Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1435 Fighting

Chapter 1435 Fighting
The luck was quickly dashed.

Stick stem didn't admit it at first, but he couldn't bear Sophora's deceitfulness.

Huai Hua didn't even have a kindergarten diploma, so Qin Huairu got the details out of her in just a few words, boasting how delicious her brother's roasted meat was today.

Seeing his mother's face turning green with anger, Xiao Dang hurriedly cleared himself up: "Mom, I didn't go with my brother today, he stole the meat himself, he took Sophora japonica to eat it, he didn't bring me at all. What happened today has nothing to do with me!"

"It has nothing to do with Sophora japonica. Sophora japonica only eats meat and collects firewood, and does nothing!" Upon hearing her sister's words, little Sophora japonica hurriedly "exonerated" herself.

"Look, let me tell you what's the use of raising these two little white-eyed wolves?" Jia Zhang pointed to Xiaodang and Huaihua, "Everyone runs faster than a rabbit when something happens, so it's unreliable. Losing money It's useless to raise her for a year and pay for a year..."

"Mom, why are you talking about this?" Qin Huairu said coldly, "Now it's the stick who stole other people's meat, and the police have already been alerted!"

"Isn't silly Zhu taking care of it? Then let him do it." Jia Zhang said indifferently, "You can show off later, he..."

"Mom, are you talking in human language? Why do you want me to show off?" Qin Huairu looked at Jia Zhang in disbelief.

Jia Zhang snorted with a dark face: "Anyway, this is your son's business, you can handle it yourself. I don't bother to talk about it. If I talk too much and make mistakes, I will complain."

"Okay, you don't care, right?" Qin Huairu was so angry that his hands trembled, he grabbed the stick, "Come on, follow me to the police station and surrender!"

"Mom! I'm not going! Grandma! Grandma save me!" BangGong struggled to break free and shouted.

"What are you doing, Qin Huairu!" Jia Zhang quit, "Tiger poison doesn't eat its own son, why do you want to kill your own son for a wild man? Are you such a mother?"

"Mom, don't you lose your conscience when you say this? What do you mean I killed my son because of a wild man?" Qin Huairu's tears were already falling.

"Did I say something wrong?" Jia Zhang snorted coldly, "Silly Zhu is willing to take the blame for the stick. Who is he? Be kind to others? I was afraid that they would go to jail, so I pushed my son out... Sticker, pack your things and go back to the countryside with grandma to hide for two days, so that your vicious mother will not arrest you and take you to the police station to go wild for her Men are to blame."

"Okay, grandma, I'm going back to the countryside to catch rabbits!" Bang Geng's eyes lit up immediately.

Qin Huairu was physically and mentally exhausted, and said with a sad smile: "Okay, go, you can go if you like. At worst, the police will charge Bang Gan as a fugitive, and then the crime will be aggravated."

"Qin Huairu!" Jia Zhang's eyebrows turned upside down, "Are you just hoping for something to happen to your son? Are you really so vicious?"

"Is this what I'm looking forward to?" Qin Huairu stared at Jia Zhang with tears in his eyes, "Mom, do you know how big this thing is now? Stupid to blame—yes, he's out of his mind now Hot substitute sticks out, but if he is really arrested and sent to jail and loses his job, do you think Shazhu is willing to take the blame for sticks? Who is sticks? Why did he sacrifice so much for sticks? "

Jia Zhang was stunned, and said after a while, "Didn't he admit it in front of the leader? Can he go back on his word?"

"Why don't people go back on their word?" Qin Huairu asked back.

"That's right, Bang Geng is not his own son..." Jia Zhang murmured, his face finally changed.

"Huairu, then hurry up and find Shazhu!" Jia Zhangshi suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Qin Huairu's hand and said nervously, "Hurry up and think of a way to let him be a good person to the end. Tell him, what about me?" The whole family is grateful to him…”

"What do I think?" Qin Huairu said, "I told people, you go to jail for BangGong?"

"Just steal some meat, so you won't go to jail, the official is scaring people." Jia Zhang said, "You comfort Sha Zhu well, let him not be afraid, he listens to you..."

The more Qin Huairu heard it, the more unhappy he felt, and asked, "His name is Sha Zhu, but he's not really stupid!"

"Anyway, I don't care! My eldest grandson can't go to jail, so I can talk about anything else!" Mrs. Jia Zhang hugged the stick and snorted coldly, "You are a mother, think about it yourself."

"What can I think? Do you really think he is my wild man?" Qin Huairu said.

"Anyway, for your son..." Jia Zhang muttered with a dark face, then suddenly frowned, and looked up at Qin Huairu vigilantly, "Could it be that you two are working together to lie to me?"

Qin Huairu didn't realize it: "Who is the partner? What did you lie to?"

Jia Zhang looked at Qin Huairu suspiciously: "Qin Huairu, I warn you, if you want to make further progress with silly Zhu through this matter, then you are completely deluded by lard!"

Qin Huairu looked at Jia Zhangshi in surprise for a while, shook his head in disappointment, waved his hands, turned around and went out.

Jia Zhang stared at the door with a cloudy expression, holding the stick tightly, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

"Grandma, are the police going to arrest me?" In front of the grandma who loves him the most, Bang Jiong no longer holds back, and asked with some fear.

Jia Zhang's face was serious and said: "Bang, no matter who asks you, you will kill you without doing anything! And you two, no one is allowed to talk nonsense when this matter is rotten! Nonsense, see if this family will keep you! I'll sell you to old bachelors in the country!"

The two little girls shook their heads in fright.

Mrs. Jia Zhang thought about it for a while, but she was still not at ease, and then told the stick: "If you can't get over it, you can push on Sha Zhu, and you can say that this is what Sha Zhu asked you to do, you little boy. You are ignorant, he is the one who threatened you, otherwise he will beat you..."

The old one exhorts, the young one nods.Just as he was talking, he heard someone screaming and ran out from the backyard, and Qin Huairu's anxious cry was vaguely heard.

Jia Zhang immediately stood up, pushed away the stick and hurried out the door. Three little heads appeared in the crack of the door almost in a second, leaning on the door frame and looking out curiously.

Time goes back to 3 minutes ago.

Qin Huairu walked out of the house with a cold heart, and went straight to Shazhu's house.

No matter how ugly the mother-in-law's words are, or how over-the-top her speculations are, there is one thing she said is right, she is a fucking mother after all.

She couldn't let her son be taken away by the police.

She wanted to discuss this matter with Shazhu.

But she didn't expect that she was in vain, and Shazhu was not at home.

"Where can we go now?" Qin Huairu pondered for a while, then suddenly slapped his thigh, "It's broken!"

Without saying a word, she turned around and ran to the backyard. As soon as she arrived, she saw Sha Zhu picking up a stone on the ground and smashing it viciously at the glass of Xu Damao's house.

"Don't be silly!" Qin Huairu shouted in panic.

But it was too late.

Just hearing a "crash", a piece of glass in Xu Damao's house shattered.

There were screams and cursing in the room, and after a while Xu Damao rushed out with a kitchen knife in his hand.

"Silly Zhu!" Xu Damao's face was ferocious, his face flushed with anger, "Damn you, you dare to smash the glass in our house, I will never finish with you today!"

Silly Zhu smiled disdainfully: "Yo, you know how to bring guys, come, come, man, let me give you a hand today."

Xu Damao waved the kitchen knife in his hand twice out of thin air and shouted: "Your uncle! I must cut you off today!"

"Come here, come here!" Silly Zhu pointed to his head and walked forward, Xu Damao was so frightened that he took a few steps back and almost tripped over the steps of his own door, but fortunately Lou Xiaoe came out and reached out to help her, he Did not fall.

"Xiao'e, don't pull me, I'll kill him!" Xu Damao took advantage of the situation and shouted while carrying Lou Xiao'e back into the house.

On the other side, Qin Huairu also stepped forward to hold Sha Zhu.

"Silly Zhu, what are you playing? You don't think the matter is big enough, do you?" Qin Huairu grabbed Sha Zhu's arm and pulled it back.

"Don't pull me, Qin Huairu, didn't you see that Xu Damao is so brave today, are you going to kill me? Let him do it!" Silly Zhu said.

"Stop making trouble! I have something to tell you!" Qin Huairu said.

Silly Zhu has sharp eyes, watching Xu Damao about to retreat to the door, he sees something tricky.

"Sun thief! Want to run?" He stared, without saying a word, he staggered Qin Huairu, rushed up, grabbed Xu Damao by the collar, and dragged him out of the door in a daze.

Xu Damao screamed and danced in fright.

The kitchen knife in his hand was taken away by Lou Xiao'e just now.

"Shazhu, let go!" Seeing her husband being dragged out of the house, Lou Xiao'e became impatient, and stepped forward to hit Shazhu, but was swayed and bumped by Shazhu, and fell to her buttocks. "He yelled.

"Silly Zhu, you dare to hit my wife!" Xu Damao was also anxious, "I will fight you!"

He waved his eight fists and hit Sha Zhu without thinking, but he was not Sha Zhu's opponent at all.

"Fuck you!" Silly Zhu hit Xu Damao's left eye socket with a punch, followed by a second punch that landed hard on the bridge of Xu Damao's nose.
Xu Damao screamed in pain and backed away, and was hit in the chest by Sha Zhu's kick, kicking him out immediately.

Silly Zhu wanted to catch up and beat him, but was hugged tightly by Qin Huairu: "You are crazy, silly Zhu, you want to beat him to death!"

"Let go! I'm going to beat him to death today to eliminate harm for the people!" Silly Zhu threw Qin Huairu away again.

"You are the one! People should get rid of you!" Qin Huairu stomped his feet angrily and shouted.

"No one has been born yet except me!" Sha Zhu sneered, rolling up his sleeves and going to continue beating.

"Help! Help!" Xu Damao yelled in horror, got up and ran to the front yard.

Silly Zhu wanted to block him, but was grabbed by Qin Huairu again, and Xu Damao took the opportunity to yell and run to the front yard.

"Oh, Sister Qin, don't make trouble here!" Sha Zhu threw off Qin Huairu impatiently and chased after him, "Sun thief, don't run away!"

"Silly Zhu, come back!" Qin Huairu was in a hurry and also chased after him.

Front yard.

Xu Damao fled in panic, and actually pushed open the door of Su Yi's house and rushed in.

"Yuchao, save me! Yuanchao..." Xu Damao yelled and rushed into the door, and saw Yu Li with his back to the bedroom door, picking up the rag on the table and preparing to clean the table.

"Yanchao! Where is Yuanchao!" Xu Damao asked in a panic.

"Inside!" Yu Li looked a little flustered, her face was red, her hair was messy, and her mouth was wet, avoiding Xu Damao's gaze.

Just as he was talking, the door was pushed open again, and Sha Zhu also ran in.

"Sun thief, run here!" Sha Zhu bared his teeth and was about to rush forward.

"Aid Korea!" Xu Damao was shocked and ran into the back room.

In the back room, Su Yi was standing by the window with a very unsightly expression.

"Yuchao save me, silly Zhu wants to kill me!" Seeing Su Yi, Xu Damao ran over as soon as his eyes lit up, as if he had seen a savior.

Silly Zhu followed closely behind and chased in.

"I'm sorry, Yuanchao! I'll get out and fight again, so I won't cause trouble for you!" Silly Zhu saw Xu Damao grinning, and came up to arrest him.

But Su Yi stretched out his hand and restrained Silly Zhu with a grab.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Silly Zhu screamed in pain, "No, why did you hit me! Aid Korea!"

Seeing this, Xu Damao's eyes lit up, and he was about to rush up and take the opportunity to kick Shazhu, but Su Yi also grabbed his arm with his other hand, restraining him.

The two big men screamed in pain.

In the outer room, Qin Huairu and Lou Xiaoe rushed in together. Qin Huairu was full of anxiety, glanced at Yu Li and rushed to the inner room.

After Lou Xiao'e came in, she didn't rush in, but stood at the door frowning.

She seemed to glance at Yu Li casually, but then she was startled and stared at Yu Li carefully.

"You, what are you looking at me for?" Yu Li felt a little uncomfortable when she saw her.

Lou Xiaoe blinked, and her eyes suddenly lit up. She walked up to Yu Li with a smile of interest, leaned close to Yu Li's face, sniffed vigorously, and sniffed.

"What are you doing, Lou Xiao'e?" Yu Li backed away.

"Sister-in-law Yu Li, you smell bad." Lou Xiaoe said with a smile.

"What's the smell?" Yu Li asked unnaturally.

Just as Lou Xiaoe was about to speak, she saw Qin Huairu back out from the back room, followed by Sha Zhu and Xu Damao, who were rubbing their arms and bared their teeth and gasped.

Finally, Su Yi walked out with his hands behind his back and a calm expression.

"Yanchao, I'll wash the dishes for you later, you guys talk about things first," Yu Li said.

Su Yi nodded, regardless of Yu Li turning around and leaving in a hurry, looking around, said: "You can do it, fight and run to my house. What do you think I am here?"

"It's not my fault, Yuan Chao, it was the grandson who ran to you first, and I chased you in." Silly Zhu said, "If he doesn't come, I won't either!"

"It's no different between you chasing in and him running in." Su Yi said lightly, "Brother Zhuzi, if you run in without knocking on the door of my house from now on, then don't come here again."

Silly Zhu hastily apologized with a smile: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, can't I make a mistake?"

Xu Damao on the side was grinning and rubbing his arms. He was dumbfounded when he heard this, and looked at Shazhu in disbelief, as if he was looking at an alien.

He couldn't believe his ears.

What did he just hear?
Shazhu, like a pug, softly admits his mistake to Su Yuanchaofu!
Is this still that stupid Zhu who is not stingy with disobedience?

Su Yi looked at Xu Damao again, and said calmly: "You are the same, this is the first time, and I hope it will be the last time. If you want to break into my house without consent, don't blame me for turning your back."

(End of this chapter)

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