Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1442 Shocked

Chapter 1442 Shocked
"I, I'm waiting for someone here."

"Who are you waiting for? You've been standing here for a long time in the early morning! Come on, go to the security room and explain it to me!"

"No, comrade, my dad is Liu Haizhong, a seventh-level worker in your factory..."

"No one's son! Go to the security room and let your father come and fetch you!"

The guard was about to drag Liu Guangtian into the factory, but was stopped by Qin Huairu who rushed over.

"Xiao Sun, what is this for? This is the son of Master Liu in Liu Haizhong of our factory, he is not a bad guy, he is in the same yard as me." Qin Huairu spoke for Liu Guangtian.

The guard is Sun Lianjun, a big family who has contributed several emotional points to Su Yi. When he saw Qin Huairu, he hurriedly apologized and said with a smile: "Who am I talking about? It turned out to be Sister Qin. This kid belongs to your courtyard?"

Qin Huairu was a little puzzled, he hadn't seen Sun Lianjun being so polite to him before.The people in the security department have always judged people by their nostrils, relying on their little power.Especially this Sun Lianjun, who was very rude to him before, why is he apologizing and calling her sister now?
"His name is Liu Guangtian, and he belongs to our yard." Qin Huairu looked at Liu Guangtian, "Guangtian, are you here to find your father?"

"Definitely not." Sun Lianjun said, "I know Master Liu. He has been in for a long time. It is definitely not Master Liu who he is standing here waiting for. I think his behavior is suspicious, so I came to ask. Boy, for the sake of Sister Qin Come on, I'll give you a chance and I won't take you to the security room. Tell me the truth, what are you doing here?"

"I, I'll wait for Su Yuanchao from your factory." Liu Guangtian scratched his head, but told the truth helplessly.

"Who?" Sun Lianjun and Qin Huairu were stunned.

"Su, Su Yuanchao." Liu Guangtian said with a little confidence, thinking that Su Yuanchao had just entered the factory, so maybe no one had heard of it.

"You're looking for Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su, why don't you tell me sooner!" Unexpectedly, Sun Lianjun's attitude towards him took a 180-degree turn, and he immediately became enthusiastic, "You said earlier, I'll move a stool for you Sit and wait! Come here, come over there...Xiao Liu, do you smoke?"


"Come here, smoke one!" Sun Lianjun couldn't help saying that he had given him a cigarette and was going to light it for him.

Liu Guangtian was in a daze, neither was it to refuse, nor was it to accept, so he leaned over and respectfully covered the fire, allowing him to light a cigarette.

Qin Huairu on the side was stunned when he saw this scene.

She suddenly remembered that Sun Lianjun had seen Su Yi before when he was carrying her out of the factory on a bicycle.

So it's not that people suddenly have a better attitude towards him, but because of Su Yi's face.

"Little Liu and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su are..." Sun Lianjun asked tentatively as he looked at Liu Guangtian with a smile while putting away his matches.

Liu Guangtian is not stupid, he naturally guessed the reason for the sudden change in the other party's attitude, deliberately smiled and said: "Brother Yuanchao asked me to wait for him here, he will be here soon."

"Brother Yuanchao..." Sun Lianjun was still a little uncertain.

Qin Huairu on the side almost couldn't help asking.

You, Liu Guangtian, should be older than Su Yuanchao, right?

Why is this still called brother?

She knew that Liu Guangtian was doing odd jobs outside to make money, and instead of squatting in Qianmen building this morning, he went to the factory to wait for Su Yi. He couldn't explain something in the courtyard, so he had to go to the factory...


Qin Huairu thought of an unimaginable possibility, and instantly his whole body went numb like an electric shock, his eyes widened in horror.

No way?
Can't it?

Su Yuanchao has just entered the factory, how could he...

"Guangtian, Yuanchao arranged for you to work in the factory?" Qin Huairu stared at Liu Guangtian and asked suddenly.

Liu Guangtian was stunned for a long time, as if he didn't know whether to admit or deny, but in the end he just smiled awkwardly and didn't speak.

But this reaction already speaks for itself!

At this moment, Qin Huairu's heart was overwhelmed!

She found that she had already overestimated Su Yi's energy enough, but in the end she still underestimated.

How many days has Su Yi entered the factory?
He actually has the ability to arrange for others to work in the factory!

This is as unimaginable as the legend written in the storybook.

How did he do that?
Thinking about how hard I have been working for more than three years, I still can’t transfer to a formal worker status, can’t adjust my salary, Su Yuanchao is paid a high salary of 50 yuan as soon as he enters the venue, and now he can arrange others to work...

At this moment, Qin Huairu had mixed feelings in her heart. She regretted why she was born so early and didn't have such a promising man like Su Yi.

If in the early years, with his young figure and appearance, he might not have been able to win Su Yi. If this was the case, how prosperous are the two of them now?
Qin Huairu was surprised on one side, and Sun Lianjun on the other side was only a lot more surprised than Qin Huairu, and moreover, he didn't believe it.

Because this is really unbelievable. Can an intern worker who has just entered the factory work for a few days arrange for others to work in the factory?This is simply impossible!
Even the head of the department has to look for opportunities to compete with the factory manager for a spot. Why should he, Su Yuanchao?
Sun Lianjun was full of doubts, and hurriedly complimented Liu Guangtian.

But Liu Guangtian was not a fool, he was a thief, he smoked free cigarettes while hahaha with Sun Lianjun, without saying a single word useful.

Just when Sun Lianjun was a little impatient and was about to go straight in, he saw Su Yi wandering over on a bicycle not far away.

Liu Guangtian, as if he had received an amnesty, hurriedly threw away his cigarette butt and went up to him.

"Brother Yuanchao! Brother Yuanchao!" He waved excitedly.

Su Yi stopped the car close to him and didn't get out of the car. He looked him up and said, "Call me a job in the factory from now on, don't call me brother."

"Yes, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su!" Liu Guangtian followed suit.

"Morning sister Qin." Su Yi smiled again and greeted Qin Huairu.

I don't know if it's due to psychological reasons, but Qin Huairu felt that Su Yi was extraordinarily dignified this morning.It's not the majesty of a small middle-level leader like Guo Dashuo, but the same majesty as the two factory managers.

Qin Huairu smiled cautiously, but didn't know what to say for a while.

Fortunately, Sun Lianjun stepped forward and greeted Su Yi loudly: "Hello, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su!"

Su Yi glanced at him, nodded with a smile, turned to Liu Guangtian and said, "Do you know where the administrative building where the leader works?"

Liu Guangtian nodded hastily.

"Go downstairs and wait for me. I'll come back to my office and get a document." Su Yi ordered.

"Okay, okay." Liu Guangtian said.

Su Yi nodded, smiled at Qin Huairu again, and rode his bicycle into the factory.

Sun Lianjun on the side said sourly at this time: "Brother, you are tight-lipped. It's about this time. Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su asked you to wait downstairs. Can you talk now?"

Liu Guangtian scratched his head with a foolish smile: "Brother Sun, I haven't written the horoscope yet, I'll tell you when I'm sure, then I'll go first, see you later!"

Said, waved his hand, turned and left.

Qin Huairu hurriedly chased after him.

Sun Lianjun yelled at Liu Guangtian's back and cursed: "I'm sure I still need you to say it?"

"Guangtian, are you still not telling the truth to my sister? Tell me, what post did Yuanchao arrange for you?" Qin Huairu quickly followed Liu Guangtian and asked.

After all, Liu Guangtian is a young man, looking left and right, his eyebrows and eyes inevitably reveal a bit of excitement and complacency.

"It's just a temporary worker, not a formal one." He lowered his voice, "Sister Qin, we will be factory workers from now on, haha..."

After receiving the approval letter, Qin Huairu's mentality really exploded.

For a moment, she even had the idea of ​​reporting Su Yi, but she was immediately taken aback by this idea, and quickly dismissed the idea.

Report what?Report Su Yi to arrange work for Liu Guangtian?

People dare to do this for fear of outsiders reporting?
Besides, there is such a great man in a courtyard, and if he doesn't hurry up to seek some benefits, he will ruin the road instead. Isn't this sick?
After thinking this through, Qin Huairu's heart suddenly became extremely eager. Speaking of which, she has a good relationship with Su Yuanchao in this courtyard.

Although the relationship between the two parties seemed to be a little bit alienated this time because of the silly column, it was because Qin Huairu was obsessed with choosing A or B, which limited his thinking.

But now, Qin Huairu felt that she had suddenly opened up the situation, and she thought of a way to resolve this incident!
Su Yi really came back to pick up his things, the six manuscripts he wrote yesterday.

Although according to the rules, he needs to report the finished manuscript level by level, first to Shen Hongyan, then to Yang Shutan, and then to Li Xinmin and Yang Baorui.

But in actual operation like Su Yi's situation, if you want to be so honest and abide by the rules, then you won't be able to do things.

I wrote six manuscripts in one afternoon. With such a high efficiency, why don't you ask your financial boss to worship your efficiency and ability first?You can't let them try something new first, and then give them a chance to teach you to report according to the rules?
Of course, you can't take it seriously when they teach you a lesson. You should show him the things worth reporting in the future before going through the procedure.

If you are stupid and really report to him according to the normal procedure, then don't blame him for doing business.

Su Yi came early today, and Zhang Chunmei was the only one in the office.

The little girl is sorting out the content of yesterday's interview. Seeing Su Yi coming, she is very happy to stand up and say hello.

This kind of girl has a very simple mind. When she hates you, she thinks you are very annoying, but after discovering that it was a misunderstanding, she will look at you everywhere because of guilt.

Now Zhang Chunmei thinks that Su Yi is talented, personable, and humorous, which is an advantage no matter how you look at it.

"You are busy with your work. I have to go to Deputy Director Li first." Su Yi said with a smile, "If there is no accident, our team will soon have a newcomer, you are not allowed to bully him."

"I bully people?" Zhang Chunmei exaggeratedly pointed at herself, "It's just me with small arms and legs, it's fine if people don't bully me."

"That's not sure, you are a good hand at suing." Su Yi teased.

Zhang Chunmei blushed instantly, stomped her feet and said shyly, "Can't I apologize to you? Don't mention this in the future!"

"Apologize, we don't know each other without fighting." Su Yi said with a smile, "The newcomer is mainly responsible for running errands and formalities. He is a gay man. You should take him with you when the time comes. By the way, this matter I haven't reported to the director yet, so don't talk nonsense."

When Zhang Chunmei heard that she was the first to know, she immediately felt Su Yi's trust, and nodded happily: "Don't worry, I won't say anything if you kill me!"

"It's not that serious." Su Yi waved his hand and went out the door. Shen Hongyan, the director who moved into the new office on the other side, just pushed the door. Seeing Su Yi, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Yichao, I'm looking for you, I'll be there later." There is a meeting in the conference room of the comprehensive building at nine o'clock. It is the first meeting of the preparatory group for the workers' theoretical study and experiment base. You are the only one who is not in a leadership position to attend."

While speaking, he had already walked up to Su Yi, clapped Su Yi's arm with a more enthusiastic tone and attitude than before, and said with a smile: "Good boy, you have a bright future in the future."

Su Yi smiled and said, "That's also under your leadership."

nine o'clock?

He raised his wrist to look at the time, and said: "Director, yesterday I made some contents of the supplement of the factory newspaper, and I was about to show it to Deputy Factory Director Li, let him grasp the direction first, and then I will report to the factory according to the procedure. You. If you don’t come to me, I’m going to report this to you. There’s still time, why don’t you palm your eyes first?”

Shen Hongyan glanced at the document in Su Yi's hand several times, since he was bumped into, Su Yi didn't hide it, and simply told the truth.

He didn't use Li Xinmin to pressure Shen Hongyan, and he also made it clear that he didn't report by leapfrogging. He just said that there were people above me, and asked them to give me guidance, and then I would go through the procedures in a proper manner.

Shen Hongyan felt a little unhappy, but this discomfort was acceptable.

After contributing a wave of not too much malice to Su Yi, he smiled and said, "I won't read it, and I'll read it again when you finalize it for submission."

"Listen to you." Su Yi said with a smile, "I still have something to report to you. Isn't Li Chengcheng going to be transferred? In this way, there is no one on the factory newspaper, and I don't know how Director Li heard it. It’s over, and I decided to ask me to recommend a temporary hire. He told me about this after work yesterday afternoon, and I didn’t have time to tell you. I went back to the courtyard where I lived to get a general idea After a while, I found a similar one and brought it with me, and now I am going to let Deputy Factory Manager Li see if the person is suitable. Director, you go to check it together?"

Shen Hongyan smiled slightly, and after a moment of silence, he smiled and said: "I won't go, don't be late for the meeting."

"Okay." Su Yi nodded, bid farewell to Shen Hongyan and left.

Looking at the back of Su Yi leaving, Shen Hongyan's smile slowly faded away, sighed and muttered: "The minister of power is in charge..."

Su Yi knew very well that his own working style and attitude would inevitably damage the authority and even the interests of his immediate superior, Shen Hongyan, but fortunately, Shen Hongyan was about to retire, and basically had no desires or desires.

If it was a boss who was in his prime, he would be too lazy to deal with it——

Destined to be an enemy, what can I say?

With Shen Hongyan, it is very possible to get along peacefully, and even cooperate happily, so Su Yi needs to release some kindness to let Shen Hongyan know that he still respects him as a boss.

When they arrived at the leader's office building, Su Yi waved his hand, and Liu Guangtian, who was standing stiffly by the door, greeted him immediately.Su Yi didn't speak, and went straight to the second floor with Liu Guangtian who was full of anxiety, and knocked on the door of Li Xinmin's office.


(End of this chapter)

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