After leaving the community, Su Yi rode his bicycle to buy a few boxes of snacks, some dried fruit and non-staple food, fresh vegetables, etc., and then walked back.

When I returned to the courtyard, it was time to get off work.

Before entering the courtyard, I saw Xiao Dang squatting in the middle of the alley, drawing something on the ground with a stone.

Su Yi rang the car bell, smiled and waved to Xiao Dang who looked up.

"Happiness from Jia Dang +99..." Xiao Dang was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly threw a stone down and ran towards Su Yi.

"Uncle Yuanchao, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Xiao Dang said happily.

Her eyes were like a scanner, and she scanned Su Yi's small and large pockets on the front of the car. When she saw a pastry, she sniffed and swallowed hard.

"Wait for me? Why are you waiting for me?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Didn't you say yesterday, didn't you say..." Xiao Dang was a little shy, kicking his feet in embarrassment, twisting and turning.

"Didn't you say something?" Su Yi said with a smile.

Xiao Dang said: "Uncle Yuanchao, my brother stole something from your house again today."

Su Yi frowned. He originally wanted to lock the door of the house, but he thought that he would have to solve the sticky matter in the past two days, so there would be no trouble.

He also heard Qin Huairu's beating with sticks yesterday, and he thought that after being beaten with a stick, he should have a longer memory and calm down a little bit, but he didn't expect that this robber would remember to eat but not to beat, and he came to patronize him again today.

"Stole what from me?" Su Yi asked.

"Two packs of cigarettes, in the middle drawer of your chest of drawers." Xiao Dang complained, "I told him not to let him take it, and he insisted. I took a box. But Sophora japonica is too young and ignorant, so the box of Sophora japonica should be my elder brother’s head. Uncle Yuanchao, tell my mother again, let my mother spank my brother’s ass, but the spanking was less yesterday. It's light."

Su Yi pointed to the bruises on her face, and asked, "Your brother beat you? How did you do it?"

Xiao Dang pursed his mouth, and there were tears in his eyes. He choked up and said wronged: "He said I was a traitor, rolled up his book and slapped me several times. I will complain to my mother, and my mother will go to the hospital today. I'm in the hospital, and I just lie on the bed and sleep when I come back, she doesn't care, my grandma still scolds me, woo woo..."

As he spoke, Xiao Dang began to cry sadly.

Su Yi patted her head: "Uncle will help you vent your anger. Did you see that I bought you the snacks I promised you yesterday."

Children's business is also a matter, and you can't let the children down by breaking the appointment.

As soon as Xiao Dang wiped away his tears, he stopped crying immediately, and asked impatiently, "Uncle, can I eat Sophora japonica with me?"

Su Yi laughed and said: "Today you and Huai Hua can't go to my house to eat, I'll send it to you and let you eat at your house."

Xiao Dang shook his head and said, "No, my grandma must hide it for my brother!"

"It's okay, I have a solution." Su Yi said with a smile.

Xiao Dang was skeptical, so Su Yi took out another fifty cents to give her: "This is to reward you. In fact, your brother stealing is very bad. Even if you don't tell him, he will be punished sooner or later. If you do something bad, you can't hide it from the adults." of."

Xiao Dang nodded vigorously: "That's right, stealing is wrong!"

Xiao Dang happily took the fifty cents and left.

Su Yi pushed the car into the yard. As soon as he entered the door, a neighbor who hadn't spoken much before greeted him. He warmly greeted Su Yi and invited Su Yi to his house as a guest.

Su Yi declined, and then walked inside.

As soon as he entered the doorway, he was surrounded by several neighbors who praised him and treated him very warmly.

After finally getting rid of these neighbors, when they reached the front yard, Yan Fugui greeted him with a big smile again.

Before he could open his mouth, Su Yitou waved his hands and said, "Third Master, let's not do this, right? It is said that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. I have realized it today. If you want to say something good to congratulate , or stop talking, my head hurts!"

Yan Fugui was taken aback, and expressed a wave of joy, the smile on his face became wider, he laughed and said: "Well, if our two families are related, then we will not be like outsiders. Aid Korea, don't talk to me today. It's time for dinner, come to my house, I'll treat you!"

Su Yi was startled, the sun came out from the west?

Mr. Yan's treat?Who would dare to eat this meal?
Su Yi dared to eat but was unwilling to eat. This meal must not be cheap.

He hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no, third master, I'm still comfortable eating at home. Besides, Xu Damao from the backyard asked me to have dinner tonight, and I don't know why there is no more content. This made me feel uncomfortable. I don’t know whether to go or not.”

"Is there such a thing?" Yan Fugui was startled, "Xu Damao is too unreliable, how about I help you ask?"

"How do you ask? Ask why people don't invite me to dinner? It's inappropriate." Su Yi smiled and waved his hands, "If he calls me, I'll go, if he doesn't call me, I'll eat with my family, where is Yu Li's sister-in-law? I'm not busy. Bar?"

"No, no, she's idle, and she was planning to invite you to my house for dinner... Hey, I'm also to blame for my abruptness. We should make an appointment in advance, so next time, next time I will advance, more sincerely and grandly... "Yan Fugui smiled brightly, "The time depends on you. When you are free, let's make an appointment. Is that okay?"

Su Yixin said that the third master was determined to treat the guests, and this meal seemed difficult to avoid.

so be it.

He nodded: "Success, respect is worse than obedience."

Yan Fugui was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear: "That's right! Then let's make a deal. I'll tell you to go to Yu Li. You can go home and rest, go and go."

Yan Fugui happily went back to the house.

Su Yi shook his head, and entered the house with his things.

After putting the things on the table, Yu Li came just after walking around the house.

"Why don't you go to eat at home? I've cut all the vegetables over there." Yu Li smiled as she entered the door, "My father-in-law is so generous that he even prepared meat. If you don't go, put away the meat again , making Jiefang and Xie Dibai happy."

Su Yi said: "It's comfortable to eat at home."

"It doesn't matter how comfortable you are when you go home after eating." Yu Li said.

Su Yi said speechlessly: "I didn't mean that..."

Yu Li pursed her lips and smiled: "But I am."

Su Yi nodded and gave a thumbs up: "Just as long as you are happy."

Yu Li came over and looked at the things on the table: "Buy so many things again?"

"Take the box of dim sum later." Su Yi said, "Just take the unpackaged one, the third master can't sell it even if he wants to."

Yu Li Yile: "Are you still guarding against him? Are you afraid that your sister-in-law won't be able to eat?"

She came over and held Su Yi's face, leaned over and said "baji" and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law will fill you up after eating."


Seeing Su Yi's speechless expression, Yu Li was very happy.She touched the back of Su Yi's neck: "Sister-in-law will cook for you first. What do you want to eat?"

"You can figure it out, what to do and what to eat." Su Yi said.

"Sure, then I'll see." Yu Li quickly rolled up her sleeves and started to work, "I'm back in the courtyard today, everyone treats you differently, right?"

"Excessive enthusiasm." Su Yi said.

"You have to get used to it." Yu Li said, "You are the first one to be published in the newspaper in our courtyard. Everyone must be fresh and proud of you. Besides, the whole courtyard is concerned about your arrangement of work for Guangtian." I see, you are a very capable person in the eyes of everyone now. Otherwise, why do you think my father-in-law invited you to dinner?"

"If the third master knows what you say, you have to say that your elbows are turned outward." Su Yi laughed.

"Where is the inside?" Yu Li turned her head and gave Su Yi a wink, "You're going inside, why? Afraid that your sister-in-law will sting you?"

"'re a bit fierce today." Su Yi said.

"I'm still angry." Yu Li turned her head and said in a jokingly relaxed tone, "You are a little heartless, and you don't want to think about your sister-in-law if you have a job, and give it to outsiders."

"A temporary errand runner, you are not suitable." Su Yi shook his head and said, "It's really given to you, and I can't order you around. Liu Guangtian is different. If you don't do well, I will scold you, and if you don't obey, I will punish you."

Yu Li smiled and said: "Anyway, you have to think about your sister-in-law, I'm not being polite to you."

Su Yi thinks that Yu Li is quite smart, and this topic is actually very sensitive, and if it is not discussed well, it will leave a gap between the two, but she will be very relaxed and comfortable when she talks about it this way.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, I know it well, this time it's because of a bad job, I will remember you." Su Yi gave Yu Li a promise.

"The love from Yu Li +106, the joy from Yu Li +145..."

Yu Li paused for a moment, and said, "I'm satisfied if you have me in your heart. Don't force yourself, your future is the most important thing."

Su Yi said: "Bang Geng stole two packs of cigarettes from me today, I have to go find Sister Qin."

Yu Li turned around with an "ah" and hurriedly asked, "How do you know? Quickly see what else is missing?"

"I just saw it, just two packs of cigarettes." Su Yi looked at Yu Li and found that her eyes were a little red.

Yu Li is very sensitive. Seeing that Su Yi noticed her abnormality, she was a little embarrassed and walked over to cover Su Yi's eyes, and said shyly, "Don't look! Sister-in-law is just a little moved..."

Su Yi chuckled, not ashamed of her, took her hand and continued: "I'll go find her, it's not a problem to keep stealing like this."

"The old lady of the Jia family is not easy to mess with." Yu Li said worriedly, "Be careful of her messing with you."

"She doesn't dare." Su Yi smiled faintly, "Besides, I'm just talking, not arguing."

Yu Li said angrily: "This stick is too outrageous, stealing things all the time, and the old man in the yard doesn't care, that child will be a victim of the yard!"

Su Yi said: "There is always someone to punish him."

Yu Li thought it was just a casual remark, so she didn't care, and said: "If the old godmother says something bad, you can ignore it, just turn around and walk away. If you quarrel with her, you will suffer."

"I know." Su Yi nodded, opened a box of snacks, took it out, and went straight to the middle courtyard.

Yu Li was still a little worried, so she hurried to the bedroom inside, opened the window and lay down by the window to look at the other side of the hanging flower door.

When Su Yi arrived at the door of Jia's house, Xiaodang and Huaihua were playing at the door.

Su Yi smiled and took out two pieces of snacks, under the surprise eyes of the two, gave each of them a piece, and said with a smile, "Try whether it is sweet or not."

The two children could hardly wait to stuff a mouthful into their mouths, and began to eat happily.

"Go and ask your mother, I have something to do with her." Su Yi smiled.Glancing behind the side window, I happened to see that Mrs. Jia Zhang was also looking through the glass.

"Maliciousness from Jia Zhang's +66..."

Xiao Dang went back to the house and asked Qin Huairu to go.

Qin Huairu went to the hospital to get the ring in the afternoon, and now she was very uncomfortable, lying on the bed with a sallow complexion.

But she heard Su Yi's voice outside and sat up.

Now she was wearing a flowery waistcoat, revealing her white arms and a large breast.

"Mom, Uncle Yuanchao is looking for you!" Xiao Dang rushed in with a snack and shouted at Qin Huairu.

Before Qin Huairu could speak, Jia Zhang hurriedly said, "Xiao Dang, why didn't you ask for a snack for your brother?"

"I..." Xiaodang stopped, not knowing how to answer.

"This unlucky boy, go and go, you just say that your brother hasn't eaten yet, sweeten your mouth, go!" Jia Zhang said.

"Oh..." Xiao Dang answered and was about to go out.

"Come back!" Mrs. Jia beckoned again, "Give me the snack in your hand, just say that you have finished eating, and ask him to give you another piece, and you can call Sophora flower back!"

"Okay, Mom, let Xiaodang eat it!" Qin Huairu said angrily while putting on clothes, "How many times can the child have snacks? Just let her eat."

"I didn't say not to eat, let her go again!" Jia Zhang argued.

"Don't bother with your grandma, go out and eat." Qin Huairu said to Xiaodang, "Ask your Uncle Yuan Chao, if I can give you another piece, let alone for your brother, do you hear me?"

"I heard." Xiao Dang hurriedly agreed, and ran out, fearing that the pastry in his hand would be taken back by grandma again if he was too late.

After Xiao Dang went out, Qin Huairu lowered his voice and said to Jia Zhang: "Mom, I'm a little flustered, why did Su Yuanchao come to see me? Could it be a stick and doing something bad, he came here right?"

Jia Zhang was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Impossible?"

She didn't have the confidence to say this herself.

He hurriedly said again: "No matter what he says, don't admit it, don't be stupid, just admit it!"

"He came to the door, so he must have a good idea." Qin Huairu said helplessly as he got off the kang to put on his shoes.

"There is a fart!" Jia Zhang said, "Catch a thief and seize the stolen goods, as long as you don't get the money, even if you steal something, he can't do anything!"

"If he has a problem with us because of this incident, the neighbor will have nothing to do with it in the future." Qin Huairu said with a tired face.

"That can't make my eldest grandson suffer." Jia Zhang said, "You think of a way to send him away!"

What can I do?
Qin Huairu shook her head and walked out.


Huai Hua wolfed down a piece, then looked at Su Yi eagerly.

Su Yi didn't give it to her, but said with a smile: "Hua Hua, you did bad things with your brother, so you can only eat one piece."

"My brother asked me to do it!" Sophora Hua hurriedly argued.

At this time Xiao Dang came out from the door and said to Su Yi: "Uncle Yuanchao, my mother said, can you give me another piece?"

The tone was a little reluctant.

"Okay." Su Yi said with a smile, "Eat the one in your hand first, and I will watch you before eating the second piece, but you are not allowed to take it away."

"Yeah!" Xiao Dang immediately became happy when he heard it, and hurriedly lowered his head and started to gobble it up.

Huaihua was greedy, and hurried to Xiaodang, raised her head, swallowed and asked, "Sister, is yours delicious?"

On the last day of the month, I seldom ask for a monthly ticket. This time I ask for a wave, and my brothers support it.

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