Chapter 1427
Yu Li came to light the fire to boil the water and noodles before Su Yi came home.

When Su Yi came in, the little daughter-in-law was rolling out noodles.

Seeing Su Yi push the door in, she quickly wiped her hands on the apron, and said with a smile, "Yuanchao is back?"

"Sister-in-law." Su Yi greeted.

If you ignore this title, the state of the two of them is quite like a couple.

"I've prepared the water, you go and wash your face, I'll make you tea first." Yu Li said while busy, "I stewed the chicken made by Shazhu that day, and brought a bowl of chicken soup, I'll give it to you." You order a bowl of noodles, you eat chicken noodle soup, do you think it’s okay?"

"Okay, why not?" Su Yi said with a smile, "What kind of food?"

"Vegetables?" Yu Li was taken aback, "Do you still want to eat vegetables?"

There are noodles and meat, this is good enough...

This is a matter of habits in different ages, Su Yi said: "Sister-in-law, no matter what I eat in the future, I will have two dishes for every meal. It doesn't have to be too good. Generally speaking, one meat and one vegetarian dish are enough. Sometimes I want to eat two light vegetarian dishes. .”

This still doesn't have to be good?How good is that?
Yu Li's eyes widened: "Yanchao, isn't it too extravagant for you to eat like this?"

"I'm just greedy for delicious food," Su Yi smiled, "I can't eat without food."

In fact, when Su Yi was young, a bowl of white noodles mixed with spicy oil and vinegar was still delicious.But as the economy is getting better and better, he can no longer eat the food he had when he was a child.

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality, not to mention that Su Yi doesn't need to suffer himself.

Yu Li didn't say anything anymore, she just came to help Su Yi cook and get paid.In terms of luxury, this is Su Yi's most extravagant place. He spends money to hire someone to cook his meals.

Yu Li built a tea ceremony for Su Yi: "You read a book first, it will be over soon."

"Sister-in-law is working hard." Su Yi said with a smile.

Yu Li turned her head and went to work, while Su Yi was drinking tea and reading a book, at this moment a small head poked in from the door.

"Uncle Yuanchao..."

"Happiness from Jia Dang +66..."

Su Yi raised his head, smiled and waved to her: "Come on, come in."

"Hello, Aunt Yu Li." Xiao Dang walked in and greeted Yu Li politely.

"Xiao Dang is here?" Yu Li responded, glanced at Su Yi and didn't speak.

"Why are you alone?" Su Yi said, "Where's your sister?"

"She's betrayed!" Xiao Dang said angrily, pouted very cutely.

She glanced at Yu Li again, hesitated and said, "Uncle Yuanchao, can I have a private word with you?"

"Hey, what secret do you two have, and you still keep behind my back? Xiao Dang, can't you let your aunt listen to it?" Yu Li said with a straight face on purpose.

Xiao Dang shook his head and said: "No, my grandma said, there are no good people in your family."

Yu Li's complexion changed on the spot, and her chest heaved for a while before she calmed down. With an uncertain expression, she asked, "What else did your grandma say?"

Xiao Dang stuck out his tongue: "I won't say."

"I don't care if I don't talk about it." Yu Li turned around with a cold face, and her working movements were obviously a little more serious.

Su Yi curled his lips at Xiao Dang, who grinned, ran up to Su Yi, leaned into Su Yi's ear and said, "Uncle Yuanchao, my brother stole your meat! Don't say yes to others." I said."

Su Yi frowned and said with a smile, "When did it happen?"

Xiao Dang said: "After school this afternoon, my brother stole it from your house. I didn't let him come, but he insisted. Huaihua was greedy and betrayed the revolution, but I didn't."

Su Yi smiled and patted Xiao Dang's head: "Xiao Dang is doing well."

He took out fifty cents from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Dang, saying: "Take it and go buy food. Wait for uncle to come back tomorrow afternoon, and come to uncle's house for snacks."

"Really?" Xiao Dang's eyes lit up immediately, "Is it the Eight Greats?"

"Do you still know the eight major items?" Su Yi said.

"My mother went back to get the eight big pieces the night before yesterday." Xiaodang said, "My mother was going to sell it for money, but my grandma secretly left a piece for my brother, so my mother didn't sell it, and my mother cried angrily. Afterwards, my mother gave each of us two pieces of chicken, and my mother thought my brother had stolen the chicken, so she gave him one piece."

These words contain too much information, Su Yi couldn't help laughing, while Yu Li was dumbfounded.

"Your brother stole the chicken?" Yu Li asked in surprise.

Xiao Dang was stunned for a long time, and said: "I didn't say it, I didn't say it!"


Su Yi laughed and said: "Yes, you didn't say it. All right, let's go play, come to have some dim sum tomorrow, and I'll treat you to eight big pieces!"

"Thank you Uncle Yuanchao!" Xiao Dang was so happy that he almost jumped up, "Then can I bring Sophora japonica?"

"No." Su Yi shook his head, "Don't give the little traitor something delicious."

"Okay." Xiao Dang looked regretful, and sighed like a little adult, "Oh, Huaihua is so stupid, I can't see the situation clearly..."

"What situation do you know, you little brat?" Su Yi was amused, "Go and play."

"Uncle Yuanchao, will you beat my brother?" Xiao Dang asked again without leaving.

"No, but I will let your mother beat him." Su Yi said.

"My grandma is here, my mother can't beat my brother." Xiao Dang felt even more regretful.

"You want your brother to be beaten so much?" Su Yi asked.

"He won't give me food today..." Xiao Dang rolled his eyes in the middle of speaking, and changed his words, "I think he did something wrong and he will be beaten."

Su Yi had a half-smile but not a smile: "Really?"

"That's right!" Xiao Dang nodded like a chick pecking rice, and smiled flatteringly, "Uncle Yuanchao, then I'll go play."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Su Yi to reply, he turned around and ran away.

As soon as Xiao Dang left, Yu Li couldn't wait to say: "Yuan Chao, didn't Sha Zhu steal that chicken? He admitted it!"

"The third master didn't tell you?" Su Yi smiled, "He made it for the stick."

Yu Li was stunned for a while, and then suddenly said: "Yes, yes, yes, let me tell you, Sha Zhu doesn't look like he has dirty hands and feet, but he is a stickler who always steals things from the yard... Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu It has never been clear that for the children of Qin Huairu's family, he is really capable of doing such things as top bags. Alas, there is really no wrong nickname. Yuanchao, don't learn from him, Qin Huairu is really Not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Su Yi said: "I don't like lighting lamps either."

Yu Li rolled her eyes at Su Yi: "I love blowing wax."

"Ahem..." Su Yi coughed dryly twice, and said helplessly, "Sister-in-law, let's be serious."

"You like your sister-in-law to be serious?" Yu Li said, "I'll come back tomorrow with my father-in-law's glasses on."


"From Yu Li's joy +88, from Yu Li's desire +99..."

Seeing Su Yi's weird expression, Yu Li couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, you are not good at teasing."

"Sister-in-law, where did you learn all this?" Su Yi asked.

"When I was working part-time in a food factory, why didn't those old women talk?" Yu Li said, "I'm also married, so I was afraid of revealing my secrets, so I could only keep talking, and it changed as I talked. "

"Sister-in-law has a solid theory and a good technique." Su Yi couldn't help but said.

Yu Li rolled her eyes at him, and said lightly, "It's just a good technique, isn't it?"

Su Yi stopped talking again.

Yu Li smiled "puchi": "I won't tease you anymore, you won't be able to sleep at night."

After a pause, she pretended to be casual and said, "Did you give me the eight items of Qin Huairu's family?"

Su Yi glanced at her with a half smile but not a smile. When Xiao Dang mentioned this matter just now, Yu Li contributed a wave of anger and malice.

"It's for Brother Zhuzi. Brother Zhuzi said that there is no food for rainwater, so I gave it to him. I didn't expect him to give it to Sister Qin after changing hands." Su Yi said.

"Silly Zhu... sooner or later, his life will be tied to Qin Huairu!" Yu Li sneered disdainfully, giving Su Yi a wave of joy.

Su Yi said: "Is the unmarinated meat gone?"

"It's gone. If you want to eat it, I'll cut some of the marinated meat first." Yu Li said, "There's so much meat left, did you give it away?"

"It was stolen by the stick." Su Yi said, "That's what Gang Xiaodang told me quietly."

Yu Li was stunned for a while, and Liu Mei threw the knife on the chopping board upside down, and said angrily: "Then why don't you go to Qin Huairu with her? It's too much to steal chickens and meat, isn't it?"

Su Yi waved his hand and said, "I'm done talking to Qin Huairu about this and see what she says."

"What can she say?" Yu Li said, "The most I can say is sorry to you, maybe that old woman in her family will beat you up!"

Su Yi smiled: "In this case, things will be easier to handle."

Yu Li was taken aback for a moment, looked at Su Yi thoughtfully, and suddenly stopped being angry.He smiled and said, "I think you really like Xiaodang."

"I want a daughter." Su Yi said, "I want to raise a girl."

"Everyone wants a son to carry on the family line, but you are different from others." Yu Li said strangely, "If you don't have a son, won't you become extinct?"

Su Yi smiled and didn't speak.

In this age, the idea of ​​passing on the family line is common, and the patriarchal idea is deeply rooted. Not only men think this way, but women also think this way.

The times are different, and Su Yi's "advanced" thinking of later generations is fundamentally deviant in this era.

While Yu Li was cooking, Liu Guangtian came.

He stood at the door and didn't come in. He glanced at Yu Li directly below, with some obscene look of unknown meaning in his eyes, contributing a wave of malice to Su Yi.

"Su Yuanchao, don't forget the eight o'clock meeting of the whole hospital." He said carelessly.

"Okay." Su Yi nodded.

Seeing that Su Yi didn't mean to talk to him, Liu Guangtian wanted to leave but didn't want to leave. He glanced at Yu Li, and finally couldn't help teasing: "Sister-in-law Yu Li, who the hell are you?"

Yu Li didn't speak, Su Yi said flatly: "Liu Guangtian, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will break your leg!"

Liu Guangtian's complexion suddenly changed, and he was about to curse, but finally he endured it and went out with a dark face.

Now the whole compound knows that Su Yi defeated a group of bastards with one against ten, and even the little bastards fell into his hands. How could Liu Guangtian not be afraid of Su Yi?
If it wasn't for the news that his father Liu Haizhong revealed just now made him too excited and a little carried away, he would definitely have spoken one by one, carefully.

After Liu Guangtian went out, Yu Li looked at Su Yi with brilliance in her eyes, and gave Su Yi a wave of love, saying: "It's really domineering, as expected of the man I like."

Su Yi said: "What kind of arrogance is this?"

"You mean you have something more domineering to show your sister-in-law?" Yu Li smiled.

"..." Su Yi sighed, "Sister-in-law, do you believe that I will let you see me right now?"

"That won't work, my sister-in-law will give you the next." Yu Li giggled, and poured the cut noodles into the soup pot.

A plate of cabbage, a plate of shredded potatoes, two simple vegetarian dishes, plus a bowl of chicken noodle soup, is Su Yi's dinner.

"This soup is really good." Su Yi tasted it and gave Li a thumbs up.

Yu Li reached out and grabbed Su Yi's thumb, and moved it up and down a few times in the palm of her hand.

"Aid Korea, eat more and make up for it," Yu Li said.


Yu Li seemed to like seeing Su Yi speechless. She touched Su Yi's face with a smile, bent down and kissed Su Yi's forehead, and said: "You can eat, I have to go back. Wait until the evening After a while, I'll clean up and wash the dishes for you again."

"Okay." Su Yi nodded.

After a pause, he seemed to ask casually: "By the way, sister-in-law, what culture do you have?"

"Graduated from junior high school." Yu Li said, "Why, do you want to recite poems against my sister-in-law?"

Su Yi sighed: "Sister-in-law, be serious."

"The sun is at the end of the mountain, and the Yellow River flows into the sea, am I right?" Yu Li said with a smile.

Su Yi looked at her helplessly.

Yu Li said: "When I was in school, I couldn't recite memorization, but my husband beat the palm of my hand with a stick."

"You go, I want to eat!" Su Yi waved his hand to push people away.

This sister-in-law is acquainted, and people are also on the highway.

"Then I'm leaving." Yu Li said with a smile, "It's delicious."

Su Yi nodded.

Don't say, sister-in-law's smell——


The dishes made by my sister-in-law are delicious.

Su Yi ate with relish.

I don't know why, Su Yi's house has always been visited by guests these two days.

After dinner, Su Yi hadn't left the table yet, when someone knocked at the door.

"Is Comrade Su Yuanchao at home?"

Su Yi heard someone's voice, got up and went to open the door.

A middle-aged man and woman stood outside the door. The man had gray hair, wore reading glasses, and carried a canvas bag.The woman has big arms and a round waist, she looks very aggressive, but she smiles kindly.

"It's Director Qu." Su Yi greeted with a smile, "Come in!"

This person is the director of the sub-district office. He met this morning at the Military Affairs Department, and the two had a conversation.

The other woman, Su Yi, does not know who it is.

When the two entered the room, they saw the uncleared bowls and chopsticks on the table. Qu Zhenjiang was stunned and said, "Hey, are we here at the wrong time? Are you still eating?"

"I just finished eating, but I haven't had time to clean it up yet, so I'm neglecting the two leaders." Su Yi said with a smile as he piled up the bowls and chopsticks and put them on the chest of drawers, "Both leaders, sit down first, and I'll give it to you." Pour tea."

"No need, no need," Qu Zhenjiang said, "Don't be too busy, I'm here to attend the general meeting held by your courtyard tonight, and I want to talk to you about something in advance..."

"You have to drink saliva no matter what you say?" Su Yi smiled and took out two cups, "Otherwise, is it because I don't know how to treat guests?"

 There is one more chapter, probably around 12:30.

(End of this chapter)

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