Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1429 Fundraising

"Director Qu, didn't you agree on this matter before? I'm not capable enough, so I voluntarily resigned from the position of the steward. It's an explanation to Su Yuanchao. Why did you change your mind?" Yi Zhonghai asked. road.

"Old Yi, there is no need to do this. I thought about it later. First of all, you were just deceived, and you didn't make any mistakes in principle. There is no need to make such a serious disturbance. Let those who don't understand listen to it and think that Our community doesn’t protect our comrades, we need people to face forward, but we don’t need people to face back.”

Qu Zhenbo persuaded: "Secondly, I told Su Yuanchao about this matter just now, and he felt very panicked, saying that he couldn't let the old man in the yard step down because of this matter, otherwise how could he still be here in the future?" How is he in the yard? What do the neighbors think of him? I think we should also understand the concerns of this little comrade, right?"

Yi Zhonghai raised his eyebrows, and said in his heart that he saw Su Yuanchao right, he knew it clearly.

Now that it's clear, it's easy to handle.

Yi Zhonghai shook his head and said, "Director Qu, there's no need to talk about this matter anymore. I'm old and I can't shame myself to apologize to young people in public. I'd rather not be such a gentleman."

"Old Yi, are you having trouble with the organization?" Qu Zhenbo scowled.

"Where did this come from?" Yi Zhonghai said, "I am resigning now, please choose another wise man, I am sincere, why did you get angry?"

"You are also an old comrade, is it difficult to obey the organization's arrangement?" Qu Zhenbo said displeased.

"I obeyed. It was you who changed it." Yi Zhonghai didn't fear him at all. He was an eighth-grade worker in the factory. "Director Qu, the organization must also respect the individual's wishes when employing people, right? You can't rush the ducks to the shelves."

Qu Zhenbo's eyes were angry, he was a thousand-year-old fox, how could he not know that Yi Zhonghai didn't want to apologize in public, so he took the opportunity to negotiate terms.

But the question is, what qualifications do you, Yi Zhonghai, have to negotiate terms with me?

Qu Zhenbo didn't bother to talk to Yi Zhonghai anymore, he didn't want to get used to Yi Zhonghai's problems.

Going back to Su Yi, as long as you tell Su Yi that this is Yi Zhonghai's insistence, he has no choice but Su Yi can only accept it.

But just as he was about to speak, he felt Liu Guifen tug on his sleeve lightly, and then asked Yi Zhonghai: "Old Yi, if you are not allowed to apologize in public later and criticize in public, would you still like to be this uncle?" ?”

"Who will do the work for Su Yuanchao?" Yi Zhonghai asked.

Although he planned to retreat as an advance, the situation forced him at that time.If you can continue to be your own uncle without apologizing, that's of course the best.It's just how to manage Su Yi's thorny head, I'm afraid it will be a very headache in the future...

"Let's do it." Liu Guifen said with a smile, "Old Yi, everyone is here for work and to solve problems. Now that the problem exists objectively, we can't hide from it. I think work should be done, right? ? You have been an uncle in this yard for so many years, and you can’t just quit because of a trivial matter, so what is your hard work for so many years? You are not only disrespecting yourself, but also disrespecting the organization .”

Yi Zhonghai was a little embarrassed by the words, and said: "Director Liu, it's not that I don't take responsibility, but I just feel that I should be responsible for my mistakes. I resign to take responsibility for my mistakes."

"Old Yi, your thinking is wrong. If you make mistakes, you need to correct them instead of picking them up." Liu Guifen said with a smile, "Okay, I also know that the old comrades have the ideological burden of the old comrades. We can understand your difficulties this time. The community helped you solve it, but it’s not an example.”

Yi Zhonghai nodded and did not speak.

"Director, let's do Su Yuanchao's work again?" Liu Guifen smiled and said to Qu Zhenbo.

Qu Zhenbo gave Yi Zhonghai a disgusted look, nodded reluctantly, and the two bid farewell to the uncle and went out.

Arriving in front of the Chuihua Gate, Liu Guifen smiled and said, "Director, you won't blame me for taking the initiative?"

Qu Zhenbo said: "You are better than me at mass work, you must have your reasons."

"It's good that the director understands me." Liu Guifen said, "That's what I think. This Yi Zhonghai just feels embarrassed and doesn't want to apologize in public. .If we let Yi Zhonghai drop the pick and quit, even if Su Yuanchao doesn’t say anything, I’m afraid he won’t be very satisfied. Didn’t Director Hu of the District’s Organization Department personally intervene in this matter? We don’t know Hu What is the relationship between the minister and Su Yuanchao? Can you talk about it? As long as it does not violate the principle, it is best to follow his wishes. You don’t need to be angry about some innocuous minor issues. We will negotiate Just solve it."

Qu Zhenbo sighed and said: "I just can't understand Yi Zhonghai, an old fox, who is clinging to his old man and putting his nose on his face! Now we are wiping his ass, and he is picking us up!"

"Calm down, grassroots work is like this, anyone can meet, the key is to solve the problem, not to deal with people." Liu Guifen persuaded.

"Are you sure there is no problem with Su Yuanchao?" Qu Zhenbo asked.

"How about I issue a military order for you?" Liu Guifen smiled.

"No, no, I'm relieved when you say that." Qu Zhenbo said with a smile, "Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. Since I'm here, I'll go and see the five-guarantee households in the backyard and show concern. Lonely old man."

"Then we'll see you later."

Liu Guifen watched Qu Zhenbo leave, her eyes gradually turned to disdain, she muttered "nerd", turned and walked to the front yard.

At this moment in Su Yi's home, a conversation was about to come to an end.

Yes, Su Yi's house has another visitor.

Almost as soon as Liu Guifen and the others left, this unexpected guest came.

It was the second uncle Liu Haizhong who came.

He came to apologize.

In other words, it was for negotiation.

"Yanchao, you were not here this morning. My uncle and I didn't understand the situation and were deceived by the bad guys, so we didn't stand on your side and talk. You said that if you were in the courtyard at that time, we would still Can I not believe you and trust an outsider? Right? Well, it’s actually just an inch, it’s all a misunderstanding..." Liu Haizhong said to Su Yi with an apologetic smile.

Su Yi didn't pour him water, or even ask him to sit down.

"Second uncle, since it's a misunderstanding, it's fine if you say it." Su Yi said with a smile, "You go back, you see that my place is quite chaotic, so I won't keep you."

"Malicious +99 from the bangs..."

"Hehe, look at you child, how can you have any reason to drive someone away?" Liu Haizhong smiled sarcastically, "As for me, I'm here to apologize to you, I'm sorry. As for you, as a junior, you should also be magnanimous , right? Our neighbors don’t look up and look down, and we still have to deal with each other in the future. After I become a grandpa, I’ll take care of you more, right? We have exchanges.”

"Second uncle, what exactly are you going to say?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"I'm thinking, you can save face for me at the general meeting of the whole hospital later." Liu Haizhong smiled and said, "I want to apologize to you, and when I do the self-criticism, you say nice things and stop me A little bit, it seems that you are very generous, and you also gave me a step down. Our father and I have such a relationship, and the relationship will be better in the future. I will become a master in the future——huh? By the way, you still don’t Do you know that I want to be a grandpa?"

Su Yi shook his head: "I don't know."

"That's what happened. After this incident, Lao Yi himself felt that he was not capable enough to be qualified for such an important position as Mr. Yi, so he voluntarily drank and resigned..."

"Taking the blame and resigning, Second Uncle, it's taking the blame, not drinking." Su Yi corrected.

If Yi Zhonghai resigned voluntarily, then Qu Zhenbo was working for me before...

Su Yi smiled meaningfully.

Liu Haizhong was stunned for a moment, and said with some embarrassment: "I know, I know, I just have a bit of an accent, ahem. Then what, let me continue, it's just that the old man has no face to do it himself. If you want me to say yes Well, the reason why something like that happened in the morning is that he is actually the most responsible, and I was also misled by him... In short, it's all his fault."

Su Yi nodded with an "oh".

Liu Haizhong said: "Look, Yuanchao, I will have the final say on all the big and small things in our courtyard in the future. You said that there will be a time when you ask me to do something. You can help me now, and when the time comes, I will take care of you." It must be easy to talk, don't you think?"

Or say that the second uncle has no virtue or talent, he speaks so well, and has no level at all.

"Second uncle, do you want to save face in front of the whole courtyard?" Su Yi said with a smile, "If you criticize and apologize to me in public, you will be regarded as the first uncle. I'm afraid everyone will not accept you. But if I If you surrender first and take the initiative to support you, then your prestige will be established immediately, right?"

Liu Haizhong was stunned, and contributed a wave of values ​​mixed with joy, fear and malice to Su Yi, and said with a sneer: "Why don't you say that dealing with smart people is easy? That means."

Su Yi said: "Second uncle, we are not acquainted with each other anymore. Since you speak quickly, I will speak directly."

"Say it, tell it." Liu Haizhong said hastily.

"Now, I also encounter a little difficulty." Su Yi said, "I have spent a lot of money in the past two days, and the money is too much, and I am too shy. Second uncle, can you lend me some money? Don't worry, I will give it to you IOU."

Liu Haizhong looked at Su Yi, his face twitched a few times.

"Malicious +99 from the bangs..."

"How much do you borrow?" Liu Haizhong asked.

"Two hundred." Su Yi said.

"How much?" Liu Haizhong's eyes widened, "No, why do you want so much money?"

"If I'm sure it's useful, I'll let you borrow it. You don't have to worry about the specific use." Su Yi said with a smile, "Second uncle, if you ask me to help you, you have to show sincerity, right? You can't just let me do things , just touch your upper and lower lips and you're done."

Liu Haizhong looked at Su Yi speechlessly, and said, "Yanchao, are you making fun of me? Do you think I look like someone with 200 yuan?"

"Second uncle, this matter is not forced. If you don't, just pretend that I didn't say anything. We are the same as before, so we can do whatever we want. It doesn't hurt the peace." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Malicious +99 from the bangs..."

"No, Yuanchao, I just asked you to say something nice for me, and I didn't ask you to do anything else..." Liu Haizhong frowned, "It's going to cost you two it too much?"

"Second Uncle, you heard clearly, I'm borrowing, not wanting, I borrow and repay, it's an emergency." Su Yi said, "Besides, I pay interest, how about [-]% annual interest? I don't borrow for nothing."

Liu Haizhong was stunned for a moment, and said: "Annual interest is 40%? Borrowing two hundred and one year is [-] yuan. After one year, you will pay me back two hundred and forty?"

"Yes, let's write clearly in black and white." Su Yi nodded.

Liu Haizhong's eyes rolled, it seemed that it was not unacceptable.

He looked at Su Yi in front of him.

This child is a college student, and his monthly salary is quite a lot, so his repayment ability must be no problem.

If I become a master, I won't be afraid of his repudiation.

Earning 40 yuan a year is not a small amount...

Later, Su Yuanchao will cooperate with him, save face for himself, and still make money, this business can be done.

Liu Haizhong thought for a while, and said worriedly: "Then if you pay back the money in advance, 40 yuan is definitely a must."

Su Yi laughed and said: "The interest is not written on the IOU, just write that I lent you 240 yuan, and promise to pay it off within one year, how about it?"

Liu Haizhong laughed: "That's it, good! Yuanchao, you are so busy, I will help you! If you owe me an IOU, I will count the money for you!"

Su Yi was startled: "Where are you bringing the money?"

"I'm taking it!" The second uncle smiled and unbuttoned his clothes, only to see that there were still pockets sewn inside his coat, the pockets were fastened with two buttons, and the inside was bulging.

He was worried about his two sons, fearing that they would steal his money, so no matter when he kept the money with him.

Su Yi didn't talk nonsense, he took out a pen and paper, took out a piece of IOU, and it was freshly released.

The second uncle picked it up and looked at it carefully, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he counted [-] cards and gave them to Su Yi.

He only had about three hundred yuan in his pocket, and more than half of it disappeared in an instant.

"Aid Korea, you have to pay back the money you borrowed." At this moment, Liu Haizhong was a little worried again, "Let's talk about it ugly, I have this IOU, if you don't pay back the money, I will go directly to the factory and ask the factory manager for it." It's all right, don't play tricks when the time comes."

"Second uncle, am I that kind of person?" Su Yi smiled and picked up the money.

Isn't there enough money to repair the house?
Su Yi shook his head and sighed, "After memorizing the 200 yuan, I will feel a lot of pressure."

It was only a few days since I went to work, and I was in debt of 200 yuan.

Liu Haizhong smiled and comforted: "Your salary is high, so you can save some money in the future."

Su Yi nodded and was about to speak when he heard a knock on the door.

"Yanchao, I am your Aunt Liu, is it convenient to come in?"

Liu Haizhong was stunned for a moment and hurriedly lowered his voice and said hurriedly: "Then we have decided on this matter, Yuanchao, you can't go back on your word, you will look at me at the meeting later..."

"Don't worry, second uncle, I will definitely make you face!" Su Yi patted his chest and assured, "Hey? Should I change my name to call you uncle?"

"Happiness from bangs +99..."

"Hehe, it's just a title, you can change it at any time." Liu Haizhong couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, "Then I'll go first."

"Hold on, sir." Su Yi said.

"Hey, haha!" Liu Hai Zhongle made a sound.

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