Eight or nine o'clock in the evening in the 60s is already the time for normal people to go to bed.It's 10 minutes to nine o'clock, which is already very late.

All the leaders live in the courtyard of the factory's subordinate building, and they all start with a degree or above. Besides the factory, some cadres from the district also live here.

There is also a sentry box at the gate of the compound, but it is not open 24 hours, and the level of the guard is not high, it belongs to the old man level.

A widowed old man lived in the concierge after he retired. He watched the gate by the way, and it was locked at nine o'clock in the evening.

When Su Yi came, the old man was about to lock the door to wash his feet and go to bed. Naturally, he was very unwelcome as an uninvited guest, and Su Yi didn't have an appointment, so he was about to kick him out with staring eyes.

But who is Su Yi?
In 3 minutes, the old man politely called Li Xinmin to say that a distinguished guest was visiting, and respectfully sent Su Yi out of the concierge and waved goodbye.

Li Xinmin had already changed into his pajamas at this time and planned to go to sleep. He was very puzzled when he received a call from the concierge, thinking that an honored guest is visiting?What kind of VIP?

Could it be that the leaders of the ministry came to the door?
That shouldn't be the case. If the leader wants to meet and make a phone call, he has to run to visit people. How can he let the leader come to him?
Don't dare to be negligent if you can't figure out the situation, what if it's really a distinguished guest?
While changing his clothes, Li Xinmin beckoned his wife to boil water and make tea, and then hurried to greet him at the door.

Not long after he heard footsteps downstairs, he hurriedly pulled himself together, hunched his back, looked respectful, and stared at the stairs.

When the footsteps approached, he stretched his neck to see the appearance of the honored guest clearly, but unexpectedly the honored guest spoke.

"Brother Li, why did you go out to welcome me? I can't afford it!"

This voice sounds familiar...

"Su Yuanchao?" Li Xinmin asked in surprise.

Su Yi walked to the door and said with a smile, "Yes, it's me."

Li Xinmin looked behind Su Yi: "You came alone?"

"I'm afraid I'll scare you if half of you come." Su Yi smiled slightly.

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +99, fear from Li Xinmin +86..."

"What nonsense are you talking about at night!" Li Xinmin gave him an angry look, and was a little puzzled, "Didn't the old grandson at the door say that a distinguished guest is visiting?"

"That's right, I'm the honored guest, one male guest." Su Yi said with a smile, "Uncle Sun sees me as a good-looking person, and thinks that I must be either rich or noble in the future, so I'm an honored guest. Brother Li, this proves that you are really discerning." Knowing pearls, even the gatekeeper recognizes your vision..."

"Why do I need his approval?" Li Xinmin cursed, glaring at Su Yi with a gloomy face, "Isn't this nonsense? I thought some VIP was here in the middle of the night, and I tossed my daughter-in-law up to pour tea, but in the end Here comes you, a monkey."

Su Yi said: "Sun Dasheng visited the yellow-robed monster."

Li Xinmin looked down at his beige clothes, and waved his hands angrily: "Go, go, don't be silly! I can see that you are not a good person at all! Tell me, what do you want me to do tonight?" Son?"

"Just say it here?" Su Yi smiled.

"come in!"

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +99..."

Li Xinmin, who was full of depression, brought Su Yi into the house. His wife was a kind-hearted middle-aged woman. When he saw Su Yi, he was about to greet Su Yi politely, when Li Xinmin waved his hand and said, "There is no need to boil water to make tea. I will see you tomorrow morning." Remember to scold him, Old Sun, for lying about the military situation!"

The middle-aged woman was stunned and didn't realize it. Li Xinmin said, "This is a new worker from our factory. I told you, that college student."

"Hi sister-in-law." Su Yi greeted with a smile.

"Hey, hello." Mrs. Li quickly responded.

"You go into the house, let's talk." Li Xinmin said.

"You still have to drink water. I'll make tea for you and talk while drinking." Aunt Li smiled and waved to Su Yi: "Sit down, comrade, you're welcome."

"Thank you sister-in-law!" Su Yi said with a smile.

After Su Yi took his seat, Li Xinmin still looked displeased, and said angrily, "Tell me, why do you have to come to me at night?"

Su Yi took out a pen from his pocket and handed it over: "This is for you. It's my first visit to the house. Although I'm a bit hasty, I'm sorry to come empty-handed. Brother Li, please accept it with a smile. Don't dislike the shabby gift. It's more or less on behalf of me. A heart."

Li Xinmin took it and turned it around, then frowned and said, "Is it still an old one?"

"That's because you don't know the origin of this pen!" Su Yi said seriously, "You know Mr. Ba Jin, right? In [-], he gave a speech at our school, and he gave me this pen himself. It is very commemorative. .”

"Really?" Li Xinmin was dubious, "How can this be proved?"

"Can I just fool you with a worthless pen?" Su Yi said earnestly, "Lend us two more nerves! If it weren't for thanking you for your kindness to me, I wouldn't give you this pen. I would rather give you a few gold bars than give you this sum."

"You might as well give me a gold bar..." Li Xinmin muttered, still a little skeptical, but he seemed somewhat convinced.

Mrs. Li brought tea, Su Yi bowed slightly to thank him.Li Xinmin handed her the pen and said solemnly: "This is a gift from Yuan Dynasty. The pen used by the great writer Ba Jin. You put it in my study and put it away."

"Oh, that's a precious thing." Aunt Li immediately stood in awe, took it with both hands with a holy look on her face, and turned to go to the study with the pen in her hand.

Su Yi said: "The sword is given to the hero, and this pen has found a good home."

Li Xinmin finally had a comfortable smile on his face, and said, "Okay, tell me, what are you looking for?"

Meanwhile, the police station.

Zhao Desheng fumbled through all his pockets, and asked the young policeman next to him wonderingly, "Where is my pen? Why is it missing?"

"I don't know." The young policeman shook his head blankly, "Did you ask the person who gave the statement to sign it before? Did they return it to you?"

"Should I pay it back?" Zhao Desheng tried to recall, "It seems that Su Yuanchao was the last one to sign...I remember he gave it to me...or didn't he?"

"It's impossible for someone to take your pen home." The young policeman said, "Think again, did you forget where you put it?"

"I can't remember." Zhao Desheng sighed, "Forget it, let me borrow your pen first. I have used that pen for several years. It cost three cents or four cents at the time, in a department store. Bought it, very useful…”

Li Xinmin's house.

"Su Yuanchao, why are you everywhere? You also want to get involved in the silly matter? Why are you stretching your hands around?" Li Xinmin frowned when he heard Su Yi's intention, "I Let me tell you, do your job well, and don’t worry about things you shouldn’t worry about! You’ve only been in the factory for a few days? You haven’t gained a foothold yet, and you’ve come here to intercede on behalf of others, which shows how capable you are. right?"

"Brother Li, you really misunderstood me." Su Yi sighed, "I have only lived in the compound for a few days? How good is my relationship with He Yuzhu? Am I worthy of begging you for him?"

"Yes, then why are you here?" Li Xinmin asked strangely.

"He asked me to come." Su Yi said, "Because you gave me something last time, he knew that I have a special relationship with you, so he tried every means to get me to talk to you, please give him a hand."

"Then it's over if you ignore him?" Li Xinmin frowned.

"I think so too." Su Yi said, "But you should understand my character to some extent. I think a lot. Whenever he looks for me, I always think, why is he looking for me? Why did he ask me to come?" Please? I thought, the only connection between the three of us is that you wrote me a note asking me to go get those things from Sha Zhu."

Li Xinmin's expression changed slightly, and he sat up straight immediately.

Su Yi said: "Brother Li, when I think about this, I can't ignore him. Whether you want to help him or not, I can't hide this from you. What worries me the most is that I told him before The thing you mentioned was that there were two people discussing to report you, do you remember? I haven’t found these two people until now, and there are still people hiding in this factory who are trying to harm you Well, what if they use He Yuzhu..."

Li Xinmin's expression became more and more solemn, and he said solemnly: "This idiot asked you to come to me...I'm afraid he really has the intention of threatening me...I can't tell, he still has such brains?"

"No way." Su Yi waved his hand, "I think he went to the doctor in a hurry. He not only asked me to find you, but also asked me to find Director Yang, and even asked me if I knew any other big leaders. , as long as you can help him, there will be great thanks in the future."

"Thank you again? What would he thank you for? Thanks for cooking two dishes?" Li Xinmin sneered, but his expression softened.

"He is really good at cooking and cooking. Didn't the big leaders praise him specially last time?" Su Yi said, "I went to eat at noon today, and the leaders also complained about the bad taste of the dishes."

"His matter is very troublesome. The police station has a record of the case. This case must be reported to the district. It is not something that our factory can decide on its own." Li Xinmin said, "For him as a fool, anyone can There is no need to take responsibility for him and plead for mercy."

"Based on what he said, he's not very demanding, as long as he can stay and work in the factory." Su Yi said.

Li Xinmin was thoughtful.

Su Yi said: "Brother Li, this is the situation. I just thought I should report to you, so I made this trip at night. This He Yuzhu was just brought back to the factory by the security department of our factory, and he was waiting impatiently." I'll write him back. If you don't think it's necessary, I'll ignore him."

Li Xinmin stood up suddenly and said, "Come on, come with me to the study, I'll make a call."

He brought Su Yi to his study, let Su Yi sit down casually, then picked up the phone and dialed the number of the security department in the factory.

"Hello? I'm Li Xinmin...Xiaoqian, He Yuzhu was handed over by you? What's the situation? You report to me..."

Li Xinmin learned about the handover situation at the police station in detail, and asked Sha Zhu what he had said, his reaction and attitude, and who else had he met besides Su Yi.

After chatting for more than ten minutes, I hung up the phone.

At this time, Su Yi happened to be flipping through a novel called "The Song of Ouyang Hai" in his free time.

After Li Xinmin finished the call, he took advantage of the opportunity to put the book back on the shelf, looked at Li Xinmin and waited for him to speak.

"You go and take Sha Zhu home. You tell him that his worker's salary will definitely be lost. The factory is willing to give him a way out for the sake of his professional work for so many years, that is to work as a temporary worker. re-employ him as a worker and let him stay and work in the factory for the time being.”

Li Xinmin said to Su Yi: "He can't stay in the kitchen for the time being, he's too sensitive. Go to the internal affairs department first, and do the work of cleaning the yard and tidying up the house. After the wind blows, see how he behaves before considering transferring him back to the kitchen." If you have a good attitude, it's not that you can't consider resuming his position... You tell him that this is the best result you can get for him, and he had to go to jail for this matter."

There was a pause at this point, and Li Xinmin knocked his knuckles on the table to emphasize his tone: "The most important thing is to do your duty and keep your mouth shut! Take my words to him!"

"Okay, I see." Su Yi smiled, "Then I'll go back to Brother Li, and I'll disturb your rest."

Li Xinmin walked around the desk and came over with a smile and said, "Yanchao, you did a good job with this matter and reported it in a timely manner. This silly Zhu is in the same courtyard as you. You should pay more attention to his thoughts in the future. Report to me anytime."

"it is good."

After leaving Li Xinmin's house, Su Yi then rushed to the factory.

Su Yi pointed out that Li Xinmin took kitchen kickbacks, and also explained that Sha Zhu was not very demanding. It was almost an inevitable result for him to protect Sha Zhu. The number of temporary workers is a matter of benefit and no cost. It seems that he is humane in handling this matter, and a cook with good skills will definitely be able to use it in the future.

As for what was transferred back to the kitchen and resumed the position...

This is just a piece of cake, just listen to it for fun, just to hang the silly pillar.

Doesn't this tell Su Yi to keep an eye on Silly Zhu?It can be seen that he is still somewhat worried about Sha Zhu.

In the case of not asking for help, Su Yi felt that the matter was done to this extent, and he was satisfied with the result, which also met his original expectations.

Li Xinmin obviously made an agreement with Section Chief Qian. As soon as Su Yi arrived, he would release him immediately.After Su Yi exchanged a few words with him, he pushed the bicycle and walked back with Sha Zhu.

"How does freedom taste?"

In the night wind, Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Am I alright?" Silly Zhu asked.

"Good idea, I told you about the situation at the police station before, do you think you'll be fine?" Su Yi said.

"How does the factory plan to deal with me?" Silly Zhu asked in a muffled voice.

"You don't have to sit in prison anymore." Su Yi said, "but you're out of work. I'm going to say that Li Xinmin promised to rehire you as a temporary worker, but you can't go to the kitchen anymore. Staying in the factory is also a cleaning job."

"Sweeping the street?" Silly Zhu laughed at himself, "Then my face is completely lost."

"If you don't, then don't do it." Su Yi said, "To be honest, I tried my best to win this result for you. It's a gift and a good word. I even threatened him with the fact that he took kickbacks in the kitchen. .”

"You threatened him? Then what if he gives you small shoes to wear?" Silly Zhu frowned.

"It's okay, I'll wear it for you." Su Yi said with a smile, "I threatened him in your name."

"..." Silly Zhu laughed suddenly, "Well done, brother! This is the most comforting thing I've heard these two days, haha!"

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