Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1450 Dinner

"It's delicious, I'll break some for you." Xiao Dang was quite generous, seeing his younger sister was greedy, so he broke some for her.

Of course, this is also related to Su Yi's promise to give her the second piece.

It's just that she ate quickly and there was not much left, and she only took one bite when she broke it off. No matter how carefully the little pagoda flower was chewed, it would soon be gone, and she looked at her sister eagerly.

"I'm done defeating the imperial husband!" Xiao Dang hurriedly ran to Su Yi before he could swallow the snack in his mouth.

Su Yi smiled and gave her another piece.

"Thank you Uncle Yuanchao!" Xiao Dang happily ate without saying a word.

Xiaohuaihua ran to her sister again, stared at the snack in her hand and asked, "Sister, what kind of stuffing is this?"

At this moment, Qin Huairu came out.

"Yuanchao is here?" She looked very bad, but she was very enthusiastic, "Why are you standing by the door? Come in and sit inside."

"Don't do it, just say something and leave." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Then tell me." Qin Huairu said with a smile without being polite.

"I went home today and found that I lost two packs of cigarettes at home." Su Yi cut to the chase, "The cigarettes are from Greater China, the kind with filters. When I bought them, one pack cost seventy-two cents. I thought about it. There should be no one else taking it in the courtyard, so I came to ask you, is it a stick?"

"Maliciousness +99 from Qin Huairu..."

Qin Huairu's face, which was originally bad, turned darker now.

"Yanchao, Banggen...he doesn't smoke." She forced a smile, "Besides, we can't lose something because of our family's Banggen. If you don't look for it again, should you put it somewhere else and forget it? "

"Sister Qin, if I have no evidence, can I come to my door?" Su Yi said with a smile.

He took out a piece of dim sum, shook it, and said to Huaihua who was still looking at his sister eagerly: "Little Huaihua, come!"

Qin Huairu felt a "thump" in her heart, feeling bad.

He wanted to hurry up and take Sophora japonica back to the house, but wouldn't it mean that there was no silver 300 taels here?

In the future, I will have to deal with others, and they have saved me twice...

With this hesitation, Su Yi waved the dim sum and began to say: "If you promise me that you won't follow your brother to my house to steal things in the future, I will give you dim sum."

The little girl is more than three or three years old, how can she understand the sinister heart?

At that moment, she nodded repeatedly and said: "Hua Hua doesn't dare anymore, stealing is not good, my brother told me to steal it!"

His eyes never left the snack in Su Yi's hand.

Qin Huairu helped his forehead helplessly.

In fact, as soon as Su Yi said that she must have done it.

This kid hasn't been home yet, so he must be eating, drinking, and playing outside, otherwise he would have gone home to find something to eat when the meal was ready.

How can I not understand what my son is like?

Su Yi laughed and said, "Okay, you're quite obedient. Then you answer one more question from Uncle, and Uncle will give you two dollars."

"Then I'll answer several questions, can you give me a few dollars?" Xiaohuaihua asked.

"No, and if you can't answer this question well, you won't have a single snack." Su Yi said.

Xiaohuaihua sighed: "Then you can ask."

Su Yi was happy, the little boy looked helpless.

"Let me ask you, your brother stole the cigarettes, did he smoke it himself, or did he sell it?" Su Yi asked.

"Sold it to Brother Jiefang, Qianyuaner, for fifty cents!" Xiao Huaihua said.

Su Yi gave her a snack and said, "Just eat here, and I'll give it to you after I'm done."

Seeing Xiao Dang showing off another piece, Su Yi handed her another piece and said, "You eat here too."

"En!" Xiao Dang happily nodded vigorously, feeling happier today than New Year's.

With Su Yi's order, she can justifiably stay outside to eat, instead of taking it back to grandma.

Qin Huairu couldn't see what Su Yi was thinking, and couldn't help but said, "You really spoil them."

Su Yi said: "I like these two little girls, teach them well, and they can be my daughter's companions in the future."

"Girl?" Qin Huairu was puzzled.

"I want a daughter." Su Yi smiled.

"You're already thinking about children before you get married?" Qin Huairu laughed.

"Idle is idle, think about it." Su Yi responded, then changed the subject, and said, "This matter is already clear. Sister Qin, how do you solve this matter?"

Qin Huairu smiled slightly, and said: "Yanchao, sister first apologize to you, I did not discipline the child well. Don't worry, I will definitely compensate you, and I will hold a stick and ask him to apologize to you in person. "

Su Yi said: "If you don't count the chicken, this has happened twice. Sister Qin, I will give you face, and this matter will be done according to your instructions. But you can't do it again and again."

"I understand, Yuan Chao, I'm sorry, my sister bows to you, I'm really sorry..." Qin Huairu looked tired, and was about to bow to Su Yi when he stood up.

Su Yi waved his hand: "Don't be polite, solve the matter calmly, don't be angry. You look very bad. If you are in a bad mood, you will easily fall into the root cause of the disease. Take care of yourself."

"Love from Qin Huairu +99..."

Qin Huairu burst into tears.

She turned her head away, and said with a choked tone: "Yeah, I know, what, then, please, I'll let you take a trip..."

Su Yi shook his head and waved to Xiaodang and Huaihua: "If you want to eat, you are welcome to come to my house as guests, goodbye!"

The two girls hurriedly smiled and waved goodbye to Su Yuanchao.

"Goodbye, Uncle Yuanchao."

Su Yi turned and left.

He didn't go far when he heard Jia Zhang's exasperated cry from behind: "Come back to me! Immediately!"

He smiled and went back to the house through the hanging flower door.

The purpose of looking for Qin Huairu was not to punish Bang Geng. Since the deaf old lady got involved today, it would definitely be bad luck for Bang Geng, so there was no need for Su Yi to do anything extra.

His purpose is to recover the loss.

Yes, two packs of cigarettes are nothing to Su Yi, but just because I don't care doesn't mean I'm being taken advantage of.

You can take what I give you. If I don’t give you, you have to pay me for a needle.

Jia family.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was yelling: "You two heartless and heartless people, what's the use of raising you? Feeding a pig is better than raising you! Feeding a pig can kill you and eat meat. What's the use of you? Let you give it to your brother. Save some snacks, where are the snacks? And you Huaihua, your brother is so kind to you, and you turned around and sold your brother? You bitch, I will sell you to the old bachelor who repairs shoes at the entrance of the alley tomorrow!"

Little Sophora japonica was frightened and cried loudly: "Grandma, don't sell me, Sophora japonica is worthless..."

"Of course you are worthless, worthless bastard!" Jia Zhang scolded, then turned her gaze to Xiao Pang, "And you, why didn't you keep some snacks for your brother? Oh, he said to eat in person Just eat it face to face? If you take the snack and don’t eat it, can he snatch it back? Still didn’t worry about your brother, and took care of himself. Heartless bastard, don’t go to school tomorrow, you won’t learn much at school! Hurry up and go back to Jia's Village, and become a child bride-in-law for the second idiot in the village, maybe you can get back a bag of stick noodles..."

Xiao Dang also burst into tears of grievance.

Jiazhang was even more upset: "Cry! You know how to cry! What the hell are you wronged by eating my food and drinking my food? You white-eyed wolves who can't get enough to feed, you won't be wronged if you are killed!"

The more she talked, the angrier she became, and she picked up the broom and was about to beat someone up. The two girls were so scared that they quickly hid behind Qin Huairu.

"Mom, you're almost done. Su Yuanchao just doesn't want BangGiao to eat his snacks, so why are you angry with them?" Qin Huairu sighed, and said disgruntledly, "BangGeng's problem of stealing things is still a problem in the end. Didn't you get used to it? I used to encourage him to go to Shazhu's house, but Shazhu didn't bother with him. Later, he became bold and stole people's things all over the yard. How many times have I told you that you are hurting him? , did you listen? You thought you would be fine if you scolded everyone back? It’s all right now, you’ve encountered a hard problem, why did you hide in the house just now?”

Mrs. Jiazhang was poked at the center, and said angrily: "You admit it all, and you promised to lose money. What's the use of me going out? You are also a worthless person. Why do you admit it? If you don't admit it, you will kill him. What can happen? Does he have evidence?"

"Mom, Su Yuanchao can solve Liu Guangtian's work, so do you think he can't do my job?" Qin Huairu put his arms around his two daughters and said, "As soon as I become a regular, I will immediately apply for the second-level job exam. At that time, the monthly salary will be ten yuan more than it is now, and our family will not ask anyone, and we will live our own life steadily. Now I have had enough of the days of no decline."

Jia Zhang was silent for a while with a dark face, and said: "What about that stick? He has a stubborn temper, can you really let him admit his mistakes?"

"If you don't recognize it, hit it!" Qin Huairu said.

"How dare you!" Jia Zhang raised her voice, "No one beats their children every day. You beat them hard enough yesterday, and you still beat them today?"

"Did he listen to beating him?" Qin Huairu became angry, "How did you promise me yesterday? He stole it again today and ignored my words! This kid is not obedient at all now, can you not deal with him?"

"Anyway, you are not allowed to beat him!" Jia Zhang waved his hand, "Speak well to him, to be reasonable, this kid is a donkey, you have to follow him. In my opinion, just apologize, you go Just say good things. You lead these two little disasters and let them apologize for her brother. Doesn’t the prodigal son like these two? It’s just right, you teach me how to play with men.”

"Mom, what are you talking about!" Qin Huairu stared, "The child is so young, why are you saying this in front of them?"

"Sooner or later..." Jia Zhang muttered, the second half of the sentence might have been too much for her, so she didn't say it, and changed the subject, "In short, you just take them. Also, the matter of losing money what to do?"

"Whoever took the cigarettes, I will ask who is going." Qin Huairu said, "Didn't the third uncle always advertise that he is a scholarly family? It would be difficult to handle this matter at the second uncle's house. He beats the child, but it is unreasonable." But the third master is different, this man can be reasonable, I will go to him and ask him to pay for cigarettes, and if he has no cigarettes, he will lose money."

"You can still take money out of Yan Laoxi'er's pocket?" Jia Zhang's face was full of disbelief.

"If it's usually enough, but now..." Qin Huairu smiled, "Their family has something to ask Su Yuanchao, just for this, I can catch him."

Mrs. Jiazhang thought thoughtfully, and said, "Can you... you want the money back, and we can keep it for ourselves? After you're done, go and talk to Su Yuanchao, so that he doesn't care about these three melons and two dates." , Anyway, he doesn't have much money, he is arrogant, so don't care about it."

"What beautiful things are you thinking about?" Qin Huairu rolled his eyes.

She hadn't told Jia Zhang that she owed Su Yi two yuan before, for fear that something bad would happen to Jia Zhang.

"This person also accepts death," Qin Huairu said, "you owe him a lot, and he is not ambiguous when he should be generous. Mom, how we get along with Su Yuanchao is related to our family's future life Lai, don't meddle in the mess."

"I'm too lazy to care about it." Mrs. Jia Zhang said angrily, "Okay, if you want to go to Yan Laoxi'er's house, you can go quickly."

Qin Huairu supported the back of the chair and stood up, frowning in pain.

The body is still very uncomfortable.

It's strange to say that if such a thing had happened before, she would be so angry that her seven orifices would be smoking now.

But with Su Yi's order, her mood today has really stabilized a lot.

Qin Huairu thought for a while, and felt that the pain in her body had eased a little.

"Hurry up, why are you poking around stupidly?" Jia Zhang urged, "Go and come back quickly, we still have to cook, and the stick is coming back soon..."

Qin Huairu sighed, shook his head, turned and went out.

As Qin Huairu expected, although Yan Fugui has many problems, he is still very clear about this kind of matter.

After hearing Qin Huairu's introduction of the situation, his face immediately changed, and he brought Yan Jiefang who was on the side over and asked him to explain honestly.

In front of his stern father, Yan Jiefang didn't dare to hide it, so he made every move.

In fact, he really didn't make any big mistakes, but Bang Jiao came to him to ask him where he could sell the cigarettes?When he saw that it was actually two packs of Da Zhonghua, he immediately moved his mind and offered to buy it for fifty cents.BangJiao didn't know how much the cigarettes were worth, so he immediately agreed when he heard it was fifty cents.

Yan Jiefang knew that the cigarettes cost seventy-two cents a pack, but on the black market they could be sold for ninety cents, or even one yuan a pack.

He had planned to go to Pigeon Market tomorrow to sell the cigarettes and make a profit, but he didn't expect that before he could sell them, it would be revealed.

In addition to facing the mistake of "collecting and selling stolen goods", he now has to explain to his father where the fifty cents he bought cigarettes came from, and what to do with the money after selling the cigarettes?

In Lao Yan's house, privately setting up a small treasury is the most serious problem.

Qin Huairu took back two packs of cigarettes, but when Yan Fugui asked for the fifty cents, she couldn't get it out, saying that she wanted to check with a stick.

The two sides fought back and forth, but in the end Yan Fugui still failed to get the fifty cents back, and the family sent Qin Huairu out with stinky faces.

Qin Huairu took the cigarette and originally planned to go directly to Su Yi, but hesitated for a while, and decided to go home first.

She wanted to try to see if she could talk through the stick, and bring the stick to apologize and return the cigarette, which would be more sincere.

It's also fortunate that she didn't go, Su Yi is having dinner at home right now.

"Sister-in-law, why didn't you order food?" Su Yi asked with a frown while holding the chopsticks.

"Oh, look at me, I forgot. I'll do it now!" Yu Li said.

"Forget it, let's eat like this, when will it be ready?" Su Yi shook his head, planning to make do with it.

But Yu Li came over and said with a smile: "I'm cooking the food now, so I won't delay your meal."

Su Yi was startled, but before he could react, Yu Li had already crouched under the table.

"No, sister-in-law, this is..."

"Suck, suck..."

"Yanchao, how about this dish, do you want to serve?"

"Sister-in-law, how can I eat like this?"

"You eat yours, I eat mine."



After a while, Su Yi stared blankly at the empty bowl in front of him.

What are you having for dinner tonight?

Happy April Fools' Day

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