Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1443 Report

"Factory Manager!"

"Aid Dynasty is here?" Li Xinmin was making tea for himself, he smiled and looked up, when he saw Liu Guangtian behind Su Yi, he was startled, and looked at Su Yi suspiciously.

"The candidates who are currently hired, bring them here for you to see." Su Yi said.

"The speed is fast enough." Li Xinmin muttered, looked at Liu Guangtian, and asked, "What degree?"

"After graduating from junior high school, running errands is enough." Su Yi said.

"Your man, it's fine if you think it's okay." Li Xinmin said indifferently, "You came just in time, I have to tell you about the meeting later—did Shen Hongyan inform you?"

"Notified." Su Yi nodded.

"That's fine. Then who, you go to the internal affairs department to complete the entry procedures!" Li Xinmin pointed to Liu Guangtian.

Liu Guangtian was a little at a loss, he didn't know where the internal support department was, nor did he know how to go through the entry procedures.

Su Yi pointed out: "Ask your father to take you there, just say that the factory reported the temporary employment, and ask Director Zhai to call Factory Director Li to confirm."

"Yes, yes." Liu Guangtian hurriedly nodded and bowed down. Before going out, he heard Su Yi smiling and telling Li Xinmin that this was Liu Haizhong's son, and Li Xinmin asked suspiciously who Liu Haizhong was.

He didn't dare to listen and closed the door, his mind was still dizzy, and he felt like he was stepping on cotton under his feet.

This is it?

A job that many people can't even squeeze their heads to get, can be done with just a few words?
Liu Guangtian became more and more in awe of Su Yi in his heart.

Liu Guangtian still knew which workshop his father was in. He walked in that direction in a daze, but on the way, he saw Qin Huairu standing in front of his father talking something.

"Dad!" Liu Guangtian walked over.

When Liu Haizhong and Qin Huairu turned around and saw him, they were both startled.

"You...why are you here?" Liu Haizhong asked in surprise, "What's the matter? Yuanchao didn't take you to see Deputy Director Li?"

The reason why Liu Haizhong appeared at the door of Qin Huairu's workshop was actually to see Mr. Guo.

Last night, Su Yi said that Mr. Guo was going to take a long leave of absence, and there was some murmur in the center of Liu Hai, so I decided to see if what Su Yi said was true.

Unexpectedly, it was true, which made him feel that Su Yi was somewhat unpredictable.

When Qin Huairu saw Liu Haizhong, he also wanted to ask about Liu Guangtian's work, so the two chatted here.

"Go, see you." Liu Guangtian said.

"Didn't it work?" Liu Haizhong asked worriedly, with his heart in his throat.

"It's done. The leader didn't say anything about Deputy Editor Su's words, and he didn't even ask me my name, so he let me go through the formalities for entering the factory." Liu Guangtian said in awe, "Dad, what did Deputy Editor Su say?" It really works."

"It's done?" Liu Haizhong was stunned for a while, and then he slapped his hands in ecstasy, "Haha, that's great! Oh, aiding the dynasty can be regarded as solving our family's big problem!"

Liu Guangtian was also very happy, grinning and said: "Dad, brother Yuanchao told you to take me to the internal affairs department to find Director Zhai..."

"Zhai Baoguo, the chief of the internal affairs department, can be regarded as a great leader." Liu Haizhong almost couldn't wait to say, "Hey, when you get a job, you can directly find the chief of the department, which will be beneficial to your future work. Walk around, I'll take you there...then what, Huairu, I'll go first!"

"You go, congratulations, Second Uncle, and congratulations too!" Qin Huairu laughed.

"Thank you, thank you! My son is gone!" Liu Haizhong happily took Liu Guangtian away, Qin Huairu bit his lip and looked at the back of the father and son leaving, the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

Obviously she, Qin Huairu, had the earliest acquaintance with Su Yuanchao and had a better relationship, so why is it the old Liu's family who have benefited the most now?
Because of the relationship between Li Xinmin and Su Yi, Liu Guangtian went through the entry procedures very quickly, and soon he was handed over to Shen Hongyan.

Shen Hongyan, who was mentally prepared, encouraged him a few words, then sent him to Su Yi's office and handed him over to Zhang Chunmei.

Xu Damao was taken aback by Liu Guangtian who appeared here, and asked several times in disbelief before he believed that Liu Guangtian was not joking.

Jealousy instantly grew wildly in his heart like a poisonous weed.The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more psychologically unbalanced he became. When Yu Haitang also showed a good attitude towards Liu Guangtian because of Su Yi's relationship, he finally breathed out his anger from his heart, and his evil turned to his guts. He gritted his teeth, picked up his notebook and Paper, ran to the woods behind the factory alone, and began to write quickly——

"Report letter, respected factory leader..."

There are all kinds of people in the world, and they are naturally different.

A sensible person like Qin Huairu who wants to take advantage of the situation will naturally not lack the narrow mind like Xu Damao who harms others and does not benefit himself.

After Xu Damao finished writing the report letter, he secretly stuffed it into the crack of Director Yang's door, and then tiptoed away.

Apart from the comfort and anticipation in my heart, I was also worried that Su Yi would find out, or that the letter would not work.

What he didn't know was that shortly after he left, Director Yang opened the door and the report letter fell to the ground.

Yang Baorui was stunned, picked it up curiously, opened it and looked at Shixing, and sneered, "I don't know what it means."

He took the letter and knocked on the door of Li Xinmin's office. After pushing the door open, he found that Su Yi was there, and said in surprise, "Yanchao is here too? What a coincidence."

Su Yi got up and said hello, then didn't speak again.He didn't explain why he was here, which was also to express an attitude to Li Xinmin - I am your person, why I am here with you, I don't need to explain to anyone.

If Su Yi explained to Yang Baorui why he came here right now, it would annoy Li Xinmin.

how?What did you say to me and you have to report to Yang Baorui again?Saying that in front of my face, wouldn't it be like pouring beans from a bamboo tube behind my back?
Of course Su Yi would not make such a low-level mistake.

Li Xinmin smiled and took over the words: "The factory newspaper has just hired a person. He was introduced by Aid Korea. He came to give me a report."

Li Xinmin is in charge of personnel affairs, which is considered a normal work relationship, and it can be regarded as an explanation for Yang Baorui.

Hearing this, Yang Baorui raised the report letter in his hand, and said with a smile: "So I said it was a coincidence, I didn't even know about this, someone has already stuffed the report letter under my door."

"Report letter?" Li Xinmin was taken aback, "Report me?"

"It's not you, it's Yuanchao." Yang Baorui looked at Su Yi with a smile, "Yanchao, speaking of it, you really broke many records of our factory. You will be the fastest in meritorious service, joining the party, and becoming a regular worker. Report you first."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Someone will definitely have opinions when doing things. I am already mentally prepared to accept the supervision of my leaders and colleagues, but I didn't expect it to come so soon."

"Aren't you worried that something will happen to you?" Yang Baorui suddenly turned serious.

"I'm even more curious about the literary talent of this report letter." Su Yi said with a smile, "If it's good, I'll make an appointment with this person. The factory report is short of drafts, and this kind of talent is needed."

Yang Baorui laughed heartily, pointed at Su Yi and said to Li Xinmin: "See, this means that you are not afraid of the shadows slanting, Xinmin, let's encourage each other!"

Li Xinmin smiled and said: "Yes, he is selfless and broad-minded. In this regard, the pure heart of Aid Korea is worth learning from him."

"Don't dare, the two leaders are absurd." Su Yi said.

One satirizes the other for being ill-intentioned, and the other retorts that the other is narrow-minded.Hey, don't drag me with you two weirdos!

"Director, can I read this report letter?" Li Xinmin asked.

"What's so interesting?" Yang Baorui handed the paper to Li Xinmin disdainfully, "It's so pretentious, but it's actually ridiculous. It's said that he sold temporary employment quotas for 200 yuan; What kind of mess is this about a married man messing around with a man and a woman? It doesn't even make it up!"

While reading the report letter, Li Xinmin smiled and said, "We just talked about the aid to the court and the temporary employment yesterday, right? Why did you get reported today? Who did you tell about this?"

"No one knows except the person involved." Su Yi said, "I guess this happened after Liu Guangtian joined the job."

"The efficiency is as high as yours, but it's a pity that I didn't use my mind on the right path." Li Xinmin looked at it and said, "Selling temporary employment places... This is nonsense. Who did you just come to know? Who are you selling to? Besides, this thing is I did it. Hooking up with married men, oppressing neighbors... Come on, explain to the factory manager, have you ever done these things?"

"I also need to have time to do these things." Su Yi sighed, "I can't do it all by myself."

"I can prove this." Li Xinmin pointed at the manuscripts on the table with a smile, "Is there a factory director? This is the result of Yuan Chao's work after taking over the deputy editor-in-chief, six manuscripts. If he really has the time and energy to do those things , then I really admire his energy."

"Six manuscripts?" Yang Baorui was taken aback, "The efficiency is high enough, how about the quality?"

As he spoke, he picked up the manuscript and browsed it.

"I just read it once. It is meaningful, vivid and simple, and close to the grassroots. As a supplement, I think it is very good and meaningful." Li Xinmin commented.

At this moment, Su Yi took out a cup to make tea for Yang Baorui with winking eyes. The two factory directors were seated here, and Yang Baorui nodded as he watched, obviously very satisfied.

Li Xinmin conveniently threw the report letter aside, neither of them looked at it again.

It is very stupid to sneak an anonymous report letter under the door of the leader. Normally, no leader will take it seriously, or even read it, and just throw it as trash.

There are normal channels for reporting. Even anonymous reports can be sent to the report box. No one will accept reports that do not comply with the regulations and dare not show up.

Not to mention, the content of Xu Damao's report letter seems to be telling a story, just talking about things, and it is vague and exaggerated, without any specific time and place.

Unless you want to deliberately punish you, no one will take this kind of report letter seriously.

Yang Baorui is more upright, he despises such sneaky complaints, and because of Yang Weimin's matter, he believes in Su Yi's character, so he doesn't believe the content at all.

As for Li Xinmin, he was somewhat skeptical that Su Yi had really resold the quota. After all, the biggest impression Su Yi left on him was that he "needed money".

But even if it was really resold, he would not pursue it. This quota was originally a benefit he gave to Su Yi.

What does benefit mean?Does that need to be explained?
So he took the initiative to endorse Su Yi.

So this report letter will not work at all.

Taking a step back, even if someone really took it seriously to investigate Su Yi, would they be able to find anything?

Will Liu's father and son be so stupid as to admit to giving money to Su Yi?

Unless they don't want the job they're getting, and they're charged with bribery.

As for messing with men and women...

Then it is even more impossible for anyone to admit it.

It would be a joke if what Su Yi did was ruined by a small anonymous report letter.

After reading the manuscript written by Su Yi, Yang Baorui was very satisfied and praised: "This is a good article! It is not only close to the work and life of the workers, but also has the meaning of education and warning. It plays a role of publicity and guidance. It is entertaining and lively. ,very good!"

"Thank you for your affirmation, the factory manager. I will definitely make persistent efforts." Su Yi said.

Yang Baorui waved his hand: "Speaking of business, don't leave Yuanchao. The matter of He Yuzhu has something to do with you, right? Xinmin, you should know about it, right?"

"Understood." Li Xinmin nodded, "I just received a call from the police station. Before you came in, I just checked with Yuan Chao about the situation."

Su Yi nodded and sighed: "Director, the cause of the incident is that I lost a piece of meat at home, and Comrade He Yuzhu admitted that he stole it. But to be honest, he didn't do it. The child was in the way. It was a trivial matter, and I didn’t want to worry about it, but the bad thing was that the community director of our community was present at the time, and Xu Damao from our factory reported Comrade He Yuzhu for stealing public property, and this matter has reached the point it is now.”

"Confused! No distinction between right and wrong!" Yang Baorui snorted coldly, "I know He Yuzhu, this young man doesn't have many bad intentions, and I also know about things that take advantage of the factory. If the water is clear, there will be no fish. Turn a blind eye and don't bother with him. But now that this matter has been brought to the table, and the police station has issued a formal investigation letter, then we can't pretend to be confused. Xinmin, the back kitchen You are also in charge of the piece, what's your opinion on this matter?"

"If it's just a matter in our factory, then it must be taken back to our security department to deal with it." Li Xinmin said, "But it still involves community security and theft, which is not within the jurisdiction of our factory security department. My opinion Yes, just follow the wishes of the police station, they will take the lead, and we will assist in the investigation and deal with it impartially."

Neither of them wanted to protect Sha Zhu.

This is also very normal, it's not a relative, no reason, you shit yourself, for no reason, who is willing to wipe your ass for you?
Not only won't help, but also think you are dirty and smelly.

What Li Xinmin just said is actually the key point of this matter. The key point of Shazhu's matter is that although it was caused by the theft of public property, the cause was the theft of neighbors' property.

If it's just the theft of public property in the factory, the factory security department also has the power to enforce the law these days. The police station usually transfers the case to the factory and lets the factory handle it by itself.

But with the charge of stealing the property of community residents, the police station with jurisdiction can handle it in a logical manner.

If Su Yi wants to help Sha Zhu operate this matter, this is the breakthrough.

But Su Yi didn't mention anything now, it's not time, it's unnecessary.

After the two factory managers finished talking about Sha Zhu, it was almost time for the meeting, and the three of them walked to the meeting place together.

Before leaving, Su Yi conveniently stuffed the report letter that no one cared about into his pocket.

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