Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1459 Confession

Chapter 1459 Confession
"Yanchao, I want to thank you. You haven't said anything about the stick stealing your cigarettes today. I know that you are looking out for my face..."

"Thank you no matter how much you owe me, you still have to pay."

"Maliciousness +33 from Qin Huairu..."

"I apologize, Huaihua was right, the cigarettes were sold to Yan Jiefang for fifty cents by the stick, I was coming back before, and I haven't had time to give you a gift..."

"Still made a good deal."

"Hey, don't laugh at him, he has grown up and has never seen much of the world, how does he know that your cigarettes are so valuable?" Qin Huairu sighed, "I know you don't want sticks, if it's me, I don't want to see him either, as soon as you moved in, he stole you twice..."

"Count that chicken three times." Su Yi said.

"Forget it, let's not talk about the stick." Qin Huairu noticed Su Yi's indifference to this topic, and resolutely gave up changing the subject.

She mulled slightly and continued: "Let me tell you about myself. Yuan Dynasty, I entered the courtyard at the age of 19 and married Jia Dongxu, and gave birth to him, like a rabbit, one in three years, and my body is a little bit more relaxed , I had to live. During the ten years before he died, I was either pregnant or breastfeeding, and I didn’t live a single day of relaxation..."

"That's it, I have to do laundry, housework, and everything. My mother-in-law is evil and lazy. I have to do all the work inside and outside the house. I am a junior, so I can't say that the elders are not..."

"Jia Dongxu is filial to his mother. The mother and son are the same in the family. I have a grievance, and no one makes decisions for me. He likes to drink. He beats people after drinking. He is suspicious and ill. I and others A man doubts me even if he says a word,... Alas, a man is God, it is not easy for me to marry from the countryside to the city, I endure these grievances, I accept my fate..."

"But when Jia Dongxu died, my family's sky fell like this. For the sake of the three children, I can only support this family. Sister knows that you look down on Sister because of silly things, even if you don't say it, Sister can feel it. Especially this time, you must think that my sister's actions are not authentic, don't you?"

"You keep making excuses about Sister Qin, I'm listening." Su Yi pedaled on his bicycle.

"Maliciousness +77 from Qin Huairu..."

"You, you are so straight-tempered, you are quite similar to Shazhu." Qin Huairu said quietly, "Sister admits that I have wronged Shazhu all these years for the sake of my child. If there is no Shazhu to protect me and help me, I can't make it through. How many widows with children are doing well these days? Those like me can still live, few."

"I know that there are quite a few widows who either have broken shoes with others, or have left the door half-open... You can say that they are shameless, but if it is not really helpless, who would want to do such a thing? Are you in the court?" I saw with my own eyes how Big Hand Guo bullied me. Without you, my sister would have been ruined by him, so what can I do?"

Speaking of this, Qin Huairu has already started crying, "When my mother-in-law heard that something happened to me, her first reaction was to ask me to go to the hospital in Shanghuaner. She is from the past and knows that a widow wants to keep her It's impossible to be saved me this time, what about next time?"

"Yanchao, you're a man, you don't understand how frightened I am living this day, there will be no tomorrow after today. You look down on me...I want you to look down on me too, but what do I have? I only have a stick Geng, I can only count on him to grow up to protect me in my whole life, who can I count on?"

"I also want to count on Sha Zhu, but can my mother-in-law agree? Will Sha Zhu marry me, a widow with three children? Is Bang Giao willing to have another stepfather? When I think about these things, I feel that life is not a little bit I hope... woo woo woo... You look down on me, don't think I can't feel it, you just look down on me! But why?"

"You have been educated, educated, smart, and have many ways. You get a high salary as soon as you come. What about me? I'm just an uneducated rural woman, a widow with three children. If something happens to your child in the future, you can come up with eight solutions at once, but I can’t, I can only come up with such an idea that I’m sorry silly Zhu! I messed up just like this... woo woo woo... "

"What can I do? I have no brains, so I can only be immoral. I also know that I am sorry for silly Zhu, so what can I do... There are so many women in this world, why is my life, Qin Huairu, so miserable? what?"

Qin Huairu cried so hard that she was out of breath, it really made those who heard it cry, and those who heard it were sad.

Su Yi sighed and said, "Sister Qin, just wipe the snot on my back, right? Can you talk about hygiene?"

"Maliciousness +89 from Qin Huairu..."

"Why are you like this? Can you be a little sympathetic..." Qin Huairu cried, crying like a pear blossom with rain.

"I sympathize with Brother Zhuzi." Su Yi said, "No matter how miserable you are crying right now, you are also sitting on the back seat of my bicycle. Brother Zhuzi is escorted back to the factory in handcuffs right now. Knowing that I will do it Well? I'm just going to ask the leader to do things right now. If I ask, brother Zhuzi will be spared from prison. The youth has become a prisoner of labor reform, who do you think is more worthy of sympathy than him?"

"Yanchao, sister swears to you, if I had known that Shazhu would pay such a high price, sister would never let him take the blame for BangGong! If sister lied to you, I would die!" Qin Huairu cried excitedly.

"I believe, you must not be so cruel," Su Yi said, "But when you went to my house before, I analyzed the matter with you, and I told you clearly that as long as you stand up, at least you don't need to be a fool." In prison, if you stand up at that time, Sha Zhu may not have time to recruit anything. If you say to me, "Yi Chao, you don't care about sticks if you go to save Sha Zhu", it may be the last time for brother Zhu to retreat. Opportunity. That opportunity was given up by you, causing brother Zhuzi to peel off his skin even if he is not dead."

"I didn't wrong you, Sister Qin? Later, the old lady will decide for Shazhu. If you just admit it at the meeting, I can also be confused for a while. But how did you do it, Sister Qin?"

Speaking of which, while pedaling the car, Su Yi said to Qin Huairu who was no longer sobbing in the back seat: "You should have at least two reasons for coming to me tonight. The first is to let me not worry about stealing cigarettes." Well, the second is to sign a letter of understanding or something about stealing meat, so that you can take the things to school to intercede with the stick. If there is a third, it should be to ask me not to treat you because of Brother Zhuzi I have lumps in my heart, and I understand your difficulties. Sister Qin, am I right? "

"Fear from Qin Huairu +76, malice from Qin Huairu +99..."

Su Yi smiled: "We are so familiar, in the future, if you have something to say, just say it, don't go around the corner, you say you are crying for nothing..."

"Maliciousness from Qin Huairu +99, anger from Qin Huairu +88..."

"Stop the car, I want to get down!" Qin Huairu suddenly shouted angrily, her tone full of embarrassment.

Su Yi followed good advice and stopped the car immediately.

But Qin Huairu didn't get out of the car, and said angrily: "Yanchao, it's too much for you to say that! I treat you like my own relatives. Do you think it's appropriate for you to say that about me?"

Su Yi said: "Sister Qin, I didn't treat you as an outsider, otherwise why should I talk to you? At that time, the police station asked you to do what you should do. To be honest, it's just the two of us Except for the unpleasantness about the stick stem, you are not bad at other things. You even made me two sets of underwear, otherwise I shouldn't bother you because of my relationship with Brother Zhuzi. "

Qin Huairu stared at Su Yi for a while, with resentful eyes: "Yanchao, you really don't want to show face to your sister... Is it really so unbearable for your sister to be in your heart?"

"You think I think highly of you, so at least you should be sincere to me?" Su Yi sighed, "Good guy, you used the means you used to deal with Zhuzi and the uncle to deal with me. You just cried with me for a long time, and you cried Eight hundred thoughts came out. Even if it's because I saved you, you shouldn't do this, right?"

After a pause, Su Yi said: "No, the more I talk about this, the more unhappy I feel. Get out of the car, I don't want to talk to you anymore."

"Fear from Qin Huairu +66..."

Qin Huairu grabbed Su Yi's arm, and her tone softened: "Yichao, it's my sister who is wrong, but my sister is really not as bad as you say, you think too bad of me. My sister wants to say these things to you tonight Yes, but you have saved my sister so many times, I swear, I have true feelings for you, I am really grateful to you, if I lie to you, let me go out and be hit by a car."

Su Yi laughed and said: "Whether it's bad or not, I don't bother to talk to you anymore. You are too dishonest. I can't be the second idiot, so we will go our separate ways in the future."

"I can't!" Qin Huairu suddenly called out.

"Fear from Qin Huairu +99..."

She suddenly hugged Su Yi, and begged: "Yanchao, please don't think about my sister so much, listen to my sister tell you slowly, I promise you are telling the truth..."

Su Yi said: "No need, don't worry, I don't care about smoking, if you want to forgive me, I will forgive, I don't take Brother Zhuzi's matter to heart, you have achieved your purpose of looking for me tonight, that's all right ? There is no need to say anything more."

Qin Huairu's tears flowed down again, she hugged Su Yi and did not let go, tremblingly said: "Yanchao, if my sister lets go tonight, I will never be able to make friends with you again. Okay! You have to be honest, sister and you To be honest, my sister knows that you are smart, and I actually want you to give me some advice when I come to see you tonight, how to let the stick pass this level. I also know that you have a good relationship with the leader, and I want to have a good relationship with you , for long-term considerations. But my sister is not using you, but wants to exchange hearts."

"Then you're thinking too much." Su Yi smiled and said, "I've already given Sister Qin your face by ignoring the stick. Let me help him with ideas? Even if my own son is such a jerk, I will let him Fend for itself."

Qin Huairu raised her head and looked at Su Yi with teary eyes: "Yanchao, sister is completely careless with you now, as if she is naked, no matter how bad sister is in your heart, sister please, please don't Ignore me. I am very scared now, and I also know that I have completely cut off the possibility of being with Shazhu. I will be helpless in the future, and I am desperate when I think about it. The only thing I can think of to rely on now is you, and only you. You don't know, when I think of you standing in front of me like a god that night, protecting me and driving away Mr. Guo, I feel very at ease..."

"Yuanchao, don't think too badly about my sister. I'm just a mother who wants to protect her child... The thing about silly Zhu is that I feel sorry for him. I promise you, I will never do this again in the future. things..."

"What do you promise me?" Su Yi said speechlessly.

"I just want to promise you, because I am too afraid that you will ignore me." Qin Huairu hugged Su Yi tightly again, "I also promise you, I will tell you whatever I think in my heart... ...Anyway, I am naked here with you, and you know what I think... Yuan Chao, please let me rely on you, as long as you are willing, I am willing to do anything..."

Su Yi forcefully opened her arms and pushed her away, saying: "You rely on me, how will brother Zhuzi think of me in the future? Besides, I really don't like sticks, and your mother-in-law."

Qin Huairu looked at Su Yi in panic and said anxiously: "Yi Chao! You have saved me so many times, don't say you don't feel for my sister!"

"Yu Haitang, a big girl with yellow flowers, chases after me and I don't agree, am I missing a woman?" Su Yi chuckled, "Sister Qin, you are indeed beautiful, and because of your beauty, I will indeed give you a high regard. It’s pleasing to the eye, but that’s all. But I saved you because I have the ability, I’m kind-hearted, even if you look like Zhu Bajie, I’ll still do it. I’m very noble in this regard. "

Su Yi laughed, picked up the bike support, carried her off the bicycle and put her on the side of the road, stepped back and said, "The core gameplay of the Hongchen game is rare and confused, and today we can be regarded as being honest, so I I won't play with you anymore, goodbye!"

After saying that, he turned around and stepped on the bicycle, kicked his feet, and one person and one bicycle shot out like arrows from the string.

"Aid Korea!" Qin Huairu frightened and grabbed it forward, but it was in vain.

She stood blankly in the night, and suddenly recalled what her mother-in-law Jia Zhang said in her mind: "Even if he is blind, he can't possibly fall in love with you, a widow with three children. What good things are you thinking about?"

She stood there in a daze for a while, and rubbed her face vigorously before she came back to her senses.

Looking around, I was surprised to find that this is the entrance of the alley where the courtyard is located.

After all, Su Yi didn't leave her alone on the way at night, but sent her back.

Although Su Yi himself was a little unexpected in the confession tonight, but he still had to fulfill his responsibilities, and nights are not safe these days.

Qin Huairu's biggest mistake was to judge Su Yi with common sense. She confidently felt that with Su Yi's justice and kindness, he would be soft-hearted and help her.

But Su Yi just felt that this would not be fun.

(End of this chapter)

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