Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1437 Consequences

Chapter 1437 Consequences
Yuli is here again.

No one disturbed me this time, my sister-in-law finished what she hadn't done.

Seeing his sister-in-law flushed and gargling while showing satisfaction, Su Yi couldn't help asking curiously: "Sister-in-law, do you like this?"

Yu Li was a little shy, and said: "Sister-in-law always feels empty. When you come in, sister-in-law will be at ease."

Su Yi said: "Is it just that you are at ease in your mouth?"

"When there is a chance, my sister-in-law will let you eat dumplings." Yu Li smiled and touched Su Yi's face, her eyes were so sticky that they were already drawn.

In fact, she is mostly lustful towards Su Yi, to put it bluntly, she is greedy for Su Yi's body.

That's good, and Su Yi doesn't need more.

"Yanchao, is it a big deal about silly Zhu?" Yu Li asked Su Yi curiously while tidying up.

"Anyway, it won't be small." Su Yi opened a book casually and said casually.

"In the final analysis, he didn't steal the things. The police will know everything once they investigate, so it shouldn't be up to the idiot?" Yu Li asked.

"It's just a petty theft. He himself admits that he stole it, so the police won't waste time on such trivial things." Su Yi said, "If there is no accident, he will be blamed. In fact, he always Being caught, petty theft is a trivial matter, but what can really kill him is that he keeps taking lunch boxes out of the factory."

"No one cares about this matter usually, and even regards it as his ability. But once the police find out..." Su Yi shook his head, "He will definitely pay a heavy price for it."

Yu Li was taken aback: "You can still talk to Sha Zhu, didn't you remind him of this?"

"I reminded, but it's useless." Su Yi said with a smile, "He wants to be a saint, so let's do it."

"Shazhu is so stupid." Yu Li frowned, "I don't know what ecstasy soup Qin Huairu has poured into him, isn't he joking about his own future?"

"How do you know it's a blessing if you lose your horse?" Su Yi said, "For him, it may not be a bad thing."

Speaking of this, Su Yi's heart moved, and he looked towards the gate.

After a while there was a knock on the door, Su Yi got up and opened the door, only to see a policeman standing outside the door.

When Qu Zhenbo said he would call the police, of course he was not just talking.

Silly Zhu has been taken out of the compound, this scene was watched by many neighbors.

Xu Damao also went with him.

As soon as Xu Damao saw the police coming, he immediately jumped out and pointed out his injuries to file a complaint with the police, complaining that Sha Zhu had beaten him.

Not at all unexpected by Su Yi, Xu Damao and Shazhu have had a long-standing grievance. This person is good at adapting to the wind, in other words, he has a keen sense of opportunities. He realizes that this time he can be defeated at once It was the best time for Shazhu, so he also confessed all the black information about Shazhu he had mastered to the police.

Silly Zhu is indeed not an honest boy, as Su Yi said, he is not clean and cannot withstand investigation.

In these years, in the kitchen, it is common for children to bring some food and drink home every day, and reselling some ingredients and equipment in the factory from time to time is even more common.

Among other things, how did the bookshelf in Su Yi's bedroom come about?

Isn't it just that Sha Zhu "purchased it for zero yuan" directly from the factory?
In fact, these things may sound nasty, but in this era, they really abound, and they can even be said to be normal.

Compared to Shazhu and the others who were stealthy, the senior leaders of the factory are already blatant in this regard.For example, Li Xinmin made it clear that he asked the supplier for benefits, and he would not let you enter the factory if he didn't give it. Who in the factory didn't know about this?
Therefore, Shazhu's matter is really nothing. When no one cares about it, everyone will talk and laugh with envy or jealousy, just for chatting after dinner.

But Shazhu is careless, and he usually likes to brag and show off. After these things were known by Xu Damao, a caring person, it became his death talisman at this moment.

Xu Damao didn't report Sha Zhu before, not because he was kind or good at forbearance, but because he had nowhere to report.

The police station doesn't care about things in the factory, so he can only report to the security department in the factory.

The chief of the security department has a grudge against Sha Zhu, but he himself is not clean. If he uses this kind of thing to make Sha Zhu angry, and then Sha Zhu bites him back, it will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, Xu Damao really has nothing to do with Shazhu.

Besides Shazhu and Xu Damao, Su Yi, as the owner, was also invited away by the police.

It is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the police. Even if Su Yi doesn't want to make a trip, he has to go.

This is of course troublesome, but who is not like this for ordinary people?Su Yi kept in mind his identity as a grassroots mass, and in these matters, he did what he had to do, without doing anything special or using any means.

I thought he would spend a few boring hours, but I didn't expect Su Yi to be invited into an office when he arrived at the police station. After staying alone for less than 10 minutes, an old acquaintance knocked on the door and came in and told Su Yi B can go.

This policeman is called Zhao Desheng, and he is another policeman who Wang Cheng brought a brick to block Su Yi.

"Comrade Su Yuanchao, I'm sorry to have delayed your time. You can go back first. Thank you for your cooperation with our work." Zhao Desheng looked at Su Yi with complicated eyes, but he spoke politely.

"Don't need to make a statement?" Su Yi asked.

He is the owner, and it stands to reason that the police have routinely questioned him.

"No need." Zhao Desheng shook his head, "According to what we have learned, the only thing you lost was a piece of meat, right? If we verify the situation clearly, we will ask He Yuzhu to compensate you for the loss, but you may have to wait a little longer. He Yuzhu has a lot of problems, we have to check them carefully one by one."

Su Yi nodded, stood up and prepared to leave.

Although it was a waste of time, he was not angry, at least he didn't have to spend too much time here.

"Comrade Su Yuanchao."

But just when Su Yi was about to go out, he was stopped by Zhao Desheng.

He looked at Su Yi with a serious face and said: "I am speaking to you on behalf of our leader, but I will not admit it when I leave this door. If I offend you, I will apologize to you first, and I hope you will Do not mind."

Su Yi was a little surprised, he nodded: "Tell me."

"Ding Shangdong is my apprentice, and he has been expelled from public office now. Of course, his fate is entirely his own fault, no wonder others." Zhao Desheng said, "As for those recalcitrant masters, they deserved what they deserved. If the matter is broken, it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people. But why they fell, in fact, we all know very well. You have skills and background. Although we have been used by you as a gun, it is very difficult unless we are critical Find out what's wrong with you."

Having said that, Zhao Desheng paused intentionally: "Just because we can't find out, it doesn't mean we can't do it. Finding out the truth is what we are best at, but sometimes the truth is something that many people don't want to see, so we open our eyes." Just turn a blind eye. Like He Yuzhu this time, in fact, we can get to the bottom of the truth. But you definitely don't want to see this, do you?"

Su Yi narrowed his eyes, thoughtful.

He had already guessed that the police had had some wonderful misunderstandings about him.

Sure enough, Zhao Desheng continued: "No matter what, our leader hopes that the whole matter will end with He Yuzhu. After all, we did make mistakes in the previous matter and caused you trouble. The matter of He Yuzhu can also be regarded as an issue in our bureau." Compensation for you. Nothing can go too far, don't you think?"

Su Yi smiled and said, "Comrade Zhao, what will happen to He Yuzhu?"

"I'll tell you the truth, but please keep it a secret." Zhao Desheng hesitated slightly, "The two charges of theft of public property and corruption have not escaped. If there is no accident, it will start in three years."

"What if I don't consider my factors?" Su Yi asked.

"That Xu Damao, you and He Yuzhu are all from the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant." Zhao Desheng said without hesitation, "If you are not considered, we must respect the opinions of your factory leaders in this case. In the end, there will most likely not be a prosecution. The punishment of your factory is the result. According to my estimation, the final result is likely to be fined and dismissed from public office, and there have been such precedents before.”

Su Yi nodded, and said again: "Comrade Zhao, there won't be people like Wang Weiping blocking my door this time, right?"

"Malicious +87 from Zhao Desheng..."

"Don't worry, absolutely not!" Zhao Desheng looked at Su Yi and said word by word.

Su Yi nodded and said with a smile: "Comrade Zhao, we actually have some misunderstandings about this matter. I will come to you to clarify after I think it over."

Zhao Desheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, you are welcome to come anytime."

Only then did Su Yi nod, bid him farewell, and left the police station.

When he was riding his bicycle back, Su Yi went through the whole thing from beginning to end, and he thought it was a mistake, which was a little funny.

Why did Zhao Desheng say those words on behalf of the police station leadership to Su Yi?

This is a wonderful misunderstanding.

First of all, Wang Cheng and his group were arrested before, and Wang Weiping and his group were dealt with. The police could easily detect the tricks, especially when Wang Cheng and other people insisted that they were cheated by Su Yi. Experienced old detectives can easily tell what the real situation of this matter is.

In this way, the police will naturally realize that Su Yi, the victim, is not innocent and weak, but Su Yi's trick is very advanced, and the procedure is completely reasonable and legal. make them innocent.

Moreover, there is a problem with the police system itself, and Su Yi seized the handle. At this time, it is even more impossible for the police not to be used by Su Yi.

It would definitely be very unpleasant to be used as a gunman. In the eyes of the police, I am afraid that Su Yi has become synonymous with scheming.

At this time, another silly incident happened. Shazhu's younger sister, He Yushui, is Ding Shangdong's fiancée. This relationship is very delicate...

Ding Shangdong just paid the price of losing his job because he failed to kill Su Yi, followed by Shazhu, who was notified by the community to the police for stealing a piece of meat from Su Yi's family, and Xu Damao, who insisted on killing Su Yi, was determined to kill him. Silly Zhu looked like he was going to die.

These things are all related to Su Yi, which makes the police have to suspect that the matter of Sha Zhu was actually planned by Su Yi behind the scenes. It was Su Yi who wanted to eradicate the threat of Sha Zhu because of Ding Shangdong's relationship. Zhu also got a trap.

As soon as the police became suspicious, they ran to Shazhu and Xu Damao to secretly talk and confirm.

As a result, they found that Shazhu was probably not the one who stole the meat, and Xu Damao always spoke good words about Su Yi, and he seemed to praise him in every possible way.

There is no doubt that this matter must be tricky.

But do you want to find out and expose this trick?
After the investigators reported it to the leader, the leader sent Zhao Desheng to see Su Yi after some consideration, so the previous conversation began.

The leaders of the police station decided not to delve into the truth behind it, but only to investigate Shazhu's problem.If there is really a problem with Sha Zhu, and it is not because of being framed, then deal with Sha Zhu.

In the eyes of the police, this was undoubtedly used by Su Yi again, so the leader of the police station sent Zhao Desheng to warn Su Yi, telling Su Yi not to be an example.

It was obviously a matter that had little to do with Su Yi, but it turned out that it was Su Yi who decided Shazhu's fate in the end. This is really a wonderful misunderstanding.

It is no exaggeration to say that now Sha Zhu's fate is completely controlled by Su Yi's thoughts.

If Su Yi doesn't care about it, then Shazhu will be traced to the end and face prison.

But if Su Yi clarifies the misunderstanding with the police and shows that he has no such intention, then the police will hand over the initiative to deal with Sha Zhu to the Red Star Rolling Mill.

This incident alarmed the police. The Red Star Steel Rolling Plant would definitely not be able to cover up Sha Zhu, and would definitely deal with him, so there is a high probability that Sha Zhu will be fired.

Although losing a job is a serious matter these days, it is at least a hundred times better than going to jail.

Su Yi had no grudges or grudges with Sha Zhu, on the contrary, they had a good relationship. It stands to reason that he should have clarified the misunderstanding with Zhao Desheng just now, but he didn't.

This is not because Su Yi is cold-blooded or selfish, but this is not the best time to clarify misunderstandings.

You have to pay attention to timing and strategy when you do anything. If Su Yi does this now, Shazhu may never know about it. Troubleshooting is a matter of course.

Of course, this doesn't matter to Su Yi, but in this matter, Su Yi doesn't want to be a bad person, he doesn't want to help others, and he doesn't want the stick who really stole his flesh to "get away with it".

Su Yi is used to maximizing benefits in everything he does, and this matter is no exception, which is why he chose not to clarify the misunderstanding for the time being.

Let the bullet fly first for a while.

Back in the courtyard, Su Yi saw the second uncle Liu Haizhong wandering back and forth at the door of his house with his hands behind his back, looking very preoccupied.

Su Yi finished his bicycle, smiled and greeted Liu Haizhong who couldn't wait to meet him.

The latter couldn't wait to say to Su Yi: "Aid Korea, my plan to be promoted to a master has failed. Look at our previous agreement, shouldn't it also be voided?"

After a pause, Liu Haizhong took out the previous IOU from his pocket, handed it to Su Yi, looked at him eagerly and said, "Can you return the 200 yuan to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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