Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1434 Serious

"My family lost a piece of meat." Su Yi said, "I really don't want to care too much about this matter. We are all neighbors, so it's not worth it for such a little thing."

"Yanchao, your magnanimity is your magnanimity, but this matter cannot be left alone." Xu Damao jumped out again, this contestant was very active tonight.

"Yesterday, the third uncle lost a chicken. If your family loses meat today, who's turn will it be tomorrow?" Xu Damao looked around seriously, "Who can bear to see Tianer throwing things in this yard? Neighbors, also With the two leaders here today, we can take this opportunity to catch this thief. If we miss today...hehe, neighbors, let me leave the word here, this thief will have to steal for a few more years."

This made the elder frowned tightly.

The implication of Xu Damao's words is still satirizing him for covering up Sha Zhu, secretly poking at the connotation of his inaction.

Su Yuanchao lost his family meat?
Really lost?

Who could have stolen it?
Yi Zhonghai looked around for a week, and finally his eyes fell on the stick with an unnatural expression. He stared at him for a while, and when the face of the stick changed slightly and he didn't dare to look at him, Yi Zhonghai basically confirmed the answer. .

He was also annoyed by sticklers who sneaked around.

Yes, the main target of this stick is usually Shazhu's family, but he who is used to stealing certainly can't just be satisfied with stealing Shazhu's family, his business has long since expanded to the scope of the entire compound.

After all, the stick is not a real thief. In fact, everyone in the compound knows about his stealing, but every time the stick steals nothing big, the less is worth one or two cents, and the more is the most One or two yuan, the value of the chicken he stole this time, can be regarded as a breakthrough in his career.

One is that the stolen things are not worth much, the other is because of Jia Zhang’s savagery and unreasonableness, and the third is that there is a fool who is not stingy and always protects Jia’s family.

For these reasons, the neighbors who lost their things are very reluctant to go directly to the Jia family for a theory, and usually come to Yi Zhonghai to complain, and they hope that the old man Yi Zhonghai will make the decision for them.

But Yi Zhonghai is also unwilling to directly compete with Jia Zhang, lest he cause a show and get a bad reputation for bullying widows.

So he usually has trouble with Simu.

It was really difficult to appease the grievances of the tenants who lost things, so he paid them out of his own pocket, then told them that it was the Jia family's compensation, and finally persuaded the tenants who took the money to take the money and shut up.

He felt that he had sacrificed a lot to maintain the harmony of the compound, and sometimes he was moved to the core when he thought about it, but in fact, many people were very tired of his actions.

Our things were stolen, we can't say anything about it, we have to be sneaky and shameless to get compensation, and we have to be grateful to you, Yi Zhonghai, and we can't wait for the Jia family to have any good face.

Over time, many households hung locks on their doors.

But these days, the residents in Hutong compound are not used to locking their doors when they go out, and they often forget about it. Therefore, Bangjiu still often conducts business, which annoys the neighbors.

Yi Zhonghai actually acted as a protective umbrella for the stick, but not only did his umbrella not have any benefits, but he had to put money into it from time to time. After being moved for a long time, he was also annoyed.

Do you want to take this opportunity to teach the stick a lesson, so that the child can also have a long memory?
It would be even better if the child's bad habit of stealing could be cured once and for all.

As soon as this idea came out, the more Yi Zhonghai thought about it, the more he felt that this was a rare and good opportunity.

As long as he continues to pretend that he didn't guess that the stick is a thief, this matter has nothing to do with him.

It was Yu Li who drew the gun, Su Yuanchao who handed the gun, and Xu Damao who loaded the bullet.

It won't be him who will shoot later, but the two directors of the community, and even the police.

He doesn't have to do anything!
At most, it is just a matter of time to say something along the way, so that Qu Zhenbo can hold the gun firmly.

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai looked at Qu Zhenbo and said, "Director Qu, it's another matter involving aid to North Korea. Although it's not a big deal, I think it's more appropriate for our community to solve it together."

Although Qu Zhenbo felt that the mess in this courtyard was endless, but at this time he had no choice but to accept this responsibility.

"Who stole the meat? My advice is, you'd better stand up!" Qu Zhenbo looked around coldly and said, "If you stand up and admit your mistakes now, everything will be fine. But if you take chances, this I will definitely report the matter to the Public Security Bureau, and let the Public Security Bureau investigate clearly! It will not be so simple at that time, I will not only do business, but also suggest that the police station should deal with it strictly!"

He looked around, his eyes flicking over everyone's faces.

The neighbors in the yard also looked at each other, wanting to see who stole the meat from Su Yi's family.

At this time, the stick can no longer sit still.

After all, he was just a child, and now he was fidgeting with fright, his eyes rolling wildly.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was getting more and more serious, he suddenly said: "The meeting is really boring, Mom, I'll go back first. Xiaodang Sophora, come with me!"

"I won't go back!" Xiao Dang didn't want to refuse.

"I'm not going back either!" Huai Hua blinked and refused.

"No, you both have to come with me, or I won't take you two with me if there is something delicious in the future!" BangJiao threatened.

This threat is still quite serious, Xiaodang and Huaihua looked at each other in blank dismay.

Knowing a child is like a mother, no matter how slow Qin Huairu reacted at this time, he could still see that something was wrong.

In fact, she should have seen it a long time ago, but because of the matter of Mr. Guo, she and Mrs. Jia Zhang cried while hugging their heads, and then got busy cooking.I was so preoccupied while eating, so I didn't notice the abnormality of the three children.

"Bangganer, why are your clothes dirty?" Qin Huairu calmly pulled his son in front of him, "Look at this dirt..."

While patting the dirt on his son's clothes, he leaned over to the stick and sniffed it vigorously.

When you smell it carefully, you will find a smoky smell on the stick, mixed with the smell of meat.

Qin Huairu's heart suddenly sank.

She raised her head and stared fiercely at Stick, who looked away unnaturally.

"Take the two younger sisters back and change clothes." Qin Huairu said, "This body is so dirty, it's almost like a mud monkey."

"Where does he know how to change clothes?" Jia Zhang couldn't help but said when she heard Qin Huairu's words, "Banggan, you play for a while, and grandma will help you change when you go back later."

"Mom, let him go back!" Qin Huairu said, "Xiao Dang Sophora, you guys go too."

With his mother's permission, Bang Geng hurriedly dragged the reluctant Xiao Dang and Huai Hua to the middle courtyard as if he had received an amnesty.

The actions of the three children did not attract Qu Zhenbo's attention, and he still hoped that the meat thief would stand up and admit his mistake.

But when the stick moved, many people in the courtyard noticed him.

In view of his "evil deeds", many people also suspected him for the first time.

It's just that no one is willing to open up to expose this point.

It's nothing to do with yourself, so why jump out and be a "wicked person" to attract firepower for others?
Besides, they are just skeptical.

The third person in the courtyard who knows the stick best is Sha Zhu.Sha Zhu also saw what Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai saw.

Even when Yu Li said that Su Yi's family had lost meat, Sha Zhu guessed that it was the stick.

He watched the stick for a while and confirmed his guess.

Seeing Qin Huairu's shocked and worried look at this moment, Silly Zhu's heart was overwhelmed, and he said in his heart that one sheep is also chased, and two sheep are also released.

He admitted to stealing the chicken, and he was not bad at stealing another piece of meat.

Fortunately, Aid Korea will not misunderstand him, and Su Yi believes that Su Yi will understand him.

"Meat thief, I'll give you one minute, and you'd better stand up for the last minute!" Qu Zhenbo became more and more impatient as he waited.

"Don't give it away, I did this too!" Silly Zhu raised his hand.

As soon as these words came out, many people present changed their expressions!

Yi Zhonghai was so angry that he pointed at Shazhu's finger twice, and shouted sharply: "He Yuzhu, let me tell you, this is not a joke, you'd better think it through before you speak!"

"Think clearly, what I stole is what I stole, a good man is a good man when he does things!" Silly Zhu said in a muffled voice.

The thing about stealing chickens is admitted, so what is stealing a piece of meat?
Besides, this piece of meat aiding the DPRK will definitely not allow myself to pay, let alone blackmail myself.

Silly Zhu raised his head, just in time to meet Su Yi's eyes, and he blinked at Su Yi.

Brother, I'm sorry, don't ask about this matter.

"Okay, you stole it!" Yi Zhonghai stared at Silly Zhu with resentment, "I didn't expect you to be a persistent thief!"

"Dogs can't change eating shit, silly Zhu, I'm not surprised that you stole the meat after stealing the chicken." Xu Damao sneered, with excitement in his tone.

"I'll steal your house tomorrow!" Silly Zhu threatened him, pointing at him.

"Did you hear that? Two leaders!" Xu Damao pointed at Sha Zhu with wide eyes, "Have you seen how arrogant this man is? It's like this in front of you. If you are not here, you can imagine this man How domineering will it be?"

Sha Zhu sneered disdainfully, at this moment he didn't think about anything else, anyway, that's how I am, you can figure it out.

"This idiot is really hopeless." Yu Li said to Yan Xiecheng who was beside him speechlessly, "Looking at him like that, you think you are so great."

Yan Fugui chuckled when he heard the words, "How could such a person be worthy of Teacher Ran? Let's see, you have to brag."

The family members around him nodded their heads when they heard this.

There was an uproar in the front yard at the moment, everyone was talking and pointing at Shazhu.

The deaf old lady shook her head and sighed, but said nothing.

Qin Huairu was a little surprised and looked at Shazhu with worry on his face.

Jiazhang's people are old and sophisticated, so they guessed a little bit at this time, shut up and just looked around, as if they didn't know anything.

Su Yi was so annoyed by Shazhu's unclear two coins, he frowned at Shazhu, and said, "Brother Zhuzi, if you just steal chickens, you will be detained at most; but if you still steal meat today, then it belongs to Repeated admonition is repeated theft, coupled with the nature of the burglary, you will be sentenced directly for theft. If you really go to prison, you will definitely not want to keep your job. You'd better think about these consequences! "

In this courtyard, when it comes to understanding the law, one counts as one, not as much as Su Yi, including the two directors of the community.

Qu Zhenbo was half-knowledgeable, half-understood, not so much as Su Yi. After hearing Su Yi's words, he was somewhat skeptical.

Others were in an uproar, no one thought that the matter would be so serious.

Only Xu Damao was overjoyed when he heard it.

"He should be arrested and put in jail!" Xu Damao excitedly said to Qu Zhenbo, "Leader, don't hesitate, this kind of person will be a disaster if he stays in our courtyard for one more day, arrest him! Sentence him!"

"Xu Damao, grandson, you wait!" Silly Zhu got up, pointed at Xu Damao and warned angrily.

"He Yuzhu, don't be too arrogant!" Qu Zhenbo scolded angrily, "I tell you, your case is very serious and of a very bad nature, just wait to be dealt with! Deputy Director Liu, let's go!"

He didn't want to stay in this courtyard any longer, and he didn't even dare to ask anyone what happened.

He can see it, as long as you ask, there must be something wrong.

But this time he couldn't leave without asking, someone stopped him.

"Leader, is what Gang Yuanchao said true?" Qin Huairu was full of anxiety, "If he steals twice, Shazhu will really go to jail and lose his job?"

"The police have the final say on the specific situation!" Qu Zhenbo didn't understand the situation, so he didn't dare to speak too harshly.

"Then should I go to jail or not?" Qin Huairu asked anxiously.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" Qu Zhenbo frowned, "Whether he's jailed or not, the police have the final say, the law has the final say!"

Qin Huairu wanted to ask again, but Qu Zhenbo had already passed her and walked out.

He didn't want to stay in this courtyard for a minute.

Disappointed, Liu Guifen pointed to Shazhu, who had an uncertain expression, and left.

Qin Huairu wanted to catch up and ask again, but was grabbed by Jia Zhang.

"Go home! Let's talk when we go home!" Mrs. Jia Zhang said in a low voice.

Qin Huairu wanted to say something else, but Jia Zhang couldn't help but drag Qin Huairu away.

Everyone in the big courtyard stood up at this time, ready to leave.

Silly Zhu walked up to Su Yi with a serious expression, and asked, "Aid Korea, do you really want to be sentenced? Lost your job?"

"Do I have to lie to you?" Su Yi said lightly.

"Then what if this matter is placed on children?" Silly Zhu asked, "Should I also go to a juvenile correctional center?"

Su Yi shook his head and stood up, "You should worry about yourself."

He turned and went into his own room.

Silly Zhu stood on the ground with a cloudy expression, no one wanted to talk to him at the moment, and when everyone was gone, even the deaf old lady was carried away by the uncle, only Sha Zhu stayed where he was.

Silly Zhu stayed in place for a while, and suddenly said to himself: "Xu Damao is to blame for this! If there is no grandson, there will not be so many things... No, I have to beat him!"

Saying that, Sha Zhu rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the backyard.

At this time in Qin Huairu's home, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi stood in front of Bang Geng with serious faces, and asked Bang Geng if he stole the meat.

In fact, the two of them had already decided in their hearts that this matter was done by a stick, and asking now was just a little luck.

What if not?

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