Chapter 1444
Shen Hongyan was right, Su Yi was the only one attending this meeting as a non-leadership employee.

Except for him, everyone here is the head of various departments, and the lowest level is the official level.

The name of the meeting was "A meeting of the preparatory group for the workers' theoretical study and experiment base".

As the name suggests, I know what this meeting is discussing.

The meeting first carried out the personnel arrangement of the group and the distribution of powers and tasks.Basically every leader here has been assigned a corresponding task.

It is worth mentioning that Su Yi was also treated equally, and was assigned the title of an admissions class teacher.

Although it was only a temporary leadership position appointed internally, and the preparatory group would be disbanded after completing its tasks, this was enough to prove that the factory attached great importance to Su Yi and planned to reuse it.

What's more, since temporary leadership positions can be arranged now, it will still be possible after the establishment of the learning and experiment base.

With Su Yi's current popularity, this is basically a certainty.

There are no simple people who can be leaders, and everyone here can figure out the reason for this. Naturally, there is no contempt or condescension towards Su Yi.

If you want to set up a new department, or even a new unit, there are all kinds of things, and it’s definitely not just a slap in the face like playing a house. You can start when you are a father and I am a mother.

Don't talk about anything else, just talk about how to issue a recruiting brochure, you need to coordinate and consider with various departments such as workshops, back office, personnel, trade unions, etc., and check and verify each item word by word to ensure that there are no problems before it can be implemented on paper. Very troublesome.

This is just a small part of the work that Su Yi has to do, not to mention his other work, there are other departments that need the cooperation and coordination of the director of the admissions office...

Su Yi didn't do anything else this morning, just follow the meeting to coordinate and discuss work.

The mundane affairs are entangled, and the case is laborious.

Although a little boring and annoying, Su Yi treated it with a correct attitude.

This is part of life, even most of life.

Some people say that the happy and relaxing time of a normal person only accounts for 90.00% of the total life, and the remaining 90.00% are filled with a lot of boring or even meaningless things.If this statistic is correct, then the reason why happiness is precious may be set off by the [-]% eight.

So in order to double the happiness, Su Yi decided to set off seriously.

The whole morning passed like this. At noon, Yang Baorui arranged for the cafeteria to prepare a small stove, and a group of people walked towards the cafeteria in a mighty manner.

On the way, a leader mentioned the matter of Shazhu, and he was very dissatisfied with Xu Damao who "exposed his family ugliness".

I felt that the matter in the factory should be reported to the factory, why did I go to the police station to file a complaint?

how?Is the factory so dark that the workers have nowhere to complain?

This remark attracted the approval of the leaders, but Li Xinmin raised a different opinion, saying that everyone's position on this matter is different, and everyone's position on the issue is also different.He felt that Xu Damao at least had the ability and ideas to do things.

Yang Baorui disagreed with this, and refuted him on the spot, saying that Xu Damao reported it to the police station, but the problem is that this incident made the factory very passive. It is not a matter of position and attitude, but a matter of principle and character.

The conflict between Li Xinmin and Yang Baorui has always been unresolved by fighting. Hearing this, he laughed and said that what Director Yang said was true, and no longer argued.

Su Yi smiled and said nothing in the background. These leaders made sense. The problem is that everyone sat on their own seats and didn't lift up to look at the problem.

If the report in the factory was really useful, Xu Damao would have sued Shazhu long ago.

If the rules and regulations in the factory were strictly implemented, Shazhu's leftovers would not be able to be taken out. Su Yi's house doesn't even have a bookshelf yet.

But should Xu Damao's report for the purpose of retaliation be advocated?Will it be punished if it is not advocated?Or how to deal with it?

They don't discuss these issues at all, and avoid talking about them, because when they talk about problems, they run to themselves.

So when they speak, they are full of official accents, because how can officials be wrong?

This point of view is actually a little extreme. Yang Baorui is considered a good official and an upright person, so he cannot completely deny him with partial generalizations.

To be more honest, if it was Su Yi who went up, he would do better than others, but it would be hard to say, but his butt must have been crooked to the top of the city gate.

It was time for lunch, and a group of leaders marched through the big cafeteria to the small cafeteria at the back. All the workers and workers who were eating in the cafeteria saw this scene.

Seeing a group of leaders mixed with a handsome alternative, chatting and laughing happily with a group of leaders, without being obtrusive at all, it can be said that the eyeballs of the eyes were dropped.

"Isn't that Su Yuanchao? Why did he run among the leaders? Is this going to follow him to eat Xiaozao?"

"Don't you know? All the leaders of the factory had a meeting in the morning, and Xiao Sun poured tea for the meeting place. Su Yuanchao was the only one who was not a leader to attend the meeting."

"This Su Yuanchao is the factory director's son, right? Yang Weimin doesn't have this kind of treatment, so why should he? Just because he is a college student?"

"I heard that Su Yuanchao's father is Su XX, how about the leaders of the factory pampering him so much?"

"No wonder, tsk tsk, no wonder he just entered the factory and can be mixed into the leadership team."

"He hasn't become a regular yet, has he? Isn't this a violation? Let me tell you, it's too blatant to go to the District Commission for Discipline Inspection and report it for sure..."

The workers talked a lot and said everything.

Some people are shocked, some are puzzled, some are envious, some are jealous...

In just a short distance, the emotional value Su Yi received has been swiped in his mind.

This is only contributed by people who have dealt with Su Yi. Among the emotional values, the malicious value is the most, mixed with some fear values.

There are also three enviable joy values, from Zhang Chunmei, Liu Guangtian and Yu Haitang respectively.

Yu Haitang also contributed a wave of love value.

Among them, Li Chengcheng, Yi Zhonghai, and Qin Huairu had the most complicated thoughts, and their emotional values ​​were like a roller coaster.

"Satisfied, I don't know how to restrain myself, because I have a little background, I really think I'm a dish? Just wait, when you cry!" Someone said sourly not far from Liu Guangtian.

These people are actually the majority.Now with a submachine gun in a circle and sweeping the shuttle, the ones who were killed were all hoping for Su Yi's bad luck, and it would be a miracle to kill anyone unjustly.

This is not to say how corrupt the human heart is or how depraved the morality is. In fact, most people can restrain their evil thoughts and jealousy and show their good side. This does not conflict with their hope that Su Yi will be unlucky. After all, they were unhappy with Su Yi, mostly because of three words - why?
Even a simple person like Zhang Chunmei felt a little unhappy, but more proud and happy.

"Don't listen to other people's nonsense, deputy editor-in-chief Su can be valued by the leaders, it is entirely due to his own talent and ability." Zhang Chunmei said to Liu Guangtian seriously, "They are just jealous of deputy editor-in-chief Su, who can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour !"

Liu Guangtian didn't think so, talent?Talented bastard, can you arrange a job for me by relying on talent?You rely on your talent to arrange one for me?No background to hell.

But on the surface, he nodded again and again, with a look of approving Zhang Chunmei: "Chunmei, you are right, the deputy editor must rely on talent, only those who have no skills will be jealous of him, right?"

Zhang Chunmei blushed, and nodded quickly with some guilt: "That's right."

"Old Yi, does this Su Yuanchao live in your courtyard? What's the origin, such a big picture?" On the other side, someone asked Yi Zhonghai curiously.

"I'll help you find out later, and ask clearly." Yi Zhonghai said with a smile,

He suddenly felt a little regretful. He should have resolutely resigned yesterday.

The water in the courtyard became more and more muddy, and he didn't know how it dripped.

"Huairu, you are in the same courtyard as Su Yuanchao, what's his background?" On the other side, a group of female workers also gathered around Qin Huairu and asked questions curiously.

Qin Huairu smiled and said, "What background does he have, can you tell me?"

"Hey, your big beauty Qin has used some tricks, and he still doesn't bow down to your crotch?" Someone teased.

"That's right, take him down!" Everyone booed.

"Don't make trouble, can someone with a bright future take a fancy to me?" Qin Huairu sighed, "I really don't know the background, but I know he is a capable person."

"Are you capable? How many minutes at a time?" asked the female worker, "Are you struggling?"

"Get lost!" Qin Huairu cursed angrily.

A group of female workers laughed and made a fuss.

A female worker who looked very strong said: "Qin Huairu, I heard that Mr. Guo was beaten into the hospital last night. Does this matter have anything to do with you? Shazhu didn't come today, so it must be... ..."

A group of female workers looked at Qin Huairu suspiciously.

"Don't guess, this matter has nothing to do with Shazhu!" Qin Huairu said.

"That must have something to do with you?" the strong woman said.

"Sister Hua, I'm going to ask for leave this afternoon. I have to go to the hospital for a check-up. I haven't been very active recently." Qin Huairu changed the topic.

"Go, anyway, Mr. Guo is not here." Sister Hua said, "Don't interrupt, who beat Mr. Guo?"

Qin Huairu laughed and said: "I don't know who beat me, I only know that he will try to do shit in front of my aunt in the future!"

After saying that, he twisted his back and went out with the lunch box.

Sister Hua pointed at Qin Huairu's back and said, "See, how confident are you? Believe it or not, this Qin Huairu must have a backer, otherwise can you talk like that?"

"Sister Hua, who is her backer?" asked the female worker.

"Do you still need to ask?" Sister Hua pouted in the direction of the small cafeteria, "What kind of world has the young man seen? They are all in the same courtyard. Qin Huairu can't tell her why women are made of water?"

The female worker smiled and said, "Sister Hua, Qin Huairu is made of water, what did you do?"

"I'm made of pimple soup!" Sister Hua buzzed.

All the female workers were taken aback for a moment, and then they laughed together, attracting everyone's attention.

It's not easy to be a leader, so I ate a quick working meal and then went back to the conference room to continue the meeting.

It stands to reason that Su Yi has been so busy, it must be calm and nothing happened.

But I didn't expect that when a group of people left after eating, there would be twists and turns.

"Su Yuanchao!"

Su Yi was just about to walk out of the dining hall with a group of leaders when he heard a crisp cry behind him.

The voice caused the leaders to look back with Su Yi, and saw Yu Haitang galloping towards him, holding a canned bottle in his hand, which contained brewed tea.

Her beautiful eyes were glowing, she stared at Su Yi's face without blinking, her cheeks were flushed, she handed the water glass to Su Yi, and said, "Here!"

It was to bring water to Su Yi.

But in front of so many people and leaders, you, Yu Haitang, came to deliver water to Su Yi, no one would know what it means and what it means.

The most subtle thing is that Yu Haitang and Yang Weimin were boyfriend and girlfriend before!

How many days has it been since the two broke up?

There were even some leaders who didn't know about the breakup between the two, so they stared at Yang Baorui with wide eyes in horror.

Factory manager, your daughter-in-law, Hong Xing, is cheating...

For a while, the scene was very quiet, and the leaders looked strange.

Even Yang Baorui's eyes flashed with anger, contributing a wave of malice to Su Yi.

Yes, Yang Weimin and Yu Haitang broke up, and Yang Baorui was relieved after interacting with Su Yi because of Yang Weimin's irrational behavior.

But it doesn't mean that Yang Baorui is broad-minded enough to watch his ex-girlfriend who just broke up with his son openly show love to other men in front of the public and in front of him!

This is not a slap in the face, but a face-riding output.

Even this incident related to the majesty of Yang Baorui, because this incident will definitely become the talk of the whole factory, and Yang Weimin and him will also become the laughing stock of the whole factory.

Yu Haitang is said to be smart, she is really smart.

But when women are in the face of love, there are times when they are dazzled.

Now Yu Haitang's IQ is negative, she didn't even realize that her actions had put Su Yi in an embarrassing situation, at this time whether Su Yi accepted it or not, it didn't matter.

Take it, it means not paying attention to Yang Baorui at all.

Don't answer it, it's not right, things have happened, what can you prove if you don't answer?It proves that you, Su Yuanchao, don't care about a woman who Yang Weimin can't get back even with crying and shouting?
What's more subtle is that Su Yi, a husky, got mixed up with a pack of wolves and spent the whole morning getting along with them.As soon as this incident happened, it would immediately make him a conspicuous alien again. Although Su Yi didn't care about this, it was not a good thing after all, and it was an unwarranted disaster, which made him very upset.

With all eyes on, Su Yi took the teacup with Yu Haitang's expectant eyes, his expression normal.

"Why didn't you add goji berry?" He asked.

A large wave of malicious money came in.

"Ah?" Yu Haitang was stunned.

What is this unfolding?

"Goji berries!" Su Yi frowned, and his tone became more serious, "Didn't I tell you? Director Shen wants to drink tea made with goji berries, so he can forget everything he told you?"

While talking, he handed the teacup in his hand to Shen Hongyan and said: "Director Shen, fortunately it's hot, so you can drink something first. I saw you choked after eating, and you didn't even drink any water , let Haitang pour you a cup."

"Oh, I'm interested." Shen Hongyan was stunned for a moment, then took it with a smile, and blinked at Su Yi.

Su Yi nodded with a smile, turned his head and said to Yu Haitang in a daze: "The work log of the radio station for the past month is sorted out before I get off work in the afternoon. I want to read it. That's it, let's go back first!"

After saying this, he turned his head and smiled at the leaders with different expressions: "Sorry, I wasted the leaders' time."

(End of this chapter)

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