Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1422 Strategy

Chapter 1422 Strategy
Silly Zhu also thought about abducting home to change clothes and tidy up before coming back, but Su Yi stopped him.Su Yi said that authenticity is the most important thing, and what is playing is the original ecology.

Silly Zhu seriously suspected that Su Yi was just too lazy to accompany him back, but felt that what Su Yi said made sense.

As soon as the third master left, he was as nervous as a grandson, spitting on the palm of his hand and stroking his hair.

"Yanchao, do you think my hair is still frizzy?" He turned his head and asked Su Yi, only to find that Su Yi hid a few meters away.

"The steamed bun residue and vegetable leaves in your teeth are all on your hair! You don't rinse your mouth after eating? You are so disgusting!" Su Yi's face was full of disgust.

Old Silly Zhu blushed, and said, "You don't understand, it's easier to stroke if it's sticky."


The teaching dormitory is downstairs.

Ran Qiuye came out of the door and looked suspiciously at the third grandpa Yan Fugui who was waiting for him downstairs.

Ran Qiuye's family background is good, his parents are both intellectuals, they can be regarded as a scholarly family.

She herself is also good-looking, with double ponytails and a quiet demeanor, she looks like the well-educated Xiaojiabiyu.

"Teacher Yan, are you looking for me?" Ran Qiuye asked.

"Yes, Xiao Ran, it's a bit presumptuous to say this, I'll accuse you in advance." Yan Fugui said with a smile, "If you offend me, please bear with me."

"Mr. Yan, what are you talking about?" Ran Qiuye was even more curious, "Just say what you want."

"That's how it is. In our yard, there is a young guy who is a cook at the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant." Yan Fugui said, "He is 29 years old and still unmarried. His mother passed away early, and his father passed away more than ten years ago. Went to another place, there is no news, he is the one who raised his younger sister by himself..."

Ran Qiuye was puzzled at first, but then he realized what Yan Fugui meant by saying this. He was a little shy, but he listened seriously.

Ran Qiuye is 28 this year. Considering her age, she is quite an older leftover woman.

She was also anxious to find a suitable partner to marry, but she didn't like the "well-matched" men introduced to her by her parents.

Later, when she started to lower the conditions, people thought she was too old. Over time, her marriage has been delayed until now, and she herself is anxious about this matter, so she doesn't want to miss the opportunity.

"This kid, I watched him grow up since he was a child. He has no character. He has a straightforward temper and a very kind heart. His job is also stable. Think about it, cook. No one can starve him when he is hungry. As for him, It's just that the cultural level is a bit low..."

"What culture?" Ran Qiuye asked.

"Uh——Gao Xiao, didn't graduate." Yan Fugui was a little embarrassed, "But this kid works hard on his own, and he can recognize all the characters he should recognize."

Ran Qiuye's eyes dimmed a little.

If you haven't graduated from elementary school, isn't that no different from being illiterate?

No matter how bad she was, Ran Qiuye, she wouldn't want to marry an illiterate, right?

"Teacher Ran, this He Yuzhu has already come to see you, just outside the school." Yan Fugui said awkwardly, "Why don't you meet him? If it really doesn't work, forget it, but everyone has come... how many Let's meet each other, just treat it as a face for me, you see..."

In fact, Yan Fugui felt from the bottom of his heart that Shazhu was not good enough for Ran Qiuye.

In the original plot, he took things from Shazhu but didn't do anything for him. There was also a reason for this. He felt that Teacher Ran's marriage to Shazhu was like a flower stuck in cow dung.

On the contrary, Teacher Ran and Su Yi, he thought they were a perfect match.

He thought in his heart that when Teacher Ran went out to meet the two of them, as long as Teacher Ran was not blind, he would definitely fall in love with Su Yi, and then Shazhu would have nothing to say.

"It's already here..." Ran Qiuye was a little surprised, she pondered slightly, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's meet then."

"Hey, then come with me!" Yan Fugui said happily.

The two of them are colleagues themselves, so it wasn't awkward to chat about work along the way, and they arrived at the school gate after talking and laughing.

To Yan Fugui's disappointment, at this time only Shazhu was standing at the gate like a fool, while Su Yi was standing far away under the locust tree at the entrance of the alley.

The first time Ran Qiuye saw Sha Zhu, he felt cold in his heart, thinking that this is 29?It is said that people in their 40s believe it. Isn't this appearance too old?
Look at his clothes again, it looks dirty, and his hair is wet like a dog has just licked it, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't feel good.

And as soon as he saw her, his eyes became straight, and he stared hard at the person's face, showing no manners at all.

Ran Qiuye's first impression of Shazhu was very bad. He felt that although he was not the worst among his blind dates, he was definitely below the middle level.

"Silly... He Yuzhu, why did Yuanchao go there?" Yan Fugui pointed to Su Yi and asked.

"Oh, Yuanchao asked you to go there too, saying that he still has something to say to you." Silly Zhu said seriously.

Yan Fugui nodded with a half-smile: "He treats you really well..."

With a mutter, he introduced the two to each other.

"Teacher Ran, this is the He Yuzhu I told you about just now. Teacher Ran, Ran Qiuye."

"Hello, Comrade He Yuzhu."

"Hello, Teacher Ran."

Silly Zhu didn't know where to put his hand.

Yan Fugui looked funny, and said: "Then you guys talk first, I'll go and see what Yuanchao called me."

"Hey, third master, go slowly." Sha Zhu bowed slightly, very politely.

Yan Fugui happily left.

After he left, Shazhu took a deep breath, quickly went through what Su Yi had said to him in his mind, and said to Ran Qiuye: "Teacher Ran, I, my name is He Yuzhu, and everyone calls me Silly Zhu. My shortcomings It’s because I don’t have a high level of education, I’m impulsive in doing things, and sometimes I’m not very hygienic. This mouth, I always like to offend people. Also, my appearance is also a little anxious, so maybe girls don’t like it... "

Ran Qiuye was stunned.

She has been on a blind date with so many people, and the first time she saw each other, she would talk about her own shortcomings as soon as she opened her mouth.

In the past, the men on blind dates were all like peacocks with their tails open, wishing to boast themselves to the sky.

The one in front of me is fine, so let's pick out the faults of my own size first.

"Teacher Ran, what I just said is my shortcoming, and there may be some that I didn't realize myself, but it's not far from it." Sha Zhu said that he was no longer nervous at this moment. He is a bit crazy, but once something is done, he can let it go.

"For me, I often heard the third master in the courtyard talk about you, and I also heard Qin Huairu say that her son Banggener has a teacher, and I don't have to talk about his appearance and personality, so I want to get to know you. "Silly Zhu said, "But I am self-aware and know that I have a lot of shortcomings. I think I may not be worthy of you. But if we are together in the future, I will definitely be willing to correct it for you. If you can Accept this, then let's continue the conversation. It doesn't matter if you can't accept it, you just know me for nothing."

Ran Qiuye looked at Silly Zhu again, and asked: "Comrade He Yuzhu, I can ask you, why do you talk about your shortcomings first when we meet?"

Didn't Su Yuanchao talk about collapse therapy?
Silly Zhu muttered in his heart, and said truthfully: "This is what my buddy asked me to do. He said that I will show all my faults on the outside. Don't hide it from you when you see it." , Let me talk about my own faults first, and be sincere."

Ran Qiuye looked at Sha Zhu, then suddenly smiled and said, "I think your friend actually wants you to show your strengths, not your weaknesses?"

Sha Zhu was stunned, scratched his head and said, "I don't quite understand."

Ran Qiuye smiled and said, "I mean, your greatest strength is sincerity."

"Hey, why don't you be a cultural person, so you can see it?" Silly Zhu was happy, a little proud, "I am a person, and I really don't like to deal with those vain people. Teacher Ran, let's go on chat?"

"Okay." Ran Qiuye said with a smile.

There is a play!
Shazhu was so happy that he almost jumped up.

Fortunately, he still remembered Su Yi's explanation, suppressed his excitement, and then smiled: "Actually, I don't know what advantages I have, Mr. Ran, I think I am just an ordinary person. I will tell you about the few things I have experienced. One thing, so that you can understand me, you are a scholar, let me tell the truth, you must be able to judge what kind of person I am, do you think so?"

"Success!" Ran Qiuye nodded with a smile. He felt that although the person in front of him was a bit naive, he was really different.

Seeing that Teacher Ran agreed, Silly Zhu almost flew out of his heart with joy, and secretly worshiped Su Yi to the sky.

Originally, Su Yi asked him to tell an embarrassing incident of his own, a sad incident, and he was still a little unhappy. He felt that he should tell his majestic deeds and show his boldness.But now, he felt that he had better follow what Su Yi taught.

"I have a deadly enemy in our yard, named Xu Damao. Maybe once..." Silly Zhu had already thought about what to say, and after a little deliberation, he began to speak.

While talking here, Yan Fugui urged Su Yi to meet Ran Qiuye on the other side.

"Teacher Xiao Ran is really nice. Although he is a few years older than you, he really has nothing to say about it. Aid Korea, you really don't think about it?" Yan Fugui said.

"Third Lord, didn't I compete with Brother Zhuzi for a woman? What have I become?" Su Yi smiled and shook his head, "Don't mention this matter, I can't do it."

"Don't let you make things difficult for Sha Zhu, Xiao Ran will definitely not like Sha Zhu!" Yan Fugui said, "You can go after Sha Zhu knows the difficulty and retreat. .”

"Forget it." Su Yi pointed over there, "Look, don't they chat well?"

Yan Fugui looked back, a little surprised and said: "It's true, talking and laughing... Hey, they don't really see each other, right? They shouldn't..."

"Radish and green vegetables, everyone has their own favorites, maybe Mr. Ran likes Brother Zhuzi's one?" Su Yi laughed.

Yan Fugui frowned, looking puzzled.

Su Yi said: "Third Master, I have a question for you. I heard that there is a courtyard in our alley where the running water has been connected to every household. Is there such a thing?"

"You're talking about the old Han's courtyard at the entrance of the Hutong, right?" Yan Fugui said, "Before the liberation, the courtyard was a big family. In the early years, when the family lived there, running water flowed into each house. Later, something happened to the family, and all the houses in the courtyard were divided, and the residents who moved into the courtyard picked up ready-made ones, which can be regarded as historical relics.”

After a pause, Yan Fugui said: "There are not many cases in the capital like the old Han's big courtyard. Most of them are like our courtyard. The middle courtyard fetches water. Why? You want to connect running water to your home? "

"I have this idea." Su Yi nodded.

"Nothing, don't think about it." Yan Fugui waved his hand, "You have to get the consent of the water plant to start the construction of the water pipeline, and you have to get the approval of the whole courtyard of your house. If a family is unwilling, you can't get the water through. Even if You really got things done, I think there will be a lot of troubles in the future, I think you better not ask for that trouble yourself."

Su Yi said: "If it is connected, it must not only be connected to my family, but to every family in our courtyard, at least all the residents who want to get water at home."

"This matter... I'm afraid it's a bit whimsical." Yan Fugui shook his head, "It must be everyone's wish to have running water running through the house. How convenient is that, isn't it? The key is, can the waterworks agree? Why specialize our courtyard?"

"Then what if the water plant agrees?" Su Yi laughed.

Yan Fugui was stunned: "You have a way? If you really have a way, then this is a great thing!"

Su Yi said: "Third Lord, I will study this matter to see if it can be done for our courtyard. But I am a little worried about this matter. I am new here, because what happened this morning has already attracted the limelight. If something happens again It's not appropriate to be in the limelight. Besides, I'm young, and no one will appreciate it even if I do it."

"You mean..." Yan Fugui looked at Su Yi with anticipation in his eyes.

"I mean, I'll take care of this matter, but the credit belongs to you, Third Master. What do you think?" Su Yi laughed.

"No, then what are you planning?" Yan Fugui was a little puzzled, "If you can really accomplish this, everyone will only be grateful to you, even if you have a little limelight, it doesn't matter."

"I, I just want to be clean." Su Yi said, "Third Master, if you do this, everyone in the courtyard will appreciate you. If I do it, it may be thankless."

Yan Fugui looked at Su Yi with complicated eyes: "Yanchao, you are so young, you live too clearly."

Yan Fugui understood what Su Yi meant.

It is indeed a good thing to benefit the neighbors to provide running water to the whole courtyard, but it depends on who will do it.

You Su Yi to do it?What qualifications do you have to come, why should we accept your favor?Besides, who knows if you are hiding some conspiracy?
Don't think that doing good deeds will bring good rewards, as Su Yi said, unless others ask you to help him, otherwise self-righteous good deeds are often thankless.

Su Yi wanted to install a flush toilet in his home, so he had to connect the home with running water first.

It is unrealistic and very conspicuous to communicate to one's own family alone, so it is best to communicate to every household in the whole courtyard, so that Su Yi will not be special.

(End of this chapter)

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