Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1426 Sweetness

Chapter 1426 Sweetness
There is a lot of helplessness in life, and the words "involuntary" often cannot describe what happens.

Qin Huairu couldn't lose this job, she didn't dare to offend Mr. Guo, even if Mr. Guo almost ruined her just now.

She took a deep breath and desperately wiped away the tears that she couldn't dry.

She didn't dare to look back, but tried her best to control her emotions, and said calmly: "Yanchao, I... sister, sister is fine, just fell down just now..."

"Yes, yes, we both fell down, but Qin Huairu is fine." Guo Dazhuo hurriedly said, "Comrade Su Yuanchao, where are you going?"

Su Yi looked at Guo Dabozi and suddenly smiled.

He stopped the car, walked up to Mr. Guo, and said in the latter's uneasy and apologetic smile: "Why is Director Guo so careless, why did he fall so badly?"

"Who said it wasn't? Hey, it's all because of my carelessness..." Guo Dabozi felt relieved, and said that you are still a sensible boy.

"Why is the bridge of the nose broken?" Su Yi frowned.

"Ah? Is it broken?" Guo Dabo was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly reached out to touch it.

"It's not broken..." He pinched his nose and said.


Su Yi punched his nose, and there was a crackling sound, the bridge of the nose must have been broken.

"Look, isn't this the end?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"Ahhh..." Guo Dabozi wailed in pain while hugging his nose.

"Yichao, don't, don't do anything..."

Qin Huairu on the side was stunned for a moment, then was startled, and hurried to hug Su Yi: "Don't, don't hit...don't spoil your future because of your sister, it's not worth it..."

She trembled with tears.

"For two days in a row, the two fights were all because of you." Su Yi sighed, "It's not my future that you ruined, but my luck."

He pushed Qin Huairu away and said, "Okay, I have a sense of proportion, you just stand still and don't talk."

Qin Huairu looked up at Su Yi with teary eyes, bit her lip, and slowly took two steps back.

"Love from Qin Huairu +122..."

"Su Yuanchao, you're crazy!" Guo Dabozi wrinkled his face in pain, he screamed in frustration, clutching his nose, blood kept oozing from the cracks in his fingers.

"You dare to hit me? How dare you hit me..."

"Anger from Guo Fuyuan +99, malice from Guo Fuyuan +99..."

"Director Guo, what does your broken nose have to do with me?" Su Yi said lightly.

"You fart, obviously you spanked!" Guo Dabozi roared angrily.

"Really?" Su Yi smiled, "Then let's go to the police station and let the police judge for us. By the way, tell the police about your hooliganism."

"You fart! I didn't do anything! Qin Huairu said it himself, why don't you mind your own business!" Guo Dabozi shouted excitedly.

"Now the police will keep the victims secret." Su Yi answered irrelevantly. "She is the victim, and I testify. Do you think the police believe you or the two of us?"

"I didn't do it, stop slandering me!" Guo Dapizi roared angrily.

"Maliciousness from Guo Fuyuan +100, fear from Guo Fuyuan +78..."

"I'll call the two factory directors again," Su Yi said lightly, "I assure you, they will believe me, you say you can keep your job as a gangster? Do you think you were shot directly, or Going to jail for more than ten years? You kind of guy, you must have done dirty things in recent years. Once you are unlucky, it will be the wall that will be pushed by everyone, and the drum will be beaten by thousands of people. All the shit has to be shaken out, think about it, how many times have you been shot for the crime you committed?"

"You, you are talking nonsense! I didn't!" Guo Dapizi widened his eyes in horror.

"Fear from Guo Fuyuan +99..."

Su Yi smiled: "I forgot to tell you, I am very familiar with the single bureau of the police station, we met in the morning, and I will ask him to check you out."

"I didn't do anything! Su Yuanchao, stop slandering me!" Guo Dabozi yelled in horror.

"How did your nose bone break?" Su Yi asked lightly.

"I, I... I broke it myself!" Guo Dazhuo looked at Su Yi bitterly, with fear and resentment in his eyes.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Director Guo, you are so careless." Su Yi walked up to Mr. Guo with a look of regret, "Come on, let me see how you are hurt..."

Guo Dashuai looked at Su Yi in fear, leaned closer and gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Forget you, I'll admit it today..."

"Director Guo, why are you still talking?" Su Yi suddenly frowned and interrupted him.

Guo Dazhuo was taken aback.

Air leakage?

I'm not leaking when I speak?
"It turned out that two teeth were also broken." Su Yi looked at Guo's mouth and said suddenly.

"Malicious +111 from Guo Dashuo..."

The next moment, a fist landed heavily on Guo's mouth, and two bloody teeth protruded into the sky.

"Ahhh..." Guo Dabozi's screams resounded throughout the world.

Su Yi shook his head and sighed, turned his head to Qin Huairu with a regretful look, and said, "You Director Guo was too careless, you fell so badly."

Qin Huairu didn't speak, but just looked at Su Yi in a daze.

"Love from Qin Huairu +133..."

Su Yi coughed dryly and turned around, what happened to the little widow?
"I'll fight with you!" Guo Dashuo went completely crazy, rushing towards Su Yi like a warthog whose anus has been pulled out.

Su Yi waited for him to get close before he hid with a smile, stretched out his hand, pulled and twisted, one arm of Guo Dashuo suddenly limp and slumped.

"You still have a dislocated hand, Director Guo, you really fell hard..." Su Yi laughed.

He knelt down, patted the face of Guo Dashuo, who was trembling in pain and could not utter a word, and said, "Otherwise, the rogue director intends to strengthen the female workers, and the young staff bravely fight the gangsters... What do you think of this story?" How about it? In this way, I will admit that I caused all the injuries on your body. If you think it’s okay, let’s go to the police station.”

"Fear from Guo Fuyuan +116, anger from Guo Fuyuan +107, malice from Guo Fuyuan +122..."

Su Yi slapped him to the ground with a slap in the face, got up with a smile, turned to Qin Huairu and said, "I'm out of breath, we should call the police. Don't worry, the police will definitely keep this secret for you. The factory will not Gossip."

"I'll listen to you." Qin Huairu said softly.

"Don't! Don't!" Guo Fuyuan completely collapsed.

"Su Yuanchao, I was wrong! Don't mess with me, I think it's unlucky, let me go!" He ran to Su Yi, begging for mercy with his good hand.

"Why am I punishing you?" Su Yi said with a smile, "If you believe in the fairness of the law, you can do what you want when you arrive at the police station. Maybe the police will judge me for being too defensive. I will have to squat a few times at that time." You may have to lose your job because of this, so why don't you drag me to be buried with you? Right, you didn't die in vain..."

"Fear from Guo Fuyuan +144, malice from Guo Fuyuan +133..."

"I was wrong! Su Yuanchao, let me go, please, let me go..." Guo Fuyuan cried and begged.

Su Yi slapped him and made him reel.

"Kneel down!" he said coldly.

Guo Fuyuan bent his knees and knelt down, his whole body trembling like chaff.

"Forgive me, please, forgive me." He tremblingly begged for mercy.

Su Yi frowned and pointed at Qin Huairu.

"Kneel for her!"

"Yes, yes..." Guo Fuyuan hurriedly turned around, prostrated himself on the ground, crying and begging, "Qin Huairu, it's all because of my lard, please let me go, I promise I will never dare again Yes, I will treat you as my aunt from now on, please, please let Su Yuanchao let me go, my two children are still in school, my mother is over 80, and her health is not good, they can't do without me, woo woo Woo..."

Guo Fuyuan began to cry while talking.

"Why didn't you think about your mother and your child when you bullied me!" Qin Huairu burst into tears, "You have a mother and a child, and I don't? My mother always thinks that I have a good life Well, if she knew that I was being bullied like this outside, she, she would be so distressed..."

"I'm not human, I was wrong, please let me go, let me go..." Guo Fuyuan slapped himself while crying.

Su Yi laughed and said: "Sister Qin, Director Guo is so sincere, why don't we let it go? You see, if you haven't calmed down, you can go up and kick him a few more times. Director Guo is generous, and he will definitely not care about you." Yes. Isn’t that right, Director Guo?”

"Kick, kick whatever you want, Qin Huairu, hit me, as long as you can calm down, you can do anything!" Guo Fuyuan said hastily.

"Yanchao, what do you think should be done? I will follow your orders." Qin Huairu looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi nodded, and said to Guo Fuyuan: "Director Guo, you fell so badly, go to the hospital to take a good look, don't delay the injury. This injury lasts for a hundred days, and you should rest at home for three months. Come back to work."

"Yes, thank you, thank you, I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now..." Guo Fuyuan hurriedly got up as if he had been pardoned, and walked quickly to the distance with his waist bent and arms folded.

Su Yi didn't look at him again, stepped on the bicycle, turned to Qin Huairu and said, "Get in the car, and I'll take you home."

Qin Huairu sniffed, wiped away her tears, and then sat on the back seat of the bicycle.

Su Yi kicked his foot and rode away from here.

Qin Huairu had a sore nose, suddenly hugged Su Yi and cried again.

"Don't rub your nose against me!" Su Yi warned.

"I hate it!" Qin Huairu burst into tears, but soon burst into tears, "Why are you so annoying, woo woo woo..."

"Trouble..." Su Yi sighed and led her back.

Qin Huairu stopped crying on the way.

Neither of the two spoke a word along the way, and soon arrived at the compound.

Qin Huairu got off the car at the gate of the courtyard. Su Yi was just about to push the car in, but was stopped by Qin Huairu.

"Yanchao, thank you, sister." She looked at Su Yi and said, "Today's matter..."

Su Yi shook his head: "Don't even mention it. It's no fun to bring down a big man Guo. This time, if you conquer him, it will save you trouble in the future if you keep him, so be it."

"I understand, I know that you are doing it for my own good." Qin Huairu said softly, "He has been pestering me for many years, thanks to you this time, he is completely at ease."

Su Yi nodded: "Okay, that's it."

"Aid the court!" Qin Huairu called to stop Su Yi who was about to enter the courtyard.

Su Yi looked at her questioningly and raised his neck.

Qin Huairu said: "Yanchao, I didn't stand up to speak for you early this morning, I regret it very much now."

Su Yi nodded: "Understood."

With that said, he pushed the cart in.

Qin Huairu stood outside the courtyard gate, feeling lost.

It took a long time for her to walk in. When passing by Su Yi's house, she faintly heard Su Yi and Yu Li talking and laughing from inside.

She was a little envious, how great would it be if this person was herself?
When I got home, the three children ran away, and my mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, was lying on the kang and dozing.

Qin Huairu walked around the house, the stove was cold, and there was no hot water in the thermos.Sticky's dirty clothes were piled up in the washbasin, and there was a vest of Jia Zhang's.

"Banggen gave me a lot of oil at noon." Mrs. Jia Zhang sat up from the kang, "When you wash Banggen's clothes after dinner, wash them for me as well."

"Hey." Qin Huairu responded.

"Hurry up and cook, I'm hungry, really, knowing that the children at home are waiting to open their mouths, I didn't come back early." Jia Zhang complained, "Shazhu came back with a net bag again, why don't you go and have a look? "

"Didn't you tell me to stay away from him?" Qin Huairu said.

"I didn't tell you to stay away from the place to eat!" Jia Zhang said impatiently, "Go and get the things back, don't you stay with his house and you're done?"

"I won't go." Qin Huairu said lightly.

She suddenly felt that her current tone was very similar to Su Yi.

"What did you say?" Jia Zhang raised his eyebrows, "If you don't go, why don't I go? Why don't you wait for Bang Gener to come back and let him go?"

"You are not allowed to go!" Qin Huairu said, "From now on, our family will not want his Shazhu's family to eat!"

"You're going crazy!" Jiazhang said depressedly, "Why are you competing with me? I just told you to keep a good balance, and I didn't say to make you completely cut off. It's alright, alright, I won't talk about you in the future. Isn’t it okay, don’t play donkey temper, life is not enough?”

Qin Huairu turned her head, looked at Jia Zhang calmly and said, "Mom, what I said this time is true. I'm not joking with you."

"You..." Jiazhang frowned and was about to go into a fit, suddenly startled, and then his complexion changed drastically.

She hurriedly walked two steps to Qin Huairu, looked at the slap marks on Qin Huairu's face, and then at the pinch marks on Qin Huairu's neck.She turned Qin Huairu around and saw the dust and dirt on Qin Huairu's body.

Jia Zhang's face was ashen.

She suddenly staggered back two steps, and asked in a trembling voice: "Huairu, what are you, what are you..."

Qin Huairu's tears flowed down silently.

Jia Zhangshi's lips were trembling, he looked at her blankly, and suddenly raised his hand to slap Qin Huairu, but when he raised it high, she lowered it down.

With tears streaming down her lips and trembling lips, she took Qin Huairu's hand and said, "Huairu, tomorrow...Mom will accompany you to the hospital, you...have a ring."

"Mom!" Qin Huairu couldn't hold back any longer, and burst into tears hugging Jia Zhangshi.

Jiazhang burst into tears, staring blankly at the portrait of his son by the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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