"

"Got it!"

Sha Zhu and Pi Dian'er were pedaling hard.

Teacher Ran and his school are located in an alley on Dongzhimen Inner Street. The school is very large, with the middle school and elementary school put together, and the third master Yan Fugui also works here.

When they reached the gate, the gatekeeper stopped the two of them.

"What are you two doing?" The uncle looked at the two of them. "It's school time, and the students are all over."

"We are not the parents of the students, we are here to find the teacher." Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Which teacher are you looking for?"


"Yan Fugui." Su Yi said first, "We are looking for Teacher Yan Fugui, is he there?"

Shazhu smiled and said nothing.

The gatekeeper thought for a while, and said: "He didn't go back at noon today, you wait, I'll call him for you."

"Thank you!"

After the gatekeeper left with his hands behind his back, Silly Zhu said to Su Yi: "Why are you looking for the third master? Didn't you tell me last time not to look for the third master?"

"You can't find it, but it doesn't mean I can't find it." Su Yi said with a smile.

"I have a grudge against him, so don't let him spoil me!" Silly Zhu was very worried.

"Don't worry, it won't be broken." Su Yi said, "With the introduction of the third master, it will be good for you if he can be less vigilant. Later, you can be more polite to the third master, and you should do what I say, and don't act like a donkey."

"Listen to you!" Silly Zhu was very straightforward.In fact, he was already getting nervous right now.

Yan Fugui soon followed the gatekeeper out.

Looking at the person in surprise, he smiled and said, "Yanchao? Why are you here?"

"I have something to ask you." Su Yi smiled and pulled the third master aside, and said straight to the point, "Brother Zhuzi wants to meet Teacher Ran from your school, and I want to meet and talk to Teacher Ran first. He offended you, I'm sorry Please, just pull me over and want me to help him speak nicely in front of you."

"Maliciousness from silly pillar +77..."

"No, I..." Silly Zhu was in a hurry, when did he want to give in to the third master?
This old thing blackmailed him six yuan, and he was thinking about removing the front wheel of Yan Laoxier's bicycle to vent his anger.

"Don't be embarrassed." Su Yi interrupted him with a smile, "If we have something to say, just say it, and don't go around with the third master. Although you don't go to the Three Treasure Hall for everything, the third master is reasonable and is a neighbor of the same yard. , can he still embarrass you?"

"I..." Silly Zhu stared at Su Yi with wide eyes for a long time, finally nodded, waved his hands, and said nothing.

Yan Fugui smiled, looked at Su Yi, looked at Shazhu, and said, "Yanchao, you have a big heart. Such a big event happened in the morning, and you still have the heart to explain his affairs for Shazhu."

"Forcibly pull me, what can I do?" Su Yi said helplessly.

"What happened to you?" Yan Fugui asked with concern.

"It's okay. Please worry about it." Su Yi smiled.

"That's good, that's good." Yan Fugui breathed a sigh of relief, "In the morning, the whole courtyard, and our family has been firmly standing by your side, trusting you, supporting you, or taking away the first and second uncles , did you take me away?"

Su Yi arched his hands and said, "Thank you. Third master, our two families will get along well for a long time in the future."

"That's right, that's what I meant." Yan Fugui said cheerfully.

He looked at Shazhu, holding his strength a little proudly: "Shazhu, I remember that night, didn't you say you wanted to look good to me? Is it just this good looking?"

Silly Zhu was so angry that he was about to retort, but Su Yi smiled and said: "If a child loses a fight and speaks harshly, it's just like him. What do you care about with him?"

"I..." Silly Zhu stared again angrily, but he stared at Su Yi for a long time, and finally hummed and fell silent.

"I figured it out, it's a cow that doesn't eat grass and presses its head forcibly." Yan Fugui looked at Su Yi with a smile.

"It's rare to be confused." Su Yi laughed.

"That's right, don't be serious, don't be serious!" Yan Fugui smiled and waved his hands, "Silly Zhu, I only agreed to help you today because of Yuan Chao's sake. Don't be unconvinced, you can help others Be strong, I didn't call the police to arrest you, I was merciful. If I call the police over that matter, do you think it's okay?"

"Thank you!" Silly Zhu replied angrily.

"I don't care about you." Yan Fugui waved his hand with a smile, "Teacher Ran, I'll call for you, but he is an educated young man, so it's not certain whether he can take a liking to you as a vulgar man. I advise you, don't hug me What a hope. Aid Korea..."

Yan Fugui looked at Su Yuanchao.

"No, third master!" Su Yi hurriedly said, "Don't introduce the wrong one, you, please say good things for Shazhu, if this thing is done, if he doesn't thank you well, I will beat him for you !"

Yan Fugui's smile became thicker, and he said with a smile: "I'm definitely looking for the children in my yard. Don't worry, I'll call right away. So what, silly Zhu, you tidy up a little, your hair is messy, and your body is a mess. It smells like chopped green onion, why don't you come back again with a change of clothes? Is it just so urgent?"

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