Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1453 Obstruction

No matter how shrewd she is, Qin Huairu is just a widow with little knowledge.

Can she not panic?

Her heart was full of panic and fear, which was even worse than the despair she felt when she faced the big boy alone that night.

But she held on, and she told herself that she could not retreat even one step.

Sticky is her life, she can't let anything happen to sticky.

She didn't believe that Sha Zhu had been recruited, she knew what Sha Zhu was like, and she felt that if Sha Zhu really recruited, there was no need to talk nonsense here.

So she's sure they don't have any proof that the chicken and the meat were stolen by the stick.

Without evidence, they cannot be convicted!
So she can't panic, she has to pretend she's not afraid at all, and she can't let others see her guilty conscience.

The three uncles all saw her appearance, and they all knew that today's matter might not be so easy to solve.

The three fell silent and stopped talking.

If you want to push things forward and talk about it next, you will definitely offend people.

The three uncles were forced by the old lady to hold this meeting, but no one is willing to do something that offends others.

Both Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui looked at their noses with their eyes, and their noses looked at their hearts, and they installed clay statues.Yi Zhonghai looked at the two of them with helplessness in his eyes.

He just knew that he had to do the job in the end.

The more people who care about their image and reputation, the more they seek, the more they will be coerced by the current situation, and they will be pushed forward without sincerity.

Yi Zhonghai is not willing to be the master for Shazhu at all, just as he discussed with the first mother before, Shazhu has suffered this time, and he and the first mother will give charcoal to Shazhu in the snow, so that Shazhu is grateful, which is more in line with their interests.

If you come forward now, it is likely to be thankless.

The most important thing is to offend the Jia family, and this offense is not an ordinary offence, it is to question the stick, and the stick is the lifeblood of the Jia family.

Not to mention how difficult the Jiazhang family is, it's not good for this one to get a reputation of bullying orphans and widows.

So Yi Zhonghai really didn't want to do this.

But he has to do it if he doesn't do it, and he can't be passive and sabotage like Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui.

Because he is an uncle, he still counts on Shazhu to provide him with retirement.

This offending job, he has to do it, and he has to do it if he doesn't.

Now he regrets more and more why he didn't step down from the position of Uncle Yi because of his greed for a while.

If he resigns, these bad things won't be his turn to have a headache at all.

"Huairu, where's the stick? You call him out." After waiting for a while, Qin Huairu still didn't respond, so Yi Zhonghai could only sigh inwardly, and called the roll call directly.

There was a sudden buzz, and everyone's eyes fell on Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu's face became paler, she looked at Yi Zhonghai in surprise and said, "Master, what do you mean by that?"

Her voice was a little dry and trembling, but her heart suddenly felt at ease.

Yi Zhonghai said: "Huairu, I've come to this point, I won't make it clear, and you don't pretend to be confused. You are also a smart boy, you should know what we are talking about. If silly Zhu bears the crime of stealing meat and chicken , he is going to jail, do you have the heart to watch him go to jail?"

Qin Huairu said: "I see, Sha Zhu usually helps us a lot, you want Bang Giao to plead guilty for Sha Zhu, it's a way for the child to repay his favor, right?"

Just as Yi Zhonghai was about to speak, Zhao Desheng on the side coughed lightly and said, "Let me intervene, we are here to witness the facts, not to listen to how you falsify our police. So don't say anything similar to what you said just now. Now, what is a scapegoat or not? Whoever did it is whoever did it, let's seek truth from facts!"

"You heard Huairu too." Yi Zhonghai sighed, "Today, in front of comrades in the police, we have to say something, and we have to be responsible for everything we say."

He understood the purpose of what Qin Huairu said just now, Qin Huairu actually wanted to "surrender and lose half", and declared to the public that the stick was to take the blame for the silly Zhu in order to repay the favor, but the one who stole was not the stick.

Qin Huairu felt guilty for Shazhu, so she was really thinking of a way to save Shazhu. This method was the best of both worlds she came up with, but it was still in the making and not perfect, and she was not sure of convincing her mother-in-law agree.

But in the scene of the three joint trials today, Qin Huairu subconsciously succumbed, and threw out his own ideas, hoping to take a step back and open up the sea and the sky.

But she was destined to think too much, not to mention that the presence of the police would not allow such unspeakable things to be announced openly, but why did the old lady hold this meeting?
Not only for the sake of the three trials, but also for the rectification of the name of her eldest grandson, Sha Zhu!
If the police released Sha Zhu in a low-key manner, people who don't know the inside story will think that Sha Zhu was released through the back door. There will be too many gossips in the future, and Sha Zhu will not be able to explain to everyone one by one, and the key people will not believe it.

Now that the real thief is found in front of the big guys, and the police are on the scene to testify, there is no dispute about whether Sha Zhu is a thief.

If the old lady doesn't make a move, that's all. Once she makes a move, she must solve the problem quickly and without leaving any hidden dangers, so this matter is not negotiable.

Unifying the thoughts of the three uncles, holding a meeting, and calling the police are all the firm determination shown by the old lady.

So Su Yi knew that the matter was stable when he heard the old lady's words before, but Qin Huairu was lucky in the situation and didn't see the situation clearly.

Qin Huairu's heart sank. The words of the police and the uncle made her let go of her luck, but she didn't give up. She was still holding on to the last straw.

She said: "Since you say that, there's no need to call the stick out."

"Huairu, do you want me to make it clear?" Yi Zhonghai's voice became a little harsher, "Call the child out now to admit his mistake and apologize to the big guy. This is a surrender. Sticker is young , and don’t need to go to jail, the most you can do is to criticize education. Would you rather let Shazhu go to jail than cover up Bangjiu?”

"I understand." Qin Huairu looked at Yi Zhonghai, "Do you suspect that the person who stole something is a stick? My lord, do you have evidence to catch a thief?"

"If you want evidence, then you have to do it in business!" Yi Zhonghai said, "If you really take that step, there will be no sympathy for you. Qin Huairu, you have to think clearly, don't harm the child instead!"

"Master, if you say that we are stealing things without evidence, isn't that bad for my child's reputation?" Qin Huairu became excited.

"If you want to be famous, don't do bad things!" Yi Zhonghai said.

"That's the same sentence, what about the evidence?" Qin Huairu became even more excited, "Without evidence, you just say that our family is stealing things. You are not such a bully, right? Let people pour dirty water on their heads like this!"

While talking, Qin Huairu burst into tears: "If Jia Dongxu is still alive, I don't believe you still talk like that!"

The meaning of these words is that Yi Zhonghai bullied the orphans and widows.

What Yi Zhonghai was most concerned about and worried about inevitably happened in the end.

He took a deep breath and said: "Huairu, no one bullies you, you speak with your conscience. Over the years, I have always called on everyone to take care of your family. If you want to say that I bullied you, you can ask the courtyard People here, I, Yi Zhonghai, am I usually like this?"

He looked around and saw that everyone was nodding or acquiescing, agreeing with his words, and then he was slightly relieved, and continued: "It's easy for you to ask for evidence, you call the stick, comrades in the police are here, we Ask him in front of everyone, and you will know if it is true or not."

"With the posture of the three trials, my legs are trembling now, how can the child not be afraid?" Qin Huairu wiped his tears and said, "He will admit everything you ask him during this battle, even if you say he killed someone, he will Nod, he is afraid... If you have anything to do, come to me, don't harm my child! As long as I have evidence, I will immediately go to the police station with a stick!"

"If you want to say that, let the police comrades go to your home and ask." Yi Zhonghai said, "Is this the head office?"

"No! Banggen didn't do anything, so why let the police interrogate him?" Qin Huairu cried, "You guys are too bullying, aren't you? Unless I'm dead, you don't want to hurt Banggen!"

"No one wants to harm him, but he has to be responsible for what BangGou has done!" Yi Zhonghai said.

"Where is the evidence? Why do you say that without evidence? It's too bullying!" Qin Huairu burst into tears.

Yi Zhonghai looked up to the sky and sighed.

Beside them, Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui continued to watch their noses, noses and hearts, as if they had never heard of it, as if they had never seen it.

The fortress of Banggeng is too difficult to conquer, and now it is only Qin Huairu's level, and there is an even more difficult Jiazhang family behind.

At this moment, the old lady paused hard on her crutches and spoke leisurely.

"Huairu, you want evidence, do you think the big guy can't come up with evidence?" The old lady said, "Everyone is thinking about the neighbors' affection, and they don't want to end the matter. Do you really want evidence? , Children stealing chicken and meat, someone must have seen it, the police comrades need to do a little work, just go out and ask."

"But at that point, then this is not something that can be settled with an apology and a gift, and there is no room for maneuver." The old lady said, "You feel sorry for the child, anyone can understand, but the stick Up to this point, haven't you grown-ups gotten used to it?"

"Old lady, the stick is just a child. Is that the case?" Qin Huairu cried, "I usually respect the elderly and take care of the neighbors in the yard. I don't care if anyone calls me. Such an end? I really don't want to live my life..."

"You say you are pitiful. What about my grandson Shazhu? Isn't he pitiful? He became a thief for no reason. A young man who is not yet married bears such a dirty reputation. Who would marry him in the future? Wouldn't he Are you going to be a bachelor for the rest of your life?" The old lady sternly said, "He's been working hard, but now because of this incident, even if he doesn't die, his skin will peel off. Is he wronged? Even if he cleared his dirty reputation as a thief today, but He can't afford anything! Qin Huairu, Shazhu usually takes good care of you, is it appropriate for you to treat him like this?"

Qin Huairu looked around for a week, feeling completely hopeless at this moment.

The old lady teamed up with the three uncles, and the police were in charge, and she was determined to deal with it. She knew that her son would not be able to keep.

In other words, she couldn't keep it alone.

But there is also the mother-in-law.

Is mother-in-law okay?

She didn't know, but she wasn't willing to just let it go.

She was crying bitterly, no matter what others said, she would just cry, without saying a word.

Time passed by, even Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui couldn't help but say a few words, but Qin Huairu still just cried, no one should say anything.

It's not a solution to waste like this, Yi Zhonghai sighed and said: "Who is troubled, go to Huairu's house in the middle courtyard, and call out the stick?"

He looked around for a week, but wherever he looked, everyone dodged and did not look at him.

Call it a stick?
Are you kidding me?
Who doesn't know Jia Zhang's notoriety?No one wants to mess with such an evil old lady.

And no one thinks they can call out the stick.

Even Yi Zhonghai is self-aware, even if he goes to call him, he will probably get nothing but scolding.

He bit the bullet and was about to call the roll, forcing a young man to go.

But at this moment the old lady spoke.

"Comrade policeman, why don't you excuse me and call someone? You are here today as witnesses, and we are cooperating with you in handling the case. You can't sit idle."

Zhao Desheng thought for a while, then nodded to the young policeman, motioning him to call.

The young policeman stood up and asked, "Where is the man?"

"The West Wing Room in the middle courtyard is the door in the middle!" Someone replied.

The ignorant are fearless, the young policeman got up and went straight to Qin Huairu's house, knocking on the door with "bang bang bang".

After taking pictures for a while, no one opened it. When I pushed the door, it was locked from the inside, and it was obvious that someone was inside.

"Comrades inside, open the door. I am a community policeman. Please cooperate with us in handling the case." The young policeman frowned.

No one spoke inside.

Bang bang bang!
"I know you're inside, don't pretend you can't hear me!" The young policeman then shouted, "Hurry up and open the door!"

Bang bang bang!
"Open the door!"

No matter how the young policeman called the door, there was no sound inside, as if there was no one there.

The young policeman became a little annoyed and threatened, "If it doesn't open, I'll step on the door!"

Still nothing.

Jia Zhang's soft and hard will not eat.

It is impossible for the police to really step on the door, so they made a mistake.The young policeman has little experience, and when he saw this scene, he immediately lost his mind.

Zhao Desheng stood up blankly and walked over.

He patted the young policeman on the shoulder and signaled him to stand aside, then he knocked on the door himself and said, "Comrade inside, you can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime. If you don't cooperate with us like this, then we will invite you now." The leaders of your community and the leaders of your family members’ work units will come to your door to jointly enforce the law, and then you will not regret it.”

After a pause, he continued: "It wasn't a big deal at first, just to apologize and write a review to criticize and criticize. If you resist the law, then the problem will be serious. I will explain so much, you If you don’t talk, then we’ll get down to business.”

After all, he waited for a while at the door with his hands behind his back, and the door opened with a "squeak" after a while.

It was Mrs. Jia Zhang who opened the door.

Zhao Desheng smiled: "That's right—hey? What are you doing?"

Halfway through speaking, Zhao Desheng's eyes widened in horror.

I saw Jia Zhang took out a small bench from behind and put it in the middle of the door, then stood on it, put a white rope prepared in his hand on the door beam, and began to tie the knot.

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