Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1428 Workaround

Although the community director is a grassroots cadre, he has a lot of authority, and the level of the community director in Beijing is not low.

Compared with the community directors, the three uncles in the courtyard are not even the kings of grass heads, they are just "volunteers" with no staff and no salary.

Qu Zhenbo came to attend the residents meeting in the courtyard in person, no need to ask, it must have something to do with Su Yi's affairs.

He was under a lot of pressure during the day today, and he is the leader of the ministry, the director of the factory, and the director of the bureau. Which official is not greater than him?
This matter even alarmed a certain leader in the district, who personally called him to inquire about this matter and expressed his concern clearly.

Qu Zhenbo was really shocked, who is this Su Yuanchao?There is so much energy?

Therefore, he is 120% concerned about Su Yi's affairs.

The uncle in the courtyard didn't distinguish between right and wrong, which made Su Yi wronged. This matter must be explained to Su Yi, so that Su Yi is satisfied.

Haven't you seen the police station and even fired one of the policemen?

Not to mention that those stubborn bosses will shoot a batch and arrest a batch...

Compared to these, it's a fart for the two uncles to publicly review and admit their mistakes.

As long as Su Yi is satisfied and has no objections to community work, he is happy to let Qu Zhenbo "relegate the two uncles to common people".

This is not to say that Qu Zhenbo is flattering, but that he intends to treat Su Yi as if he were a great Buddha.

So his purpose is to cut through the mess quickly and solve the trouble.He came to Su Yi to express his sincerity, and to communicate in person to ensure that there were no problems.

"Comrade Su Yuanchao, in this incident, the two people in charge of your compound, Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong, failed to take a firm stand at the first time because of insufficient ideological understanding and insufficient ability. Using and deceiving, leading to some misunderstandings about you. Although they realized afterwards that they made a mistake, it was too late."

"Our community attaches great importance to this incident. After leaving the Ministry of Military Affairs this morning, I immediately organized a special meeting to study and discuss this matter. After unanimous discussion by our community team, we came up with the following suggestions. "

"First, on behalf of the community, I would like to express my sincere apology to you for the mistakes and deficiencies in our work; second, I have reported your brave behavior to the district and applied for commendation for you. This problem should not be a big problem. It's going to be fine..."

"Third, because Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong played a very bad role and influence in this matter, our community decided to remove Yi Zhonghai from his position as the manager of No. 32 Courtyard, and ordered Comrade Liu Haizhong to apologize to you in public and make a In-depth review."

"Fourth, the sister Liu Guifen Liu I brought is the deputy director of our community. She has always done a good job in mass work. In today's meeting, she will spread the relevant policies of martyrs to the whole hospital and call on the residents of the hospital to love and respect the martyrs. And fifth, I heard that you are still not married, right? Director Liu is a well-known matchmaker in this area. She has successfully organized hundreds of families through her introduction. The other purpose of bringing her here today is also for you To solve personal life problems, hehe..."

As Qu Zhenbo's smooth conversation fell, Liu Guifen smiled kindly at Su Yi and said, "Comrade Su Yuanchao, I promise you that as long as you are willing to cooperate, I guarantee that you will get married within three months. Make a happy family!"

"Hey, Director Liu has issued a military order?" Qu Zhenbo joked.

"That is, Comrade Su Yuanchao is educated, good-looking, good at work, and the house is not bad. I think the furniture in the house is new and quite complete. The key is that the ingredients are also very clean." Liu Guifen looked at Su with admiration. B, "Such a young and excellent guy, let me say hello, good girls are waiting in line for you to pick! Just don't get your eyes dirty..."

"It's good that Director Liu has something to say!" Qu Zhenbo smiled and looked at Su Yi, "Comrade Su Yuanchao, your personal marriage issue should also be managed by our community. Director Liu will help you introduce your partner. Do you have any ideas? Or, if you have any conditions and requirements for the other half, you can also talk to Director Liu!"

"Yes, yes, yes, Comrade Su Yuanchao, don't be shy, just talk about it," Liu Guifen said.

Su Yi smiled and watched the two sing the oboe, skillfully changed the subject, confused the point, and already roughly guessed Qu Zhenbo's attitude towards him.

He also knew how to communicate with this person.

"I haven't thought about my personal issues yet, and I'm not in a hurry. After all, I'm still young, and I still have to focus on work..." Su Yi said unhurriedly, "But since the leader cares, just in time for this opportunity, I just have a little matter I want to consult with you."

"Just say it," Qu Zhenbo said.

"That's right. There is a collapsed house next to my house. I wonder if the two leaders have seen it?" Su Yi said, "When I moved in, I thought it was a pity that this place was left like this. Do you have any arrangements or plans for this place?"

Qu Zhenbo and Liu Guifen looked at each other, and they both knew that this was Su Yi's request.

They thought that Su Yi might take the opportunity to make some request, but they were surprised to mention the half-collapsed house next to him.

"Oh, this house... I remember it has been vacant for many years, right Director Liu?" Qu Zhenbo looked at Liu Guifen.

"Yes, Director, let's see this house. People have been hanged before." Liu Guifen said, "Although we are now in a new era and don't believe in feudal superstition, the common people don't want to live in such a place, and it will be empty for a long time. Well, the house collapsed for some reason. Because the residents in this yard were already full and overcrowded, so after knowing the situation at that time, I didn’t think about repairing it, and I have been throwing it away until now.”

Qu Zhenbo nodded, looked at Su Yi and said, "Comrade Su Yuanchao, you have heard everything Director Liu introduced? What do you think?"

"If the community has no other arrangements for this place, I have an immature idea." Su Yi said, "I want to build the house here first, but I don't know if it violates the relevant policies of our community?"

"Malicious +99 from Qu Zhenbo..."

"Maliciousness from Liu Guifen +56..."

"Comrade Su Yuanchao, in fact, according to our relevant housing regulations, you can only be assigned one house." Qu Zhenbo showed embarrassment, "Of course, the two houses you live in have already been allocated. It’s up to you how to allocate it to your factory. But if you occupy three rooms by yourself..."

"Hehe, how tense our community housing is now, don't say anything else, only Qin Huairu in your yard knows? Their family of five lives in two rooms, it seems that it is not as big as yours. You said that if you were alone Take up three rooms... what do you think?"

Qu Zhenbo thought for a while, and then said: "How about this, you can ask your factory to apply to our community in a business-to-business way, and issue an official document. As long as your factory follows the normal procedures, our community will definitely let it go." , no checkpoints."

Although Qu Zhenbo wanted to solve Su Yi's trouble, it didn't mean he had to compromise without principle.

He can also play tricks, for example, it is the uncle who asked to resign on his own initiative, but in his mouth, it turns out that he is dismissed by the community, and it becomes "sincerity" to Su Yi.

Faced with Su Yi's "extraordinary" conditions, he refused without hesitation.

Su Yi said: "Director Qu, there is no need to bother. I have a suggestion, please listen to it and see if it works."

"Tell me." Qu Zhenbo looked willing to hear more about it.

"Since the community has no plans for this place, let it be abandoned, why not ask the residents in the yard, who wants this place? If someone wants it, they have to pay for the repair of the house. The community and the residents who pay the money Sign the contract, how to define the right to use the house, written in black and white in the contract." Su Yi said.

Qu Zhenbo and Liu Guifen looked at each other again.

"The brains of this college student are different from ours." Qu Zhenbo said with a complex expression, "With such a flexible solution, the neighbors will have no objections, and your needs will be solved. It's the best of both worlds..."

Su Yi smiled: "You're too much, you're just being clever."

Su Yi said it frankly, which actually weakened Qu Zhenbo's dislike for Su Yi.

"Community work is not easy to do, especially the word fairness, which is the most difficult to achieve." Qu Zhenbo said, "As long as it does not violate the principle of fairness, we are willing to make some modifications. Well, this matter will be done in this way, and we will wait for it." I'll bring this up on behalf of the community in a moment. But if any of the other residents..."

Qu Zhenbo paused halfway through the words, then laughed dumbly and said, "Well, I was worrying too much."

If the residents are really willing to spend their own money to repair the house, someone has already done it, so why wait until today?

There is really no need for other residents to repair it. Firstly, this place is unlucky, and secondly, their house is in a different location. What is the point of building a house here alone?

Unlike Su Yi, the houses are connected together, and they are three wing rooms.

"Besides, it's not necessary to dismiss the uncle, right?" After finalizing the matter, Su Yi immediately changed the topic, "The uncle was just deceived, it really shouldn't be like this."

Qu Zhenbo said indifferently: "This is a resolution unanimously passed by our community meeting. It is an internal decision, and it is also a sincerity to Comrade Su. This matter has been decided."

Su Yi frowned: "Will the leader set me on fire? I'm a young man, and my uncle was fired when I moved into the courtyard. What will the neighbors think of me?"

Qu Zhenbo sighed: "Comrade Su, you also need to be considerate of the difficulties in our community work. The leaders of this matter attach great importance to this matter, and we must also come up with a meaningful explanation. In addition, the order is changed every day..."

Su Yi interrupted him lightly: "I have no intention of interfering with your organization's internal resolutions, but since the leaders have come to ask for my opinion, I will reflect my thoughts according to the facts. I believe that the leaders will be far-sighted and must It's more comprehensive than I thought."

This soft nail made Qu Zhenbo uncomfortable - we came here to make you satisfied and have no objections, but you reserved your own opinions...

How do the leaders above see our community?
What made Qu Zhenbo disgusted was that in order to let Su Yi feel the sincerity of the community, he deliberately interpreted Yi Zhonghai's resignation as the community's dismissal of him.

But now Su Yi doesn't want Yi Zhonghai to resign, so what does he say?Are you going to admit that you lied before?
Qu Zhenbo was slightly silent, and said: "Okay, our community will consider this matter, Comrade Yi Zhonghai...I'm sure I will be very grateful for your generosity."

"It's not about generosity, I also consider it for the sake of getting along with my neighbors in the future." Su Yi said.

Qu Zhenbo nodded: "Comrade Su Yuanchao, what else do you think about this matter?"

Su Yi shook his head: "I am very grateful to the community leaders for their concern, and I have caused you trouble."

"Happiness from Qu Zhenbo +77..."

"Happiness from Liu Guifen +88..."

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, once Su Yi uttered these words, it meant that he and the community had reached an agreement, and his big trouble of Qu Zhenbo was resolved in this way.

"Thank you, Comrade Su Yuanchao, for your support of our community work." Qu Zhenbo stood up and offered his hand to Su Yi. "Then let's do this first? See you later."

"Okay, the two leaders are busy, so I won't keep the two." Su Yi stood up and shook hands, "See you later."

"Xiao Su, wait for my letter these two days and prepare for a blind date." Liu Guifen smiled at Su Yi.

"Thank you Director Liu." Su Yi said.

"No thanks, no thanks, it's actually very easy to say goodbye to you, unlike the silly Zhu in your yard, that kid is so worried about me, alas..."

After the two leaders of the community left, Su Yi thought about the conversation just now, and faintly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't think about it.

Isn't it just such a trivial thing to come and go, what is there to think about?Not mind-boggling enough.

He didn't want to, but someone was depressed.

This person is the great master Yi Zhonghai.

Why did Yi Zhonghai voluntarily resign from the position of uncle?
He originally wanted to take this opportunity to establish a deterrent to subdue Su Yi, but he didn't expect that stealing a chicken would not result in a loss of money, but instead he would become a fool who helped the villain to entrap the martyrs.In the Bureau of Military Affairs, the leaders have decided to let him, Yi Zhonghai, conduct a public review and apologize to Su Yi in public.

Anyone can do this, except Yi Zhonghai can't.

Because the reason why Yi Zhonghai has been able to stand tall all these years is because of the prestige established by the words "virtuous and respected".

Once he criticizes and apologizes in public, he will lose his prestige. How can he convince everyone in the future?To obey his words?
And in this way, he will bow his head halfway when facing Su Yi in the future, so how can he care about Su Yi?
So he simply resigned and quit. He believed that in this way, the big guys would feel that this was not the case, and they would feel sorry for him.

Su Yi "forced" him to resign, and the old neighbors would definitely have opinions on him. When Yi Zhonghai stood up and said a few "fair words" for Su Yi, not only would everyone think that he was generous, but Su Yi B will also thank him, which undoubtedly resolves Su Yi's resentment towards him.

And if he resigns and quits, isn't he a grandpa?
As long as the prestige is still there, he is still a master.

sorry for being late

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