Chapter 1461
It was already late when we returned to the courtyard, and the lights in every house were turned off, so Sha Zhu and Su Yi slowed down, lowered their voices, and went home to rest.

Silent all night.

The next day, because he didn't have to go to work, Su Yi didn't get up so early in the morning, so he lay down on the bed and slept late.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you are lazy or not, Su Yi is mainly looking for this feeling of sleeping in.

Felt bad because it was so loud.

Early in the morning, those who should go to work go to work, and those who should clean up at home also get up and clean up. In the yard, a few old women are talking and laughing, and they are so noisy.

Especially the three mothers with a loud voice, you can feed the chicken if you say it...

You just feed the chickens.

She had to stand outside the window of Su Yi's bedroom and chat with the eldest mother for half an hour.

Su Yi lay on the bed and listened to the story of a girl surnamed Zhang in the compound next door who married a cobbler and how she cheated on a salesman.

Why did they cheat, how did they cheat, what was the first thing they said when they cheated, how long...

Even the three mothers know the details of people's trousers being taken off to the crook of their legs, and the fact that there is a mole on the salesman's black butt.

It gave Su Yi the feeling that the third mother was hiding in the bed at that time, lying between the salesman and Miss Zhang, otherwise how could she know so clearly?
The topics of the aunts are really exciting, like listening to Xiao Huangwen.

So much so that when Su Yi went out with a washbasin and a toothbrush jar, and a towel around his neck, the third mother was very embarrassed and blushed.

"Yuan, Yuanchao, you are here... You, why didn't you go to work..." The third mother's loud voice changed to a clip in seconds.

On the one side, the first mother and the second aunt quacked happily, smiling like ducks.

"Go, go, don't laugh!" The third mother was even more ashamed and annoyed, she smiled at Su Yi and said: "Old ladies always talk like this, usually your first mother and second aunt talk more energetically than me, I am just talking to Su Yi." They learned."

"Hey, hey, don't pour dirty water on us." The first mother smiled, "There is only the third master in our yard who is a cultural person. You are close to Zhu Zhechi, so you have developed the ability to tell a story. I He and his second aunt are both old and rough, and they usually stutter when they talk, how can they speak like you, it makes people feel itchy..."

"That's right, I don't have the ability with his first mother, Yuan Chao, don't believe what your third mother says." The second aunt smiled enthusiastically.

Su Yi walked towards the Hanging Flower Gate, and said with a smile: "I just woke up, but I didn't hear anything. What did the third mother say?"

"It's best not to hear, I didn't say anything!" The third mother hurriedly said first.

"That's Yuanchao saving face for you, do you really think he didn't hear?" Second Aunt said.

"Show you're smart?" The third mom glared at her, "Why didn't this guy go to work today? I just said why his bicycle is still here..."

After a pause, she said: "By the way, there is still a bowl of porridge left in my pot, and the steamed buns are still not cold... I'll bring them to Yuanchao. The child is young, so it's okay not to eat breakfast..."

Muttering in his mouth, the man has already turned around and went back to the house.

The second aunt clicked her tongue and said sarcastically, "Did you see it? The cycad tree is blooming! This is because we are busy with work."

The first mother smiled and said: "She must be in a hurry, Xie Cheng is a few years older than Guangtian, and his job has not been stable until now... Okay, let's stop chatting, and just listen to his third mother's gossip, I have to go Go see the old lady in the backyard."

"I'm going back too. Do you want to go to the Dongsi vegetable market later? Let's just go together..." Second Aunt also said as she walked back.

After Su Yi washed up and just returned to the house, the third mother came with porridge, steamed bread and a small dish of shredded pickles, and said enthusiastically: "It's past nine o'clock, and the early stalls have sold out long ago. The aunt's house has I'll bring you some whatever, and you can make do with it, don't be disgusted."

Su Yi hung up the towel and said with a smile: "It's too much trouble for you, Third Mom."

"What's the trouble with this, that is, you go to work early, otherwise you can eat at my house every day and then go to work!" The third mother said with a smile, "Yanchao, why didn't you go to the factory today?"

Su Yi was no longer polite. He sat down and took a bite out of the steamed bread. He ate and said, "Today I'm out on the job, I have free time, so I'm not in a hurry to go out."

Picking up the chopsticks and taking a bite of the pickles, Su Yi praised: "This pickles are well-acted, crisp and appetizing!"

"Do you like this? The aunt asked Yu Li to bring you some." The third mother hurriedly said.

Su Yi waved his hand: "I don't have a pickle jar here, it's broken. If I want to eat it, let Yu Li's sister-in-law pick it up at your house. It's fresh. Haha, I'm not welcome with you."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, that's right!" The third mother was very happy, wishing that Su Yi wouldn't see her, "Then I'm going to eat with you, and my aunt has to go to the vegetable market to pick up some vegetable leaves and feed them to the chickens. I After all, it only takes a few days for the chicken to lay eggs."

"Okay, you are busy with your work, the bowls and chopsticks will be sent back to you by Yu Li's sister-in-law in the evening."

"It's fine, hehe..."

After the third mother left, Su Yi slowly finished his porridge, finished his steamed corn bread, and even a small plate of pickles.

Don't look at the simple breakfast, but it's really appetizing and comfortable to eat.

Su Yi tidied up a bit and was about to go out, but suddenly he had a thought, looked at the door, and heard the voice of a big mother in the next second.

"Yanchao, the old lady sees you coming!"

Same as last night, the aunt helped the old lady in and left first. After the old lady sat down, she couldn't wait to ask: "Yanchao, how is the silly Zhu?"

Su Yi didn't hold back, and roughly explained the result.

After hearing this, the old lady sighed and said: "This time he fell quite badly, but it's okay, it's a blessing to suffer, and he can have a long-term mind. Yuanchao, thank you, madam, you have helped the madam a lot."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Neighbors in the neighborhood, lend a hand if you can, it's nothing."

"If you were so kind, there wouldn't be so many things going on in our yard." The old lady said, "What happened to that kid? The whole family went out early in the morning, and they don't know why. I've gone. I heard from your aunt that the stick is going to be expelled from school, is there such a thing?"

Su Yi nodded: "Yes, he was fired."

The old lady said: "Yes! Anyone who sees this child with dirty hands and feet will hate it. Mrs. Jia Zhang is too used to children, and this is the end."

Su Yi smiled and didn't answer.

"Yanchao, my wife can see that you are a smart person, and you will do great things in the future." The old lady said, "It's not like a fool, this kid is the fate of an ordinary cook, he can't make great achievements. But The child admits death. If you saved him this time, he will definitely regard you as a benefactor and will be grateful to you for the rest of his life. If you can use him in the future, you can use it at ease; It can be regarded as settled. You two children support each other, and you will have someone to rely on for the rest of your life. You can trust your wife, you can't go wrong."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Su Yi said cheerfully.

The old lady got Su Yi's affirmative answer, she laughed until her gums were exposed, and left happily.

After seeing off the old lady, Su Yi also planned to go out. He thought about going to the alley to call the factory, and asked Liu Guangtian and Zhang Chunmei to come out. process.

But I didn't expect to run into an acquaintance when I first arrived at the alley-Liu Guifen.

"Aid Korea? Why didn't you go to work today? Are you still wandering around in the alley at this point?" Liu Guifen asked in surprise.

"Comrades are too enthusiastic, I avoid the limelight." Su Yi said with a smile, "I applied for a day's field work with the leader."

Liu Guifen was overjoyed: "It's not easy to be a hero, is it? Don't try to hide away. Director Qu said in the morning that the community will hold a commendation meeting for you in the near future and invite you to give a speech."

Su Yi was the first and the second eldest: "Aunt Liu, you push it for me quickly, I won't go."

"That's up to you, the invitation letter has already been sent to your factory." Liu Guifen smiled, "And why don't you come to something beneficial? There is a bonus."

"How much?" Su Yi asked.

"Two yuan." Liu Guifen stretched out her finger.

"Donate to the welfare home for me, or the elderly who are lonely and widowed." Su Yi said, "Anyway, I've already returned with you, so I really won't go."

"You're quite a gentleman... okay, then I'll go back and tell Director Qu." Liu Guifen said helplessly, "You're an outsider... Forget it, I don't need to ask, you just didn't go to work, or I'll make an appointment for you The decoration team is coming?"

"Okay." Su Yi said.

"You wait, I'll make a call." Liu Guifen turned and went into the phone room, and when she came out after a while, she said anxiously: "I almost forgot, it's a rare chance if you don't go to work today, I'll help you at noon You arrange a blind date, I have already thought about the girl, after I have made an agreement with her family, I will go directly to her unit to find her, and then bring her to see you!"

Blind date?

Su Yi was taken aback for a moment.

Is this about to start a blind date?
Very good very good.

Su Yi was looking forward to it, and said with a smile: "Okay, Aunt Liu, how about you ride my bicycle, it will be convenient to go back and forth."

"I'm not being polite to you. The road is indeed a bit long, and I'm tired from running back and forth." Liu Guifen also simply pushed the cart when he got up, "It just so happens that the girl has a more intuitive understanding of your conditions after seeing this new car."

"What's the condition of this girl?" Su Yi asked curiously.

"Secret!" Liu Guifen said with a smile, "You will know when I bring you. The girl is absolutely good, she is well-educated, and she is also beautiful. You just wait to see her! After you see Lao Kong, go to Dongzhimen Bridge and wait. Me, I'd be there if I got there early."

"Old Kong?"

"It's just for decoration, and I brought a decoration team myself." Liu Guifen said, "I called him, and he lives in the alley next to him. When you turned around, you saw someone missing an arm, that's him. Yes. He was injured and retired from the Construction Corps. If you meet him, he is called Uncle Kong. He is a reliable man! You don’t have to tell him about that, I’ll just tell him.”

"Okay, I understand Aunt Liu." Su Yi nodded.

"Let's go!" Liu Guifen was busy doing things, and after saying that, she rode on Su Yi's bicycle and left.

Su Yi stood at the entrance of the alley and waited for a while, and sure enough, he saw a middle-aged man in camouflage uniform walking over with a canvas satchel on his back.

One of the middle-aged man's sleeves was empty, and the cuffs were tucked into his pocket.He looks quite simple and honest, but the more he looks at Su Yi, the more he looks familiar, as if he has seen him somewhere.

Reminiscent of his surname Kong... Su Yi was a little stunned, thinking that if it was true, it would be a coincidence.

"Uncle Kong!" Seeing that the middle-aged man was about to pass by Su Yi, Su Yi called out.

The middle-aged man looked over suspiciously and sized up Su Yi.

"You are Uncle Kong introduced by Aunt Liu, right?" Su Yi walked over, stretched out his left hand and said with a smile.

The remaining hand of this middle-aged man is also his left hand.

"I'm the one who asks you for help. My name is Su Yuanchao. You can call me Xiao Su."

"So it's my boss!" Old Kong smiled, and hurriedly reached out to shake Su Yi's hand. His hand was full of cracks and calluses, and it looked like a pain in the ass.

"Thank you for taking care of me. My surname is Kong, Kong Damin." Old Kong said.

"May I ask, are you and Kong Ermin from the department store..." Su Yi asked.

"You know my son?" Kong Damin asked in surprise.

"Er Min is your son? That's really a coincidence." Su Yi smiled and said, "I know him. I met him when I was shopping in a department store. I think you look familiar. But your father's name sounds like It's two brothers."

Kong Damin said happily: "That's what they say, if I have a grandson, I'll call it Sanmin!"

Su Yi said: "The Three People's Principles is the argument of the Guo Party. It's not a good name, and it's not a good thing to say in the future, Uncle Kong!"

Kong Damin scratched his head and smiled, "What are you afraid of? White devils are not good people, but Mr. Sun Yat-sen is the father of the nation."

Su Yi shook his head and said, "I don't want to say that... let's go, I'll show you the house."

Talk lightly and deeply, click to the end.

The two returned to the courtyard one after the other. Su Yi pointed to the collapsed house next to him and said, "This is it. I want to rebuild this room and connect with the two houses on my side."

"This room is not small," Kong Damin immediately entered into a working state, walked into the half-collapsed wall, and knocked around, while saying, "Is the room on your side a bedroom? It is connected with the bedroom... Are you planning to make a living room?" into another bedroom?"

"I haven't figured out what to do yet." Su Yi said, "Uncle Kong, if we build the house, how long will it take to top it off?"

"This wall is shaking badly, look..." Kong Damin shook the half-collapsed wall, "Everything has to be smashed and the walls have to be rebuilt, and the foundation has to be rebuilt. If you can keep up, two days of foundation, two days The walls are built in one day, the roof is closed in one day, and the house can be formed in five days. But after the house is built, it needs to be aired out, and it will take at least ten days to plaster and scrape the white... Add up the front and back, and it will take 20 days to complete. But at most A week's work."

"What if I ask you to contract labor and materials?" Su Yi asked.

Kong Damin suddenly cheered up, and said: "Of course it's no problem. I promise to use the best ingredients for you, and I will never fool you! And if I supply the ingredients, it will definitely be cheaper than you go out and buy them yourself. Of course, if you have Lu Zi just said it."

(End of this chapter)

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