Just ask a neighbor in a large courtyard, what about Xu Damao?
Regardless of good or bad, the unanimous evaluation given by everyone must be - timid.

This guy is too timid.

As soon as Sha Zhu raised his hand, he could jump five meters away.When he was bullied when he was young, other children were beaten and cried at most. He had to kowtow to others to admit his mistakes and avoid being beaten. In the end, he would run away when he saw a bad child, no matter whether they were coming for him or not.

Let’s not talk about the distance, let’s talk about the distance. That morning when a group of soldiers came to the compound, Xu Damao was so scared that he wet his pants...

It can be seen that he is indeed timid.

Out of extreme jealousy this morning, he wrote an anonymous report letter and stuffed it under the door of Director Yang's office.After that, the more I thought about it, the more anxious I became, and the more I thought about it, the more afraid I became, for fear that Su Yi would find out that it was him and make trouble for him.

So he hid out in the afternoon, not daring to stay in the factory.

He didn't dare to go home after get off work, instead he wandered outside for a long time, making sure the courtyard was calm before he dared to come back.

He originally wanted to hide at home and didn't want to attend the general meeting, but this person has a lot of thoughts. Thinking about the report letter he submitted in the morning and the general meeting held in the evening, the content of the meeting should have nothing to do with this matter, right? ?

In fact, how could things in the factory have anything to do with the courtyard?But the more people think about it, the more complicated they become. The more Xu Damao thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. He was unwilling to miss his "masterpiece", so he came here.

He never expected that before the meeting even started, Su Yi would come to him.

He didn't expect that Su Yi would just take out the report letter he wrote in the morning and compare it with the handwriting in his notebook.

Unfortunately, he gave the notebook to Su Yi on his own initiative...

Xu Damao's mind was buzzing at that moment, and it went blank.

Immediately, his face turned pale, his eyes widened in horror, and his whole body trembled involuntarily.

It is no exaggeration to say that he was scared to death!
Right now, he didn't have time to think about how the report letter got into Su Yi's hands. Xu Damao's only thought was - to run!

Su Yuanchao fought the gangsters bravely with one enemy and ten. His small arms and legs are enough for Xu Damao to get punched a few times?
Xu Damao was terrified, he took a step back and ran away after realizing it!
Didn't dare to say a word!
Before Lou Xiaoe could even react, Xu Damao had already run out of the front yard through the crowd.

Very fast.

Lou Xiaoe was dumbfounded!
The rest were also very puzzled.

This Xu Damao is like a hen that has been poked mad, why is it so startled?

"It's not him...why is he running?" Lou Xiaoe said dumbfounded, "There must be something wrong!"

Su Yi smiled and put away the letter paper, and handed the notebook in his hand to Lou Xiao'e: "Maybe it's for exercising, let's eat after dinner."

Lou Xiao'e is not a fool, how could she believe such rhetoric.

She also reacted: "He is afraid of you!"

Lou Xiao'e looked at Su Yi in surprise: "I understand, he has been avoiding you today! No wonder he didn't come back after the treat, what are you doing, why is he afraid of you like this? Sha Zhu, he has never been so afraid! "

"Want to know?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Tomorrow afternoon, I will make up for this meal at your house, and we will chat slowly at the dinner table. It's not like you do things like this."

Lou Xiaoe sighed and said, "Please, please! I feel ashamed about this, so I must invite you. Even if Xu Damao dare not come back, I will invite you too!"

"Tell Damao that he has a good literary talent. I plan to apply to the leader and ask him to come to the factory newspaper to help me." Su Yi smiled and said, "His job of showing movies is always running around in the mountains and the countryside. How hard is it in the rain? You can't stay at home for a few days, won't this affect your married life?"

"Hehe, I can tell, you must have no good intentions, you are trying to scare him." Lou Xiaoe smiled gloatingly, "But this time I will stand on your side, Xu Damao's crap job of showing movies is not good, I don't want him to do it for a long time. I have heard a lot of rumors about going to the countryside all day long and not doing good things. "

"That's it." Su Yi smiled.

Lou Xiao'e was still curious and asked Su Yi what was written on that piece of paper. At this moment, everyone saw the first mother leading two policemen into the compound.

"Why are the police here again?" Lou Xiao'e looked over in surprise, "What's wrong with our yard recently? Why do you keep fighting with the government? Is this a violation of Tai Sui?"

It wasn't just her, the whole courtyard was buzzing loudly, and the neighbors in the courtyard were talking about it, wondering what happened today, and unexpectedly alerted the police again.

But it looked like the police had been called in this time.

There are two police officers, one old and one young, the older one is Su Yi's old acquaintance - Zhao Desheng.

The young man looked in his early twenties, with a white face and glasses, and looked a little frail.

As soon as the two came in, the three uncles immediately greeted them, shook hands with them, and whispered for a long time.

The uncle explained to the aunt, and the aunt went straight to her home.

The three uncles brought the policemen to the center of the field.

At this time, Qin Huairu, who was already sitting in the field, keenly sensed something was wrong, and his heart sank.

"Mom, something is wrong, why are the police here again?" Qin Huairu lowered her voice and asked worriedly.

"Who knows?" Jia Zhang was also a little surprised, "Could it be a fool's move?"

Qin Huairu didn't know what was going on in her heart, and under the anxiety, her thoughts turned a lot, and she lowered her voice: "Mom, you go home and watch the three children do their homework, don't come out again. I'm going to have a meeting here to see what's going on."

"What if the silly Zhu confessed inside?" Jia Zhang worried, "They won't really grab the stick and go to jail, will they?"

"No." Qin Huairu took a deep breath, covered her swollen belly for a while, and then continued, "If you really want to be arrested, you can directly arrest them. If you don't want to arrest people, you can directly find them." Our family came, but they didn't find it... Either the meeting today has nothing to do with our family, or they don't have any evidence...Mom, you go back quickly, I'll check the situation here."

"Okay, Huairu, you're smart, you must keep the stick." Jia Zhang became nervous at the moment, "Remember, we can do it no matter what, but nothing will happen to the stick!"

Qin Huairu whispered: "I know."

While talking, the big mother over there helped the deaf old lady over and sat on the main seat.

Jia Zhang hurriedly got behind the people and walked quickly to his home.

The second uncle coughed, and the meeting officially started.

"Neighbors and neighbors, the reason for bringing everyone together tonight is because of what happened yesterday - silly Zhu! Everyone knows that this silly Zhu stole meat from Yuanchao's family yesterday because he stole a chicken. , was taken away by the police. Did Sha Zhu steal this chicken, this meat? Although Sha Zhu is a bit of a jerk, he doesn’t respect the elderly, and loves to make trouble... But he usually doesn’t have the problem of stealing chickens and dogs. ..."

"No, the three of us gathered together to think about it, and the more we thought about it, the more something went wrong. The most respected old lady in our yard also said that this silly Zhu is definitely not such a person, so I gathered everyone together today. , Let's talk about this..."

Halfway through Liu Hai's words, the neighbors started talking about it.

"What's there to say? Didn't Shazhu admit to stealing? He has confessed himself, so what are we talking about?"

"Yeah, isn't that weird?"

"It's a waste of time, these three uncles are getting more and more slack, and there will be a meeting of the whole courtyard for any nonsense."

"Whether silly Zhu steals or not is under the police's control. Why did you hold a meeting with us? Isn't this asking the monk to identify his in-laws—did he find the wrong person?"

Seeing that the courtyard was full of complaints when he opened his mouth, Liu Haizhong stood there in embarrassment, spreading his hands to the old lady speechlessly, meaning, look, how can this be done?
Among the three uncles, he is the least willing to get involved in this nonsense.Sha Zhu usually has the least respect for him and often ridicules him, so Liu Haizhong hates Sha Zhu very much.

He was too happy that Sha Zhu was in jail, he felt that there was a disaster in the yard, and that finding a job with his son could be called "double happiness", and now the old lady insisted on forcing the three uncles to "rehabilitate" Sha Zhu.

In bangs, there are a thousand people who don't want to, and 1 people who don't want to.

But there was no way, the old lady spoke up, and Yi Zhonghai suffered two crutches, Yan Fugui confessed on the spot, and he was left alone, so he could only reluctantly submit.

This time, when he opened his mouth, everyone complained, Liu Haizhong was not only not annoyed, but also secretly pleased.

He didn't explain and let everyone complain.

Seeing what you say and what you say, the scene is chaotic, Yi Zhonghai coughed heavily and stood up.

He looked around and said: "Neighbors in the neighborhood, the reason why we have called everyone together to talk about this matter today is because this is not only about Sha Zhu alone, but also about each of us big fellows. .Is Shazhu wronged? No, he deserves it! But if we are neighbors, we should give him a hand. Not to mention Shazhu, if anyone here is wronged, then The neighbors in our yard can't stand by and watch, they should all lend a hand to help."

"It's better to be a close neighbor than a distant relative. Today it's us who help Shazhu, and tomorrow it might be everyone's turn to help you. No one can guarantee that they will be safe and sound all the time, and there will be no troubles, right? If someone has an accident and everyone doesn't care, then when it's your turn in the future, no one will care about you, what do you think? Comparing your heart with your heart, right?"

After Yi Zhonghai said something, the neighbors who spoke fell silent.

He struck while the iron was hot, and continued: "There is something strange about Shazhu stealing chicken and meat. It can be said that the two incidents of throwing chicken and meat happened when we big guys were at work. At this time, Shazhu also In the class, how did he steal it? His third uncle, tell me!"

Yan Fugui said: "On the day the chicken was lost, before I went to school in the afternoon, I went to check the chicken coop to make sure that the chicken was there. When I came back from work, the chicken was not there, which means that the chicken was lost in the afternoon. This stupid column What are you doing in the afternoon, in fact, just ask his colleagues in the cafeteria. If he is always in class, he has no time to steal chickens."

Yi Zhonghai nodded, then looked at Su Yi again: "Yichao, when did you lose your meat?"

"Yesterday during the day, after I went to work in the morning and before I came back from get off work at night." Su Yi said, "I was with brother Zhuzi and the third master during the lunch break."

"Yes, yes, I can prove it." Yan Fugui nodded.

At noon that day, Sha Zhu and Ran Qiuye met for the first time.

"As long as that silly Zhu proves that he works in the cafeteria in the morning and afternoon, he can prove that he didn't steal the meat." Yi Zhonghai said, "It's also very simple to prove it, just ask the people in their cafeteria."

After a pause, Yi Zhonghai said: "Actually, there is no need to ask. The kid Shazhu grew up in our courtyard. Everyone in the neighborhood knows what kind of person he is. It is absolutely impossible for this kid to do anything. Besides, He is a cook, stealing chicken and meat...does he still need to steal? Is it worth it?"

There was a loud buzzing in the yard, Qin Huairu's complexion had become extremely ugly, his fingers gripped the bench so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"Grandpa, but Sha Zhu himself admitted to stealing things, but no one forced him!" Someone shouted, "If he really didn't steal, why did he admit it by himself?"

"Yeah, why would he admit it if he didn't do it? Is he cheap?"

"Life is so boring, do you want to stay in the classroom?"

"No one can stop you from looking for death. If you want me to say don't worry about it..."

The neighbors were laughing and discussing, Yi Zhonghai coughed, and said again: "Why did Shazhu admit it? We don't discuss this matter. What is certain now is that there is someone else who stole chicken and meat. This person is definitely not Shazhu. The person who stole things can't be an outsider, but someone from our yard, among us!"

Having said that, the courtyard has become quiet again.

Yi Zhonghai looked around for a week, deliberately staring at Qin Huairu Ruuo meaningfully, and said: "Just now I chatted with two comrades in the police, and this idiot said everything that should be said in the police station. The police should know I know all of you. Why did you invite the police? Learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones, and save lives. I hope this person who stole things will stand up by himself. Don't take this opportunity as a fluke."

Liu Haizhong took over the conversation and said: "If you stand up now, that is surrender. If the police call the names directly, the nature will be different, and then you will be punished as you like. We are helping you, don't be ignorant. "

"Actually, it's nothing more than stealing chicken and meat." Yan Fugui also laughed and said, "Yanchao and I don't care about it anymore, but stealing is wrong, so You have to stand up and admit your mistakes and apologize, which is also one of the purposes of our meeting tonight, small punishments and big warnings! But if you don’t even want to admit your mistakes, then you don’t want to repent, and this matter is serious.”

When the three uncles were talking, they all looked at Qin Huairu intentionally or unconsciously, and it was obvious that these words were meant for her.

But Qin Huairu looked like he was sitting on the Diaoyutai, listening intently there, nodding his head from time to time, as if agreeing with the views of the three uncles, and there was no sign of panic on his expression.

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