Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1448 Major Events

Chapter 1448 Major Events
"Yanchao, I can understand your pride, but I want you to calm down and think about my next words."

Wen Hui obviously didn't expect Su Yi to simply hit a straight ball, so she made her attitude clear to her.

If it is an ordinary girl, I am afraid that she will feel very ashamed and annoyed at this moment, and she will either walk away or have a big fight.

But Wenhui quickly calmed down.

She looked at Su Yi and said sincerely: "A very real problem is that the family you were born in and the environment you grew up in limited your knowledge and cognition, and my parents are both cadres, and I grew up in a large courtyard. Da, the people I come into contact with are all officials. After being influenced by my ears and eyes, I must know how to develop in the system better than you. Aid North Korea, this is a fact, and it has not changed, so you have to admit, listen to me, you will With a broader prospect, your life will avoid a lot of detours and will be extremely smooth. I am not humble, I can at least save you ten or even twenty years of hard work for qualifications.”

"You may not like to hear these words even more, because your self-esteem does not allow it, but Yuanchao, you have to understand from what standpoint I stand to say these words." Wen Hui looked at Su Yi with bright eyes, "Although we It’s only the third time we met, but I really have a crush on you. I admire you and like you very much. I even think that you are my future husband. If I tell you, everything I just said I'm telling you from the perspective of a fiancée, will you feel better?"

Wen Hui's words moved Su Yi a little.

Even in later generations, such a bold, sincere and unrestrained girl is very rare.

Wenhui's sincerity made Su Yi let go of some resistance. He thought for a while and said, "Wenhui, I'm honored that you can say and think so. But what you said must be based on one premise, that is, I really want Make a difference in the official career. This is the biggest contradiction between the two of us, I really have no ambitions, the life I want to live is just a wife and children, and nothing else."

If Su Yi doesn't want to "take root in the grassroots", Wen Hui is the best partner Su Yi can choose from all aspects, and she will definitely be a good wife. good marriage.

It's a pity that Su Yi really has no big ambitions, so Wen Hui's various assumptions and plans for his life will become meddling and interfering.

With different positions, many good things can also turn into bad things.

So Su Yi felt from the very beginning that Wenhui was not suitable for him, and that the basic concept of life could not be reconciled unless one party was willing to give up his persistence for the other.

Su Yi obviously wouldn't do this, Wen Hui...

The two have only met three times, and there is no relationship at all. Why should they give up their principles for you?
But Wenhui really couldn't figure out what Su Yi was thinking.

"Why?" She couldn't understand it and was very surprised. "You are so outstanding, why do you have such an idea? Learning and excellence make you an official. This is the truth that has run through the ages! To describe it as progress and progress, this is completely abnormal! It is not easy for the country to train a college student. Shouldn't we work hard to serve the motherland? If talents like you think like this, when will our country be strong? ? When will the nation be revived? When will we realize gcism?"

"One more of me is not much, and one less of me is not much." Su Yi said, "And it's not that I don't struggle, Wenhui, am I not struggling?"

"Yes, you have struggled, but you can do far more than that!" Wenhui became a little emotional, "Yianchao, you have to cheer up! Can you tell me what caused you to have such negative thoughts? ?"

Su Yi said: "Don't talk about this, just say that we have different understandings on the concept of marriage. I said before that the love I yearn for is simple and pure emotion, but you are obviously different."

"Yanchao, I can't say you are wrong, but your views are really limited!" Wen Hui said, "Is the role of a life partner just for emotional sustenance and comfort? No, we can be comrades in arms fighting side by side. , is an all-round and all-weather partner. We cuddle up to each other emotionally, and we can work side by side in our careers, find the true meaning of life together, and contribute to the construction of the motherland together, which is more meaningful!"

"I hope that when we are old, we can talk about not only the memories of our children's love, but also the proud years! I hope that the footprints of our lives can be closely connected, and our marriage should not be just an emotion. An intersection, but two overlapping straight lines!"

Su Yi sighed and said: "Actually, you were right and I was wrong. But I insist on the wrong option."

"Maliciousness from Wenhui +99..."

Wenhui looked at Su Yi speechlessly, and said after a long time: "I don't know where your stubbornness comes from, but I will understand you and solve this problem."

"Maybe it's easier to give up." Su Yi said.

"I won't give up!" Wenhui shook her head vigorously, "Yanchao, I am a few years older than you, and I have searched for a long time in terms of relationships, and I know how rare and precious it is to find a compatible soul. I believe that you are the most suitable other half, and I will not give up on you, because I know very well that missing you must be the biggest regret in my life."

After a pause, Wenhui suddenly asked: "Yanchao, do you think it will be your regret to miss me?"

Su Yi smiled, but didn't speak.

"Maybe it's too early for me to ask this question, but it doesn't matter, you will know the answer sooner or later." Wen Hui also smiled, "But I hope that when I ask this question again, we will hold hands instead of facing each other. Speechless."

Su Yi's smile softened a little.

His heart wavered for a moment, thinking whether he should try it with Wen Hui?
But soon he gave up the impulse.

"Life is a long road, who can tell you what will happen in the future?" Su Yi smiled, "Maybe you will meet someone more suitable in the future, and when you look back, I was just the one who saw you off on the roadside of your life." It's just people."

Wenhui shook her head: "Yanchao, I didn't fall in love with you at first sight. You won't understand what kind of tossing and deliberation I went through behind these three meetings. I am a rational person, and I want to have you, which is also rational and clear. "

Su Yi sighed: "Sensible people can't fall in love. We didn't even say you love me and I love you, and we've already talked about marriage."

"But that doesn't mean we're not romantic." Wen Hui smiled.

She suddenly took two quick steps, turned around in front of Su Yi, and raised her neck at Su Yi: "Sir, am I pretty?"

Su Yi's heart fluctuated slightly, and he said with a smile: "It's so beautiful."

The two never discussed the subject again.

Wen Hui is a smart person, and she knows very well that further discussion of such differences will backfire, so she plans to find a more appropriate time to continue discussing this issue with Su Yi after doing more homework.

She has obtained many things through her own wisdom and hard work, and she believes that Su Yi, the uncut jade in her eyes, is no exception.

As for Su Yi, he is too clear about what kind of life and status he wants. He doesn't need a woman who tells him what to do from time to time, who tells him that he should seize the opportunity to climb up and fight with him.

He stands at a height that ordinary people can't understand, so he doesn't need his own women to stand shoulder to shoulder with him, they will never be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

What he needs is to know the cold and ask for warmth, to tie his heart to him, and to treat him like a woman.

Both Wenhui and Yu Haitang are women with strong self-awareness and personality, so they are not suitable for Su Yi.

Among the women Su Yi knew, Zhang Chunmei was one, but this child...

Yes, Su Yi thought it was a child.It's not that she is young, but that her psychological maturity is too low.

The most important thing is that Zhang Chunmei's appearance is almost the same.

Li Lan……

Su Yi and this person can be ordinary friends, no matter how close they are, they can't pee in the same pot.

As for the married women in the compound, needless to say, they were not Su Yi's ideal marriage partners.

He Yushui...

I can't carry it clearly, and my chin looks a bit strange.

Teacher Ran...

Even if there was no silly pillar, this woman did not grow up in Su Yi's aesthetics.

After looking around, Su Yi found that none of them were suitable.

Looks like we still have to go on a blind date...

"Now broadcast an exciting piece of good news! Comrade Su Yuanchao, an employee of our factory, was honored in the Beijing Evening News for his bravery..."

While Su Yi and Wen Hui were exploring the site in the auditorium, Yu Haitang's excited voice came from the loudspeaker in the factory.

Su Yi and Wen Hui looked at each other and smiled.

Su Yi became famous again.

All the deeds about him were gossip before, but this time it was different. Even the Beijing Evening News reported on him, which made the workers in the factory feel very surprised and fresh.

Qin Huairu's name was not mentioned in the report, but it was only said that Su Yi planned to make a compromise at the beginning in order to protect the safety of the female workers along the way.

But who in the factory doesn't know that Qin Huairu and Su Yi live in the same courtyard?

So don't think about it, this female worker must be Qin Huairu.

For a while, various versions of the story of "Heroes Save the Beauty" were rampant.

One hit more than a dozen, plus saving the pretty widow, any of these two factors is enough to attract attention, let alone the combination of the two?
Before the end of get off work, this matter had spread to everyone in the factory who knew about it.

After Su Yi and Wen Hui bid farewell, they originally planned to go back to the office, but when they walked halfway, they were surrounded by a group of enthusiastic workers asking questions. Seeing that the momentum was not right, he resolutely rode his bicycle to leave the factory, and found a public phone in the alley to call Li Xinmin. I made a phone call to explain the situation, saying that I would not go back to the factory to attend the evening meeting today.

Yes, the preparatory group meeting will continue in the evening.

"You kid is really slick, you slipped so fast!" Li Xinmin clicked his tongue, "Someone just came to report that a group of people gathered under your office building wanted to visit you, the brave Su Daxia, and wanted you to speak a few words in public Words, two sets of punches, the crowd is excited, and the public opinion is hard to disobey. I was thinking that you kid would be in the limelight no matter what you said, but I didn't expect you to run away..."

Talking is fine, so why punch?

Su Yi said speechlessly: "Director, I won't go tomorrow either. I'll go back to work when everyone calms down."

"Then how? Now is the critical time." Li Xinmin said.

"Tomorrow, I will take the newcomer Liu Guangtian to the printing factory, and the factory newspaper should be finalized in a few days, and I have to be familiar with the process." Su Yi said, "Besides, I have to wait for the personnel department to give me the list Information, pre-preparation and other work are as good as mine. For other manuscripts of the factory newspaper, I will also go to the daily office to find a reporter to coordinate. For other work, I can call Zhang Chunmei..."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it!" Li Xinmin felt dizzy, and contributed a wave of malicious points to Su Yi, and said helplessly, "Then tomorrow will be your field work."

After all, I hung up the phone.

Su Yi shrugged, called Shen Hongyan again, reported the matter, and maintained due respect to his immediate superior.

Naturally, Shen Hongyan had no objections, and made an appointment with Su Yi for a meal—this weekend.

Su Yi just rode his bike to the community.

After finding Liu Guifen and asking, he found out that the procedures for the house had been taken back by the aunt. At the same time, he also learned that the deaf old lady and the aunt had gone to the police station today.

Liu Guifen is very smart, she just mentioned this matter and then changed the subject, obviously she didn't want to get involved in this matter.

She talked about the start of construction of the house: "Aid Korea, the engineering team must find a reliable person. If you can't find one, there is a reliable one here. My neighbors have been acquainted for decades, and they are honest. , To work steadily, the key is to have reliable acquaintances."

"Okay, let's meet then, tomorrow afternoon when I get off work, or at noon." Su Yi is kind and kind.

He didn't know any engineering team, and everyone introduced him the same way.

"Then tomorrow at seven or eight o'clock in the afternoon." Liu Guifen thought for a while, "I'll let him go directly to your yard to find you."

"Thank you, Aunt Liu." Su Yi said with a smile, "There is one more thing, that is, I am looking for a partner. If you want to trouble Aunt Liu, you have to worry about it."

Speaking of this, Liu Guifen immediately regained her spirits: "Didn't you say before that you should focus on work and not be in a hurry?"

"Did I say it?" Su Yi was startled, "If I did, it must be against my will, and I'm being polite to you."

Liu Guifen chuckled and said, "Then I'll pretend you didn't say anything! Yuanchao, I'm not boasting, girls in four or nine cities, just tell me what you want, and I can bring you a meeting! The key is that your conditions are good, and this matter is easy to handle!"

"I don't have high requirements. I'm more beautiful and cheerful. It doesn't matter if I have a job or not. The key is to be a little more traditional and not too progressive." Su Yi said, "For me, I just want to find someone who can live a down-to-earth life. , can take care of my diet and daily life, there are not so many things."

Liu Guifen excitedly said: "You are so right to think so! Oh, if I can think like you, my job will be much easier. Marriage and life, good personality and down-to-earth are the most important things. Of course , you have good qualifications, and it is only natural that you have requirements for appearance, this request is not excessive at all! Well, Auntie already has several candidates in mind, just wait and listen!"

Su Yi said: "Then I will entrust you, Aunt Liu, for the important affairs of my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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