Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1455 Public anger

Chapter 1455 Public anger

China is a country of etiquette. Filial piety and respect for the elderly are not only a traditional virtue, but also a moral code that almost everyone consciously abides by.

Most people dare not break this rule easily, especially in public, especially in this era.

At this time, there is basically no such thing as a person who collapses and lives in a place that no one knows, and generally lives in one place for a lifetime.

Once a person in this place becomes a person of low morals that everyone denounces and recognizes, it is conceivable how bad his living environment will become.

The deaf old lady is highly respected in the yard, and she is also the oldest, no one dares to disrespect her.

Even Su Yi didn't dare.

Of course, everyone’s daring is different. Some people’s daring is due to moral constraints, such as Su Yi; but some people’s daring is not only because of morality, but also because of the prestige of the deaf old lady, such as Jia Zhang’s.

As soon as the deaf old lady spoke, Jia Zhang's heart sank.

But it's about her grandson, she has to grit her teeth at this time.

"Old lady, our family is orphaned and widowed, and the whole courtyard bullies us!" Jia Zhang really cried, "Is it appropriate for you to frame us with empty words? The things were stolen by a fool." , He has admitted it himself, what are you bothering about!"

"Whether the thing was stolen by a silly Zhu, can you still not know?" The deaf old lady snorted coldly, "Zhang Shuandi, I won't tell you the truth, and you are not a person who listens to reason. Aren't you going to hang yourself? You Hang! Hang now! The rope hasn’t been taken down yet. Don’t worry, I’m here this time, no one will stop you again!”

"When you're dead, I'll pay for your life. Let's live for one life! Let the police investigate whether or not the stick has stolen anything. It's a case of two lives. I don't believe it can still be found out. Clearly?"

"Old lady, you really want to kill me!" Jia Zhang screamed, "Bang is the backbone of our family, you are so vicious, you have to destroy him? Old lady, I kowtow to you Can't you? I beg you to forgive me, please! I kowtow, I kowtow to death here!"

As she spoke, she actually got up and knelt on the ground, knocking her head vigorously with "dongdongdong".

The sandy ground wasn't very hard, but it couldn't hold her back when she used her head as a ball, knocked it a few times, and Jia Zhang's head was bleeding.

Seeing this scene, Su Yi curled his lips.

Just such an unreasonable old woman, if Su Yi confronts her directly, without resorting to abnormal means, it is absolutely impossible to get out of the way.

You can scold her, even if you win her scolding and make her roll her eyes angrily, you still have to listen to her swear words, and you have to feel sick in response.

Don't think that you can beat her because she is unreasonable. It is wrong to beat an elderly person. No matter it is the community, factory or police station, they will not let you get away easily.

Even if she is an old bastard, you can't beat her up, as long as you do it, you will have to pay the price, it's not worth it at all.

The stronger Jia Zhang's fighting power was, the more Su Yi felt that it was too wise for him to take such painstaking efforts to make such a big circle.

"It's okay for the old lady to come forward..." Lou Xiao'e also curled her lips when she saw it, and said tsk tsk.

To be honest, Su Yi was a little uncertain about Jia Zhang's doing this, whether the deaf old lady could stand up to it?

This old godmother can be soft or hard, and she is really willing to let go when she sees what's on the plate.

If the old lady backed down too, that would be the end of the day.

It's impossible for Su Yi to go into battle shirtless, he really doesn't want to make a fuss.

If it really died down today, it wouldn't be a bad thing, because if the sky wants to destroy it, it must first make it crazy.

After this incident, the thief of the holy stick will inevitably become more unscrupulous. When Su Yi comes out with "Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan", the end of the stick will only be worse than it is now.

But in this way, Sha Zhu will be in jail.

In this case, Su Yi can only express regret.

Because if Sha Zhu wants not to go to jail, he only needs to retract his confession and deny it. He wants to die himself, so no one can blame him.

That is to say, the deaf old lady really wants to help him for his own good, and Su Yi wants to clean up the stick to help him by the way, otherwise, who wants to save a person who is determined to die?

Mrs. Jia and Zhang kowtowed frantically, making Su Yi confused, but the deaf old lady did not disappoint Su Yi after all, and withstood the pressure.

In other words, the deaf old lady was determined to save her grandson Sha Zhu, Jia Zhang was willing to die today, and she was willing to bury her today.

"Knock! Let her knock!" Seeing the commotion in the neighborhood, the deaf old lady suddenly raised her voice and shouted, "Zhang Shuandi, why haven't I seen my old lady at such a long age? Are you playing with me? You Not too close! It was BangGiao who stole something and made Silly Zhu go to jail. Even if you die here today, I can’t take a step back! If I quit, Silly Zhu will have to go to jail for BangGiao!"

"Let me tell you Zhang Shuandi, if you want to die here today, then you will die! If you die, there will be no one to teach you, and then I will tell Huairu that my relatives let her remarry, and let Banggan follow him. Father's surname, let me see if you can swallow this breath with peace of mind today!"

"You old Dong..." Jia Zhang was so out of breath, she subconsciously opened her mouth to curse.

But halfway through the scolding, he realized who he was facing, so he quickly shut up.

But the deaf old lady immediately seized this opportunity, frowned and said, "What are you scolding? Are you scolding me, old man? You are a big or small stinky girl, I can't beat you to death today!"

As he said that, he raised his crutches and hit Jia Zhang.

Knowing that the beating would be in vain, Jiazhang got up so fast and ran home.

But firstly, there were too many people, and secondly, the old lady happened to be between her and her house, and was blocked by the crowd, and she had to pass by the old lady, so she was hit by the old lady's cane, which made her scream call out.

Seeing that she was about to run to the door of the house with her head in her arms, a small figure rushed out from her house, stepped forward and pushed the deaf old lady to the ground.

It's a stick!
"You are not allowed to hit my grandma!" Sticky shouted angrily.

This sudden scene silenced the scene for an instant.

In the next second, there was an uproar!
The third grandpa, Yan Fugui, was very close, and rushed to help the deaf old lady who was sitting on the ground. The neighbors rushed to help the deaf old lady up, and anxiously asked her if she was okay.

Jia Zhang was dumbfounded, but hadn't reacted yet.

But on the other side, Qin Huairu's face had become bloodless.


It's over!

She only felt dizzy for a while, and her body shook involuntarily.

Yi Zhonghai was completely enraged.

Regardless of whether he has other intentions in serving the deaf old lady, but serving the old lady to eat and drink every day is not fake, it is a real behavior.

After a long time, he really raised the deaf old lady like his mother.

Now my mother was pushed down.

He stepped forward and grabbed the stick by the ear, and shouted sharply: "Little bastard has gone against the sky? Dare to do anything to the old lady? Kneel down!"

"Leave me alone! Let me go!" Bang Jian yelled in pain, kicking Yi Zhonghai's leg.

Yi Zhonghai hurt from being kicked, so he slapped him and shouted angrily, "I must discipline you for your dead father!"

"Yi Zhonghai, you dare to hit my grandson!" Seeing this scene, Jia Zhang's eyes turned red instantly, and he rushed over with a groan, scratched Yi Zhonghai's face, and scratched five spots on his face on the spot Long bloodstains.

Yi Zhonghai pushed her away in pain, and Jia Zhang rushed forward to beat him like crazy, but the big mother quit.

"Jia Zhang, you old shrew, I will fight with you!" The big mother screamed angrily and was about to rush forward. Yi Zhonghai hurriedly hugged her fearing that she would suffer, but Jia Zhang seized the opportunity to rush up and put Yi Zhonghai on the other side of his face. Also scratched hard, Yi Zhonghai cried out in pain.

Only then did the nearest neighbors quickly separate them.

The two policemen didn't dare to watch from the sidelines anymore, they hurried forward to maintain order, and angrily separated everyone, controlling the situation.

"What are you doing! What do you want to do!" Zhao Desheng's eyes widened with anger, and his voice was thunderous, "Whoever did the attack just now counts as one, and follow me to the police station! Damn, if I don't detain a few today, my surname will not be Zhao! If you dare to fight in front of us, what do you think of the law?"

"Yi Zhonghai dares to beat my grandson! Bully the child with something that doesn't matter his age, arrest him! You arrest him!" Jia Zhang yelled sharply.

"Shut up!" Zhao Desheng pointed at her with a livid face and yelled, "Jia Zhang, I have tolerated you for a long time! Let me tell you, I will detain you today! If you dare to act violently again, I will handcuff you now! I will I can't believe you!"

Jia Zhang suddenly howled and sat down on the ground crying: "I can't live! I can't live! God, open your eyes and see..."

Zhao Desheng gave her a hard look, turned around to look at the deaf old lady who was being supported by a group of people, and asked eagerly, "Is the old lady okay?"

It's hard for Su Yi to stand far away and watch the excitement when things get to this point.

He came over just now to help the old lady check her body. When the old lady fell to the ground, she supported herself on the ground with her hands, and her right arm was dislocated, but there was nothing serious about it.

At this moment, the old lady frowned in pain and took a deep breath.

"Old lady, where is your pain? Don't scare me... I, I'll take you to the hospital!" Qin Huairu cried anxiously.

She was also the first to come to help the old lady. No one expected that today's incident would become such a mess.

"Hurry up, hurry up, send him to the hospital!" Yan Fugui was in a hurry, and hurriedly shouted to call for help.

Seeing this, Su Yi immediately said: "Okay, no need to go to the hospital, the old lady has a dislocated arm, get out of the way, I'll treat it!"

"You? Yuanchao, are you kidding me? This is not the time to show off!" Yi Zhonghai walked over, covering his face.

Su Yi received a lot of malice.

He waved his hand and said, "Everyone spread out, get out of the way!"

Speaking of which, he had grabbed the old lady's dislocated arm and asked, "Old lady, is this the arm?"



As soon as the old lady said a word, Su Yi had already started to move, only heard a bang, the old lady was shocked and stopped immediately.

The audience was also silent.

Su Yi let go of her arm and said, "Try to move around."

The old lady tried to move, and said in surprise: "Huh? It doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt at all!"

"That's good." Su Yi smiled, "The arm is fine, but if there are any other problems after the fall, I have to go to the hospital for a careful examination!"

In fact, there is no problem. Su Yi said this to bring things back on track.

He frowned and looked back at the stick that Jia Zhang was holding in his arms, but didn't speak.

But at this time, everyone's attention was on Su Yi, and everyone noticed his glance.

He doesn't need to speak, someone will naturally speak for him.

"The stick is too much, even the old lady dares to push it, it's lawless!" someone shouted.

"That's right, it's too arrogant! It's simply uneducated!"

"This kid has been stealing all the time. Who hasn't been robbed by him in our yard? Don't worry about silly Zhu, he must have been blamed!"

"I can't bear it anymore, this is a small disaster! If you don't dare to say it, I will say it first! He stole our eggs!"

"I also said! Last month, our family lost two cabbages, and it was stolen by the stick!"

"The two white flour buns that our family lost a week ago..."

"And the firecrackers our children just bought for a dime are gone..."

"Last time I caught the stick..."

The behavior of the stick to push down the old lady finally became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel. Even if Jia Zhang scratched Yi Zhonghai's face, he couldn't stop the anger of the crowd.

He caused outrage!
The neighbors tell you about the evil deeds of the stick, exposing the bad things that the stick has done before.

Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu were finally scared, they looked at the neighbors in the neighborhood in horror.

Bang Geng also turned pale with fright, and suddenly broke away from Jia Zhang and ran home, closing the door with a "bang".

When things get to this point, no one wants to keep them.

Finally, a boy and a half in the front yard also stood up and said: "I met Banggen when he was roasting pork by the river yesterday. He and Huaihua were there. Zhao Shuanzi from the next yard was also there, and he helped them pick up firewood." Is it..."

"I also ate chicken in the factory and hid behind the concrete cylinder. I saw it with my own eyes!" Another person came forward and broke the news.

Zhao Desheng said with a serious expression: "This is a habitual offender, and the situation is serious. Mrs. Jia Zhang, go and call your grandson out, you have to go back to the police station with us!"

"No! We're not going anywhere!" Jia Zhang screamed in horror, her voice trembling.

"It's up to you now!" Zhao Desheng snorted coldly, "Either you go by yourself, or we'll take you away in handcuffs!"

"You bully people! Bully orphans and widows!" Jia Zhang shouted in horror.

"No one wants to bully you!" Yi Zhonghai covered his face and yelled angrily, "If Bang Geng had come forward to admit his mistakes and apologized early, it would not have caused the trouble to the present! If you insist on making trouble, it is clearly a trivial matter, but you insist on making it a big one. Are you satisfied now?"

"Yi Zhonghai!" Jia Zhang yelled in hatred.

"Mom, forget it, don't talk about it!" Qin Huairu suddenly interrupted her with a sad smile, "Let's accept our fate."

"Why! Qin Huairu, you are heartless, you don't care about sticks..." Jia Zhang yelled frantically.

"Mom!" Qin Huairu suddenly broke down and yelled, "Are you willing to kill BangGeng? I didn't know until today that BangGeng has done so many bad things! I didn't know until today that you actually Get used to sticks like this! Mom, you are so confused!"

(End of this chapter)

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