Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1447 Reporting

Before the aunt called, Liu Guifen stopped the car by herself, and when the aunt pedaled to the front, Liu Guifen said to the deaf old lady: "Shan Guoliang said that Yushui's fiancé was not mentioned for no reason, he wanted to say The most important thing is the person related to this matter, this is one; second, he told you the solution, but he said that this matter should not be referred to him, which means that we should solve the matter to the extent he said Thirdly, we have worshiped the wrong god, the real god is the person he has never said, this person can still talk in the rolling mill, and he can make the factory deal with He Yuzhu uncomfortably. So serious."

The aunt was stunned when she heard it, and said in a daze, "Why didn't I hear the meaning? Did we just hear someone talking?"

"Just say you're stupid?" The deaf old lady snorted, "This is official Chinese, don't say you don't understand it, I was fine when I was young, but now my brain can't keep up and I can't understand it, so I just Call Fat Ya. Fat Ya, you have helped your wife a lot today."

Liu Guifen held the hand of the deaf old lady and said with a smile: "I'm almost sixty, and I can still hear people call me fat in this life. It's so beautiful in my heart. Old lady, when I just heard you call me fat today, I I thought my mother was here, and I was in tears at that time. Oh, if my mother is still alive, she must be the same as you, calling me fat..."

Liu Guifen wiped away her tears as she spoke, waved her hands and said, "Hey, let's not talk anymore. Go back, don't worry too much about this matter. Go back and find the right owner and talk about it. I'll get in touch with this person." However, this is reasonable. Although I don't know why this matter is related to him, this person should not be bad..."

Liu Guifen babbled for a while before riding away, and the deaf old lady was thoughtful and did not speak.

The aunt waited for a while before she couldn't help asking: "Old lady, who is this Liu Guifen talking about? Why do I sound like you are talking about Su Yuanchao in the front yard?"

The deaf old lady came back to her senses and looked at her: "Not really stupid."

"It's really him!" The aunt was shocked, and after thinking for a while, she realized later: "If you say that, Director Shan is doing us a favor, so why is he acting so helpful?" Look like you can't help? I was still complaining about him in my heart, I should have known that I should thank him."

"If you really thank him, he'll roll his eyes at you instead." The deaf old lady shook her head, "Go, go back."

"Hey!" The eldest mother responded, and hurriedly pedaled, "Old lady, I still can't figure it out. What does this have to do with Su Yuanchao?"

"At first I thought it was because of the rain, but Fatty said he wasn't bad..." The deaf old lady was thoughtful, "I'll meet him at night and see what kind of child it is."

"Evening News Evening News! Beijing Evening News! An earthquake of magnitude [-] occurred in the Xingtai area, the Guizhou-Kunming Railway was connected nine months ahead of schedule, the first batch of Hongqi limousines left the factory, the British colony of Guyana became an independent country, Chinese cabbage rose by a penny, and the Red Star Rolling Mill Intern college students fight gangsters bravely with one enemy and ten..."

The newspaper sellers on the street had loud voices, hawking the freshly released Beijing Evening News.

The Evening News is also a newspaper under the Beijing Daily. It is published at three or four in the afternoon every day. Now is the right time.

"Another price increase?" The aunt exclaimed, "If this goes on, I can't even afford Chinese cabbage!"

"Wait, stop, stop first!" The deaf old lady realized something was wrong and asked the big mother to stop the car.

"Why..." Da Ma was about to speak, but the deaf old lady stopped her with a wave of her hand, and the old lady listened carefully.

"Sell newspapers, sell newspapers, Beijing Evening News..."

The newspaper seller yelled again, and this time the aunt also heard something was wrong, pointing to that side and shouting in surprise and joy: "Hey? That brave gangster, is it about Su Yuanchao's rescue of Qin Huairu? Son? Why is he still yelling at this?"

"That's why I heard? My ears are not as good as mine!" The deaf old lady muttered, "Go, buy a newspaper and come back."

"Why spend this spare money?" The aunt was unwilling, "Buy a bunch of paper that can't be eaten or used, and it can't resist burning..."

"I'll pay, you go buy it!" the deaf old lady said angrily.

"Then you can still pay for it?" The aunt gave her a white look, "Wait, I'll buy it for you, old ancestor!"

After finishing speaking, he went to meet the newspaper seller.

"You buy a newspaper?"

"Yes, how much?"

"Five cents each."

"Isn't it too expensive? It's just a few sheets of paper. You've read everything written on it just now. It's not fresh anymore. It's cheaper!"

"...Auntie, the whole capital is at this price..."

"So if you are cheap, don't you show yourself? Isn't this business coming? The young man doesn't know how to do business! In this way, give me one for every penny, and the idea just now is for nothing. Hey hey Hey, what are you going? You are talking!"

"...Auntie, five cents, do you want it or not!"

"Two points, I'll add a little bit, and you give up a little bit too, let's not make things difficult, okay? Later on, auntie will introduce you to someone..."


Five minutes later, Da Ma successfully bought back a copy of the Beijing Evening News for two cents!
The battle was so dark and dark that the newspaper seller had no eyesight and threw away his helmet and armor, and fled in embarrassment. The aunt came back victorious with the spoils of war, with a relaxed expression on her face.

Two cents to buy a newspaper...I'm afraid that if this matter is spread in the whole capital, it will be the scorpion's poop - one share of poison.

"For the old lady, the newspaper is back." The big mother handed the newspaper to the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady said: "Read it for me, I can't read."

The aunt was happy: "It's a coincidence, I can't read either."

The deaf old lady giggled and said, "The two illiterates will never buy a newspaper! Let's go back and let the idiot read it to us!"

"Alright!" said the aunt.

"I see that your face is a little pale, are you tired?" The deaf old lady suddenly worried, "How about I come down and take a walk?"

"No, no, no, I'm fine. I'm not far from home. We'll talk about it when we go back." The aunt waved her hand.

She has been sick all the time, taking medicine, and unable to do heavy work.Running back and forth with the old lady on three wheels today, my body is really overwhelmed.

The story of Su Yi's brave deeds has been published in the newspaper!
Su Yi knew about this before the evening paper was officially published.

The manuscript was of course written by Wen Hui. Before the newspaper was published, she took the final draft with a camera behind her back and couldn't wait to come to the Red Star Rolling Mill to find Su Yi.

Of course she came here not only to announce the good news to Su Yi, but also for business.

The preparatory work for the experimental base for theoretical study of workers has already begun. The big leaders and the senior management of the daily newspaper have decided to track and record the entire process of this project from scratch, so as to provide materials for the column.

As Wen Hui, who has been involved in it from the very beginning, it is natural for her to become an exclusive reporter and follow up the whole process.

When she came, the preparatory team was still in a meeting, and Yang Baorui let Wenhui into the venue with a big wave of his hand, allowing her to shoot the camera.

Unexpectedly, Wen Hui gave everyone a surprise.

The front page headline of the Beijing Evening News supplement!The eloquent press release of more than a thousand words, naming names and surnames, can be regarded as giving Su Yi enough pomp!

Now the whole capital knew the name Su Yuanchao.

This is also an honor and a good thing for the Red Star Rolling Mill. When reporting on the merits at the end of the year, you can add a sentence such as "Cultivated young people who are brave and good". It would be even better if there are awards or something.

Of course there are awards, and the awards given by the Propaganda Department are already in operation.

According to this report, the factory can directly let Su Yi become a full-time member; when the reward from the Propaganda Department comes down, Su Yi will be given a hot line to join the party.

The newspaper was circulated by the leaders at the venue. The leaders congratulated each other. Everyone was very happy and curious. When they asked for details, Su Yi just talked about it. The atmosphere at the scene was very enthusiastic.

"Such a good thing, we have to publicize it well, let all the employees in the factory know the good news, and call on everyone to learn from Comrade Su Yuanchao!" Yang Baorui waved his hand happily, "Yang Shutan, let the radio station broadcast it three times, Read this manuscript!"

"The director of the factory, the director of the broadcasting station is now Aid Korea, why don't you just tell him and let him promote himself well." Yang Shutan teased.

Everyone was stunned and laughed together.

is not that right?The radio station is in charge of Su Yi, and now broadcasting Su Yi's good people and good deeds is somewhat suspected of being a peddler and boasting.

Su Yi smiled helplessly: "Director, let's just broadcast it? The newspaper praised me as if Guan Yu was born again. I blushed when I heard it."

"Reporter Wen, did you hear that? It seems that your manuscript is not well written!" Yang Baorui said deliberately.

"Factory Manager Yang, I heard it. Comrade Su Yuanchao's criticism of me, I must seriously reflect on it." Wen Hui looked at Su Yi with a smile, wanting to see Su Yi's embarrassment or begging for mercy.

But Su Yi said solemnly: "Written reporters should reflect and review. The articles that praise me are all so colorful. When the time comes to praise the leaders of our preparatory team, what high-level masterpieces do you have to write? You are also demanding of yourself. Is it too high?"

Everyone laughed.

Li Xinmin pointed at Su Yi and laughed and looked around: "See? It's not that easy for you to take over his army. He's just a cunning trick!"

Wen Hui's beautiful eyes sparkled, staring at Su Yi with waves of joy and love.

The radio station broadcasted this, which must be broadcast. The good deeds of the workers in the factory were reported by the Beijing Evening News. How shameless is this?
But in the end, Yang Baorui didn't let Su Yi arrange this matter, but asked his secretary to take the newspaper and go to the radio station in person.

After Wen Hui took a few photos of the heated discussions among the leaders, she asked Su Yi to take her to the auditorium of the rolling mill, which is the future location of the learning and experiment base.

Yang Baorui readily agreed.

The spring breeze is blowing, and the willows are yiyi.

Su Yi and Wen Hui walked side by side on the straight concrete road in the factory area. The man was handsome and tall, and the woman was dashing and heroic. They were a striking couple.

Bi people.

In fact, Wen Hui strives for the opportunity to be alone with Su Yi, and everyone who has been here knows it.

It stands to reason that this moment should be an ambiguous and beautiful scene where Feng Lang wants to talk and laughs, but the topic of the two of them is so unpleasant.

In fact, it's not a topic between the two of them, it's mainly what Wen Hui said, and Su Yi nodded with a smile.

"Yanchao, my uncle said, after your award comes down, plus this learning and experiment base, if your factory operates well, you can definitely get promoted to your deputy department within half a year! At that time, you can go to the ministries and commissions to mess around with your qualifications. After two years of experience at the grassroots level, when I come back, it will be different from what it used to be."

"You have created a very high starting point for yourself. You must cherish your resources and make good use of your advantages. In the next few years, as long as you don't go wrong, even if you just move forward steadily, you will It's going up fast."

Su Yi looked at the excited Wen Hui and said, "Actually, my ambition is not here. People like me are not suitable for this career."

"Humble!" Wen Hui gave Su Yi a white look with a smile, "Not to mention, your response at the meeting just now was decent and generous, seeing the big from the small, a person like you is naturally suitable to take this path. Chao, don't waste your talents, really, you are one of the best young people I have ever seen."

If it's any other young man, I'm afraid I'll raise my eyebrows right now, asking who else has I seen who is as good as me?

Then a few years of agreement was triggered, and after a series of struggles and camps, they finally stepped on this old enemy and looked far away.

But Su Yi wasn't interested at all.

"Actually, my talents in other areas are better than this one." Su Yi said with a smile, "So I really don't need to pick my short board as my career."

Wen Hui was stunned for a while, then said: "This is what I admire most about you, you are too confident to aid Korea!"

Su Yi shook his head and said nothing more.

"Recently, my little uncle's house is going to treat guests, and the guests invited are all his former subordinates, but at least they are all leading cadres at the department level." Wen Hui said, "He specifically mentioned you, and when he said that some of our juniors will Go there and let everyone meet you."

Su Yi said: "Reporter Wen, look, is there such a possibility that I really have no ambitions and just want to be an ordinary person?"

"Stop kidding me." Wen Hui laughed, "You are so good, why are you so ordinary?"

"This is also a problem." Su Yi couldn't help sighing when he recalled what he had done after coming to this world.

Alas, I became a talent before I knew it, annoying.

"Yanchao, I really hope to see the day when you radiate dazzling light." Wenhui looked at Su Yi, his eyes seemed to be looking at a peerless treasure.

Su Yi said: "I will try my best to live like a light bulb."

"Pfft..." Wen Hui was finally amused, and couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry, "You, I'm feeling sorry for you, you... oh, it's not good, it's not prudent."

She looked at Su Yi and said: "Come with me later, I know a place, I will help you order a set of clothes first. A man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle. What you are wearing now does not look like a progressive youth at all." .”

Su Yi said: "No."

"Why?" Wenhui asked.

"I don't want to be arranged." Su Yi said, "That's why I reject what you talked to me just now. Reporter Wen, if we want to talk about love, I'd be happy to develop further with you, but planning my future is fine. "

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