Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1423 Lie Flat

Chapter 1423 Lie Flat
In order to open a skylight for his own house, he repaired all the roofs of the neighbors. This kind of "stupid thing" is probably only Su Yi can do it.

In fact, this is a question of measuring whether the cost is directly proportional to the demand.

For Su Yi, as long as he can build the independent toilet, let alone provide water to the whole courtyard, the whole alley is fine.

This matter cannot be measured by the thinking of an ordinary person at all.

But the reason he told Yan Fugui was also tenable, and Yan Fugui even gave Su Yi a higher look because of this.

It's just that Yan Fugui felt uncomfortable about whether Su Yi could do it.

Young people always feel that they are omnipotent, and they will know that the sky is high and the earth is thick when they hit the wall a few times.

What Yan Fugui didn't expect was that Shazhu and Teacher Ran chatted endlessly, and they were still standing at the school gate talking for a long time.In the end, he couldn't stand anymore, only to see Sha Zhu and Ran Qiuye waving "Yiyi farewell" over there, turning around every step of the way.

Although Sha Zhu came over, he walked briskly with his hands in his pockets, like a dog having fun on the grass.

"Hey, it looks like something is going on!" Yan Fugui said in surprise, "This idiot still has this ability? Did he give Teacher Ran some ecstasy soup?"

Su Yi said with a smile: "Whether it's the ecstasy soup or not, if the two of them really make it, you, a great matchmaker, will definitely not be able to escape."

Yan Fugui was delighted: "I've been teaching and educating people all my life, but this is the first time I've ever done media job."

"It turns out that you have done a good job, you can consider changing your career." Su Yi joked.

"Go! Then I won't be a matchmaker?" Yan Fugui laughed.

"Third Master!" Silly Zhu walked up to him, smiled and waved his hands at Yan Fugui, "I have some mountain products, such as dried fungus and mushrooms, etc. I'll take you home when I get back tonight. My house doesn't open fire very much. I don’t need it, you have it, otherwise it would be a waste to put it in my place.”

Yan Fugui smiled and said: "This is a good relationship! Silly Zhu, I understand what you mean, don't worry, Teacher Ran, I will definitely speak well for you."

"Don't!" Silly Zhu hurriedly waved his hand, "You, it's best not to say anything, I talked with Teacher Ren Ran very well, we can get along on our own, and we don't need external assistance. Third master, I will send you The thing is not to bribe you to let you speak good words for me, but to thank you and apologize by the way, hehe, I have not treated you very well these two days..."

Yan Fugui was even happier, pointing at the silly pillar and smiling at Su Yi: "See, this silly pillar's awareness has risen!"

"Doesn't this person have to improve? I have improved, third master!" Silly Zhu said.

"It's red when it's close to vermilion, and it's black if it's close to ink. If you don't make progress sooner or later, if you make progress at this time, I think you are thanks to others' aid to the dynasty." Yan Fugui said.

"I admit it, admit it..." Shazhu smiled triumphantly and winked at Su Yi.

"Let's go, I'm still going to work in the afternoon." Su Yi said.

"Then you two go back, I have to go back to prepare lessons, the first class in the afternoon is mine!" Yan Fugui hurriedly said.

After Yan Fugui left, Shazhu proudly said: "Yanchao, I found that the matter of talking about the partner is actually quite simple, really. When brother and teacher Ran are married, I will teach you the experience, and you are not young. Now, it's time to think about yourself—hey, don't go!"

"The face of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge is too ugly, I can't stand it anymore." Su Yi waved his hand.

"Hey, I'm just kidding. Fortunately, I listened to you. Teacher Ran has a very good impression of me!" Sha Zhu beamed, eager to show off, "We have an appointment. She will come to my house as a guest tomorrow night. Then I will treat her well." Show your hands, this matter is basically inseparable."

Su Yi shook his head: "Don't be silly, be careful that extreme joy begets sorrow."

"Impossible!" Silly Zhu was full of ambition, "Teacher Ran is already a duck with her mouth full, she can't fly anymore!"

Su Yi decided to stay away from Shazhu in the future.At noon, I just wanted to go to the kitchen to chat and drink tea, but somehow I was pulled out and followed the blind date back to the kiss, and made a background board. Who can I ask for reasoning?

Back in the factory, Su Yi asked Shazhu to park the car under his office building. After the two said goodbye, Su Yi went straight to the second floor.

Speaking of which, it was the first time he had returned to the office today.

As soon as he went up to the second floor, he heard the commotion. In the corridor, Xu Damao and others were moving a filing cabinet to the office next door. This filing cabinet was obviously Shen Hongyan's.

Shen Hongyan also stood aside and directed, and the whole scene seemed to be in full swing.

Su Yi walked over, and a group of people happened to move the filing cabinet in.Just as Shen Hongyan was about to follow in, he saw Su Yi as soon as he turned his head, and after being startled, he smiled and said, "Yanchao is here?"

"Director, are you independent?" Su Yi looked into the room and said with a smile.

The office next door was originally the warehouse of the General Office, but now it has been cleaned and filled with desks and sofas, and it has become an independent office.

This was obviously prepared for Shen Hongyan, the new section chief.

"What's independent or not? It doesn't sound like a good word." Shen Hongyan said with a smile, "Actually, I'd rather stay with the big guys and have fun."

After a pause, he said again: "What about you? Now the radio station belongs to you. Do you go to the radio station for work? Or the original place? If you want me to say, just go directly to the radio station. That room is just you and Yu Haitang. People, it’s cleaner than here.”

Before Su Yi could speak, he heard Xu Damao shout from the back room: "Director, you should come in and have a look. Is this cabinet suitable here?"

"Let's go and have a look first." Shen Hongyan smiled and patted Su Yi's arm, and walked into his new office first, followed by Su Yi.

"Yo, Aid Korea is here!"

The arrival of Su Yi made the office a little deserted, but was soon broken by the enthusiastic Xu Damao.

He smiled eagerly and said: "Congratulations, you are the deputy editor-in-chief and the broadcasting station. From now on, you will be under one person and above ten thousand in our department. Director Shen, you have such a right-hand man as Station Master Su." , from then on, the sesame seeds must be blooming steadily!"

Su Yi has been notified that Su Yi is in charge of the radio station, and everyone in Corey knows about it.

"Sycophant!" Li Chengcheng snorted coldly, and walked out with a dark face.

"Hey, what are you talking about Li Chengcheng? Are you looking for smoke?" Xu Damao stared.

"Try me!" Li Chengcheng stared.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you, why are you so arrogant." Xu Damao sneered disdainfully, "Let's wait and see."

"In the future? There is no future! Do you really think I will stay as a child?" Li Chengcheng sneered and looked at Su Yi provocatively, "I would like to announce officially that I have been transferred to the General Office, and the procedures will be completed in two days , just go to work! Some people may be disappointed if they want to wear small shoes for me. "

"Li Chengcheng, don't use your villain's heart to judge a gentleman's belly." Yu Haitang, who has been smiling and staring at Su Yi since Su Yi came in, said, "You can go as soon as you come in. If someone comes in, you can say nothing." Didn’t say anything, what’s wrong with you looking for yourself?”

"Okay, don't say a few words!" Shen Hongyan sternly said, "Are you moving here for me, or are you deliberately angry at me?"

"I'm an eyesore here, I'm leaving!" Li Chengcheng said angrily, turned and left.

"What!" Xu Damao cursed loudly on purpose.

Li Chengcheng pretended not to hear and walked out.

Yu Haitang smiled and said to Su Yi: "Yanchao, I helped you tidy up your desk, it's Yang Weimin's before, you can see what is missing later."

"Who told you that I'm going to work at the broadcasting station?" Su Yi said.

"Why don't you come to my place? You still stay in the big office? How noisy is that?" Yu Haitang said, "Or are you afraid of me?"

"I'm afraid." Su Yi nodded, "Before I left, my eldest apprentice drew a circle for me and wouldn't let me go out."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then roared with laughter.

Even Zhang Chunmei, who kept her head down and wiped the table, couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Yu Haitang was angry and funny, "What do you think of me? Bone Demon?"

"Bone spirit is better than vixen." Xu Damao smiled, "You can be content with it."

"I think our Haitang doesn't want to be a fairy, but wants to be the king of the Daughter Kingdom." Shen Hongyan couldn't help joking.

"Aid Korea, do you dare to come to my daughter's country?" Yu Haitang asked.

"If you don't let me drink the water from Zimu River, I will go." Su Yi said.

The crowd laughed again.

Yu Haitang understood the teasing meaning in Su Yi's words, she blushed a little, glared at Su Yi and said, "You are actually not honest at all."

"That's right!" Xue Xinhua, who had been laughing with Su Yi since he entered the door, laughed and responded.

But I didn't expect that when he spoke, he immediately turned cold.

Xue Xinhua realized something was wrong, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "I mean, no, no..."

He looked at Su Yi cautiously and ingratiatingly, and smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, you guys go out first, I have something to tell Yuanchao." Shen Hongyan issued an order to evict the guest.

After everyone went out, Shen Hongyan signaled Su Yi to sit down, and then said: "Yesterday I ran for a day, but no one was there. I heard that many things happened. I don't care whether it is right or wrong for the time being. Good unity is very important, otherwise it will not be conducive to the development of your work."

After a pause, he continued: "Li Chengcheng has already applied for a job transfer, and your factory newspaper will be published in a week, and you haven't even finalized a manuscript yet, and you will have to communicate with the printing factory in the later stage, typesetting, printing , there are still many things to do. If you are busy with so many things alone, will you be able to handle them? So Comrade Zhang Chunmei still has to try to get her to assist you. "

Su Yi nodded: "Thank you, director, for your concern. Don't worry, I will have a good talk with Zhang Chunmei."

"Do you want me to help?" Shen Hongyan said, "You young people have a good face, if you need me to mediate for you, just ask."

"The director is bothering you. I'll talk to you first. If it doesn't work, I'll trouble the director again." Su Yi said.

"Okay, as long as you know what's in your mind." Shen Hongyan nodded.

The reason why he has to worry about this is also for work.If the subordinates are awkward and affect the progress of the work, he, the new section chief, will follow suit.

"Do you have any idea about the factory newspaper?" Shen Hongyan asked.

Su Yi nodded and said, "Director, there should be a meeting of all cadres in the factory this afternoon, right?"

"You also know?" Shen Hongyan nodded, "There is a meeting, so I was in a hurry to meet you and ask about your factory newspaper."

Su Yi smiled and said, "The meeting in the afternoon has something to do with the factory newspaper, and it also has something to do with the big leaders coming to inspect the work in the morning."

Shen Hongyan was taken aback: "What do you know?"

Su Yi deliberately pondered for a while before saying: "At present, only I and the two factory directors know about this matter in our factory. Director, let me tell you, you have an idea in advance."

He briefly talked about the workers' theoretical study and experiment base, and focused on the relationship between this matter and the factory newspaper. At the end, he said: "So you don't have to worry about the manuscript. Appointment and other related reports, coupled with the linkage with the Beijing Daily, there will be no less than ten manuscripts. The rest of the sub-page content is much easier to handle, and I will take it for you to review within three days at most."

Shen Hongyan saw that Su Yi's expression was a bit complicated, and he contributed a wave of fear and malice to Su Yi, and said with emotion: "No wonder the factory leaders value you so much. You have a good future for aiding the DPRK."

"No one can say for sure what will happen in the future, as long as I do the job right now," Su Yi said.

"Be practical and pragmatic, that's right." Shen Hongyan nodded approvingly, "Director Yang doesn't know about this yet?"

Su Yi shook his head: "I haven't reported it to him."

"If you want to report to him, I'll take you there." Shen Hongyan said.

"No, I'll just report to you." Su Yi said with a smile, "It's the same for future work."

Shen Hongyan nodded.

He is an old organization, why is it unclear why Su Yi wants to keep a distance from Yang Shutan?

He was too lazy to participate in the struggle between the two sides, but he was still very satisfied with Su Yi's sincerity in revealing such important news to him.

He had been worried that Su Yi was young and vigorous, and he would not take him seriously once he was reused.Now it seems that this worry seems unnecessary, this young man is very good at life.

After chatting with Shen Hongyan for a while, Su Yi returned to the original big office.As for his immediate superior, Su Yi has basically figured out his thoughts.

Basically, Shen Hongyan's mentality can be summed up in four words, that is - a smooth landing.

He has received a postponing retirement at the official level, and now he does everything with a single-minded mentality, so he will definitely not care too much about Corey's affairs in the future.Regarding Su Yi's "rise", he was even happy to see it happen, and he was not at all worried that his status and rights would be threatened.

He even wished that he would be emptied by Su Yi, so that he could worry less and take less responsibility.

Shen Hongyan's expectation for Su Yi is to "let go and do it".

You do the work, I sign.You are covered by Li Xinmin when something happens, and it has nothing to do with me.

If it was replaced by other motivated young cadres, I'm afraid that they would even dream of meeting a leader like Shen Hongyan.

But Su Yi only found it troublesome.

He also wants to lie flat...

(End of this chapter)

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