Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1431 The General Assembly

"Old lady, let me introduce you. This is the Su Yuanchao I just told you about. My good buddy, Tieci! Let me tell you, he is a college student. How long has it been since our courtyard was built?" Has it been a hundred years? Aid Korea is the most cultured! He lives in our courtyard, hey, four words—flourishing and radiant!"

Silly Zhu introduced Su Yi to the deaf old lady with a very proud and proud tone, and hugged Su Yi affectionately.

"Okay, okay, he looks like a good kid." The deaf old lady narrowed her eyes with a smile, "It must be a good heart to play with my good grandson!"

"That's right, fish look for fish and shrimp look for shrimp, and turtles look for big bastards! Why don't I play with Xu Damao? It's because my grandson is so bad, so bad!" Silly Zhu said cheerfully, with a loud voice deliberately Increase the volume.

"Shazhu, you're looking for death, aren't you?" Xu Damao, who was waiting for the meeting, lay on his gun innocently, pointing at Shazhu and yelling angrily, "I asked you to provoke you? Why do you have to tease me? You are cheap! You give me Wait!"

"I'm waiting, what can you do to me?" Sha Zhu said disdainfully.

"Okay, don't be as knowledgeable as this kind of person." Lou Xiaoe tugged Xu Damao, and stared dumbly in disgust.

Silly Zhu didn't take it seriously, and said to Su Yi complacently: "See? This grandson is a coward. From time to time, you have to pick him up and wind him up tightly."

Su Yi shook his head speechlessly and said, "You're just a rotten plaster and you're looking for a doctor when you're not sick. Why are you teasing him when you're free?"

"It's okay, he has nothing to do with me." Sha Zhu didn't care at all.

"Oh, my eldest grandson is just stupid, he won't grow up." The old lady shook her head, her cloudy old eyes looked at Su Yi up and down, as if she wanted to see Su Yi through, "Yan Chao, you and Sha Zhu are good buddies , you have to help him a bit, otherwise he will be sold out, and he will pay back the money..."

"Old lady, if someone really sells me, I have to count how much I'm worth." Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Go, you're just stupid!" The old lady gave Sha Zhu an angry look.

Su Yi smiled without saying a word, and looked around.

On the other side, Qin Huairu's family came, including the three children.Qin Huairu's eyes were red, obviously she had been crying, and Jia Zhang's complexion was not very good, she looked like a plagued chicken.

Liu Guangfu and Yan Jiefang got together and pointed at Su Yi, not knowing what they were talking about.When Su Yi looked over, the two of them acted cleverly together, squeezed out a flattering smile for Su Yi, and each contributed a wave of fear.

People in the courtyard were buzzing everywhere, chatting with each other in whispers.

In the middle of the courtyard, the three elders let Qu Zhenbo and Liu Guifen take the main seat. The three elders gave way to each other, and finally Liu Haizhong stood up, coughed hard, and said, "This... everyone is quiet! Let's tonight The whole courtyard meeting is about to start now! Every household keeps quiet, watch the children, and don't let the children run around and scream."

The noise gradually died down.

Liu Haizhong nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "The purpose of today's meeting is mainly to discuss the matter of Su Yuanchao in our courtyard, that is, what happened this morning. The two leaders of the community, Director Qu and Deputy Director Liu, also Come to our compound, I suggest, let’s welcome the two leaders with applause!"

As he said that, Liu Haizhong looked at the two directors with a smile on his face, and took the lead in applauding.

Everyone was very respectful, and loud applause erupted in the courtyard.

Qu Zhenbo and Liu Guifen stood up together, smiling and making a gesture of pressing their palms down.

After a while, the applause stopped, and the second uncle continued: "Next, we will invite Director Qu to speak, and introduce the whole process and the results of the whole matter to you. Welcome!"

clap la la...

The residents were a little unresponsive, and applauded sparsely, and more people looked around.

Qu Zhenbo coughed lightly, and said with a serious face: "Everyone, I am Qu Zhenbo, the director of the district committee of our Dongzhimen community. Now, on behalf of our district committee, I would like to express my sincere condolences to all the neighbors regarding the incident that happened this morning. A simple announcement..."

Qu Zhenbo must have a certain level to be a community director.It can be heard that this is a man of culture. He speaks fluently and logically. From time to time, he uses a few idioms, quotes two ancient Chinese sentences, and cooperates with the movement of swinging his arms. The speech is quite fascinating.

He gave a general introduction to the whole incident, and defined Su Yi's behavior as a righteous act, and also defined what happened in the compound in the morning as the collusion between the black sheep within the police and the family members of the criminals, with the intention of spreading rumors, disturbing and interfering judicial viciousness.

He mentioned that in order to achieve the sinister purpose of getting rid of criminals, these bad elements shamelessly blinded the man in charge of the compound. Fortunately, Su Yuanchao reported to the relevant departments in time, and the further deterioration of the situation was stopped in time.

He reported on the subsequent handling of this incident: the group of criminals who committed the crime yesterday have been placed in custody, and they will be convicted only after the facts of the crime are interrogated; the family members of the group of criminals who came this morning will also be punished as they should be. Two street hooligans who sneaked into the compound last night with the intention of committing crimes have also been arrested by the police. Qu Zhenbo also praised He Yuzhu in particular, thinking that his behavior of assisting Su Yi in "fighting the gangsters" last night deserves all people study.

"Comrades, the lessons of this incident are very profound, and each of us is worthy of vigilance. I hope that through this incident, everyone can better understand the importance of mutual solidarity, mutual trust and mutual help among neighbors." Qu Zhenbo concluded with emotion at the end, "Just imagine, if Su Yuanchao chose to stand by or back down yesterday, what kind of consequences Comrade Qin Huairu would face... It's unimaginable, isn't it?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"For good people and good deeds, we have to offer commendations and rewards. Regarding Su Yuanchao's brave behavior, our community will report it to the higher authorities as soon as possible, and call on everyone to learn from him. I suggest that all of us do our best for Su Yuanchao. Applause to comrades to express encouragement and support to him!"

As Qu Zhenbo finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted at the scene.Su Yi also had to get up and nod around, and gained a lot of emotional points.

In the warm atmosphere, Jia Zhang's face was full of displeasure, and he muttered in a low voice with a dark face: "Encourage a fart, support a have gained a good reputation, and our family's reputation has been ruined...the outside also pointed out Not sure how to send the message..."

"Old sister-in-law, what are you muttering here?" The person next to him asked without hearing clearly.

"No, nothing!"

In the middle of the field, Qu Zhenbo pressed his palms, and continued: "Next, I would like to invite the elders in charge of your courtyard to say a few words."

After he retreated, the three uncles gave way to each other, and in the end it was Liu Haizhong who stood up first.

"Neighbors and comrades, I am responsible for what happened this morning, and I am at fault." Liu Haizhong said with a serious face, "I mistrusted the bad guys and almost wronged the North Korean aid. Fortunately, comrades in the military arrived in time. I realized that I was wrong in time, so it didn't cause any bad consequences. But a mistake is a mistake, and I have to admit this mistake, aid Korea..."

He looked at Su Yi and blinked vigorously, which meant that it was time to start.

Su Yina is short-staffed, and also has the ethics of collecting money to do things. Hearing this, he immediately stood up and said with a smile: "Second uncle, how can I blame you? You are also kind, what can you do wrong?"

"Happiness from bangs +77..."

"I, I was wrong. I believed in the wrong person and blamed you." Liu Haizhong said.

"It's okay, I'm used to being misunderstood, I don't miss you." Su Yi said.

"I - huh?" Liu Haizhong heard that something was wrong, and his eyes widened.

"Malicious +88 from the bangs..."

"I mean, who has no faults? Knowing what's wrong can make a big difference." Su Yi said with a smile, "Second uncle, you usually worry about the affairs of our courtyard. You have to work hard without credit, right?"

"Malicious +91 from the bangs..."

"I, I think I still have a little credit." He argued embarrassingly.

"What I mean is, even if you don't have any credit, you have worked very hard!" Su Yi said, "No one can deny this, right? Big guy, do you usually work hard?"

Su Yi looked around for a week, waiting for everyone's response.

The scene was quiet, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Working hard in bangs?
But pull it down, he is the happiest jumping with a chicken feather as an arrow, who in the whole yard doesn't bother him to grab small things and teach others?
"It's hard work, my dad is working hard!" Seeing that the atmosphere was about to become awkward, Liu Guangtian hurriedly cheered for his old father.

"Your father beat you very hard, right?" Silly Zhu said loudly, "Beating once a day is hard enough, your hands are tired..."

There was a roar of laughter at the scene.

Liu Guangtian lowered his head with a disheveled face, and Liu Haizhong also blushed.

He anxiously winked at Su Yi, motioning him to speak quickly to make amends.

Su Yi coughed twice in cooperation, and hurriedly said: "In short, I think the second uncle is right! If you want to blame this society is too complicated, and people's hearts are too sinister. What bad intentions can the second uncle have? He can deliberately harm Me? Can’t I? I definitely don’t believe it! What do you think of the second uncle?”

"Then I definitely can't intentionally harm you." Liu Haizhong said hastily.


Su Yi clapped his hands: "Isn't this the end? Everyone has to believe in the second uncle, the second uncle will always be the second uncle, he will not change, right? I suggest that everyone applaud the second uncle for nothing else. Just because he is—the second uncle!"

After speaking, Su Yi took the lead in applauding, and looked around everyone expectantly: "Hey? Applause, why don't you applaud?"

There was sparse applause at the scene, and most of the people were stunned.

"What did Su Yuanchao say?" The third mother asked Yan Fugui blankly, "Why didn't I come out with anything?"

Yan Fugui couldn't help but laugh: "He's playing tricks, he's talking about the wheel of a car."

"You are still a college student, so you can speak at this level?" On the other side, Jia Zhang muttered to Qin Huairu with a face full of disdain.

Qin Huairu hesitated and applauded with everyone, but couldn't tell what was wrong.

In the field, Su Yi gave the second uncle Liu Haizhong a thumbs up, and said with a serious face: "Second uncle, in my heart, you are Tang Taizong, Song Taizong, all kinds of Taizong! I support you!"

Liu Haizhong hurriedly laughed and cupped his hands to express his modesty, thinking that this is not bad, this is too much, it must be a compliment to me, right?

Yan Fugui was the only one present to ponder over it carefully, to understand what Su Yi meant.

"No way, Liu Haizhong is going to usurp the throne?" He was a little surprised.

"Using what position?" The third mother asked in confusion.

"Both Li Shimin and Zhao Guangyi killed their elder brothers to become emperors. They are not fun." Yan Fugui lowered his voice, "How can Su Yuanchao know this because he is a college student? There is something in his words..."

Although I am still not satisfied with Su Yi's performance, I feel that Su Yi is still young and won't "come into trouble", but at least his goal has been achieved.

Liu Haizhong coughed twice again, and said with a smile: "Well, Yuanchao is a sensible child, he knows that we can't be blamed for this morning's incident, even though the facts are so, but as the stewards, we have to be strict with ourselves. Therefore, I decided that after the old master Lao Yi resigns and I replace him as the first master, I will definitely..."

Before he finished speaking, the scene was in an uproar.

"Grandpa is quitting?"

"Old Yi, what's going on?"

"real or fake?"

There was an uproar at the scene.

Yan Fugui pointed at Liu Haizhong and said excitedly to the third mother: "Look, what did I say? The fox's tail is showing!"

"Quiet, everyone is quiet!" Liu Haizhong increased his volume, "Old Yi himself brought up the matter of resignation. Although I feel sorry for him, he has the courage to take it..."

"Wait!" On the one hand, the two directors of the community were dumbfounded just now, they never thought that Liu Haizhong would actually mention this matter!

At this moment, the two of them finally came to their senses, they hurriedly got up and stopped Liu Haizhong almost at the same time.

"Liu Haizhong, who told you that Comrade Yi Zhonghai quit?" Qu Zhenbo asked with a black face.

"This... didn't he say it himself?" Liu Haizhong was startled, pointing to Yi Zhonghai, who was silent, and said, "He told me himself, Lao Yi, don't you mean that you don't mean what you say, and then regret it? right?"

"It's not that he repents, it's that our community disagrees with his resignation!" Qu Zhenbo frowned and said loudly, "Although the man in charge of the courtyard is not an official community employee, he is a grassroots manager recognized by our country! We democratically elected a highly respected mediator in the compound! This position is related to people's livelihood and people's hearts. Is it possible to quit if you say you don't do it? Therefore, we rejected Comrade Yi Zhonghai's resignation, that is to say, Yi Zhonghai Comrade will continue to serve as the uncle in charge of your No. 32 courtyard."

Liu Haizhong was dumbfounded.

He was ready to take over from Uncle Yi, and even lent Su Yi 200 yuan to bribe him to speak for himself and increase his prestige.

But now the uncle has not resigned.

This can't be done!

Isn't the 200 yuan lent to Su Yuanchao for nothing?
"No, this resignation is Yi Zhonghai's own wish, you must respect it!"

The bangs are in a hurry.

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