Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1446 Fat Ya

The old lady's legs are not yet sharp, and she can't walk too long.The first mother simply went to the nearby yard to borrow a donkey riding backwards, and took the old lady straight to the office of the community committee.

When we arrived at the place, Da Ma wanted to go into the yard to find someone, but was stopped by the old lady.

"We're not here to ask people to do things, we're here to give an explanation." The deaf old lady said, "When you come to the yamen to do things, you have to ask people to ask people, and it depends on them; , Think about it, he has to do it if he doesn’t do it, this is different.”

"Old lady, what age is this? How can there be complaints?" The aunt couldn't laugh or cry, "You're talking about the old society!"

"Whatever the society, it's the same thing if you go back and forth?" The deaf old lady disagreed, "What changes is the system, not the people's hearts. Look at me, just stand by the side."

After the deaf old lady finished speaking, she raised her crutches and slammed on the side of the tricycle, making a loud "boom bang bang" and yelling at the top of her voice.

"Fatty! Liu Fatty! Is Liu Fatty here?"

Don't look at the old lady, she has a loud voice.

When she shouted, she immediately called out the staff in the community.

"Old lady! What's the matter with you? This is the office of the community. How can we work if you are so noisy and screaming?" A young girl hurried out and complained, "Don't knock you, you want to Are you looking for someone?"

"Yes, I'm looking for someone!" The deaf old lady said with a straight face, "Call me the fat Liu family."

"No such person!" The little girl waved her hand, "Did you find the wrong place? Did you remember the wrong name?"

"Impossible! My eyesight is a bit blurred, old lady, but my memory is good!" The deaf old lady yelled at the top of her voice, "Fatty! Liu fatty!"

"Stop shouting, old lady! I'm coming! I'm coming!" A shy voice came, and Liu Guifen came out of the door with a black face.

"Hey, isn't this Liu Fatty? He said no..." The deaf old lady pointed at Liu Guifen and muttered to the young girl.

The little girl's eyes widened, her face flushed instantly, as if she wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

"Xiao Sun, let's go back!" Liu Guifen waved his hand.

"Yes, Director Liu!" The little girl ran back like flying.Immediately afterwards, there was a roar of laughter from inside the building.

Liu Guifen looked helpless and said to the deaf old lady: "You are really old...don't give me any face. I haven't heard the name Fatty for decades. Now it's alright. Everyone in the work unit knows my name is Fatty. Ah, you really deserve the credit!"

"If you know it, you know it. You are a fat girl, and you are afraid that people will know?" The deaf old lady said, "I forgot the time when I was a child and ran to my house to ask for candies? I ran here, and now I am not happy..."

"Okay, okay, call it whatever you like." Liu Guifen felt dizzy when she heard it, and hurriedly apologized with a smile, "Old lady, what do you want from me?"

The deaf old lady said: "Silly Zhu, that's my grandson, my grandson for the elderly! He was arrested by you, I don't have to ask why!"

"He Yuzhu?" Liu Guifen felt a little headache, "Old lady, this matter is under the control of the police station and has nothing to do with our community."

"You don't care, fat girl?" The deaf old lady stared at Liu Guifen and said, "It's the first time my old lady came to your door, you don't care about me..."

"Take care, my aunt, can I take care of it?" Liu Guifen said helplessly, "Wait, I'll go back and get something, and then I'll take you to the police station myself. You know the chief, Liangzi, Shan Guoliang. "

"Old Shan's? Who's old?" asked the deaf old lady.

"Second." Liu Guifen said, "It's the one who stole the goldfish from your house that year, and you almost opened up your ass to spend it."

"It's a bit of an influence." The deaf old lady thought for a while, "It's a skinny little monkey."

Liu Guifen couldn't help laughing: "When you meet him later, call him a little monkey!"

"Sure, I'll just say you asked me to call." The deaf old lady agreed with the opportunity.

Liu Guifen was stunned, and said awkwardly: "Then you better stop shouting, chief of the bureau, I can't afford to offend you."

"Go, go, don't be silly with me." The deaf old lady urged, waving her hands, "I'm still in a hurry to see my grandson!"

"The old lady is quite impatient." Liu Guifen muttered, turned around and hurried in.

After the aunt and others walked away, she asked worriedly: "Old lady, this Liu Guifen is the deputy director, and the official is not young, can you be so rude to her?"

"The more rude I am to her, the more polite she has to be to me." The deaf old lady said, "You are stupid, you don't understand even if I tell you, so don't ask."

The old lady looked down on her, which made Da Ma a little depressed.

After a while, Liu Guifen came out with a portfolio. She handed the portfolio to the aunt and said, "This is for Su Yuanchao in your yard. It is the procedure for the room to the north of the east wing of the front yard. Yesterday's meeting I agreed to give it to him, since you are here, please bring it to him. You tell him, tell him to go to the housing management bureau to pay the money, and then come to me when you are done."

"Okay, I'll tell him." The aunt agreed, took the file bag, looked around, and stuffed the bag under the floor mat of the truck.

"The east wing of the front yard is to the north..." The deaf old lady thought for a while, and said with some emotion: "This house has been vacant for many years. It's a pity, but now someone wants it. Let me tell you, don't do anything wrong. If you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, what are you afraid of if you hang someone? This imperial city has never been unjustly killed by ghosts from ancient times to the present? If you really avoid this, then there will be no clean place..."

"Ouch, old lady, don't dare to say such nonsense!" Liu Guifen was taken aback, looked around hurriedly, moved closer and lowered her voice a little nervously, "Old lady, you don't want to hang on to this god or something. It’s on my lips. Recently, the wind has become more and more serious. Our unit holds rectification meetings every three days and we must correct our thinking. You old people can take it easy. This wind will blow down sooner or later. What's going on..."

The deaf old lady smiled and said: "Listen to people's persuasion, eat enough, I will listen to you."

Liu Guifen was happy: "The old lady is sensible. Alright, then I'll take you to the police station. I'll go by bike, and you follow me."

The first mother hurriedly got on the bike, and said to the deaf old lady: "It's still because you are so proud of yourself. If you change someone else, please don't move Fatty Liu."

"Live for a long time, that's the only benefit." The deaf old lady said leisurely, "Go, keep up."

"Got it!"

All the way to the police station, Liu Guifen really knew the way, easily dismissed the guard, took the deaf old lady and the big mother straight to the chief's office, met the chief Shan Guoliang, and explained the situation.

This made Da Ma admire the old lady's foresight even more. If the two of them had come alone, they would never have met the Lord so smoothly and got straight to the point.

Violent institutions such as the police system are actually very taboo about acquaintances coming to the door. If it weren't for Liu Guifen, the old lady might not be able to see Shan Guoliang in person.

Even so, Shan Guoliang showed embarrassment, sighed and smiled wryly at the old lady: "Old lady, it stands to reason that we are all children who grew up under your nose, you came to look for me in person, I can't help it." For your face. But we are really disciplined, and the case must not be disclosed to the outside world during the trial stage. Especially because we just dealt with a policeman because of this matter, the lessons from the past are still in front of us..."

After a pause, Shan Guoliang continued: "The policeman who was dealt with is actually related to your courtyard, and is the fiancé of He Yuzhu's younger sister, He Yushui. Old lady, unless I don't want this job, I really can't tell you more What."

The deaf old lady sighed and said: "You've already said that, if I make it difficult for you again, it's just me cheating on the old, shameless."

"Don't dare to say that to the old lady." Shan Guoliang hurriedly waved his hand.

"Then let me meet Silly Zhu, is that okay?" The deaf old lady said, "If you are worried, you can ask someone to watch, I just want to ask my grandson, he is usually a warm-hearted guy , Why do you suddenly have to go to the prison? A person who has never stolen a needle before, how can he steal this and take that again, this person can't suddenly look like a different person, right?"

Shan Guoliang said: "Old lady, if you want to see him, you have to wait for a few more days, and it's not possible now."

"It's not okay to meet? Don't let me know about things?" The deaf old lady nodded, "Director Shan, you are selfless and a good leader..."

"Old lady, you're scolding me for saying that..." Shan Guoliang smiled wryly.

"I'm just praising you, how can I scold you?" The deaf old lady said, "You enforce the law impartially and make decisions for the common people. How good is that? Okay, you can check yours, and tell me what happened to the old lady after the investigation is over." That's right, it doesn't violate your discipline, does it?"

The deaf old lady looked at Shan Guoliang: "But to catch the adulterer and the double, and the thief to take the stolen goods, then you have to tell me how Sha Zhu stole the chicken and the meat. Why do you think he stole it. This requirement , should be reasonable, right?"

Shan Guoliang thought for a while, and said, "Old lady, I can tell you something. But I don't recognize you when you come out of this door."

"Tell me." The deaf old lady said.

"He Yuzhu insisted that he did it by himself. This is not a big case. You admit it yourself, and we don't need to go on trial." Shan Guoliang said, "Another one, stealing public property. Hey, Hongxing Steel Rolling Factory has replied that we are willing to cooperate with the investigation. The preliminary procedures of this case have basically been completed. If there is no change, we will close the case and file a public prosecution. Because the progress is very smooth, there are all the necessary confessions and so on. So this process will be very fast, and it will be completed the day after tomorrow at the latest."

The deaf old lady understood the implication of Shan Guoliang's words, and her expression was very solemn.

She was silent for a long time before she said, "If the leaders of the rolling mill come forward, will there be any chance?"

Shan Guoliang laughed and said, "Old lady, someone reported the theft of the property of the residents of your hospital. We have filed the case here first. In other words, this is already a case under our jurisdiction, and the rolling mill has nothing to do with it."

"Then what if your case is withdrawn?" The deaf old lady caught the point right away, as expected of her age.

Shan Guoliang said with a smile: "Then we will transfer him to the security department of the steel rolling mill to deal with, and they will handle their internal affairs by themselves. However, there will be a handover procedure between us. This matter will leave a foundation, and the rolling mill will also have to deal with it." Reporting the results to the district must be dealt with seriously, but how serious it is is more flexible."

The deaf old lady nodded thoughtfully: "I probably understand."

Shan Guoliang said: "Old lady, thank you for being considerate of me, I will go home to see you some other day."

The deaf old lady got up with a smile and said, "This is driving me away, yes, my old lady knows it."

"Look, you're being serious again." Shan Guoliang got up helplessly, and came to help the deaf old lady.

"My deafness is quite serious, and I can't hear people all the time," said the deaf old lady.

Shan Guoliang laughed and said, "Maybe I didn't tell you what you want to hear. But it's not my fault. If you want to blame, you can blame Liu Guifen. She is not sensible. She should take you to see her. Come here. Isn't it from the Kitchen King Temple to pray for rain?"

"Director Shan is criticizing me." Liu Guifen's eyes flashed, and she smiled, "I accept the criticism, and I will correct it."

Shan Guoliang didn't say anything anymore, he smiled and helped the deaf old lady to go out: "Old lady, I will see you..."

Along the way, he helped the old lady onto the donkey and watched the three of them go away. The smile on Shan Guoliang's face gradually faded away.

Zhao Desheng on the side came up and said, "Single case, is this case still to be settled?"

"Knot? How?" Shan Guoliang said, "Didn't you hear what the old lady said? If she really asks me for an explanation, where can I give it to him? Then He Yuzhu's motivation for stealing and the process of committing the crime are inconsistent. , It’s obviously covering for others. It’s just that we’re too lazy to bother with this crap, plus other factors, so we don’t go into it. But you just saw that the leaders of the district go to see the old lady every New Year’s Eve. When the time comes, she will say casually, I won't be able to pass the New Year yet?"

"What does He Yuzhu have to do with us? We don't have to worry about her telling anyone about it. What are we afraid of in normal procedures?" Zhao Desheng said, "Besides, isn't Su Yuanchao troublesome? If so, I can bring it."

"It's a normal procedure, but how can I not give the old lady any face?" Shan Guoliang sighed and said, "Su Yuanchao doesn't care about him. Didn't he himself say that there was a misunderstanding? What I should have said just now Give it to Liu Guifen, this old lady is smart, she must know what I mean. Let the old lady and Su Yuanchao discuss it on their own, and wait for them for a day, if there is nothing waiting for them when they get off work tomorrow afternoon News, close the case and report it!"


On the other side, the eldest mother sighed and said to the deaf old lady while pedaling: "What did I say? Idiot violated the law of the country, and no one can do it. You just don't believe it. Well, it's a waste of time, right?"

"You know what!" the deaf old lady snorted, "Tell Fatty to stop and let her come."

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