Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1432 Thief

Chapter 1432 Thief
"Comrade Liu Haizhong, what did you do? What? Do you really want Comrade Yi Zhonghai to resign? If he should take the blame and resign, do you think you shouldn't?" Qu Zhenbo sternly scolded.

"I, didn't I think... Didn't he say it himself?" Liu Haizhong defended.

"As I said, we don't approve it! Our community rejected his resignation." Qu Zhenbo said seriously, "You can't reject an old comrade's decades of hard work just because he made a mistake. As far as I know, Comrade Yi Zhonghai has always been strict with himself on weekdays, set an example, and has great prestige. Is that so?"

"Who is unconvinced in our yard, Grandpa? Grandpa is a good guy!" Silly Zhu was the first to boo.

Yi Zhonghai did have a good reputation in the courtyard, and when Sha Zhu spoke, many people responded one after another.

"Did you see it?" Qu Zhenbo said to the dejected Liu Haizhong, "This is public opinion."

After a pause, he said to Yi Zhonghai again: "Old Yi, can you say a few words?"

"Let me just say one thing." Yi Zhonghai looked around and said in a deep voice, "Su Yuanchao is a martyr. This time, including me, our whole courtyard does not care enough for Su Yuanchao's relationship. I will take the lead in self-criticism. From now on, our courtyard must treat Su Yuanchao and the martyrs well, and we must not let the descendants of the martyrs be wronged."

These words were just and righteous, and everyone nodded after hearing them. They all felt that the first uncle had a high level of consciousness, had the courage to admit mistakes, and had the courage to take responsibility. of.

Su Yi also nodded appreciatively, thinking that it's no wonder everyone said that Yi Zhonghai is a master of moral kidnapping. It seems that he is admitting his mistake, but in fact he tied the whole courtyard to him. But the uncle is admitting mistakes for everyone.

So far, Su Yi's matter has been satisfactorily resolved.

Apart from bangs, everyone is happy.

"That's the end of this matter, there is another matter today." Qu Zhenbo pointed to the collapsed house on one side and said, "I just came here today to see that there is another house that has collapsed, and it has been thrown like this all the time. It's a pity. I discussed it with Deputy Director Liu. Now the community has no time or energy to repair this house, so I want to ask you, is there anyone who is willing to spend money to repair it? Who is willing to spend money, this house we assign it to whom."

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

Sure enough, as Su Yi expected, no one is willing to spend money to repair this house. Firstly, it is a haunted house, and everyone knows it; secondly, rebuilding a room costs a lot, not everyone can afford it; The important thing is that this house is not connected to anyone other than Su Yi's house, and no one wants it.

Except for Qin Huairu.

"Leader!" Qin Huairu raised her hand and asked urgently: "Leader, our family of five people squeezes into two rooms, and we really can't live in it. We don't dislike this place, we want it. It's just a matter of building a house. Can the community solve it? Our family is really in trouble..."

Qu Zhenbo didn't speak, and Liu Guifen said: "Qin Huairu, your family said that there are five people, but in fact, there are three children and two adults, and the living space is quite spacious. Our area has more people than your family, but the housing area is smaller than that of your family. Your family is still too young, even if it is resolved, it will not be your family's turn."

"Isn't this just the right condition?" Qin Huairu still wanted to fight for it, "If it's really not possible, please give us this land first, and discuss the building of the house later..."

"Give it to Sister Qin. I think it's appropriate. She has the worst conditions in our courtyard. You have to help solve the problem. Why don't you just build a house? The neighbors all contribute to help, and it doesn't cost much." Silly Zhu Seeing that Qin Huairu wanted it, he immediately enthusiastically helped, "If it doesn't work, you can just pull the bricks and some wood over here, and you don't have to worry about the rest..."

"Nothing at all!" Liu Guifen glared at the bad guy, "Whoever is willing to pay for the house, we will grant this place to him, and the construction must start this month, and we won't wait after the deadline!"

Sha Zhu chuckled: "Then let's see which fool is willing to do it!"

Su Yi couldn't help but glanced at him.

I really want to beat him...

Su Yi didn't bother to put on a show, and directly raised his hand and said, "Director Liu, I want this place. If our community approves the formal procedures, I can start construction tomorrow."

Qu Zhenbo almost couldn't wait to say: "Okay, then you! Come to my office early tomorrow morning to go through the formalities!"

"Maliciousness from Jia Zhang's +100..."

"Maliciousness +66 from Qin Huairu..."

All eyes in the courtyard fell on Su Yi.Silly Zhu was stunned for a moment, and said: "Yanchao, you already have two rooms, why do you want more? Can you live here?"

Su Yi laughed and said, "I won't marry a wife? Am I not going to have a son? If I have more children in the future, maybe it won't be enough for me to live on."

"Yan Chao, it's useless for you to tell Sha Zhu about this, he knows nothing, he will be a bachelor when he grows old!" Xu Damao sarcastically said.

Sha Zhu glanced sideways: "You're not a bachelor, but what's the use if you can't step out?"

Everyone laughed, Xu Damao was so angry that he pointed at Shazhu and his fingers trembled.

On the other side, Mrs. Jia Zhang leaned close to Qin Huairu's ear and urgently urged: "Speak up! If you don't speak up again, this house will really be gone! Where will you live when you get married?"

Qin Huairu bit her lip and shook her head, without saying a word.

If it was someone else, she would really want to pester and pester her today, and cooperate well with her mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, one to sing the bad face and the other to sing the bad face, trying to win the house.

But the one who wants this house is Su Yi...

Thinking of the scene where Su Yi stepped forward and stood in front of her yesterday, and thinking of Su Yi appearing in front of her like a god when she was desperate today, she couldn't say anything.

"No, what do you mean by shaking your head? You said it!" Jia Zhang was anxious.

"Mom, it will be more than ten years since Banggan'er got married, you are thinking too far." Qin Huairu said, "Besides, we have no money."

"What's wrong with you today? If we don't have money, we won't do things?" Jia Zhang looked at Qin Huairu in disbelief, "Huairu, you weren't so ignorant before, didn't the prodigal son want to pay for the house? You Don't tell him it's over?"

"Mom, Su Yuanchao is not a fool." Qin Huairu said.

"'re mad at me!" Seeing that Qin Huairu couldn't make sense, Jia Zhang stomped her feet angrily, "I'll say it myself!"

"Everyone in the neighborhood, we are here today mainly for the matter of Comrade Su Yuanchao. Now that the matter has been dealt with, let's stop here today." Qu Zhenbo looked around, "Do you have anything else you want to talk to?" Do we reflect? While we are here, everyone can speak freely..."

"I have, I have something to do!" Before the words finished, Mrs. Jia Zhang stood up with her hands up, and said with a smile, "I still want to talk about this house, leader, can't this house be given to us? We It's really too crowded to live with too many people, my eldest grandson is growing up day by day, and it's not convenient to live with our family of women..."

"Aunt Jia, I told you just now that whoever pays for the building of this house will share it!" Liu Guifen frowned, "Your family was unwilling to pay for it just now, but now the house has been given to Su Yuanchao, and this matter has been decided Now, you don't have to tell us any more."

"Then Aid Korea, this is just in front of the big guys, can I ask you something?" Jia Zhang's real purpose is not to ask the community for this house at all, he doesn't mean to drink, Seeing that Liu Guifen refused as expected, she immediately continued to speak loudly on purpose.

She smiled apologetically and said to Su Yi: "Look, you can't live in this house for a while after it's built, can you let our family live for a while? When you need it later, we will make room for you. Otherwise, it will be empty if it is empty." on, right?"

She has a good plan, if someone else builds a house for her to live in, if she really lives in it, it will be easier to ask God than give it away.

What's more, why should Su Yi be taken advantage of?
"No." Su Yi answered very simply and directly, leaving no room for Jia Zhang to bargain at all.

"Maliciousness from Jia Zhang's +99..."

"No, you would rather have an empty house than help us? You occupy three houses by yourself, we just ask you to borrow an empty house that you don't live in, and you don't want to?" Jia Zhang made a deliberate move. It's an incredible look, as if what Su Yi has done is outrageous. "We're all neighbors, so there's no need to be so unfeeling, right? Let's talk about the situation in our family... If you can help, you won't help. Is this still a neighbor?"

Su Yi said: "The Elder Master's house also has two rooms, why don't you ask the Elder Master to live in one?"

"Maliciousness from Yi Zhonghai +88..."

"There are quite a few houses in Da Mao's house in the backyard, why don't you ask him for it?" Su Yi said, "Your house is not nervous in the early days, and you are not nervous in the evening, but you are nervous when I want to build a house. You are eyeing me. Are you still staring at my room?"

"Maliciousness from Jia Zhang's +99..."

"No, why are you talking like that?" Jia Zhang's eyes widened.

"Mom, stop talking!" Qin Huairu suddenly shouted angrily.

"Aid Korea has helped me enough, but it's too late for me to be grateful. They spend money to build a house, why should they live in our family?" Qin Huairu said, "Our family is nervous, but after so many years, why can't we Can you bear it any longer?"

"No, why are you..." Jia Zhang was a little dumbfounded.

Qin Huairu ignored her, and said to Qu Zhenbo with a straight face: "Director Qu, our family is fine, you continue to talk about your business."

Jia Zhangshi turned pale with anger, but luckily she was not stupid, knowing that at this time she shouldn't break up with her daughter-in-law in front of everyone, she turned her face to get angry with Qin Huairu, and stopped talking.

Su Yi smiled, and swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Even if Qin Huairu reacted quickly, otherwise the worse words would come later, guaranteeing that Jia Zhang would not be able to get down in embarrassment.

Qu Zhenbo looked around for a week: "Is there anything else to report? If not, let's leave..."

"Wait! I have!"

Xu Damao suddenly raised his hand.

With a sneer, he glanced at Shazhu, causing the latter's heart to "thump" immediately, giving rise to a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Xu Damao sneered and said: "I want to ask the leader, if someone steals something in this yard, does the man in charge of the yard have the right to suppress the matter without authorization and let the thief get away with it?"

As soon as these words came out, Sha Zhu, Yi Zhonghai and others all changed their colors.

"Sun thief, why are you looking for trouble when you have nothing to do?" Sha Zhu got up angrily and began to roll up his sleeves.

"Why, you still want to hit someone, don't you?" Xu Damao was startled, jumped three feet high, and hurriedly hid, "Leader, don't you care? This thief is too arrogant, and he will confront you in front of you." I retaliate!"

"Who do you call a thief?" Silly Zhu stared.

"Speaking of you! What's the matter? Do you dare to say that you didn't steal the third master's chicken? You admitted it yourself in the meeting in the yard before, and everyone in the yard heard it. Can you deny it?" Xu Damao pointed at the silly column Yelling, "I tell you silly Zhu, I'm not afraid of you! Try to move my finger in front of the two leaders!"

"Sun thief, you..." Silly Zhu was so angry that he never thought that Xu Damao would suddenly bring up this matter to talk about it, which made him very annoyed. .

"Xu Damao, what do you mean by bringing this up?" Yi Zhonghai snapped, "This matter has already been dealt with in the courtyard. It's not considered stealing, but it's a conflict between neighbors and mutual revenge. Silly Zhu and the third master It has already been reconciled, so don't make trouble for nothing."

"I am looking for trouble when I have nothing to do?" Xu Damao sneered, "Master, it is an indisputable fact that silly Zhu steals chickens, isn't it? Stealing is breaking the law. Can the crime be solved by the yard and mud? Today, the two of you The leader is here, as long as they say that stealing is not illegal, then I will apologize to the big guys now, and waste everyone's time!"

"What's going on?" Qu Zhenbo frowned.

He's so annoyed, why are there so many messy things in this yard?

"It's like this." Xu Damao said before anyone else could speak, "Two days ago, the house of the third grandpa in our courtyard lost a chicken, which was actually... Hey, I don't even mention what the chicken is. It’s here, and I’ll tell you why the chicken is gone.”

"After the chicken was lost, the second uncle immediately organized a meeting for the whole courtyard. At the meeting, Sha Zhu, also known as He Yuzhu, admitted that he stole the chicken! Neighbors and neighbors, speaking of which, I, Xu Damao, have one Is the word false? Is everything I said true?"

Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard the words.

Xu Damao really didn't add fuel and vinegar at all.

Seeing everyone's response, Xu Damao sneered and looked at the silly Zhu with a dark face: "It stands to reason that if you find a thief, you should turn it over to the police station and let the police deal with it. But the uncle insisted on making this illegal thing a crime." Neighborhood disputes, let Sha Zhu pay a little money and let it go. Two leaders, do you think this is reasonable and legal? If you do this, don’t be afraid of thieves in the future, anyway, you can pay for it thing."

"In addition, there is such a chicken thief in our yard, who will be responsible for throwing things away in the future?"

 I have been out of town for the past two days, so I can only update once for the time being. This update is still written in the hotel. I may be out all day tomorrow, and the update time may not be stable. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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