Stick was originally a problem student, and has always caused headaches for the school principal and teachers.

To be honest, the headmaster's decision to expel the stick now is partly out of anger and partly out of taking the opportunity to throw the burden, it's really hard to say.

But these years are not like later generations. The principal's right to expel a student is unquestionable, and the reasons for the expulsion of the stick are absolutely tenable. This matter is basically a certainty.

In the end, the principal walked away regardless of Qin Huairu's begging. Su Yi stood in the corridor under the eaves, watching Qin Huairu from afar in the direction of the principal's departure, motionless.

He shook his head and looked away.

Habitual children are like killing children. This truth has been said over and over again from ancient times to the present, and everyone understands it. Even if Qin Huairu is not very educated, she is still smart. How can she not understand?
But understand it and get used to it.When a child makes a mistake, he doesn't think about how to prevent him from making a mistake again. Instead, he thinks about how to wipe his ass. If you wiped his ass and helped him cover the bottom line, wouldn't he have no more scruples?
Know the pain now?
Why did you go early?
These parents who spoil their children so much that they make big mistakes are not worthy of sympathy.When I was young, I was chasing and feeding the whole yard. The child wanted to hit whoever he wanted, and clapped and applauded when it hurt. When he tripped over the threshold, he had to help the child beat the threshold to vent his anger. The child would only do it if it was good for him to eat, wash his face and drink water. Compromise without principle, as if the whole world is wrong as long as the child cries and makes trouble...

If you raise children like this, what kind of good can you raise?

Jia Zhang is used to children, but Qin Huairu is not?
Among other things, in the original plot, it was because Stickong didn't agree with her to marry Sha Zhu, and in the end he hanged Sha Zhu for eight years.

This is Qin Huairu's own decision, not what Jia Zhang is used to, right?
If the mother is really sensible, she will definitely have a big mouth and can't find North.

When someone scolds your mother for breaking her shoes, you don't scold and beat her back, but instead come back to vent your anger on your stupid dad who has fed you with lunch boxes for so many years. What kind of white-eyed stupid wolf are you?
Besides, if you don’t get married, it’s a broken shoe, and if you get married, it’s a legal couple. Isn’t it better to support your mother’s marriage and break the rumors if you are scolded by others?There is no logic at all, this book is considered a waste of time, and it is right to be expelled now...

This stick is 11 years old, can you screw him back?
The answer is definitely yes, Su Yi can do it, but why should Su Yi discipline his son for others?What's Fei doing?

It is impossible for Qin Huairu to teach him well.

Who did stick stem learn from today's personality?

Isn't it just inheriting, synthesizing and carrying forward all the "advantages" of Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu?

Su Yi didn't have the slightest interest in this matter. On the contrary, Xiao Dang and Huai Hua haven't been abused too much, so teach them well, at least they won't become two little white-eyed wolves.

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su, we asked the factory manager for instructions when we came here. The factory manager meant to follow the normal procedure. This idiot will be detained in the factory tonight. After tomorrow's meeting decides the outcome, what should we do? Well, let’s go.” The deputy chief of the security department talked to Su Yi, “There is no place to detain people in our factory, I reckon it will be sent directly to the detention center, and then the case will be reported to the court, and we will wait for the court to see how it will be sentenced.” .Hey, this stupid Zhu, he killed himself, really stupid..."

Su Yi knew Yang Baorui's businesslike attitude during the day, and he was not surprised.

He thought for a while and said: "Chief Qian, Deputy Factory Manager Li may have different opinions on this matter. I will go to his place later and report the situation here to him to see if he is What do you think? Do you think this is okay? Please wait for me after you return to the factory. I will try my best to call you back within one and a half hours and let you know about Deputy Factory Manager Li's attitude. That way you'll know..."

"That's great, thank you, deputy editor-in-chief Su, for supporting my work." The deputy section chief looked very grateful to Su Yi, "I don't know what to do, I don't know what attitude I should have towards Shazhu, you But it helped me a lot.”

Su Yi smiled, this is definitely an old official, how can he talk?
It was obvious that Su Yi asked him for help and favor, but from his mouth, it seemed that Su Yi was helping him.

"It's you who helped me." Su Yi smiled and shook hands with him. He was also willing to associate with such a well-rounded person. As long as this Section Chief Qian is lucky, he will definitely have a future in the future. "Chief Qian, let's sit down together when you have time, and I'll treat you to dinner."

"This is to reward me, I have to continue." Section Chief Qian said with a smile, "But you can't argue with me if you have to treat me. I will decide the place, and the time is up to you. Let's just decide..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Yi Zhonghai's exclamation from the courtyard: "Huairu! Qin Huairu! Come quickly! Call the doctor, the doctor!"

The two people who were talking here looked around, and saw Qin Huairu lying motionless on the ground, and Yi Zhonghai squatting beside her, shouting in panic.

A few policemen were running over, Section Chief Qian said "Ouch" and said, "Something went wrong! Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su, go and have a look!"

Su Yi nodded, and the two walked over quickly.

When they passed by, a group of people surrounded Qin Huairu, and a policeman was squatting down to pinch Qin Huairu, but it seemed to have no effect.

It is common sense that people can wake up after passing out and pinching others, but it is not a panacea.

A general shallow coma is woken up by being pinched because of painful nerve stimulation.But it is useless to pinch someone in a severe coma.

For example, a patient with myocardial infarction cannot wake up even if you press his front teeth into his throat.

In terms of medical skills, although Su Yi is half-baked, but it is for a genius doctor, medicine and martial arts are not separated, plus his other skills, seeing Qin Huairu's pale face and clenched teeth, he can tell her current physical condition. I watched it nine times out of ten.

"Comrade inner policeman, stop pressing blindly, everyone spread out, stand away!" Su Yi didn't talk nonsense, and he stood up and gave orders loudly while pushing away the people nearby.

When he got to the front and saw that the policeman who was pinching someone was still looking at him in a daze, Su Yi pulled him away and ordered: "Go and lift her feet up."

"Su Yuanchao is a college student, everyone listens to him!" Section Chief Qian reacted very quickly and immediately shouted.

Only then did the crowd disperse in a hurry, and the policeman also lifted Qin Huairu's feet according to Su Yi's instructions.

Su Yi knelt down and rubbed Qin Huairu's acupuncture points on his arm, left neck, and back of his head for a while. After about 2 minutes, Qin Huairu woke up faintly.

"Who has candy? Give her some!" Su Yi asked loudly.

"I'll get it!" A policewoman responded and hurried back.

"What's wrong with me?" Qin Huairu asked weakly with blank eyes.

"The rush of fire caused acute cerebral ischemia." Su Yi said, "Thanks to me being here, if you don't get effective treatment within 5 minutes, you will be paralyzed if you don't die. Sister Qin, how many times have I rescued you?"

When Su Yi said this, the people around him thought that he was exaggerating on purpose, because Su Yi's two random massages just now seemed very casual and relaxed, so relaxed that everyone felt that Qin Huairu woke up by himself.

At this moment, the policeman who was still holding Qin Huairu's feet even thought that Qin Huairu was able to wake up because of the effect of his previous pinching.

This is called good fighters without great achievements.If another doctor were here, there would definitely be a big fight, and artificial respiration would be necessary, and it was impossible for Qin Huairu to wake up so soon.

Even if it's a more wretched one, why don't you take advantage of the little widow?

"Comrade, is she alright?" asked the policeman holding Qin Huairu's feet.

"It's okay, you can put it down." Su Yi waved his hand, looked at Qin Huairu and said, "Lie down and don't move, breathe slowly, and then get up slowly when you feel comfortable."

After a pause, he said again: "You lost your energy and blood today, have you been to the hospital?"

Qin Huairu turned her face away and said "Mmm" softly.

Su Yi said again: "The doctor who saw you should have explained to you, right? You can't do heavy work for the last week, keep a good attitude, and don't worry about it, otherwise it will be a lifetime thing to get the root of the disease."

"Fear from Qin Huairu +66, love from Qin Huairu +55..." Qin Huairu couldn't help but glance at Su Yi, and said in a low voice, "You really know how to see a doctor? You can see this?"

"Slightly understand." Su Yi said.

The onlookers listened to their conversation and couldn't help being amazed. Section Chief Qian said in surprise: "Deputy Editor Su, you still teach people to see a doctor when you go to university?"

"The belly of a college student is a grocery store." Su Yi got up, and at this moment the policewoman ran out panting with a piece of candy. Su Yi motioned her to feed Qin Huairu, and stepped aside.

Zhao Desheng also rushed over as early as the first time. Seeing that the situation was stable at this time, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Su Yi "retired with success", he hurried up to meet him and said, "Su Yuanchao, thank you for lending a helping hand and rescuing Qin Huairu. If something happens to her at our police station, it's really..."

Su Yi said: "Thank you? I can still helplessly see death without saving me? Comrade Zhao, you have not misunderstood me to this extent, have you?"

Zhao Desheng said with a chuckle: "If you want to blame, blame our bureau chief. He is easy to think too much. This time, I also want to thank you for your cooperation and support in our work. The matter has basically been dealt with, and you can all do it later. Let’s go. Jia Geng is a minor, so after we investigate his case clearly, we have to cooperate with the Education Bureau and the community to make a decision. As for him stealing your things, don’t worry, Qin Huairu just made a promise, I will compensate you in time, and we will supervise this matter, if you have any questions, you can come to me at any time..."

Su Yi nodded and said, "I have caused you trouble."

"Serve the people, don't bother." Zhao Desheng waved his hand, hesitated slightly, and then said to Su Yi: "Didn't all the residents in your yard report Jia Geng's theft? We will definitely visit and take notes on this matter tomorrow." Yes. You were not here just now, Qin Huairu discussed with Yi Zhonghai, the first master of your courtyard, to persuade other residents of your courtyard not to pursue or respond to this matter..."

"If this is the case, it means that Jia Geng stole a chicken and a piece of meat, and the situation is not so bad. In addition, Jia Geng is also young and cannot meet the conditions to be sent to the juvenile prison, so this matter I guess that’s what it is.”

The reason why Zhao Desheng said this to Su Yi was actually just to sell his favor by the way, and it had no other meaning.

Su Yi smiled and greeted Zhao Desheng for a while, but he didn't care about the result of sticking out.

It doesn't matter whether you get into the Juvenile Prison or not, the stick has already paid the price for stealing things.

Bearing the reputation of a thief and being expelled from the school, one can imagine the living environment of this child in the yard in the future.

In fact, in the long run, entering the juvenile prison is actually a good thing for the stick.Don't worry about what you can teach Bang Geng, Qin Huairu can't teach him in a lifetime.And now going to the juvenile prison to be "gilded" can avoid the limelight, and secondly, other children will be in awe of the stick because of this "experience" after they come out.

In any case, Su Yi believed that even if the lesson this time was not deep enough, it was enough to make the stick stop for a while, and he would not have to worry about his things at home being stolen again in a short time.

After all the matters at the police station have been dealt with, Su Yi originally planned to say hello to Yi Zhonghai, so he went to Li Xinmin's house first to talk about Sha Zhu's matter.

But Yi Zhonghai asked Su Yi to send Qin Huairu back, and he walked back with a stick.

"Huairu just fainted, don't let her walk this late at night, you are tired and carry her back." Yi Zhonghai said, "Give me the stick, and I will talk to this child well on the way."

You see, you are a force, how can you arrange it so naturally...

Su Yi was about to directly refuse, but Qin Huairu said: "Aid Korea... I just happen to have something to tell you on the way."

Su Yi looked at her, then at Yi Zhonghai, raised his wrist to check the time and said, "Sister Qin, I can only take you to the family building in the factory, and you have to walk back by yourself for the rest of the way. It's a little detour, But at least it's closer."

"Yi Chao, it won't take much time for you. Can you rest assured that Huai Ru will walk alone at night?" Yi Zhonghai frowned and said, "You first..."

"Uncle, why do you think I have to go to the factory's subsidiary building this late at night? What time is it? Why don't you go with me, and if the leader falls asleep, you go and wake him up?" Su B said with a smile.

"Maliciousness from Yi Zhonghai +86..."

Su Yi looked at Qin Huairu and said, "Either talk about it tomorrow, or follow what I just said. If you don't want to walk, you can wait for me downstairs. It will only take about half an hour. It's up to you."

"I'll wait for you." Qin Huairu said.

"Okay, come with me." Su Yi nodded irresolutely, then turned to Yi Zhonghai and said, "Then slow down, let's go."

The old man looked a little unhappy, but he still nodded: "You should also be careful on the road."

This is not the first time Su Yi has taken Qin Huairu with him on a bike.As soon as he got out of the police compound, Qin Huairu stretched out his arms and hugged Su Yi from behind, and put his head on Su Yi's back.

This action is not the first time.

"Sister Qin, do you want to kiss each other?" Su Yi said.

"The ancients said that the favor of saving a life should be promised by the body. If my sister doesn't have such a good life, maybe it won't happen, but a hug is always okay?" Qin Huairu said, "Yanchao, let my sister hug you and rely on you , Sis is too tired..."

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