Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1464 Prestige

(Modified) Blind dates always start beautifully and end unreasonably. It's a pity to think about it.

At the beginning, you will have great expectations, just like opening a blind box, hoping to have surprises or meet true love, even if the blind date is unsatisfactory or even weird, you will laugh it off and keep looking forward.

But after meeting one after another, you will find out why this person is getting worse and worse?
At this time, the matchmaker is too lazy to serve you, and your blind date journey will come to an end in a daze.

Looking back, it seems that some of them I met at the beginning were still very good, but unfortunately I missed them.

Su Yi is still in the first stage, so he still has reservations about the blind date.

Meeting Ran Qiuye was an accident, but even without Sha Zhu, Su Yi and Ran Qiuye wouldn't be able to get along.It can't be said that Teacher Ran is ugly, but she is really not very beautiful, she is not good-looking.

In terms of appearance, Su Yi is not too loose.

"Teacher Ran, in fact, you met He Yuzhu at noon that day, and I took him there by bicycle." Su Yi returned to Ran Qiuye, and said straight to the point, "When you were talking to He Yuzhu that day, the third master of our courtyard and I also It’s Teacher Yan standing under the tree in the distance, so I said this is not the first time we have met.”

"Maliciousness from Ran Qiuye +66..."

"This is really... a coincidence..." Ran Qiuye was embarrassed and at a loss, his face was so red that he was about to bleed. "Actually... Actually, Teacher Yan told me that He Yuzhu was arrested by the police for theft, so I agreed to go on a blind date with you."

"Understood, you have only met He Yuzhu once, he is not righteous, it is a good thing that you see his true face in time." Su Yi said.

Ran Qiuye breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said: "Bang Giao's parents came to the school this morning, and I also know that He Yuzhu is helping the stick to take the blame, but I still can't accept his behavior and his logical thinking, so in fact I have I don't intend to meet him anymore."

"You are right to think so." Su Yi nodded and said, "Although he was released, he has already been fired from the factory, and he can't do his job. The factory thinks that he has worked hard for many years and rehired him. As a temporary cleaner in the factory, I can’t support myself with a salary of ten yuan a month. If a big man is reduced to this, he will actually have no face to see you again.”

Speaking of cleaners, Mr. Ran will also become a cleaner in the future because of the ingredient problem, and he will be kicked in the ass every now and then, which is much worse than Shazhu.

Ran Qiuye was stunned for a while before sighing: "Actually...he was wronged too. He acted too impulsively and didn't think about the consequences."

"Why don't you call it a silly Zhu? It's because this person accepts death." Su Yi said with a smile, "Teacher Ran, just kidding, He Yuzhu is falling into the abyss now. If someone pulls him at this moment, that is The only moonlight in his life. He is actually a lack of training, and he needs a woman who can be a family to control him. "

Ran Qiuye was startled, looked at Su Yi uncertainly and said, "Are you... are you trying to match He Yuzhu and me?"

"It's not a matchmaking, it's an introduction at most." Su Yi smiled, "We must not talk about our erroneous relationship, otherwise everyone will be embarrassed in the future. Didn't He Yuzhu have a good chat with you before? Something happened to him after you met him once, and you don’t understand him well enough, I’ll tell you about his situation, and you should listen to the story.”

Ran Qiuye was slightly silent, and said: "In fact, I had a good impression of him at first, and thought he was quite honest, but I didn't expect him to do such a thing. Work or something... I don't really value it very much, as long as he is a good person , is better than anything else. But I think he is a little confused about how to handle this matter, right and wrong."

"Do you know why?" Su Yi said, "This He Yuzhu actually has a little thought for his mother."

Ran Qiuye let out an "ah" and her eyes widened.

"The two families live in one courtyard. He is a young man who can't see a widow with three children suffering. In the past few years, he has been helping others, and there is something unclear between the two of them." Su Yi directly Get rid of the old bottom of the silly column.

Su Yi didn't hide anything, and told Ran Qiuye about the conversation he had with Shazhu, as well as Shazhu's own struggles and thoughts of helping Qin Huairu for the last time.

At the end, he said: "He's actually quite twisted. He feels that he shouldn't be with Qin Huairu, so he took the initiative to pursue you. But his heart is soft, and he can do everything according to his temper without any scruples, so he always It's because you are entangled with that side. If you can really get along with him in the future, it will be a big test for you to prevent him from getting along with Qin Huairu."

Ran Qiuye listened attentively, and couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

But after nodding, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly explained: "I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong. Besides, even if I agree, I don't care that he doesn't have a formal job, but my family will never want me to be with such a person." together."

Su Yi nodded and said: "It's normal, he's just a broken boat with water leaks. If you look for him, you'll not only have to be able to repair him, but you'll also have to steer his rudder well. If you don't have this ability, it's a good thing to stay away from him." Son."

Ran Qiuye's eyes flickered, thoughtful.

In fact, Su Yi said this to Ran Qiuye not only for Sha Zhu's benefit, but also for her benefit.This girl will be very unlucky in a few months. Although Sha Zhu has many problems, it is absolutely impossible to follow Xu Damao's example of abandoning or even betraying his wife under such circumstances.

In case Ran Qiuye and Shazhu really got married, Su Yi felt that the possibility of Shazhu not being able to hook up with Qin Huairu was not very high.

What Qin Huairu said at the meeting last night, the old lady or Yi Zhonghai will definitely tell Sha Zhu, no matter how stupid Sha Zhu is, there will definitely be pimples in his heart.

If it wasn't for Ran Qiuye, he would have been alone for a long time, and the little widow would tease him again, and the knot would be untied.But with Ran Qiuye's comparison between the two sides, the bump will get bigger and bigger.

What's more, Shazhu is now a bachelor who can't even support himself. It's hard to say for Qin Huairu, but Jia Zhang must have no good face for him.With Shazhu's dog temper, he will definitely not give Jia Zhang a good face, and it is only a matter of time before the two families break up because of this.

This is not Su Yi's unpredictable prophet, but the basic rules of human nature.

"Jia Geng's mother and grandma went to our school today, and they brought Jia Geng and his two younger sisters with them." Ran Qiuye said, "A family of five knelt at the door of the principal's office, looking pitiful."

Su Yi said: "What's your principal's attitude?"

"Jia Geng's performance is usually very poor, which affects other students' studies. And their family always delays paying tuition..." Ran Qiuye said, "Actually, Jia Geng will start junior high school in June, and it's only a few months away." , but his affairs must be on file, and it is estimated that no middle school will accept him in the future. So our principal suggested that he should either go to school in another place, or not let Jia Geng study. To be honest, this child is not a material for studying. "

"Your principal is quite principled." Su Yi said with a smile, Qin Huairu's family did not get a good result, this principal is very resistant to pressure.

"The main reason is that the impact of this incident is very bad. Our school is at a critical juncture in the evaluation of advanced collectives. If something like this happens, it will definitely be ruined." Ran Qiuye explained, "It is not only the future of the principal that is affected, but also the teachers of the whole school. The year-end rewards are gone too. The teachers are definitely not willing to expel Jia Geng."

Su Yi said: "Teacher Ran, it's a pleasure chatting with you, so I won't waste your time."

"I'm also glad to meet you." Ran Qiuye smiled, "Thank you for telling me about He Yuzhu. I have a more comprehensive understanding of him."

"Okay, see you later." Su Yi said goodbye with a smile.

Ran Qiuye hesitated slightly, and said, "Comrade Yuanchao, you said earlier that He Yuzhu needs someone who can control him... Based on what you know about him, do you think this person would like someone to control him?"

"He has no mother since he was a child." Su Yi said.

Ran Qiuye was startled, and then said bluntly: "Okay, I understand. Thank you, Comrade Aid Korea. It's really a pleasure chatting with you. It's the first time I've seen the demeanor of an outstanding college student like you. No matter what, I hope We can become friends in the future. I also wish you can find the other half you like as soon as possible."

"I would like to borrow your good words." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Then goodbye, Comrade Aid Korea."

Not long after separating from Ran Qiuye, Su Yi soon welcomed his fourth blind date.

"This girl is 21 years old, and she is very beautiful. She was delayed because she didn't have a job. Otherwise, she could pick any good guy in the Forty-Nine City! Her parents went to the third line of construction, and she took care of it alone. Grandpa, grandma and younger brother, doing housework, cooking and everything..."

In Liu Guifen's mouth, this girl is good everywhere, she can be called perfect.

But a mule is a horse, so it has to be led out for a walk.

The location of the blind date was near the girl's courtyard.When they arrived at the place, Liu Guifen asked Su Yi to wait under a pagoda tree, and she went to call for someone by herself.

What he didn't expect was that before Liu Guifen came back, two young men in green military uniforms came first.

The two looked unhappy, and walked straight to Su Yi, one of them faintly showing the handle of a kitchen knife pinned to his waist.

The two impolitely walked around Su Yi twice, and looked Su Yi up and down with malicious eyes.

If it were an ordinary person, they would either be afraid now, or they would have to ask what these two people meant.

But Su Yi didn't seem to see them, treating them as air.

The faces of the two gangsters suddenly felt a little helpless, and Qi Qi contributed a wave of malicious points to Su Yi.

"Tie Sun, Paozi looks quite bright, so he must be blind?" One of them said coldly, "We two are alive and kicking in front of you, can you not see us? Or do you look down on us?"

"That must be despised." Su Yi sighed, "You don't look like any good people. You sniff people like dogs. It's quite embarrassing."

"Your uncle!" The other gangster got angry, pulled out a kitchen knife from his waist and pointed at Su Yi, "You are so arrogant, do you know who my brother is? Dongsi iron piece! You just said that again and try again." try!"

"I said you are like dogs, why are you barking so loudly?" Su Yi frowned.

The gangster got angry and was about to rush up to strike, but was held back by his elder brother Tie Pian'er.

Tie Pian'er looked at the seemingly confident Su Yi with a serious expression, and said, "Man, we didn't come here to find trouble. Aunt Liu brought you here for a blind date, right?"

Su Yi looked at him right now: "What does this girl have to do with you?"

"It's the sharp fruit I like." Blade said, "Man, where is there no grass in the end of the world? For a woman and my iron piece, do you think it's worthwhile?"

Su Yi asked, "Did I sleep with you?"

"What does it have to do with you!" Another gangster scolded.

Blade stretched out his hand to stop him again, and said in a bossy manner: "You shouldn't ask this, man, it's also very impolite. Our kitchen knife team pays attention to etiquette before soldiers. I've done my best, what should I do? It depends on your attitude."

Su Yi sneered, pushed the blade staggeringly, and said, "Put a feather duster on your butt, what are you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail? Back to the chopper bastards are so uneducated, you know how to bayonet Team, is there a Bangzi gang? Even the name is not impressive, what kind of underworld are you pretending to be? Get out, I don’t have time to deal with you!”

The two gangsters contributed a lot of malice and anger points to Su Yi. The gangster with the kitchen knife was already breathing fire, but he was still calm after all. When he realized that Su Yi was not easy to mess with, he endured his anger and continued to fight. He asked: "Good man, what a majesty! Report your wrist, maybe we can have another relationship."

"Red Star Rolling Mill, Su Yuanchao." Su Yi said with a smile, "Come on, one another, what's the relationship between us?"

The two gangsters were stunned for a moment, and their faces turned green in the next moment, and their fear values ​​instantly exploded.

"Are you really Su Yuanchao? Su Yuanchao who cleaned up the minibus and the bastard?" Tie Pian'er's voice trembled a little.

"Am I so famous?" Su Yi asked in surprise.

Both of them contributed a wave of fear to Su Yi together.

Tie Pian'er cupped his fists: "Boss Su, my brother offended you a lot today, so I apologize to you. Just pretend I farted and didn't say anything! I'm bothering you, let's go now!"

The one with the kitchen knife had already put away the knife in desperation, and now he didn't dare to let go of a fart, and he was about to leave with the iron piece with his head down.

"Wait a minute!" Su Yi called to stop them.

Both of them shook together, giving Su Yi a wave of fear.

Tie Pian'er took a deep breath and turned around, smiling apologetically, "Boss Su, what else do you want?"

"What's the situation with this girl? Tell me about it." Su Yi said.

Tie Pian'er was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Boss Su, I haven't even touched this girl with a single finger, I'm not even a human if I lie to you! She has a younger brother, a stunned young man who protects her like a domestic dog. Looking at his sister, he even used a knife for her sister a while ago. I'm still in peace with this matter, but that kid is a wolf with supercilious eyes and doesn't appreciate it... This girl, she is definitely a sweet girl, this is it! "

Tie Pian'er stretched out her thumb: "Boss Su, you are absolutely perfect for her. Brother, I'm here to wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years and a baby boy soon..."

"What's the mess?" Su Yi frowned and waved his hands, "Let's go."

"Okay, see you later, we won't be an eyesore anymore." Tie Pian'er heaved a sigh of relief, smiled and led his brother away in a hurry.

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