Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1454 Hanging

Jia Zhang is going to hang himself!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Desheng's head grew bigger.

He is experienced, but it is also a headache to face such an unreasonable old rascal who wants to kill him.

"Aunt Jia, don't hang yourself. What are you doing? Get down quickly!" Zhao Desheng yelled helplessly.

He deliberately raised his voice and pointed out Jia Zhang's behavior, just to attract everyone in the front yard.

The young policeman on one side was not slow to react, and rushed forward to hug Jia Zhang who was standing on the bench.

He thought very well, aren't you going to hang yourself?Then if I make you unable to hang yourself, then you will not be able to threaten me.

But he was still too young. Fortunately, Zhao Desheng had quick eyesight and quick hands, grabbed him and shouted, "Don't touch her!"

This kind of unreasonable old man is the most difficult to deal with. If you touch her, what if she falls down and says you beat her?
Especially at the moment when everyone is in the front yard, there are only the two policemen and Jia Zhang in the middle court. Once such a situation happens, there will be no one to testify, and there will be no way to talk about it.

The young policeman looked at him in surprise, obviously not understanding why Zhao Desheng wanted to stop him, pointing to Jia Zhang's anxious face, he wanted to explain what he was going to do.

But Zhao Desheng pushed him to the back: "Go and call someone!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about the young policeman any more, pointed at Mrs. Jia and Zhang and said loudly: "Aunt Jia, let's talk if we have something to say. Why are you bothering? No one wants to do anything to you. You have something to say. ..."

"Don't talk nonsense with me!" Jia Zhang interrupted him with a livid face. At this time, she had already wrapped the white cloth around the door beam and tied the knot. She held the white cloth under her neck with both hands and stared at Zhao Desheng. The law is over! You oppressed the people and forced us orphans and widows to death. If you can’t survive, I will die, so as not to dirty your hands.”

Before Zhao Desheng could reply, she suddenly let out a sobbing "Aww" and howled to the sky: "God, please open your eyes and see! The dog officials have forced the common people to have no way out! The police bullied the orphans and widows, and they lost their lives." Goodness...if you still have eyes, you can send a thunderbolt down and kill these villains! You are wronged! You are wronged..."

Zhao Desheng sighed depressingly, and when he turned his head to see the young policeman still standing stupidly behind him, he suddenly became angry, and was about to curse a few words, when he saw people who had heard the movement in the front yard rushing through the hanging flower gate , The three uncles were all among them, and he was relieved immediately.

"Master, look at this incident...isn't this a confrontational organization?" Zhao Desheng complained, "Hurry up and persuade me to come down, if it doesn't work, I will inform the community to come, your yard..."

He put pressure on Yi Zhonghai and kicked the ball over at the same time.

Having worked as a policeman for most of his life, Zhao Desheng is well aware of how disgusting this kind of thing is, so he hides whenever he can and tries not to get involved.

Before, one of his colleagues also encountered an old rascal woman when handling the case. With a responsible attitude, he managed to control the situation at that time, but what happened afterwards?

That old rogue woman hated his colleague, and went to work every day to make trouble, swearing and swearing, if you catch me, I will kill myself, if you chase me, I will blow my nose, spit, and shit.

It's not worth mentioning that there was a commotion in the work unit, and they went to other people's houses to make a commotion, causing the neighbors to have a lot of opinions on that colleague.

In the end, of course, the old rascal woman was suppressed, but the bad influence caused by this incident was not so easy to eliminate, and there were also future troubles-the old rascal woman would occasionally go to other people's courtyards to scold and play rascals, When the police came, she left, and when the police left, she went again...

All in all it was disgusting.

This is also the biggest reason why Su Yi hides behind, he is also afraid of being disgusted.

But no matter how disgusting it is, someone has to take care of it.

As the uncle of the courtyard, Yi Zhonghai is duty-bound.

Even if he didn't want to care anymore, he had to bite the bullet and stand up at this time.

"Aunt Jia, aren't you fooling around!" Yi Zhonghai yelled with a dark face, "What do you want to do? Go against the government? You are a counter-revolutionary!"

"Stop hating me! Yi Zhonghai, others don't know you, and I don't know the bad water in your stomach?" Jia Zhang yelled, "You pretend to be sanctimonious for a day, but your stomach is full of male robbers and female prostitutes! You are not a good thing , Hit our daughter-in-law's bad idea, disrespecting the old, shameless! You just want to kill the stick, so that you can handle my daughter-in-law, Qin Huairu, you think I don't know?"

"Neighbors, keep your eyes open! Yi Zhonghai is an old outcast who wants to play a rogue, let lightning strike him, woohoo, I can't survive, I can't survive..."

"Mr. Jia Zhang, you are so bloody and unreasonable!" No matter how good Yi Zhonghai's temper was, he was pissed off.He cared about his own reputation the most, and this Jiazhang family chose to hit the snake seven inches, and only picked on his weakness.

"It's killing people! The uncle in the courtyard and the dog officer are bullying the orphans and widows! Everyone look at it! They want to take the widow and kill my grandson, God is not open!" Jia Zhang's dry howling was full The yard can hear it.

At this time, the neighbors who had a meeting in the front yard all ran to the middle yard to watch the excitement, and Su Yi also leaned against the hanging flower door with a half-smile.

Everyone talked a lot, some were excited, some were angry, some were suspicious, they said everything.

Most of the neighbors didn't believe what Jia Zhang said, but they all felt that Jia Zhang was really ruthless and wanted to ruin the uncle's reputation.

What is a rumor?

Rumors are no matter how outrageous they are now, and no matter how few people believe them, as time goes by, sooner or later, they will turn into a situation where it is hard to argue, and everyone can make money.

Nobody believes the rumor that Yi Zhonghai wants to take Qin Huairu by force, but if someone sees that Yi Zhonghai gave Qin Huairu stick noodles at night, will the combination of the two things be credible?
If this word spreads to the ears a few more times, what effect will it have?
Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui hurried over with Yi Zhonghai just now and stood side by side. Seeing Jia Zhang's fighting strength, they dared not speak, looked around in embarrassment, and kept quiet.

They kept silent, but Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but speak.

"Mr. Jia Zhang, stop spouting dung and messing around here!" Yi Zhonghai yelled sharply, "I tell you, the more you mess around, the more you have ghosts in your heart! The more you show that the thief is a stick! Do you think you are today You can get things over by messing around? You're wishful thinking!"

"You make trouble, ah! You make trouble! Comrade policemen, you go back, and go directly to school to arrest people tomorrow! Unless your family never lets BangGiao go to school!"

Yi Zhonghai was also completely irritated by Jia Zhang's family. He originally planned to save some sympathy, but now he is determined to care about it to the end.

He thought that his tough tactics could make Jia Zhang succumb, but he was wrong.

After hearing this, Mrs. Jia Zhang stared at him fiercely, and suddenly yelled: "Yi Zhonghai forced me to die!"

As soon as the words fell, she put her head in the noose, kicked the bench over with one kick, and hung herself on the door frame.

"Mom!" Qin Huairu from the crowd rushed out with a heartbreaking cry.

"Save people!" Yi Zhonghai's face changed drastically, and he was completely panicked.

He didn't expect that Jia Zhang really dared to hang himself!

But with so many people watching here, even if Mrs. Jia really wanted to hang herself, it was impossible for everyone to just watch and ignore it.

This is also the reason why Jia Zhang is confident, she does not believe that so many people will watch her die.

But she hangs like this, the power is huge.

Neighbors who were nearby swarmed up and put people down in a hurry. At this time, the scene was noisy and chaotic.

By this time, Jia Zhang had disrupted a good meeting.

Zhao Desheng and the young policeman stood at the back and did not go forward. The two whispered something and kept shaking their heads.

Farther away, only Su Yi and Lou Xiao'e stood by the hanging flower door and did not move.

"This Aunt Jia really dares to hang on? She is really open-minded." Lou Xiao'e clicked her tongue, looking like she didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and her eyes were full of excitement.

Su Yi chuckled and said: "For the sake of my grandson, I have to let go if I can't get out. People grow old and mature, and people understand this battle today. If you don't do this, you don't even want to keep her grandson."

"The more she does this, the more everyone will know that your meat and chicken are all stolen by sticks." Lou Xiaoe said.

"What's the use of knowing?" Su Yi chuckled, "The more people who know, the more he will have to swallow his anger if he steals again in the future."

"That's right, what happened to the stick in such a big battle this time, the stick will not be allowed to walk sideways in the yard from now on?" Lou Xiao'e shook her head and curled her lips, "What's wrong with the world? Sigh, no one in the house really has to lock the windows in the future. It has to be locked down..."

While talking here, the rescued Jia Zhang cried like a pig.

"It's killing people! It's impossible to live! The old man and the police are going to kill our orphans and widows, God, please open your eyes... Please send lightning to kill the wicked..."

She sat on the ground and beat the ground with her hands, she couldn't cry, but she looked like she was in pain.

On the other hand, Qin Huairu supported her, with tears streaming down her face, looking so pitiful that I still feel sorry for her.

The neighbors gathered in a circle to discuss, and the three uncles stood in front of them with livid faces. The first uncle asked the second and third uncles to talk, and the latter two shook their heads like rattles.

"Qin Huairu, please persuade your mother-in-law..." Yi Zhonghai sighed and said.

But in the middle of the conversation, Jia Zhang interrupted: "Yi Zhonghai! You are an old man who kills thousands of knives! Don't talk to my daughter-in-law! I tell you, you give me a good word now, and you swear a poisonous oath! , don’t get my family’s ideas on this matter, or I’ll hang myself at your door tonight! I’ll become a ghost and haunt you every day!”

Jiazhang's voice and expression were stern, and he really looked like an evil ghost demanding his life.

Yi Zhonghai didn't know whether he was frightened or he really didn't know what to say, so he stood there with a dark face and stopped talking.

"Well, it seems that this is the end of the matter today." Lou Xiaoe shook her head in disappointment, "No one dares to really drive her to death. I know she is scaring people, but what if?"

"That's not necessarily true." Su Yi said with a smile.

"You just came here, so you don't know what the elder is like." Lou Xiao'e said, "When the troubles have reached this level, the elder must value peace and make peace with others."

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

To clean up the sticks, he didn't count on the great master Yi Zhonghai.

Lou Xiaoe glanced at him and said, "Why? Don't you believe me? Why don't we make a bet!"

"Why am I betting with you?" Su Yi laughed.

"Aren't you short of money?" Lou Xiaoe said, "Da Mao told me about this, but he doesn't have that much money, so he asked my dad to borrow it, but I have to borrow it, and he can't borrow it. If Today's matter is not the same as I guessed, and you don't need to ask him to borrow money, I will lend you the money, and I will give you the money tomorrow without charging you interest."

"Oh? Then if you guess right, what do you want to win?" Su Yi asked with great interest.

"I haven't figured it out yet, you owe me a favor." A cunning flashed in Lou Xiao'e's eyes.

What is the most valuable thing?


This thing can be big or small, and it can make a fortune and save your life at critical times.

Liu Guangtian's work made Lou Xiao'e see Su Yi's energy clearly, so she wanted to take this opportunity to ask Su Yi for a favor.

In fact, she has already figured it out now, no matter whether she wins or loses the bet, she will lend money to Su Yi, so that the relationship can be established, otherwise it would be too much fun just to rely on a bet.

Su Yi smiled and looked at her: "Okay, Xiao'e's sister-in-law is so interested, I'll bet with you."

Idle is also idle, play chant.

This Lou Xiao'e must have brains, otherwise she would not be able to become a successful businessman in the future.

But he definitely doesn't have much brains, otherwise he wouldn't be called a fool by the old lady.

On the other side, the farce is still going on, Jia Zhang's smack rolls to death, unless the uncle is forced to swear in public that he will not care about this matter with sticks, otherwise he will be an old rascal and shameless.

Qin Huairu shed tears from time to time to persuade Jia Zhang to forget it, but Jia Zhang scolded her all the time, and finally stopped talking.

The cooperation between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is really tacit.

Jiazhang's fighting experience can be considered rich, and he knows that fighting a snake and hitting seven inches will never cause extra problems.

She knew that as long as the first master was dealt with quickly, the second and third masters would be nothing to worry about, and they might not bother to get involved, so she didn't bring the other two masters into it at all.

But Jia Zhang was still worried about a person in his heart, afraid that this person would show up.

Murphy's Law tells us that what you worry about will happen.

The person Jia Zhang was most worried about appeared at this time without any surprise.

"Hang yourself, right? Let her hang herself!"

Just when the situation was at a stalemate and the uncle sighed and was about to compromise, the voice of the deaf old lady came from behind the crowd.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw the deaf old lady walking step by step towards the venue with the help of a big mother who had a cold face.

The appearance of the old lady made everyone in the room heave a sigh of relief, especially Yi Zhonghai.

He stepped aside, sighed and said: "Old lady, you have also seen that Aunt Jia hanged herself after crying and making trouble... They are all neighbors, can I really force her to death?"

"Then let me be the bad guy!" The deaf old lady sneered, "Zhang Shuandi, I really thought no one in this courtyard could cure you, huh?"

There is another chapter around twelve o'clock

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