Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1438 Work

Chapter 1438 Work
"Second uncle, you are not authentic."

"It's not Aid Korea, I didn't ask you to pay back two hundred and four, you just pay me back two hundred and that's it..."

"Look, second uncle, first, what we agreed is that I will help you save some face at the conference, so you can lend me 200 yuan. We have completed this deal. As for whether you will succeed in being promoted to the first uncle, This matter has nothing to do with our agreement."

"Secondly, what is written on the IOU? It is agreed to pay off 240 yuan within one year. Second uncle, one year, not a day. If you agree on something in black and white, you will not only not suffer losses but also earn profits. , Turn your head and you will regret it, is there anyone who does things like this?"

Liu Haizhong knew he was wrong, and said embarrassingly: "I also know that I regret it, but this matter... Hey, let me tell you the truth. My second boy, Liu Guangtian, is idle all day long and has no job. I want to find a job for him. Work, I can't afford to support him alone. No, I asked Mr. Guo to help me with this matter, and see if he can help me work hard to let Guangtian enter the factory To be an apprentice...Guo Dajizi came up with an offer, it was only 200 yuan, so..."

Su Yi said with a smile: "Second uncle, don't worry about this matter. Director Guo can't help you anymore. He will ask for leave from tomorrow, and he will have to rest for at least three months. Even if you want to do things, you still need three months." It's been a month. But I guess he can't help you with that."

Liu Haizhong was stunned for a moment, with a face full of disbelief: "Impossible? He asked for leave? Three months? How do you know about this? Don't you know him? Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked me to invite you have a meal together."

"Is it true? You will know when you go to work tomorrow." Su Yi didn't explain much, but changed the subject and asked, "What level of education is Guangtian?"

"Graduated from junior high school and studied in high school for a year. I saw Tian'er fighting with his classmates at school, so I didn't let him continue studying." Liu Haizhong replied, but he was a little surprised why Su Yi asked this question.

"It's enough." Su Yi nodded, "I have a temporary job offer for an administrative post. Second uncle, are you interested?"

Liu Haizhong was stunned for a while, he didn't believe it at all, but was happy instead: "Yanchao, don't joke with me, you just entered the factory, where did you get this ability?"

"If I'm not capable, why should Mr. Guo ask you to invite me to dinner?" Su Yi said lightly, "If I'm not capable, why should I become the deputy editor of the factory newspaper? If I'm not capable, why should I be When something happened, the two directors of the factory ran forward and back to make things right for me? Second uncle, you are not young, if you can’t see through this matter... With all due respect, you want to go further in the future, That’s even harder.”

"The fear from the bangs +77..."

Liu Haizhong was stunned for a long time, and when he spoke to Su Yi again, his tone became a little more cautious.

"Aid Korea, do you really have this temporary employment quota?" Liu Haizhong was anxious and looking forward to it, "Can you replace Guangtian..."

"It's not impossible to do this." Su Yi looked at Liu Haizhong, "but there is a premise that he must be qualified for this job. Let me tell you straight, this person who was hired just now is to find for myself Helper, help with errands, do something or something. This person must be smart, able to do things, and have a certain level of education. If Guang Tian can't meet my requirements, even if you think about it, I can't ask for it .”

Liu Haizhong listened to Su Yi's words, and the trust in his heart increased a bit. He subconsciously rubbed his butt forward, sat on the side of the chair, and straightened his waist a little.

"Yanchao, Guangtian is absolutely clever, he will come to trouble! I personally trained him at home, don't you worry about it?" Liu Haizhong said excitedly, "If you don't believe me, I will call him right now and test him. He will never drop the chain!"

Su Yi waved his hand: "Don't be in a hurry, second uncle, we have been talking straight since the beginning of our relationship, and I will not go around with you. If the light day job is done, how much do you plan to pay?"

Liu Haizhong said with a smile: "This administrative post is not like an apprentice, and you can't become a full-time employee after three years..."

Su Yi interrupted him lightly: "Second uncle, you just said that you can't see through things, why did you make this mistake again? Whether you turn right or not, that's for ordinary people. If Guangtian really follows me to do things, as long as he How can I treat him badly if I can do things well? I can arrange work for him as soon as I enter the factory, so I won’t be able to help him become a regular in the future?"

Liu Haizhong's eyes widened in an instant, and he slapped himself on the forehead excitedly: "Blame me, blame me, I'm old, my brain can't keep up, and my reaction is slow... Yuan Chao, you have a bright future, if Guangtian really follows you to do things, in the future you Taking care of him casually is enough for him to last a lifetime, hehe..."

Only then did Su Yi nod in satisfaction: "That's right, an administrative post who can become a regular at any time or a workshop worker who can only be promoted to a first-level worker after three years, which one is better, needless to say?"

"Of course it's better to sit in an office, it's more promising..." Liu Haizhong laughed, "Yanchao, see if this works. If it works, I'll pay 200 yuan like Director Guo's... "

Su Yi chuckled: "Second uncle, please go back, you just pretend I didn't say anything about it."

"Don't." Liu Haizhong hurriedly said, "Yanchao, we have a discussion, if you think it's not suitable for you to speak... But to be honest, what you said is of course very touching, maybe it can't be corrected, it's After all, it’s not as certain as an apprentice’s promotion to a first-level worker, right? I paid 200 yuan like the other side, and this is already a risk, and it’s also for your face.”

Su Yi chuckled and said: "Second uncle, I guess Mr. Guo must not guarantee you that he will do this matter? What if the matter is done, and what if the matter is not?"

"If the matter is resolved, I may have to let in some alcohol and tobacco, and treat him to a meal." Liu Haizhong said, "If it doesn't work, he will give me back half of the money."

"When will it be done? Has he given you a letter?" Su Yi asked again.

Liu Haizhong shook his head: "He said he was waiting for an opportunity."

"The opportunity may come tomorrow, or it may have to wait for a few months, maybe it won't happen." Su Yi said with a smile, "The opportunity here is certain, and we have reached an agreement now. Appropriate, let him follow me directly to the factory to go through formalities for employment tomorrow morning."

"I'm not the same as Guo Dazi. I don't say that it can't be done here. Of course, to make you feel at ease, I can give you a promise. If it doesn't work, I won't charge anything, and I will refund it to you. "

Liu Haizhong became excited.

"Can you apply for employment tomorrow? Really?"

"Is it interesting for me to brag?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes, we will know tomorrow if it will be successful or not. You don't need to..." Liu Haizhong was very excited, "Then how suitable is it for you to aid the dynasty?"

"Add another hundred." Su Yi said leisurely.

"How much!" Liu Haizhong's eyes widened.

"Malicious +101 from the bangs..."

"Yanchao, you are too dark, aren't you? You asked me for three hundred for a temporary position!" Liu Haizhong yelled.

"Second uncle, there is no need to rush to make a fool of yourself for what you love and what I want." Su Yi said with a smile, "You don't have to, right? Actually, at first I thought about this matter, and it was the opposite door who became the eldest brother, so Sister-in-law Li cooks for me. I had a drink with them. I know a little bit about Brother Xie Cheng, and I think he is quite suitable. As for Guangtian, he came to my house to inform me of a meeting and left me I don't have a good impression of you, she's rude, and she doesn't know how to speak. If it wasn't for your face, I wouldn't even tell you about it. "

Liu Haizhong hurriedly said: "Yan aid the court, Yan Laoxi'er is so picky, he can't give you 300 yuan!"

"It doesn't matter." Su Yi said, "I have other contacts with the third master's family. I don't need cash, and I can pay for it in other ways. The third master will definitely be happy."

Liu Haizhong was startled, if this is the case, then it is really possible.

He was a little anxious: "Aid North Korea, 300 yuan is too expensive, and it is not that price to find a job outside..."

"Who gave you a guarantee when looking for a job outside? Who can do it tomorrow? Who won't eat you or drink yours? Who won't let you beg grandpa to sue grandma?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Second uncle, I'm still the same In a word, it doesn't matter if you don't want to, just pretend that I didn't mention it. "

Liu Haizhong rubbed his hands, looking hesitant: "Yanchao, can you allow me to think about this matter, don't you give it to others first?"

"What are you talking about, the second uncle?" Su Yi said, "I just took over the work of the factory newspaper, and I'm just waiting for the employer. Besides, this is not something you can do after you think about it. I have to see how Guangtianren is doing. If he can't satisfy me, no matter how much money you pay, I won't be able to do it for you. I'm looking for someone who can do things for me, and I can't make trouble for myself, right? "

"That's right, that's the reason..." Liu Haizhong nodded repeatedly, "Then, I'll call Guangtian over now, and you should investigate him first."

"See you then." Su Yi nodded.

"I'm going to call someone right now!" Liu Haizhong hurriedly got up, "Wait for me, I'll come as soon as I go."

Said, Liu Haizhong hurriedly stood up and walked out, Su Yi smiled and picked up the teacup and took a sip.

There is one thing that he didn't lie to Liu Haizhong. He really didn't intend to take this temporary position in this way at the beginning. He originally planned to use it as a favor.

Selling to Liu Haizhong was purely a temporary idea.

He felt like that kind of social moth, a small corrupt element.

Alas, this is the society, the most important thing is the truth, you have to experience it.

Ten fingers do not touch the spring water, and the mud is not stained, so what kind of life is there to experience?
Liu Haizhong hurried home and saw Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu sitting opposite each other playing chess.

Seeing him come back, the two brothers changed their colors together, stood up reflexively, and called "Dad".

Normally, Liu Haizhong would habitually scold a few words, but now he is not in the mood, he looked straight at Liu Guangtian, pointed at him and said, "I ask you, I asked you to notify Su Yuanchao of the meeting, you What did you say at someone's house?"

"No, nothing..." Liu Guangtian stammered.

Liu Haizhong raised his hand with a big mouth, and shouted sharply: "Tell the truth!"

Liu Guangtian covered his face and hurriedly said: "I really didn't say anything, Dad, I just said a word to him and informed him to hold a meeting. But Yu Li was there at the time, so I made a joke with Yu Li and asked who she is Daughter-in-law...Su Yuanchao can't afford to play, and even threatened me to break my leg. I didn't bother to talk to him, so I didn't say anything. Dad, he didn't give you face... Ouch!"

Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked to the ground by Liu Haizhong.

Liu Guangfu on one side jumped to the side like a frightened rabbit, too scared to say a word.

"I made a mistake dad, I don't dare to do it again!" Liu Guangtian hurriedly begged for mercy.

Liu Haizhong pointed at him with his fingers, and warned: "I'll see Su Yuanchao later, please greet him politely! He has a temporary recruitment position for an administrative post. If you want this job, show yourself well!"

Liu Guangtian was surprised and suspicious: "Dad, have you been cheated? He just arrived in Su Yuanchao, what can he do..."

"You know what!" Liu Haizhong scolded, "Short-sighted, what can you see through? Let me tell you, if this thing is done, you can start working tomorrow. Things that can be exposed immediately, Su Yuanchao Is it necessary to lie to me?"

Liu Guangtian was overjoyed immediately: "Dad, is this true? Is it true that you will be able to start work tomorrow?"

"Your father and my ability to handle affairs, do you still need to question it?" Liu Haizhong snorted coldly, "But the price is not cheap, 300 yuan."

"Three hundred!" Liu Guangtian's eyes widened, "It's too dark, isn't it! How ruthless is a job post? It's not official."

"Nonsense, you can't even buy a thousand for a formal job!" Liu Haizhong said, "The price is a bit high, but you can go to work tomorrow, and you don't need to buy a meal or a drink, as long as it's suitable. If someone finds out about this I will fight for my head. Let me tell you boy, the eldest son of Yan Laoxier’s family is also watching this matter. Originally, Su Yuanchao wanted to give him this opportunity. Take this thing over."

"Dad, you are really amazing!" Liu Guangtian gave a thumbs up excitedly, "If this is true, 300 yuan is worth it!"

Liu Haizhong sneered: "Of course it's worth it, but the wool comes from the sheep. If it happens, you will be deducted ten yuan a month for thirty months. I'm not like Yan Laoxier's family. You will be charged for food. But you have to pay for the work yourself.”

"It should, it should." Liu Guangtian smiled apologetically, but in his heart he scolded his father for being partial.

When the eldest brother Liu Guangqi was looking for a job, his father paid for the money, why now it's his turn, he has to pay for it himself?
"This is a good opportunity, you can't miss it." Liu Haizhong warned, "Be smarter later, and say more good things! Don't think Su Yuanchao is young, but this person has ability and background. You will definitely not be able to follow him in the future." It’s a disadvantage. If we maintain this relationship well, it’s not impossible to become a regular in the future.”

At this time, Liu Haizhong had already decided to spend the 300 yuan. It is hard to find a serious job in this era.In fact, in the original plot, Guo Dashuai didn't do anything for Liu Haizhong. In the end, Liu Haizhong had another opportunity and found Liu Guangtian a job in another factory.

But now, he can't predict the future, he just feels that he should firmly grasp this rare opportunity.

"I know Dad, I will definitely perform well!" Liu Guangtian was also full of expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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