Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1436 Damn

Silly Zhu didn't dare to stab Su Yi in front of him, and Xu Damao didn't even dare.

Being reprimanded by Su Yi with a cold face, Xu Damao repeatedly apologized with a smile: "I'm sorry, Yuanchao, I was thinking about it, and I think you are the only one in this courtyard who can save me, so I... there will be no next time Yes, I promise."

Su Yi looked at Lou Xiao'e who was leaning against the door and looked at him vigorously, and asked, "Sister-in-law Xiao'e, what are you looking at?"

"You look handsome, can't you?" Lou Xiao'e said with a smile.

"How can you talk to Yuanchao!" Xu Damao scolded.

"That's what I said," Lou Xiao'e said, pointing at Xu Damao, and said to Su Yi, "Yanchao, look at how silly Zhu beat up our family's Damao, it's not once or twice. You are a college student, you are sensible, You say that this silly Zhu has done too much?"

Sha Zhu sneered: "I'm going too far? Why didn't he say it when Xu Damao was messing around?"

"You stabbed Lou Zi yourself, why don't you let others tell?" Lou Xiao'e also sneered, "Don't blame others for telling the truth if you don't hold yourself upright!"

Before Xu Damao could speak, Qin Huairu on the side said with a strange expression: "You two are both stabbing people and making moths, and this is always in front of Xu Damao, don't you take Xu Damao too seriously? "

Su Yi couldn't help being happy, and the little widow drove.

Silly Zhu, Lou Xiao'e and others on the side also reacted, and they both blushed.

"Lou Xiao'e, I don't mean that!" Silly Zhu hurriedly explained, "Besides, what I'm talking about is Xu Damao's messing with you. You two are a couple, so he messed with it casually, right? You said you were the one who stabbed Lou. But not poked."

"What are you talking about, you, my wife, I won't let you stab me even if you want to!" Xu Damao's face turned dark, "Qin Huairu, do you still have anything to say? You married women are really Say anything!"

"That's right, Sister Qin, that's not how you joke!" Lou Xiao'e said angrily.

Qin Huairu pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, can't it be okay if I'm wrong? I think everyone is a neighbor, it's good to talk and laugh, why make such a fuss?"

"Then you ask him, is our family Da Mao beating him?" Lou Xiao'e pointed to Sha Zhu and said, "It's true, you smashed glass and beat people, Sha Zhu, you are really a bully in our yard." !"

"What?" Silly Zhu asked,
"One tyrant!" Lou Xiao'e said.

"What?" Silly Zhu frowned.


"Hey!" Silly Zhu agreed with satisfaction, "For the sake of calling me dad, let's forget about it, and I won't argue with you!"

"Boring!" Lou Xiaoe, who was taken advantage of by Sha Zhu, rolled her eyes, "You don't care about us? Sha Zhu, did you not understand the situation? You smashed the glass in our house and beat Da Mao like this. Now it's us Ask you for an explanation!"

"Where do you fall in love, if you want to talk about it, where do you want to go, find me, can you find you?" Silly Zhu sneered.

"Rogue!" Lou Xiao'e cursed contemptuously, looked at Su Yi, "Yi Chao, you judge!"

"What kind of reason do I judge?" Su Yi said, "If you want to judge, you can go to the uncle in the courtyard, what's the matter with me?"

"Aren't you a college student?" Lou Xiaoe said, "You are highly educated and sensible. You can definitely tell who is right."

"I won't say anything if I can explain it clearly." Su Yi said, "Why should I meddle in your affairs? Can I control it?"

"Maliciousness from Lou Xiao'e +77..."

"Okay, Su Yuanchao, don't think that others don't know what you have done. If you want others to know, unless you don't do it yourself." Lou Xiaoe sneered.

Su Yi glanced at her and said, "Speak up if you have something to say, you're so yin and yang."

"I will tell you when the time is right!" Lou Xiao'e looked deeply at Su Yi and smiled triumphantly.

You foolish moth, playing with fire is your essence.

Su Yi shook his head, and issued an order to evict the guests: "Go and do what you should do, I won't keep you here."

Xu Damao hurriedly said: "Yanchao, no matter what happens, I will thank you, I have agreed to invite you to dinner, and I hope you will treat me tomorrow night, come to my house, I will ask Ezi to cook a few dishes, and we brothers will have a good drink. "

Su Yi said: "I don't necessarily have time."

Xu Damao said: "I said earlier that there is a clue to that matter, I want to discuss it with you. Look..."

"What's there to discuss about that?" Su Yi said calmly, "If there is, there is no, if there is no, there is no, there is no need to say."

Xu Damao gritted his teeth and said: "Yes, there must be! That's why I asked Yuan Chao to reward you, let's have a meal together."

Su Yi smiled and said: "You are so sincere, how can I refuse?"

Xu Damao smiled happily and said, "Okay, then we'll make a deal, it's done!"

Seeing Su Yi nodding, Xu Damao said with a satisfied smile: "Then let's go."

After a pause, he pointed at Shazhu fiercely and said: "You wait for Shazhu, I will avenge this revenge sooner or later!"

"I don't want to report that you are a grandson!" Sha Zhu didn't care at all.

After seeing Xu Damao and Lou Xiaoe go out, Qin Huairu sighed and said: "You say you, why do you keep provoking him? Xu Damao is a sinister villain, hasn't he hurt you enough?"

"I beat him a lot!" Silly Zhu said, "You don't understand the affairs between the elders, so don't meddle in it in the future!"

"You think I'm willing to meddle!" Qin Huairu said angrily, "Let's go, let's go out, don't disturb others to rest."

"You go first, I have something to say to Yuan Chao." Silly Zhu Weng said.

Qin Huairu looked at the two of them, contributed some malice points to Su Yi, nodded and went out.

As soon as Qin Huairu left, Shazhu's expression collapsed, and he sighed and said, "Yichao, what should I do?"

"What to do with love, what does it matter to me?" Su Yi said.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry." Sha Zhu hurriedly apologized with a smile, "I know you told me to stay away from that person, but I... well, I just can't harden my heart. You are giving me advice again , and helped me chase Teacher Ran, I still let you down."

"Brother Zhuzi, we are friends after all, it doesn't matter if you let me down or not, just don't let yourself down." Su Yi smiled, "Don't worry about Teacher Ran, what happened to you Son, I won't be with you anymore."

Silly Zhu was taken aback, and said: "Isn't it? I'm not a real thief, so it's over if I explain it clearly to her?"

"You are taking the blame for the widow's son, which is even worse for them." Su Yi said.

Silly Zhu was silent.

After a while, he said in a muffled voice: "Then we can only blame the two of us for not being destined."

"Great!" Su Yi gave Sha Zhu a thumbs up, "You are a saint."

"Don't think that I can't tell that you're mocking me." Sha Zhu sighed again, frowning, "I won't hide from you about the relationship between our brothers, in fact, I'm a bit stuck right now."

Pretending to be too much.

Su Yi chuckled.

"Why don't you persuade me?" Silly Zhu asked.

"It's hard to persuade you damn ghost." Su Yi said, "You are also a big man, and you can do what others say? You can make up your own mind. As long as you can afford the consequences, you want to What's going on."

Sha Zhu gritted his teeth and said, "Last time! I'll help her for the last time. After this incident, I don't owe her anything anymore, both of you."

"Very good." Su Yi chuckled.

"Yanchao, what do you think will happen if the police take me away?" Silly Zhu asked, "If it's a big deal, just detain me for a few days? For petty theft, can you really arrest me and go to jail?"

He looked at Su Yi anxiously, waiting for an answer.

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid?" Su Yi couldn't help but said, "The police really want to investigate you, can you withstand the investigation? Don't say anything else, just say that the lunch box you bring back from the factory every day is fine when you don't care about it , I really want to argue with you, what do you think is the nature of that?"

Silly Zhu's face changed.

"Here, the police shouldn't meddle in their own business, right?" Sha Zhu said deceitfully.

Su Yi shook his head and didn't bother to tell him: "Do you think Xu Damao's beating is for nothing? Or do you think the police are all vegetarians?"

"Fear from He Yuzhu +77..."

Silly Zhu was silent.

Su Yi said: "Think about it for yourself, that's all I've said."

Sha Zhu nodded, a little out of his wits and said: "Yan Chao, no matter what, I accept your love."

After that, he went out in a daze.

Qin Huairu had been waiting for him at the Chuihua Gate for a long time, and when he saw Shazhu's worried expression, he felt a "thump" in his heart, thinking that he might be persuaded by Su Yuanchao, right?
She hurried up to meet him.

"Silly Zhu, are you alright?" Qin Huairu asked with concern.

"It's okay, what can I do?" Sha Zhu forced a smile.

Qin Huairu looked into his eyes: "Silly Zhu, I want to thank you, I haven't confessed to you until now. But this matter is over, you have done enough. This matter has alerted the police It's over, sister can't hurt you anymore, what he did, he should go to jail, not you."

"Isn't that child's future ruined?" Silly Zhu said, "You've been pointing at him for the rest of your life. If he goes to jail, what will you do?"

Qin Huairu burst into tears, forced a smile and said, "It's okay, sister accepts her fate. It's fine if it's someone else, but you... sister can't bear to let you suffer."

Silly Zhu was stunned.

He felt something warm surging in his heart, as if it was about to burst out.

His eye sockets were also a little hot, and he turned his head away uncomfortably.

After a slight silence, he asked: "Sister Qin, if Bang Geng'er and I fall into the water at the same time, who will you save?"

Qin Huairu grabbed his hands into his trousers, took a deep breath and said, "If you want to save the stick, you have to! No one can be spared."

Silly tears fell down.

He wiped away his tears and said with a grin: "Sure, with your words, it will be done! You will keep Bang Giao down-to-earth, go to school when it's time to play, and play when it's time to play. Don't steal from others anymore, Next time...he won't have his silly uncle to help him cover the bag."

After finishing speaking, he strode towards his home in stride.

Qin Huairu stared blankly at the back of Sha Zhu leaving, suddenly felt sad, squatted on the ground covering his face and began to cry.

Silly Zhu returned home and closed the door, leaning against the door and breathing heavily, like a dehydrated fish.

Hearing Qin Huairu's suppressed crying outside the door, he suddenly felt at peace.

"Yanchao, let you down again." He laughed at himself.

On the other side, Qin Huairu didn't dare to cry all the time, for fear that the neighbors would see her.

She wiped away her tears and returned home, leaning against the door powerlessly as if she had been drained dry.

Mrs. Jia Zhang rushed up to meet him and asked eagerly, "Is it done?"

Qin Huairu's eyes were dull, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Oh, you are talking, you want to kill me!" Jia Zhang stomped her feet anxiously.

"It's done." Qin Huairu's voice was a little erratic.

"It's done?" Jiazhang was stunned for a moment, and the next moment she was ecstatic, "That's good, that's good, our stick is fine!"

After a sudden pause, he pointed at Qin Huairu and asked vigilantly, "You didn't promise him anything, did you?"

Qin Huairu looked down at her mother-in-law, and smiled helplessly: "No, nothing."

"It's still your skill!" Jia Zhang smiled openly and gave Qin Huairu a thumbs up.

"Oh, it's all over now, it's sunny after the rain!" Jia Zhang said happily.

Qin Huairu took a deep breath suddenly, and took out the broom bump from behind the door.

She pointed at the stick with willow eyebrows upside down and said, "Come here, take off your pants, lie down here!"

BangJiao's expression changed drastically, and he yelled in horror, "Grandma! Grandma! Look, mom is going to beat me!"

"Qin Huairu! Aren't you all right? Why do you still want to beat the child?" Jia Zhang's expression changed, and he hurriedly stood in front of Bang Geng.

Qin Huairu pointed to the stick and asked: "I won't beat him this time, next time he is caught stealing from others, will you hit him, or I will hit him?"

Jia Zhang argued: "Why don't you hope that the child will be better? Next time... there will be no next time! We are smart and won't be arrested again..."

"Mom, you are hurting him!" Qin Huairu suddenly let out a loud roar.

Everyone in the room was so frightened that they all became silent.

Qin Huairu's face turned ashen and said: "I have to beat him up today to let him remember the lesson, otherwise he won't be able to remember the lesson! I can't teach Jia Dongxu a son of a thief! Even if you talk about breaking the sky today, I won't You must hit him!"

Jia Zhang was silent.

"Banggan, come here!" Qin Huairu shouted sharply.

"Grandma, grandma..." Stick stem looked at Jia Zhang for help.

Jia Zhang cruelly turned her head away and stepped aside.

This old lady has been shrewd all her life, don't look at her riding on Qin Huairu's head and domineering, it's because she has Qin Huairu's weakness.

But in fact, she knows better than anyone who is the pillar of the family.So when Qin Huairu really got serious, when she should back down, she knew how to back down.

Seeing that his grandma, who had always been protecting him, didn't care about him anymore, Bang Jian finally knew how to be afraid.

Under Qin Huairu's stern gaze, he moved in front of Qin Huairu with trembling steps, lowered his head and trembled.

Qin Huairu grabbed him, turned him over and pulled off his pants, exposing his buttocks, then raised his broom bumps high, and hit him hard twice.

Immediately, two red beams appeared on the stick's buttocks, which showed that Qin Huairu was really beaten.

He was in so much pain that he cried "Wow" on the spot.

Jia Zhang's heart ached again, and hurried up to persuade: "Huairu, hit it twice, the child knows it's wrong..."

"Mom!" Qin Huairu yelled, and tears came down again, "I not only let BangGong learn the lesson, but also called Shazhu. If I don't hit harder, let Shazhu hear BangGong being beaten, he How can he feel comfortable in his heart? How can he be willing?"

Jia Zhang was stunned for a moment, sighed and retreated.

Soon, pig-killing screams and cries came from the room again.

In another room, Silly Zhu heard the screams and cries of the stick, and showed a relieved smile.

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