Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1457 Consequences

The police station is a place where the law is spoken, and it is also a place where the facts are spoken.

Most of the time, these two things should be talked about at the same time, such as now.

Even though Shazhu still stubbornly said that he stole the chicken and meat, but after the stick confessed his "criminal facts" in front of the police, Shazhu was still released by the police.

Of course, the reason for the release was not only because of this, but also because Su Yi clarified the misunderstanding with the police, saying that he had no intention of malicious revenge.As soon as the pressure from this aspect disappeared, the police station took advantage of the situation and handed over the jurisdiction and law enforcement power of this shit to the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

The people are from your factory, and what you commit is your factory's business. You can deal with it as you like. Don't come here to be an eyesore.

But letting it go is not in vain. The fact that the idiot took the blame made the police disgusted enough, otherwise the police would not have made such a fuss in vain.

So they wrote very clearly in the report of the handover of the case - He Yuzhu covered up the thief to resist the investigation and hindered our handling of the case. The nature is extremely bad, and his attitude has no repentance. When you deal with the case related to this comrade, you must also commit a crime Facts and crimes punished.

Just this one sentence completely ruined Sha Zhu's career prospects.

Even if Su Yi can keep his job, he will be a low-level employee at most in his life, and don't even think about getting bonuses and subsidies in the future. If he wants to be promoted to the director of the cafeteria like the original plot, that is absolutely impossible. It's possible, the hurdle of the political trial is a dead end, don't even think about passing it.

In addition, letting people go doesn't mean letting them go, it's just that the police station has transferred the case to the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill. Silly Zhu's theft of public property is still big or small. If the factory handles it seriously, he will still go to jail.

And the release didn't mean that Sha Zhu would leave directly, but that the people from the security department of the Comrade Factory came to handle the handover procedures and took Sha Zhu away.As for whether the security department should continue to detain Shazhu, that is a matter for the factory to consider.

On this point, the old lady and Yi Zhonghai miscalculated, they thought that Sha Zhu would be able to go home tonight.

Think more.

The case was not over yet, and Yi Zhonghai couldn't see Sha Zhu even if he wanted to. After being frustrated by the police and the deputy chief of the security department, Yi Zhonghai left disappointed. Grandpa is also present.

Although Yi Zhonghai got the old lady's advice, he couldn't save his face, and was softened by Qin Huairu's begging.

As soon as he left, the deputy chief of the security department immediately held Su Yi's hand and said enthusiastically: "Deputy editor-in-chief Su, I didn't expect you to be here. What a coincidence, our department has a special meeting this afternoon to learn about your heroic deeds. You are very admired, when is it convenient for you to come to our department to give a speech to the comrades?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "There is no need to speak, that is, I happened to encounter this incident. If our comrades from the security department encountered it at that time, I believe the outcome of the incident will be the same as it is now."

"Oh, you are too modest..."

"That's right. The matter of He Yuzhu has something to do with me. Can you let me meet him here?" Su Yi looked at his words and felt that the deputy section chief was easy to talk to, so he directly proposed, "Don't worry, this matter I will report to our factory leader."

"You, deputy editor-in-chief Su, said that it's not a matter of one sentence? I will definitely give it to you!" The deputy section chief waved his hand very boldly, "Xiao Gao, take deputy editor-in-chief Su to see Sha Zhu, and talk to the police station here. Comrades coordinate well, say that deputy editor-in-chief Su is the leader of our factory. When they are talking, you should stand guard at the door and don't let anyone disturb you."

"Yes!" The guard on the side responded.

This person is also an acquaintance of Su Yi - Gao Dafang.

Gao Dafang's attitude towards Su Yi is completely different now, his face is full of awe, and he is careful when he speaks.

He took Su Yi to the door of the detention room where Sha Zhu was, explained the situation to the police at the police station, and then let Su Yi go in to meet Sha Zhu.

Su Yi looked at Silly Zhu sitting on the iron chair, who was also looking at him in surprise.

Sha Zhu has been in custody for almost 24 hours since last night. His eye sockets are sunken, his hair is messy, and his spirit is very listless. He looks very embarrassed.

Su Yi laughed and said, "Hero, you look pretty good."

"Maliciousness from He Yuzhu +66..."

"Stop laughing at me." Silly Zhu murmured, "Why are you here?"

"The old lady begged me to come here, I have to give the old man some face." Su Yi said, "Otherwise, you think I'm willing to talk to you?"

"Maliciousness from He Yuzhu +76, joy from He Yuzhu +79..."

"Old lady, please, what are you doing!" Sha Zhu looked disdainful, but his eyes lit up, looking at Su Yi full of expectation.

"If I don't come, do you know what will happen to you?" Su Yi asked.

"Comrade Zhao, who interrogated me, told me that it will start in three years." Silly Zhu said, "If I have a good attitude and cooperate, it will only take three years."

"Do you regret it?" Su Yi asked.

"I really did what I did, a hero who does what he does is a hero!" Silly gritted his teeth.

"If you don't take the blame for the stick, no one will care about your crap, even if the factory manager knows about it, he won't bother to talk to you." Su Yi said, "If you don't act like a boss, you can still be your cook comfortably now. Days You had a good time, and Teacher Ran is still looking forward to meeting you next time. You have a successful career and a happy life, but now, because you insist on being a hero, nothing is left, everything is over .Do you regret it?"

"Maliciousness from He Yuzhu +83..."

"Yanchao, where do I hurt you and where do you poke?" Silly Zhu said depressedly, "What's the use of regretting? It's too late to regret. What's killing me now is the problem in my factory, not stealing a piece of your chicken." Little thing! Even if I don't take the blame, I'm still finished! Then I might as well take the blame, at least I will be righteous."

"Did you explain everything that Xu Damao reported?" Su Yi asked.

"It's all explained." Silly Zhu said, "This is not an honorable thing, I don't have to prefer death to surrender."

"If you really would rather die than surrender." Su Yi sighed, "At least there is no record of your crime here. If there is no evidence, you will be acquitted and released."

Silly Zhu was startled: "What do you mean?"

"The old lady held a meeting of the whole hospital tonight, and forced the stick to admit to stealing things." Su Yi looked at Sha Zhu and said.

"What?" Silly Zhu stood up in surprise, "Hey! This old lady, I know she is doing it for my own good, but isn't this making me unjust? I don't suffer this in vain? Besides, it's useless ! My biggest problem now is not this matter!"

"If there is no stealing, the police station here will transfer your case to the factory." Su Yi said, "When I get to the factory, I can talk to the leaders, at least I can guarantee that you will not go to jail , that's why the old lady did this, she doesn't want you to go to jail, you know?"

Silly Zhu was stunned for a long time before he said: "What about the stick... What about the stick?"

"He's young, so even without you, he definitely wouldn't have to go to jail." Su Yi said, "But this is such a big deal, he must still have to pay the price."

"What price?" Silly Zhu asked.

"You'd better worry about yourself." Su Yi said, "Brother Zhuzi, even if your matter is transferred back to the factory, you won't be much better off. The police station here convicts you of cover-up because of the crime you committed. Deal with it in the factory, just for this, you will have no future in the future, and the factory will at least have to punish you and keep a record, otherwise you won’t be able to explain to this side. If the leaders want to deal with you seriously, they may send you to a detention center.”

Silly Zhu's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but said: "So, I didn't keep the stick, and I was still stained with crotch shit? Isn't this a loss for my wife?"

"That's the case." Su Yi nodded, "But at least you don't have to start in three years. In addition, you have already been recruited at the police station, so you can only follow the normal process for this matter. You have been charged with stealing public property for a long time. It must be dealt with, it depends on what the leaders think about this matter, you can be sent to jail, but it won’t take three years, this is the worst outcome.”

"You can also fire you and make you lose a sum of money. This result is the most likely." Su Yi said, "The old lady begged me to see if I can keep your job. I promised her to try, but Brother Zhu, You have to be mentally prepared, the possibility is [-] to [-] whether this thing will be done. Even if it is done, you will definitely be severely punished. If you directly demote it to the status of a temporary worker, your salary will definitely be reduced a lot."

"You definitely can't stay in the kitchen, either you have to clean up, or go directly to the workshop..."

"Then it's better to fire me!" Sha Zhu yelled angrily, "Don't talk about aiding North Korea, I would rather go to jail! You go back and tell the old lady, three years is three years, I admit it, no one cares about me, I How resigned to fate!"

Su Yi looked at him, and slowed down his speech: "Brother Zhuzi, you haven't figured it out all this time. From the very beginning, it wasn't what you wanted or what you could do, and it wasn't what you wanted to do. You can die. From the moment you stand up and take the blame for the stick, you can no longer decide this matter."

Silly Zhu looked at Su Yi angrily and said nothing.

"To tell you something you don't like to hear, you are not being righteous, you are just being stupid." Su Yi said, "Is it righteousness to take the blame for a thief? Even if you haven't read a book, you should have at least a sense of right and wrong, right?"

"The stick is still young, it's not easy for Qin Huairu to bring him up!" Silly Zhu argued angrily, "I just don't want you to beat the child to death with a stick, I just want to give him a chance to correct his mistakes!"

Su Yi smiled: "You and Sister Qin help him hide it, help him cover the crime, it's great to beat him up, but does he remember that stealing can't be done?"

"This kid is clever, he will definitely remember it!" Sha Zhu said.

"He even stole two packs of cigarettes from me this afternoon and sold them for money." Su Yi said, "Is that what you said, you will definitely remember it?"

Sha Zhu's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Impossible! This is impossible! Her mother beat him last night, I heard it! I heard it with my own ears!"

"So what?" Su Yi said with a smile, "If the price of stealing is to be beaten up, it is telling him that as long as he is not afraid of being beaten, he can steal whatever he wants. You guys, stealing needles when you are young grows up stealing cattle If you don’t understand the truth, what kind of children are you still teaching?”

Before Silly Zhu could speak, Su Yi changed the subject: "Brother Zhuzi, don't be angry, I didn't come here to listen to your angry words. You have to admit the fact that you messed up this matter, completely Fucked up!"

"The old lady and I helped you clean up this mess. What you have to consider now is whether you want to stay and work in the factory?"

Su Yi looked at him: "I have to discuss this matter with the leader tonight. It will be too late for the meeting tomorrow morning. If you can't stand the gap and don't want to stay in the factory, I will leave the factory as you plan Talk to the leader; but if you can bear the grievance and still want to stay in the factory, I will talk to the leader on this condition."

"I'm in jail! You don't care about me! I'll admit it if you shoot me!" Sha Zhu waved his hands angrily, hugged his head and turned around.

Su Yi nodded in disbelief: "Okay, I'll just tell the old lady when I go back, all her hard work is in vain."

After finishing speaking, Su Yi turned around and left.

"Maliciousness from He Yuzhu +89..."

"Come back! Are you really leaving?" Sha Zhu muffled, "I'm already like this, can't you let me go?"

Su Yi turned around with a smile and said, "To be honest, I don't feel sorry for you at all. Brother Zhuzi, I don't want to play with you on my own. You deserve it right now! From the beginning until now, how many times have I advised you, but if you listen to me once, you will not be here today."

"Curse me, scold me to death!" Silly Zhu sighed, "Yanchao, did you just ask me if I regret it? Let me tell you the truth, my intestines are green! But what can I do? I chose it myself. Road, no matter how I regret it, I have to bite the bullet and go on!"

"Stay in the factory, or not?" Su Yi asked.

"If I don't stay in the factory, where the hell am I going? To be a wanderer? Or to be a Buddha?" Shazhu smiled bitterly, "Yanchao, I thank you, you and the old lady are really good to me."

Su Yi nodded: "Okay, I understand. When the security department takes you away later, you can go with them honestly. Wait for my news. If you are lucky, you can go home tonight."

After finishing speaking, Su Yi turned and walked outside.


Just as Su Yi was about to go out, he heard a loud slap on the face from behind.

Sha Zhu slapped himself more than a dozen times in a row, until his mouth was covered with blood.


He roared vigorously against the wall, one side of his face was swollen as high as a steamed bun, tears filled his eyes, and his eyes were full of regret and despair.

Su Yi looked back at him, then shook his head and left.

As soon as he went out, he heard a fierce noise, Su Yi looked around, and saw a middle-aged man wearing glasses in the yard walking towards the gate with a livid face, Qin Huairu was begging for him while dragging him by the arm.

"Principal Feng, please give our family another chance. Please don't fire him. If you fire him, his life will be over..." Qin Huairu's cry was full of helplessness and panic.

Beside him, Yi Zhonghai was also pleading for mercy.

The students at the school were suspected of stealing, and the police immediately notified the principal of the stick.

The headmaster's house is not far from here. After rushing to find out the situation, he directly announced that Bang Jiao was no longer a student of their school, told the police that Bang Jiao had been expelled, and that this person had nothing to do with the school, and then left angrily .

The principal's attitude was like a bolt from the blue, how could Qin Huairu just let him go?

So there is this scene.

"His life is over? Who told him to steal? Is it me?" Principal Feng said angrily, "Jia Geng has fought and stolen at school not once or twice, but how many times have you called the parents? How did you promise me that?" ?Ah? Let me tell you, I will definitely expel him! A mouse ruined a pot of soup! Because of him, the grading of our school this year was ruined again. A thief was taught in the school, which affected the teachers and students of the whole school Future and reputation! Such a black sheep, I only hate that I didn't fire it early enough!"

"Don't beg me anymore! And you think he can go back to school? Do you know what the juvenile prison is for? That's where Jia Geng should go next!"

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