"Dongxu has been away for more than three years. In the past three years, I have been up early and late, and I have been in the workshop to wash clothes and cook meals. I have done work and housework without any delay. I earn money to support five people. Mom, I really have nothing to do. I'll leave it to you to take care of me, you are such a good child, why did you get used to it? Huh?"

Qin Huairu burst into tears, looking distraught.

Jiazhang bowed his head and didn't speak. At this moment, he looked like a plague-stricken chicken, extremely embarrassed.

Qin Huairu wiped away her tears and turned around, crying loudly: "Neighbors, it's me, Qin Huairu, who didn't educate the children well. I made thousands of mistakes, and it's all my mother's fault! I think about it every day. Don’t let the whole family go hungry, and ignore the education of the sticks! Don’t tell me, I don’t know that the sticks have caused you so much trouble and caused so many troubles over the years!”

"I apologize to everyone! Please don't worry, everyone. Tonight, I will go door to door with paper and pen to apologize to you. No matter what you lost at home, I will write it down. It doesn't matter if you lose money or something. That’s fine, I’ll admit it! On the [-]rd, you’ll be paid, and I’ll pay you every penny of what your family should pay! If it’s not enough, I’ll make up for it!”

"Qin Huairu! Are you going crazy!" Jia Zhang exclaimed in disbelief, "You...you do this, how will we live next month? Let's drink the northwest wind!"

"Eat what you have, eat if you don't have anything to eat, or starve to death if you don't come!" Qin Huairu said firmly, gritted his teeth with tears in his eyes, "The matter has come to this point, we must give the big guy an explanation!"

"Qin Huairu, I disagree!" Jia Zhang yelled.

"If you don't agree, you have to agree! I have the final say on this matter!" Qin Huairu looked at Yi Zhonghai, "My lord, you are highly respected, and I will be a witness. I, Qin Huairu, are the ones who are sorry for you. You should go to jail, you should be fined, you should be compensated, I have absolutely nothing to say!"

Su Yi couldn't help but "tsk" when he saw this, and Lou Xiao'e on the side turned his head and glanced at him, then leaned over and lowered his voice: "Is Qin Huairu amazing?"

"What's so great?" Su Yi asked.

"Don't pretend, if you don't see it, why are you tsk." Lou Xiao'e rolled his eyes at him, "But you are considered amazing, ordinary old men can't tell at all, look at the old man, his face is covered Scratch the flowers, and eat this set..."

Yi Zhonghai did eat this set, or when it came to this, many men would sympathize with this little widow crying so much.

What's wrong with her?Her son has been spoiled by her lazy, vicious mother-in-law, and she has to sacrifice a month's salary to compensate everyone. It is not easy for her to support a large family. She has done well enough, and she still has to how is she

"People's hearts are fleshy. You, Qin Huairu, are usually warm-hearted in the courtyard. Who can forget you?" Yi Zhonghai sighed, "The neighbors are also angry for a while, and they can really force you The widow is going to beg for food? Can you just watch you drink the northwest wind next month? The people outside the courtyard know, and think that the people in our courtyard are cold-blooded and selfish, don’t you think so?”

"That's right, it's okay to lose money or something, it's not something valuable..."

"It's fine to have this attitude, alas, the child is ignorant, and it's not easy for you..."

"Miss Qin is still very nice, but it's a pity, she's not up to par, you are also a poor person..."

"Education is great in the future, better than anything else."

"That's right, don't let him steal things, the child is still young, there is still time to change..."

"Did you hear that?" Yi Zhonghai said, "Our yard is full of good people, and they are all magnanimous, so we won't make things difficult for your family. But this kid, Bang Geng, has to get rid of his problems. It's such a big deal. This lesson has to be learned.”

"Absorb, definitely absorb!" Qin Huairu said with tears, "Neighbors, you are kind, consider me, and pity me, but I, Qin Huairu, have to be sensible. Go door-to-door to bow to you and admit your mistake. If you don’t feel relieved, you can beat and scold the child as you please! I will also educate the stick and make him promise that he will never take other people’s stitches in the future.”

"Ahem!" Zhao Desheng stood up with a cough, "Let me interject, it's a good attitude to make amends when you know your mistakes, but since our police have intervened in this matter, we still have to go through the procedures that should be followed. The matter involved Ask another comrade, that is, He Yuzhu from your yard, whether he has committed a crime or stolen, so this kid still has to go back to the bureau with us to clarify the matter."

"Besides, Mrs. Jia Zhang, just now you beat someone in front of us, this matter can't be left alone, you have to come with us!"

"I'm not going! I'm not going anywhere!" Jia Zhang exclaimed in horror.

"Comrade policeman, let's forget about this matter, and I won't pursue it." Yi Zhonghai said suddenly.

Zhao De stared at him for a long time, then turned his head to Qin Huairu and said, "That child is called Jia Geng, right? Your parents must be accompanied by someone, so go with him."

After a pause, he looked at Su Yi again, squeezed out a smile and said, "Comrade Su Yuanchao, I have to trouble you to come with us."

Su Yi nodded, knowing that the police might also need to clarify their attitude towards Sha Zhu.

Zhao Desheng said: "It's getting late, so let's do it like this. Those who should leave follow us, and the rest should leave. Where's Jia Geng? Who will lead you to the police station?"

The last sentence was for Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang.

"I'll go!" Qin Huairu said, "Comrade Police, I'll go with you, and I'll call Jia Geng out."

Seeing that Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang returned to her home one after the other, Lou Xiaoe curled her lips and said, "It's boring, I thought it was going to be a big deal."

"Isn't it a big deal just to watch the excitement?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Sister-in-law Xiao'e, I would like to accept the bet."

Lou Xiao'e sighed and said, "Don't worry, I still have this bit of integrity. Come to our house tomorrow afternoon, treat you to dinner, and get money together."

"Success." Su Yi nodded with a smile, and walked towards the front yard with his hands behind his back.

That's the end of the matter?

Of course it's impossible, because things are so messed up, even if Qin Huairu tries to "turn the tide", it's impossible for Bang Geng to retreat completely.

Now this situation seems to be an understatement, but in fact Zhao Desheng is smart enough to know that there is no need to get out of the way right now, and he will go to the police station if he has something to say.

It's not over.

Su Yi understands this truth, Qin Huairu understands it, and the old lady understands it too.

Jia family.

"Mom, Banggen will definitely not be able to escape this calamity." Qin Huairu said calmly to Jia Zhang, "After Banggen and I go to the police station, don't make trouble with anyone, it's useless."

"Don't the neighbors say it's all right?" Jia Zhang was taken aback, and immediately became nervous, "Didn't the police say nothing?"

"Neighbors forget it, they just don't care about their own affairs, but why did the old lady and the three uncles have a meeting today?" Qin Huairu smiled helplessly. not talking……"

"No, then we can't go to the police station if we say anything!" Jia Zhang said.

"What's the use of not going?" Qin Huairu said, "It's like the old man said, you can still keep the stick at home? Mom, your arms can't break your thighs. We have used all the methods we should use, and you I see, people are determined to make sticks, and there is really no other way."

"Then... what will they do with the stick?" Jia Zhang asked nervously.

Qin Huairu sighed: "I don't know either... Now, I can only take one step at a time."

She was also full of fear and confusion, she looked at BangGong, and the child knew he was afraid, he lowered his head and said nothing, not daring to say a word.

On the other side, the old lady said to Yi Zhonghai: "You should go to the police station too. You are the elder of the courtyard. Since Silly Zhu was wronged, you should represent the courtyard to bring the child back."

She is giving Yi Zhonghai a chance to be a good person.

"I'm afraid that Shazhu will be stubborn and ungrateful." Yi Zhonghai covered his face and sighed.

"It's love whether you accept it or not. It's right here. You have to recognize it if you don't." The old lady said. Then you swallowed your anger when Mrs. Jia Zhang scratched your face, do you think he would thank you?"

"I didn't want her to thank me, I just didn't want to care about it." Yi Zhonghai said, "The neighbors in the neighborhood will only make outsiders laugh at them if they make trouble."

"It's a joke too, it's right here, and anyone who wants to see it can still watch it." The old lady sighed again, "You can do whatever you want, I'll tell you, go Don’t be a bad guy at the police station, just be stupid and plead for mercy. If this stick escapes this time because of you, the neighbors will hate you if the kid does something bad again. up."

Yi Zhonghai nodded slowly with a dignified expression: "I understand, old lady, it's getting late, I'll take you back first."

"Don't give it away, you can do your work." The old lady waved her hand, glanced around, saw Lou Xiao'e not far away, and immediately waved and shouted: "Silly girl! Come here, help the lady go home! "

Lou Xiao'e walked over and said helplessly, "Old lady, if you call me that again, I won't care about you anymore!"

"Hehe, you can't, you child is soft-hearted and reluctant." The old lady smiled and walked towards the backyard with her arm.

"Is your arm really okay?" Lou Xiaoe asked curiously, "This Su Yuanchao is really capable. With a click, your arm will be fine. This university is really worth it..."

"It's all right." The old lady smiled, "I see you two have been muttering, what are you muttering about? Where's your man? Why did you run away?"

"Don't mention it, I'll get angry when I mention it." Lou Xiao'e shook her head and said, "Who knows what he has given Su Yuanchao to use, and I have to wipe his ass. I found out that Su Yuanchao is also a monkey You are a smart monkey, today this matter has twists and turns, guess what? People have already guessed the result."

"He still needs to guess?" The old lady sighed, "I made such a fuss because of him, Su Yuanchao. How can he not know the result of this matter?"

Lou Xiaoe said "ah", dumbfounded: "Old lady, are you because of him? What's going on here?"

"It's useless to tell you, and you don't understand." The old lady shook her head, narrowed her eyes slightly and stopped walking suddenly, "The more I think about it now, the more I feel something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Lou Xiaoe asked.

"Look, the chicken originally belonged to Su Yuanchao, was it stolen by the stick?" The old lady frowned and said, "Yan Fuguier came forward to him about this matter, but was pushed up by Sha Zhu." ; Then he lost another piece of meat. This matter was said by the eldest daughter-in-law of the Yan family, and this heartless fool, Sha Zhu, gave it to him. Then because of these two things, plus your man Stir the shit stick, silly Zhu will go to jail..."

"That's what he deserves!" Lou Xiao'e couldn't help but said, "Who forced him to take the bag? Isn't it because of the beauty of the little widow? The sex makes him dizzy? Besides, did Da Mao report that he was wrong? If he did those things It’s useless to do nothing, and it’s useless to report! Old lady, you can’t just blame a deer for a horse just because you’re partial to a fool, can you?”

"Don't interrupt!" The old lady glared at Lou Xiaoe, "I'm talking about Su Yuanchao in this whole thing! Look at him, he lost something, either Yan Fugui'er came forward, or I came forward , He hid behind and did nothing, and someone helped him get justice. Is it a coincidence this time, or two times?"

"The matter about the chicken was stolen after he sold it to the third master." Lou Xiaoe said, "The matter about the meat is because you happened to be making decisions for Shazhu, and he was lucky enough to sell it. You , Thinking too much, according to your thinking, Su Yuanchao is simply better than Zhuge Liang, and he is no longer predictable. Besides, I don’t think he is a narrow-minded person. Is it a waste of effort to mess around for a piece of meat? "

The old lady shook her head and said: "Maybe I'm overthinking, but this kid is a smart kid, just you silly son, you still need to help him with some money after being sold by him."

"Old lady, do you think Su Yuanchao is a bad person?" Lou Xiaoe asked curiously, "Why do you feel that you have opinions on him?"

"Hey, I have no idea, I'm just figuring it out." The old lady said, "They even connected my arm, how can I treat my kindness like a donkey's liver and lungs?"

After a pause, the old lady frowned again and muttered: "Yes, he helped me pick up my arm, but he was not vague at all... If he doesn't pick it up for me, let me drag the injured arm, then the big guy will He hates sticks even more, he will not fail to understand this truth, but this kid picked it up for me without saying a word..."

"Old lady, what are you mumbling about now that you're home?" Lou Xiaoe asked.

The old lady frowned and said with a smile: "I said, this Su Yuanchao must be a good boy, a smart boy!"

"In your eyes, my man is the only bad guy in the whole courtyard." Lou Xiao'e said unhappily.

"That's why you married the wrong person, it would be fine if you married our silly Zhu." The old lady said with emotion.

Lou Xiao'e looked disgusted: "I will not marry him even if I die! You, rest, I'm leaving!"

After saying that, he turned his head and left angrily.

"Still angry..." the old lady muttered, "Then Xu Damao is really not a good match, can I be wrong? Oh, silly son..."

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