Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1463 Blind Date

Chapter 1463 Blind Date
"I can't do these things often, but you don't hire an old lady when you get married. Whoever is free will do these jobs. Men and women are equal." Shen Yanzi said.

"You are a policeman, and you are not free most of the time; my job is relatively easy, so I have more free time." Su Yi spread his hands, "If we are a family, how many times can you cook a month? Don’t I have to do everything?”

"No, we're on a blind date, and you're denying me just because you don't have time to cook?" Shen Yanzi was very dissatisfied, "I still have many advantages that you don't understand, you're a little too conceited." Partial generalization, or even chasing after the end, right?"

"My core demand is to be able to wash clothes, cook and take care of my daily life. This is not enough, do I need to know other issues?" Su Yi said, "A blind date is not about buying things. It depends on how good you are, but on how good you are. Not suitable. We are not suitable. If you want to find a man who can take care of the family, I am not suitable for you either. "

"Maliciousness from Shen Yanzi +46..."

"You have a clear thinking logic, and you are very calm in thinking about things." Shen Yanzi looked at Su Yi a little depressed, "I really want to try it with you, but you have said so... Forget it, we Not by fate."

Su Yi smiled and said, "Then shall we see you later?"

Shen Yanzi sized him up and asked, "Are you drinking?"

"Drink." Su Yi nodded.

"When I'm free, I'll go to your house to have a drink with you. I'll bring you a drink. You're welcome?" Shen Yanzi asked, "No other meaning, I just feel that you are a good buddy. "

"I think so too." Su Yi smiled, "You are welcome to come anytime, I am basically at home at night."

"Sure, it's not in vain, let's do it like this." Shen Yanzi nodded, "Then I will withdraw first, I have to go back and let Aunt Liu out, she must scold me to death..."

Su Yi's first blind date ended like this.

Not long after walking back from the river, I saw Liu Guifen coming towards me on a bicycle.

"Aunt Liu." Su Yi greeted with a smile.

"It didn't work, did it?" Liu Guifen was a little depressed, and parked the car in front of Su Yi, "Swallow told me that you didn't like her. Alas, this girl is just used to carelessness. In fact, she is really nice. She didn't sign up for anything, and she's pretty. She didn't like anyone she introduced to her before, and it was hard for someone to like her, and she scared you away, you damn girl, oh..."

Su Yi smiled and said: "It's normal to fail once, blind date... I'm ready to try a few more times, just to trouble you, Aunt Liu."

"This is also my job, what's the trouble?" Liu Guifen said, she was a little unwilling, "Why don't you talk to Yanzi again? This girl is really good, other men may not be able to keep her down, but you Sure can..."

Su Yi smiled and said, "Forget it, Aunt Liu."

"Okay, now that you young people are all right, I won't persuade you anymore." Liu Guifen sighed, "Then Auntie will introduce you to someone else."

"Aunt Liu, it doesn't matter if you have a job or education, you look good, as long as you have time to cook and wash clothes for me." Su Yi said.

Liu Guifen nodded and said: "Don't worry, there are many candidates here, Auntie, and now I will pick the top ones for you according to your requirements...Don't mention it, I thought you were not demanding before, but now I think about it and scare me , Just cooking and washing clothes can sift out most girls. What's wrong with the girls now? They can't even do the most basic things of washing clothes and cooking..."

Su Yixin said, where is this?You look at it in a few decades.

"It's almost time for dinner, why don't we have some dinner together?" Su Yi said, "I invite you, let's go eat eight bowls."

Liu Guifen smiled happily, "That's not cheap."

"Can you go to a cheap place for dinner? That's too dishonest." Su Yi said with a smile, "It's not far from here, so let's go there now?"

Liu Guifen thought for a while, and said: "No, my aunt has to make half of this matter for you today. Yuanchao, if you want, my aunt will run a few more for you today. If you rush today How nice is it to be able to fall in love with one of them in a day?"

"Okay, let's make a photo." Su Yi said indifferently.

You can go to the printing factory at any time, and you can go on a blind date at any time, so you can do whichever is interesting.

"Then you go to the restaurant first, and then Auntie will invite a girl to go directly to Badawan for a blind date!" Liu Guifen said, "Do you mind having an extra pair of chopsticks? Let me tell you, this girl is beautiful and has a shy personality, but she does He is good at housework, and he is very hardworking and down-to-earth. It is because he has no job that he has been delayed until now, otherwise he would have been robbed by others."

Su Yi became interested and said, "Okay, then let's go on a blind date while eating. Please run over to Aunt Liu."

"You go first, I'll go to her house and take someone there!" Liu Guifen waved her hand and hurried away on her bicycle.

Su Yi also smiled and turned around to walk to the location of Badawan Restaurant.

This place is not too close, it took 10 minutes to get there, Su Yi came early, and there was no one in the restaurant at noon, so he directly asked for the best private room.

According to the amount of three people, he picked up the best special dishes and ordered them all, and let him make a pot of good tea.

Drinking tea in the private room and looking at the city style outside from the window is not a special feeling.

It didn't take long for Su Yi to see Liu Guifen riding a bicycle with a girl on the back seat.

The car stopped downstairs, the two got out of the car, and Su Yi saw the girl clearly.

He looks pretty good, but Su Yi feels that he is worse than the previous Shen Yanzi.

But it doesn't matter, the appearance and body are all passed by Su Yi.

The young man in the hall took Su Yi's order and directly led the two of them to the private room on the second floor. Out of politeness, Su Yi stood at the door to welcome them with a smile.But when he got close and met the girl face to face, Su Yi frowned slightly.

Fuck me, this girl is the type who is looking for a pick-up man...

Su Yi was afraid that he might make a mistake, so he deliberately shook hands with her, and then he was sure.

I must have asked the big iron stick hospital to stab the director...


She looks quite introverted on the outside, but this girl is very wild in her heart. The index and middle fingers of her left hand are a little yellow. She is an old smoker. When she poured tea for Su Yi, she showed a shallow scar on her wrist, which shows her experience. Very rich.

The girl didn't talk much, and Liu Guifen basically spoke, introducing the situation of both parties.The girl looked up at Su Yi from time to time, and she could see that she was quite satisfied with Su Yi, otherwise she couldn't stand up and pour tea for Su Yi.

Su Yi coped with it with a smile, and asked the restaurant to serve the food.

When the food came, he warmly greeted the two of them to eat.

Liu Guifen wanted to ask Su Yi how he felt about the girl several times, but was bypassed by Su Yi cleverly, and she realized what was going on, and stopped asking.

In the second half, everyone discussed the taste and method of the dishes...

This girl is not stupid, and she also understands that Su Yi didn't like her, but she was a little unwilling. Before the end of the show, she mustered up her courage and said: "Su Yuanchao, I am quite satisfied with your conditions. I think you are also a good person. You What do you think of me? Aunt Liu said, you don't think I don't have a job... I'm fine with cooking, washing clothes, etc. If we get married, I'll take care of you and take care of the family at home with peace of mind."

Liu Guifen's eyes flickered slightly, but she didn't speak, and looked at Su Yi with a smile.

Su Yi smiled and said: "It's strange, you are so beautiful, I just don't feel like seeing you, maybe it's not fate. Today's meal is a waste of trouble for you, sorry."

The girl hesitated to speak, and finally turned away with a blushing face.

"I'll send it to you." Liu Guifen pointed at Su Yi angrily, and hurriedly chased after her.

Su Yidao settled the bill at the counter, and Liu Guifen came back.

"Master, why don't you like this?" Liu Guifen said helplessly, "This girl is so good, she can wash clothes, cook and take care of children, and she is also pretty, what doesn't meet your requirements?"

Su Yi sighed and said: "Aunt Liu, I know a little bit of Chinese medicine. When we shook hands just now, I took the pulse of this girl. Her bones are not very good. I need to find someone healthy, right?"

"You still know the pulse? Is it true?" Liu Guifen looked at Su Yi suspiciously, "Even if she is not in good health, she is still so young, wouldn't it be good to let her take good care of her?"

Su Yi said: "Your body is a little weak, it's not easy to adjust, and you don't have eyesight, forget it. I'm sorry, Aunt Liu, I have to trouble you."

Liu Guifen sighed and said, "You can't help it if you don't like it...then continue in the afternoon? I'll make an appointment for you again. This time I'll make an appointment for you with a plump one, who must be healthy."

"Success." Su Yi said with a smile, "You set the time and place, and I will go there when the time comes."

"Let's go to Dongzhenmenqiao." Liu Guifen thought for a while, "We'll meet there in an hour."

"Okay, you are still riding that car. I just finished eating, and I happened to take a stroll." Su Yi said.

"I didn't finish that dish just now, why don't you take it back?" Liu Guifen reminded.

"I was invited in the afternoon, but no one would eat it when I brought it back." Su Yi said, "If you can bring it, then you are welcome. It's a pity to throw it here and waste it."

Liu Guifen was a little embarrassed: "Then aunt is not polite to you, the children in the family have never eaten such a delicious place..."

Su Yi laughed and said: "Then go quickly, don't let the guy take it away when it's late."

"Hey, I'll go then." Liu Guifen went happily.

When she went downstairs with a lunch box or something, Su Yi had already left.

The boss stopped her and said, "Director Liu, that comrade ordered two dishes just now, a lion's head, a pork knuckle, and two baskets of meat buns. The bill has been settled, and he said he wanted you to take it home."

Liu Guifen was stunned for a while, before carefully asking: "Have you cooked all the dishes? If you don't cook, can you give me my money back?"


An hour later, by the Dongzhimen Bridge.

Liu Guifen led a girl to appear in front of Su Yi.

Su Yi stared blankly at the girl, feeling like a dog in his heart.

Isn't this a coincidence?
how is she?

"Come on, Xiao Ran, let me introduce you. This is the Su Yuanchao I'm talking about." Liu Guifen introduced with a smile.

"Hello, Comrade Su." Ran Qiuye said warmly and gracefully, extending his hand generously.

That's right, Su Yi's third blind date is actually Ran Qiuye!

What the hell, Su Yi just made her and Shazhu a pair at noon the day before yesterday.

This kiss is irrelevant!

Su Yi was a little speechless, saying that he couldn't go on a blind date with Ran Qiuye, no matter how suitable it was.

It's not that he can't find a woman, so he has to grab it from Silly Zhu?
"Teacher Ran?" Su Yi smiled, "Actually, this is not the first time we have met."

"Have you met before?" Liu Guifen asked in surprise.

"Yes," Su Yi saw Ran Qiuye's confused face, trying to remember, and didn't remind her. Instead, he said to Liu Guifen, "Aunt Liu, why don't I talk to Teacher Ran alone? I have a little bit of trouble with her." Talk about something else."

"Other things?" Liu Guifen contributed a wave of malice to Su Yi, thinking what kind of moth is this?

Are you feeling the pulse again?
"Come here, I have to tell you a few words alone." Liu Guifen took Su Yi's arm, "Xiao Ran, wait a while, I'll be right back."

"Hey, Aunt Liu, you can do whatever you want." Ran Qiuye said hastily.

Liu Guifen pulled Su Yi aside, and asked in a low voice: "What are you doing, boy? Can't you have a good blind date?"

"I think so too, but this one really won't work." Su Yi said helplessly, "You may not know that this girl just had a blind date with He Yuzhu at noon the day before yesterday, and the two chatted very well."


Liu Guifen was dumbfounded, her eyes stared like copper bells.

"Is there such a thing?"

"Yes." Su Yi nodded affirmatively, "I was there at the time, but I stood far away, so she doesn't recognize me now."

"This is a big deal..." Liu Guifen was speechless, "This girl can cook and wash clothes, she is well educated, commutes to and from work on time, she can definitely take care of the family, the most important thing is that she is a teacher, she can stay at home during winter and summer vacations... The key point is that she is quite satisfied with you, especially your status as a college student, and I told you about your brave deeds, she has a very good impression of you."

"Then can I still fight with He Yuzhu?" Su Yi said, "I will see you in the yard if you don't look up and look down."

"'s nothing," Liu Guifen persuaded, "the girl must have known about what happened to Shazhu, otherwise it would be impossible for me to agree to a blind date with you. Now Shazhu is not good enough for him, not to mention originally. Good match, Shazhu is a rough guy, but he is an educated person. If it is suitable, I would have introduced these two people to each other. Yuan Chao, you are not counted... Well, she and Shazhu are no longer possible."

Su Yi shook his head and said, "Isn't she quite old? At least five years older than me?"

"Aren't you not asking for age?" Liu Guifen said.

"Now we have it, it doesn't matter if it's too big." Su Yi said.

"Maliciousness from Liu Guifen +88..."

"What's the matter? Shall I tell the girl?" Liu Guifen sighed, "Just say you didn't like her."

"No, I'll talk to her about Silly Zhu." Su Yi said, "Go do your work first."

"Are people willing to listen and you just chat?" Liu Guifen said, "Oh, it's also my fault that I didn't know more about it beforehand, otherwise I would have told you in advance, and I wouldn't have made this trip in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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