Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1425 Rescue

Chapter 1425 Rescue
Hong Guoguo's obscene words terrified Qin Huairu, and she already had a premonition that this wretched man might not easily let her go today.

How to get out?

While working, Qin Huairu quickly looked around.

The door of the workshop was closed, and she remembered that it seemed to be locked from the inside by Mr. Guo.The door was very heavy and it took a lot of effort to open it. Even if she ran over, she would not have time to open the door.

This shows that Mr. Guo had premeditated it!
back door!

Even if the lock on the back door of the workshop is locked, it is easy to open, but going out from the back door is a very long aisle, very remote, and few people go there.If you walk here, you can run fast, but if you get caught by Mr. Guo, you will have nowhere to go...

Qin Huairu's heart was in a mess and he panicked. At this moment, Guo Dabozi suddenly reached out and squeezed Qin Huairu's buttocks.

Qin Huairu quickly ran to the side like an electric shock.

"Hey hey..." Guo Dazhuo laughed happily, as if he had done something extraordinary, "Qin Huairu, your man has been dead for so many years, you must also lack the nourishment of a man, you are cracked in your work, right? Come, let my brother help you put out the fire and keep you comfortable..."

"Director, what if I'm not happy?" Qin Huairu said.

"Don't pretend to be a chaste and strong woman!" Guo Dazhuo disdainfully said, "Aren't you usually good at showing off? Do you dare to say that the kitchen idiot has never fucked you? There is also Xu Damao, and Deputy Director Li... Can your widow Qin count on ten fingers? Come on, Qin Huairu, if others can do it, why can't I do it, you look down on me, right?"

If it is not a widow, it is difficult to understand how bad a widow's real living environment is.

Qin Huairu usually listens to filthy words like Guo Dashuzi's, and there are even more disgusting ones than this.

In front of so many people, many men talk about coquettishness, long-term body and so on. As time goes by, Qin Huairu becomes thick-skinned after listening to it. You can take advantage of me with your flamboyant words, but I have to take advantage of you A little bit of good.

She had the cheek to deal with these men who coveted her body, and took advantage of their fingers.

But in doing so, her reputation was even worse.

Even many people in the factory said that she, Qin Huairu, could do that with a man just for half a steamed bun. Dry, say she is a broken shoe.

The humiliation and mental shock of such pornographic rumors to a woman is really fatal. It is because Qin Huairu has a strong heart that she was not knocked down.

But there are really men who believe it, come to her with a stutter, and want to "fair deal" with her.

Qin Huairu accepted everything, and even scolded and threatened those who wanted to prostitute her. If she was lucky, she would get some benefits.

How can I not get my shoes wet when I often walk by the river?

In fact, Qin Huairu had long thought in despair that if she didn't have a man to protect her, she would really be a broken shoe sooner or later.

So in the factory, she deliberately behaved very close to Sha Zhu, even cuddled, she just wanted everyone to think she was Sha Zhu's woman.

Who in the factory doesn't know that Shazhu is not stingy?

This "dissuades" most people to a certain extent.

But there are always people who are lustful and not afraid of being silly.

No, isn't Guo Dajiu finally unable to hold back?
"Director, do you really want it?" Qin Huairu asked Guo Dabozi with a smile.

"I think, I'm going crazy!" Guo Dabozi's eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

"Then turn around and I'll take off your clothes." Qin Huairu winked at him and began to take off the oily apron on her body.

"Turn around, if you don't turn around, I won't take it off." Qin Huairu pretended to stomp her feet coquettishly.

"I'll turn it on, I'll turn it on right now!" Guo Dapizi has already given sex and soul, and the sperm is on his head.

He turned around excitedly, and promised Qin Huairu: "Don't worry, Huairu, I will treat you well in the future. I will arrange the least amount for you. In the future, you will postpone your commute to work until I am open." Turn a blind eye and close one eye, as long as the two of us become a good thing today, you can wait to enjoy the blessing later."

"I know that the director is a capable person, how about I follow you?" Qin Huairu's voice came from behind, each word tickled Guo Dabo's heart.


Qin Huairu seemed to have bumped into something and made a soft noise.

"Are you ready? I'm turning around!" Guo Dajizi said impatiently.

There was no answer.

Instead, there was the sound of hurried footsteps going away.

Guo Dapizi was startled, this bitch is going to run away!

Nima dare to play me!

Annoyed, he turned around and wanted to chase, but he tripped under his feet on an iron frame that Qin Huairu had placed on purpose, and immediately fell forward on a big horse, with his face on the ground, and fell completely.

Guo Dapizi screamed and hugged his calf and rolled on the ground. He felt his face was wet and hot.

The forehead is also hot, obviously chafed.

If he was just ashamed and annoyed just now, then Guo Dapizi is completely angry now.

He was actually injured!

Qin Huairu, you have such a vicious heart!

"Qin Huairu, master draftsman, I have to clean up you today!" Guo Dabao let out an "Aww" in anger, got up, wiped his face with his sleeve, and limped after him. past.

At this time, Qin Huairu had already run to the back door, and it was easy for people to make mistakes if they panicked. When they pulled the bolt of the back door, it took Qin Huairu a long time to pull it open.

After such a short delay, Guo Dajizi had almost run to her.

Qin Huairu pushed open the back door and rushed out frantically, but Guo Dabozi reached out and grabbed it.

"Help, help!" Qin Huairu yelled as soon as he went out.

Guo Dabozi was startled, and suddenly panicked, thinking of retreating.

But he quickly realized that it was off-duty time, and almost everyone in the factory had left at this point, and the back door was very cheap.

The faint pain in his nose and forehead caused his anger to boil again. In the end, impulse overcame reason, and Guo Dabozi gritted his teeth and chased after him.

At the same time, Su Yi, who was delayed from get off work because of talking with Yang Shutan, just walked downstairs when he saw Zhang Chunmei waiting at the door of the building.

This little girl is holding a stack of interview manuscripts waiting for Su Yi to read them carefully.

"Can't you wait for tomorrow?" Su Yi frowned, "It's all off work!"

Zhang Chunmei said: "Deputy editor, just take a look, I've been running all afternoon, please..."

The little girl will act like a spoiled child...

Su Yi smiled: "Okay, let me have a look then."

Zhang Chunmei immediately beamed with joy, ran to wipe the back seat of Su Yi's bicycle, pointed at it and said to Su Yi: "Deputy editor, sit here and watch slowly!"

"Okay." Su Yi didn't refuse, and walked over while flipping through the pages, "You are very good, interviewing so many people in one afternoon?"

Zhang Chunmei was even more delighted to receive the praise, and said happily: "Deputy editor, according to the current progress, I will be able to deliver these two manuscripts to you one day tomorrow, one day the day after tomorrow, and at noon the day after tomorrow at the latest!"

"Don't worry, take your time, there is enough time." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Well! I will definitely complete the task with quality and quantity!" Zhang Chunmei nodded vigorously, "By the way, deputy editor, how is your manuscript?"

"It's finished." Su Yi said casually without raising his head.

"One article?"

"Six articles."

Zhang Chunmei was taken aback, her eyes widened.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Su Yi suddenly frowned and raised his head to listen to something, then a look of helplessness appeared on his face, as if he had encountered some trouble that he didn't want to encounter.

"Associate editor, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Chunmei asked a little nervously, "It's... Is there something wrong with me?"

Su Yi handed the manuscript to her, sighed and said: "No, I suddenly want to have diarrhea, I'll find a place to squat, you go back first."

"Ah?" Zhang Chunmei was stunned, not expecting this kind of answer.

"Don't want to go back? How about together?" Su Yi unlocked the bicycle.

"No, no, you can go by yourself, the two of us can't be together." Zhang Chunmei was taken aback, and hurriedly explained seriously.

Su Yi laughed and said, "What are you thinking, I will go to the men's room, and you will go to the women's room."

"Then I won't go either!" Zhang Chunmei said.

"What? Don't want to pull?"

"Maliciousness from Zhang Chunmei +66..."

"Okay, then I'm leaving." Su Yi kicked his feet and rode his bicycle to the production area behind.

Zhang Chunmei was stunned for a while, then hurriedly waved to Su Yi's back and shouted: "Deputy editor, there is a toilet in the building, have you forgotten?"

"I like being in the wild!" Su Yi waved his hands without looking back.

"Maliciousness from Zhang Chunmei +55..."

"What kind of bad habit is this..." Zhang Chunmei muttered in embarrassment.

She imagined the scene where Su Yi pouted secretly to defecate in the wild, looking around like a thief, and she thought it was a little funny again, and couldn't help but "puchi" laugh out loud.

But with a smile, his expression froze again.

If it's in the wild, isn't there no distinction between men's and women's toilets?

In the picture in her mind, she and Su Yi were shitting in the field side by side, looking around...

Zhang Chunmei shivered with aversion to cold.

"Don't come here! Don't come here, Mr. Guo! Be careful, I will tell you to beat you up!" Qin Huairu shouted in panic, being blocked by Mr. Guo.

Guo Dabaozi's face is covered with blood now, and he sneered ferociously: "Qin Huairu, you made me like this, do you think I can let it go so easily?"

"You are committing a crime, you will go to jail for being a hooligan!" Qin Huairu shouted.

"Who is playing hooligans with you? I'm messing with you!" Guo Dapiaozi chuckled, "Qin Huairu, I don't believe that you haven't messed with wild men before. You are all sensible people. You should stop pretending to be serious." Already! Now you obediently let me take the pot, and I can still let you go, if you let me use the strong, it will be shameless!"

"How dare you! I'll report to the police to arrest you!" Qin Huairu yelled in horror.

"Then you're really a broken shoe!" Guo Dapiaozi said with a sly grin, "By then all three of your children will know that you are a broken shoe that has been fucked by others. How will you hold your head up for the rest of your life? You are in the factory. Your reputation will be completely stink! Qin Huairu, do you think you are serious? Cooperate obediently, without anyone noticing it, why make a big deal out of it?"

"Don't touch me!" Qin Huairu slapped Guo's hand off his chest and yelled.

"Then you take it off yourself." Guo Dapiao said, "If I tear your clothes to pieces, how will you explain to your mother-in-law and children when you go back?"

"Please, let me go, Director, please let me go..." Qin Huairu began to cry.

"Damn it, still pretend?" Guo Dashuo became impatient, and stretched out his hand to grab Qin Huairu's neck, and with the other hand, he went to untie Qin Huairu's waistband.

Qin Huairu slapped desperately and even scratched her. Guo Dashuo was already annoyed, so he slapped Qin Huairu's face with his backhand, pointed at her nose and warned viciously: "Drafting you bastard, if you move again, I will kill you!" The clothes are all torn, and I told you to walk back naked, do you believe it? I think I think you are inlaid with gold because I am willing to go to you? Cry! Can you try to cry again?"

As he said that, he reached out and grabbed Qin Huairu's collar as if to tear it fiercely.

"Don't move!" Qin Huairu broke down and shouted, "I cooperate, I cooperate..."

Guo Dapizi then let go, and said with a sneer, "Wouldn't it be better if it was like this earlier? Are you going to take it off yourself or should I do it?"

Qin Huairu wept bitterly.

Seeing that Guo Dazi was impatient again, she wiped away her tears and said coldly: "From now on, you will give me twenty catties of two-in-one every month, otherwise I will be shameless and won't let you succeed!"

"Impossible!" Guo Dashuo said, "Unless you are on call in the future, I can give you ten catties of stick noodles every month."

"Then we don't care about anyone!" Qin Huairu gritted his teeth with a look of determination, and suddenly shouted: "Help! Help..."

"Don't yell, don't yell!" Guo Dapiao was in a hurry, "What are you yelling? Just bargain when you bargain, and talk well! In this way, you will do it for me once a month, and I will give you ten catties of stick noodles every month. I promise you will go to work in the future. ..."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard a crisp bell.

Bicycle ringtones.

Guo Dapizi was startled, and hurriedly followed the prestige.

And Qin Huairu's originally desperate heart suddenly seemed to light up suddenly, she pushed away the diverted Guo Dabozi, and ran frantically in the direction of the bicycle bell.

"Help! Help!" Qin Huairu hissed and ran wildly.

"You stinky bitch!" Guo Dapi was furious, stepped forward in three steps and grabbed Qin Huairu, and covered her mouth with his hand.

But at this moment, the bicycle bell was getting closer and faster.

Guo Dashuo followed the prestige, and saw a person riding a bicycle in front of him coming from the end of the alley at high speed.

He panicked for a moment, and warned Qin Huairu viciously: "Qin Huairu, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will make you unable to join the class in the future! Your family will drink the northwest wind!"

Qin Huairu froze for a moment and stopped struggling.

Soon, the cyclist arrived and stopped in front of the two of them.

It was Su Yi who came.

He looked expressionlessly at Qin Huairu, who was disheveled and disheveled.

Look at Guo Dajizi whose face is covered with blood.

Guo Dazhui knew Su Yi, and yesterday he wanted to know Su Yi through Liu Haizhong.

He laughed dryly, and said with a smile: "It's Comrade Su Yuanchao, what a coincidence? It's already off work, why are you here?"

Qin Huairu turned her back and wiped her tears while buttoning up her buttons.

"Haha, it's like this. I accidentally fell and my face was covered with blood. Comrade Qin Huairu was worried that something might happen to me, so he yelled in fright. It's actually nothing wrong." "Is that so, Comrade Qin Huairu?"

He turned his head to ask Qin Huairu the last sentence.


(End of this chapter)

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