Chapter 1462
If only labor is required to build a house, it is actually earning a lot of hard work; but if labor and materials are included, the profit will be huge.

Therefore, as soon as Su Yi mentioned that labor and materials should be contracted, Kong Damin immediately spit, trying to make it happen.

It can be seen that this person is not good at negotiating business. His sales promotion is basically to repeatedly emphasize that the materials he uses are solid and cheap, and he repeats them over and over again.

Fortunately, Su Yi didn't intend to find the materials by himself, and it was not worthwhile to run around by himself to save some money.

Besides, why save your own money?

Speaking of money, who else do you owe money to?

Su Yi finally asked Kong Damin to quote a price, including labor and materials, and the price was 90 yuan.

The price startled Su Yi.

90 yuan to build a house?
He bought a bicycle for one hundred and fifty-six.

Thinking that it would cost at least a few million to buy such a house in the capital in future generations, Su Yi felt that this matter might be because he was used to being a leek and had never seen the world. Maybe this is the original value of the house.

Seeing Su Yi's expression, Kong Damin hastily lowered the price: "Xiao Su, the minimum price is 85, which is already very low. No matter how others ask you to ask for 95, [-], because it was introduced by sister Liu, I will give you a sincere price." , I didn’t bid randomly. Really, if you don’t believe me, you can inquire about it..."

Su Yi said: "It's still 90 yuan, but I want to dig a cellar, how do I calculate the money?"

Kong Damin was taken aback for a moment, and then said happily: "Cheer up! Then I won't count your money for digging the cellar, it's just a matter of hand."

Su Yi nodded, without being polite, counted the money out of his pocket and said to him, "Uncle Kong, I'll give you the money first, then we'll settle this matter."

Kong Damin hurriedly said: "This... I need to buy materials, I will not be polite to you anymore. I will send you a note..."

"It's not in a hurry." Su Yi said, "I will prepare the materials today, and I will also greet the neighbors in advance, and the construction will start tomorrow. Try not to disturb the lives and travels of the neighbors during the construction."

"Don't worry about that, my workers don't have that kind of bluster, they are all honest people, and their hands and feet are clean, so there will be no problems!" Kong Damin assured with a pat on the shoulder.

At this time, Su Yi saw Lou Xiao'e coming from the backyard from a distance, so he nodded to her as a greeting, and then said to Kong Damin: "Uncle Kong, I plan to open the cellar here."

"This place is okay... There are no pipes underneath, right? It would be terrible if the pipes were dug up."

"It's mine if you dig it out, don't worry..."

The two communicated some details, and Kong Damin happily left with the money, agreeing to come to work early tomorrow morning.

"You want to build a house?" Lou Xiaoe said, "No wonder you are short of money."

"Xiao'e's sister-in-law is going back to her mother's house with her big and small bags?" Su Yi laughed.

"Go back, these are all mountain products from Damao, let my parents take them there to taste." Lou Xiao'e smiled, "Hey, you don't go to work, can you lend me a bicycle? The road is too far, the things are too big. Too much, I'm too lazy to go..."

"It's too late." Su Yi said, "I just lent it to Aunt Liu."

"Which Aunt Liu? The deputy director of the community?" Lou Xiaoe said in surprise, "Yes, you have a wide range of friends."

"He introduced my partner and ran errands for me." Su Yi explained and planned to say goodbye.

Unexpectedly, Lou Xiaoe's eyes lit up and said, "You want to go on a blind date? Which girl?"

"I haven't seen it yet, where do I know where to go?" Su Yi shook his head.

"Hey, I have a good sister, do you want to call me over to meet at dinner?" Lou Xiao'e said with great interest, "She is beautiful and has a good personality. Her family is in business, and she is related to our family. Family friends."

"Can you cook?" Su Yi asked.

"Probably not." Lou Xiaoe thought for a while, "Their family has always used servants, but she can speak English, German and French. She is very knowledgeable and can write poems."

"She was eliminated!" Su Yi said, "What I want for a wife is someone who can wash my clothes, cook for me, and serve me. I don't want to raise a young mistress."

"You man, what you are looking for is someone to spend your whole life with, isn't it more important that your soul fit?" Lou Xiao'e stared at Su Yi, "Looking for a wife is not looking for a servant, you have to have a common topic, Like-mindedness, that’s the most important thing.”

"It's impossible." Su Yi sighed.

common topic?

He said that the multiverse is infinitely traversed, which woman can have a lively chat with him?

He said, looking down upon all worlds to be promoted to Best Actor, which woman would have such an ambition?

The best woman Su Yi has seen so far is Wenhui. Does Su Yi have anything in common with her?
Besides, Su Yi has no pursuit of love now, and he is very sure that it is basically impossible for him to find a woman he loves to spend his life with.He didn't want to settle for second best or even work again, so he simply found a woman who loved him and could regard himself as heaven.

An independent woman like Wen Hui is obviously not good, and the daughter Lou Xiaoe mentioned is definitely not good either.

What is the use of being able to speak three languages?How many tricks do you call?For Su Yi, this is the biggest and only role.

"In short, I want to be able to wash clothes, cook and take care of men. In the future, I can look after children and be beautiful. This is my requirement." Su Yi said, "It doesn't matter if you have education or work. If you can't meet my requirements, I don’t even want the daughter of President Lighthouse!”

"Hey, I can give you back the daughter of the president of the lighthouse? People know who you are? Even if you want to marry someone, you have to be worthy." Lou Xiaoe sarcastically said, "I don't think you are asking for this." I found it in the capital. There is no big girl in the capital who is willing to be a good wife, mother, husband and child at home. Go around the surrounding mountains and villages, maybe there are beautiful village girls waiting for you."

"Village girls are pretty nice too." Su Yi said with a smile, "Actually, I really think I have to find someone from the countryside."

"The mud can't support the wall." Lou Xiao'e said angrily, "I will talk to you carefully at dinner tonight, and I must break your ridiculously wrong idea to you!"

"I'll vaccinate you in advance, and I won't go if there are outsiders!" Su Yi could see Lou Xiao'e's intention to kill first and play later.

"As long as you see her, you will definitely be fascinated by her!" Lou Xiao'e said, "She is very beautiful, and she has a very good temperament."

"Sex is emptiness, beauty is useless to me." Su Yi said.

"Isn't there a beautiful one in your request?" Lou Xiao'e said.

"Empty is color, if it's not beautiful, I don't need it." Su Yi smiled and waved his hands, "I also made an appointment with Aunt Liu, so I won't chat with you, goodbye!"

"Hey!" Lou Xiao'e still wanted to call Su Yi to stop, but Su Yi had gone far away.

"This man is really weird." Lou Xiaoe shook her head in confusion.

The third mother from the opposite door strolled over like a cat, and said mysteriously: "Xiao'e, I just heard what you said. You said the condition of aiding the DPRK. He can really let go of a good girl in the city and go find a rural girl." ?"

"It's hard to say." Lou Xiaoe said, "The thinking of college students is different from that of us ordinary people."

The three mothers said: "It doesn't matter if it's different, it's good or bad? Our daughter-in-law has a cousin who also works in their factory. Do you think I should match them up?"

Lou Xiao'e said in surprise: "Third Mom, you can do it if you want. Ask me why?"

"Didn't I just hear that you invited Yuan Chao to dinner tonight?" The third mom said with a smile, "I thought about letting her cousin go directly to your house, and the young people will be cooked after having a meal together. You can also be regarded as contributing to a good marriage, and your merits are immeasurable..."

"Third Mom, your family is really..." Lou Xiaoe was so shocked that she couldn't say anything, "Let me tell you, this matter won't work, not because I don't want to eat alone, but because Su Yuanchao said just now that he won't go there at night if there are outsiders! I was wondering whether to bring my sisters or not."

The third mother said: "If you agree to let that cousin go to your house for dinner, I will give you an idea, Custodian Yuanchao can't say anything."

"What idea?" Lou Xiao'e was curious.

"You agree first." A cunning flashed in the eyes of the third mother.

"Okay, okay, I promise!" Lou Xiao'e said.

Only then did the three mothers chuckle, and leaned closer to Lou Xiaoe's ear to whisper.

Lou Xiaoe's eyes gradually brightened, and she gave the third mother a thumbs up and said, "Jiang is still old and hot, third mother, you are this!"

On the other side, Su Yi arrived at the place that he had made an appointment with Liu Guifen—on the Dongzhimen Bridge.

The Dongzhimen Bridge at this time is not the overpass of later generations, nor is it the same place.

Go to Donghefang and go through an alley at the end, and you will reach the moat.

There is an old small wooden bridge here, which originally had no name, but because it is located next to Dongzhimen, it is called Dongzhimen Bridge.

It's relatively secluded here, unlike other river sections that are smelly and dirty, so Liu Guifen regards it as a good place for a blind date, and she has made many good marriages in this place.

When Su Yi arrived, Liu Guifen hadn't arrived yet, and there was only one policeman looking around.


Su Yi wondered if this person might be a blind date?

She looks pretty, and has a heroic bearing.

But thinking about it, it shouldn't be. Liu Guifen is a very steady person. She should not be present when she introduces Su Yi's partner for the first time.

So Su Yi took a look and planned to look away. Unexpectedly, the female policeman looked Su Yi up and down, and walked straight towards Su Yi.

This made Su Yi wonder if he had made a wrong judgment.

Really a blind date?

Looking for a policewoman as a wife?

Can she cook, wash clothes and take care of the children?
"Comrade, what are you doing here?" The female policeman walked up to her and asked with a serious expression.

"Blind date." Su Yi said, "You are..."

"From Dongzhimen Police Station." The policewoman looked at Su Yi again, took out a small notebook and pen from her pocket, and made a gesture to record, "Please cooperate with the routine inspection, name, and age."

Su Yi said: "Comrade, are you here for a blind date? Deputy Director Liu..."

"Please cooperate with my work!" The policewoman frowned, "Now I am asking you questions."

"Su Yuanchao, 23 years old." Su Yi shrugged helplessly, "The employees of the Red Star Rolling Mill live in No. 32 Nanluoguxiang."

"I have a job? Then why don't you go to work?" the female policeman asked, "Why are you wandering around here early in the morning? Why do you choose this remote place?"

"As I said just now, I'm here for a blind date, and this is the place I made an appointment with." Su Yi said, "As for whether I go to work or not...the police don't care, right?"

"Answer whatever you ask!" The policewoman glared.

"Are you here for a blind date?" Su Yi couldn't help asking again.

"I ask you, why don't you go to work!" the female policeman asked each word with a serious expression.

Su Yi looked at her suspiciously, but still answered her question: "I'm away from work, and I'm taking time to go on a blind date."

"Absent from work, so irresponsible to work?" the policewoman said, "How can you build the four modernizations like you?"

Su Yi sighed and said: "I'm really sorry, I'll go back to work and work hard for the construction... and strive for the rest of my life, goodbye!"

Turn around and leave.

The policewoman was a little dumbfounded, and hurriedly called him: "Hey, I didn't let you go!"

"Why don't you leave? We are not suitable." Su Yi turned around and said.

"Why are you so sure that I'm here to have a blind date with you?" The policewoman looked at Su Yi curiously.

"I wasn't sure at first, but now I'm sure." Su Yi said.

"You lied to me!" The policewoman pointed at Su Yi with wide eyes.

"Maliciousness from Shen Yanzi +88..."

Su Yi said: "A blind date is a blind date, why put on the pose of interrogating a prisoner?"

Shen Yanzi said depressedly: "Aunt Liu praised you as the best in the world. I don't believe there is such a good person, so I want to see it with my own eyes. But if it's a blind date, everyone will try their best to show their good side. Seeing your true appearance, that's why I did this. You are quite clever, and you saw me through so quickly."

"Where's Aunt Liu?" Su Yi asked.

"I locked her in my office." Shen Yanzi said, "Oh, I'm sorry for her, she failed to introduce me to several partners."

After a pause, Shen Yanzi looked at Su Yi and said, "But you're okay, you have a good brain, and you're also quite courageous. Before, several men were almost scared to pee by me."

Su Yi couldn't help laughing: "Who would dare to follow you if you do this?"

"I don't even have the courage to do so, and I'm definitely not suitable." Shen Yanzi said disdainfully, "But why do you say that we are not suitable? Could it be that you were scared by me? This is my strategy. Not so."

"I'm looking for someone like Xiaoniaoyiren, will you do it?" Su Yi asked.

"Didn't Aunt Liu just say that if she knows how to cook, wash clothes and take care of the children?" Shen Yanzi frowned, "Did you ask for it, or did Aunt Liu stop spreading the word?"

"You? Cooking and washing clothes?" Su Yi looked at Shen Yanzi, seeing her slightly rough hands, he believed it.

"Who do you look down on?" Shen Yanzi said, "I cooked all my meals when I was in junior high school. What's so difficult about doing laundry?"

Su Yi said: "Aunt Liu's message was correct, but you may have misunderstood it. Knowing how to wash clothes and cook, and being responsible for washing and cooking are two different things. You are a policeman, so I don't need to tell you what the nature of your job is, right? It is common to work overtime and stay up late, and it is normal to be away from home for a few days if you have a task, can you take care of the housework such as washing clothes and cooking at home every day?"

(End of this chapter)

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