Chapter 1465
PS: The controversial part of the previous chapter has been fine-tuned, sorry for the bad experience.

After dismissing the two gangsters, Su Yi didn't feel anything.

No matter what year it is, girls from ordinary people's families who are a little prettier will always attract such people.It's okay if the family is a bit tougher, but the family can't support it, if the girl is softer, the girl will be harmed in all likelihood.

In the era when the legal system was not perfect, it was the original sin for a girl to be beautiful, and no matter where, those gangsters who were able to get away with it had harmed a few or even a dozen or dozens of beautiful girls. This is a very disgusting thing.

What Su Yi didn't know was that his butterfly had already fanned the wings of fate.

The girl he was going to date now also failed to escape a miserable fate. Her younger brother and Tie Pianer went to jail afterward. She was forced to degenerate because of hatred and survival, and committed herself to a big boss. Life experience wandering, ups and downs floating.

In the later stage of this world, she will also appear on the stage. After changing her name, she became a liar, graceful and graceful. She partnered with Li Xinmin, who had already gone to sea, and deceived Xu Damao and Yan Jiefang into bankruptcy.

But now, this girl still has a very simple name.

"Yanchao, let me introduce you, this is You Juanjuan." Liu Guifen pointed to a delicate girl with two braids and introduced to Su Yi, "She is a chicken. She is 21 years old and has a younger brother named You Juanjuan." Yong, 19 years old, works in a sack factory temporarily. My grandparents are all there, and they are over 70 years old. Her parents went to support the construction of the third front line, and a child was born there, so it is difficult to take care of her. Here..."

"Juanjuan, this is the Su Yuanchao I told you about. I have already told you about his condition on the way."

You Juanjuan belongs to the more delicate and delicate type, and her pair of peach blossom eyes are full of charm.He is quite tall, almost 1.7 meters tall, and his figure...

In fact, most women these days are thinner because they cannot keep up with nutrition.Among the young women, the most plump Su Yi has ever seen is Lou Xiao'e, and the older Jia Zhang is the fattest.

You Juanjuan is extremely thin, her wrists are not as thick as cucumbers.

But this woman has sharp eyes. Although she is a little shy, she looks at Su Yi seriously and observes the details of Su Yi's body.

"Happiness from You Juanjuan +88..."

"Hello, Comrade You Juanjuan." Su Yi nodded to You Juanjuan, who had a calm face, and said in his heart that the little girl's movies are quite charming, and her emotions and anger are invisible...

"Hello." You Juanjuan smiled slightly, her voice was quite crisp.

Liu Guifen laughed and said: "Yanchao, Juanjuan is a girl who meets your requirements in all aspects. She is absolutely fine with washing clothes, cooking and taking care of the family. You have seen her appearance with your own eyes, so there is absolutely nothing to say. This child has a personality. Well, her parents have been away for three years, and she has worked hard to take care of the elderly at home. Although she has no job, she has been doing manual work outsourced by the printing factory at home, and she has made a lot of money."

"Juanjuan, needless to say the condition of aiding North Korea, let me tell you, that is, he doesn't care if the woman has a job, and even hopes to find someone who can take care of the family if she doesn't have a job. Not for you. He is now getting a salary of 50 yuan when he just started working, and he is almost certain to take up a leadership position in the future. I also checked at home, and the 36 legs are neatly arranged, and the two wing rooms are so spacious. And he is planning to buy another room, and the economic conditions are very advantageous.”

"There is a future and money, but he is still a martyr. How glorious is it for you to marry? And it should not be said. After you marry, you will live as a young couple. There are no old people, and the burden is light. Such a good husband, if Aunt Liu is 40 years younger, and I want to snatch her home! Let me tell you, Juanjuan, after passing this village, there will be no store here, so you have to take good care of it..."

"Aid North Korea, Juanjuan just doesn't have a job. If she has a job, she won't be able to wait for you to come. You have seen the conditions and appearance. There is no problem at all! If you can still pick the bones , then Aunt Liu really does not agree!"

Su Yi smiled and said: "Aunt Liu, you are really a natural matchmaker. Hearing what you said, I want to get married right now."

"Happiness from You Juanjuan +95..."

"That's good, as long as Juanjuan looks at you right, I'll take you to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get your certificates!" Liu Guifen said with a smile, "From what you said, you are quite satisfied with Juanjuan, right? "

Liu Guifen asked directly, Su Yi didn't pretend to be reserved, nodded and said: "The first impression is pretty good."

"What's the first impression and the second impression? Good is good!" Liu Guifen looked at You Juanjuan, "Juanjuan, what do you say?"

You Juanjuan blushed a little, turned her head away and said, "I'm also quite satisfied."

Liu Guifen slapped her hands and said happily: "It's done! Juanjuan, go back and send a telegram to your parents, make an appointment, and I will call them personally to talk about it. Yuanchao, is there any adult at home who is in charge of your marriage? If not, you just need to report to your leader when you get married, and I will go to your factory manager Yang tomorrow."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment and said, "Aunt Liu, are you a little too anxious? At least let me and You Juanjuan get in touch alone, so we can get to know each other better?"

"If you want to go deeper after getting married, don't you just have to look at the right person now?" Liu Guifen said, "Don't talk too much before getting married. Young people have no sense of proportion when talking and doing things. Talking and talking will lead to conflicts. What if your talk falls apart? Wait until you two are married and tied together, then talk about it slowly, and even if there are conflicts, you won't be able to escape!"

Can you do this?

Su Yi was a little dumbfounded, and the difference of the times was reflected here. He always felt that after the blind date was successful, the two would have to talk for a while, but in this era, as long as the man and the woman see each other well, they will start talking about marriage. , set a date.

What about love?If you are in free love, why do you come on a blind date?
It's a waste of time, energy, and trouble.

The concept of later generations is that if the three views of the two parties do not agree, it is best not to get married, but the current value is that you will slowly get along after getting married.

In this era that pays attention to the collective rather than individuality, people generally have a spirit of sacrifice and dedication.These two spirits are not only for the country, but also for the family.

"Aunt Liu, I don't need to inform my parents about my marriage, my grandfather can make the decision." You Juanjuan lowered her head and said, "If it's done, I'll write them a letter and send them a photo..."

"That's easier. I'll go see your grandfather later and settle the matter." Liu Guifen smiled and said, "Where's Aid Korea? What do you say? Should I go to your factory director? Or you?" Go by yourself? You need an approval letter approving your marriage, don't forget to stamp the official seal."

To be honest, Su Yi is a little confused, I have a good blind date, and I am ready for a long-term blind date, why are we suddenly going to talk about marriage?
It's true that You Juanjuan meets his conditions in all aspects, but those conditions are the most basic. Whether the two are in tune with each other, shouldn't they try it out first?

Moreover, Su Yi didn't fully figure out the details of You Juanjuan. Although she was the girl who had been in the dust for 21 years, he had to have a clue about this girl's temperament and personality, right?
It's not good to be in a hurry...

Su Yi said to Liu Guifen: "Aunt Liu, I think Comrade You Juanjuan and I still need to get in touch again and make a decision after we know each other better. After all, it is a major event in life. Now we have a good first impression of each other. , this is a very good start, if you want to stew a pot of good soup, you have to simmer it slowly, don't rush, are you right?"

"Maliciousness from Liu Guifen +88..."

"Maliciousness from You Juanjuan +77..."

Liu Guifen was speechless, and was about to persuade Su Yi, who had mental problems, but You Juanjuan interrupted at this time.

"Aunt Liu, I think what Comrade Yuanchao said is also reasonable. After all, this is a major event in life, so we need to be more cautious." You Juanjuan said, "Why don't we make an appointment to chat alone, we both have feelings in our hearts. It's over."

Liu Guifen looked at this, looked at that, and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, if you want to chat alone, then just chat alone, really, I don't cherish fate at all, let me tell you, if the chat doesn't go well, when the time comes You will regret it!"

You Juanjuan glanced at Su Yi and said, "Comrade Yuanchao, I have a lot of work today, maybe I don't have much time. When do you think you will be free?"

"I have to go to work during the day, and I have time after six o'clock in the evening." Su Yi said.

"Then what do you think at seven o'clock tomorrow night?" You Juanjuan said, "Shall we still meet here?"

"Success." Su Yi nodded in response.

You Juanjuan smiled at Aunt Liu: "Then Aunt Liu, I'll go back first."

"Go, go, don't shake people tomorrow, just say what time it is, and you have to put aside the big things for a date!" Liu Guifen urged, "Yanchao, this is for you too!"

"Okay, I'll make a note." Su Yi said with a smile.

You Juanjuan smiled shyly at Su Yi, turned around and left.

Liu Guifen was still a little reconciled and said: "You, after finally falling in love with one, I'm not afraid that the duck in my mouth will fly away."

"Aunt Liu, it's not hard to meet the fourth one, right?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"You think it's fun to go on a blind date?" Liu Guifen said angrily, "If you really miss this, wait for you to meet a few more times, and when you cry. Let me tell you, it's me, the girl who brought you here There is no choice for their looks, otherwise you thought you would be the fourth one? Blind dates are not so easy!"

Su Yi said: "This shows that I have found the right person."

"Then do you see another girl again?" Liu Guifen shook her head and asked, "I originally thought that if I didn't get it right, there would be a girl on the other side of Batiao Hutong, who was a bit short, but She is also a down-to-earth person. She is a temporary worker in the machine repair factory and should be at work right now. If you want to see her, I will take you directly to their factory."

"Forget it, let's not ride a donkey looking for a horse, but eat from a bowl and look at what's in a pot. I'll try to talk to You Juanjuan first, and if it doesn't work out," Su Yi refused.

Although some feel that his blind date career is too short, Su Yi is also unwilling to "malicious blind date".

If this You Juanjuan is really her good match, then there is no need to see her later.

"It's up to you." Liu Guifen said, "It's still early, you should go to your work, I have to go back to work."

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Aunt Liu, it's hard for you to run around." Su Yi said.

"Serving the people, what's the hard work?" Liu Guifen waved her hand, "Return the bicycle to you. It's not far from my work place. I happened to be going to the first twelve articles to do some errands, so I went on my legs."

"Then go slowly."

Su Yi watched Liu Guifen leave, then got on his bicycle and left.

He faintly felt that someone was watching him, it seemed to be You Juanjuan, but he didn't look back.

He guessed right, the person looking at him was indeed You Juanjuan.

The girl turned the corner from the alley, bit her lip and looked at the direction Su Yi was leaving with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

In fact, when Liu Guifen asked her for a blind date today, You Juanjuan didn't have any hope in her heart, and she was even a little bit repelled.

Because she knew that there were people in the yard who were in the iron sheet, and if there was any disturbance in her, someone would report it to the iron sheet.

In the past, the person introduced to her by Aunt Liu or other people, every time they met each other, even before they met, they would be disturbed by iron flakes. This kind of thing happened a lot, and she didn't care about blind dates. hopeful.

Today, when she and Liu Guifen came out of the alley, she saw Tie Pian'er and his men separated from Su Yi under the big tree from a distance, and hurried away.

She thought that this time the blind date was warned by the iron sheet again, and she would make another trip in vain.

After all, the naughty boss these days is as disgusting and difficult as a dog's skin plaster, and normal people don't want to provoke it at all.

But unexpectedly, Su Yi didn't look frightened at all, but stood there very calmly.

She fell in love with Su Yi's appearance at first glance, and Liu Guifen's praise of Su Yi made You Juanjuan very satisfied with Su Yi.

Later, when Su Yi said that he fell in love with her, You Juanjuan's heart almost burst out of joy.

After so many kisses, she is most satisfied with this person, and the most important thing is that he was not scared away by the iron sheet!
"Su Yuanchao..." You Juanjuan murmured the name, "The worker from the Red Star Rolling have to ask Xiaoyong to see if he knows this person..."

Now that there is no blind date, Su Yi decides to do some work.

He called the factory, asked Zhang Chunmei to answer the phone, and ordered Zhang Chunmei to take Liu Guangtian out to work.

Zhang Chunmei obeyed Su Yi's words now, she immediately followed suit, called Liu Guangtian, and the two of them rode a bicycle and were about to leave the factory.

When approaching the gate of the factory, the two saw a group of people booing and laughing together from a distance.

"Silly Zhu!" Liu Guangtian's eyes were sharp, and he saw Silly Zhu in the crowd who was holding a broom in his hand with a dark face.

Regarding the result of Shazhu's punishment, the whole factory has been notified, and Shazhu was fired from his position as a regular employee and became a temporary cleaner.

The news caused an uproar, with some regretting and others gloating.

Sha Zhu had offended many people in the factory because of his personality problems, and now he is suddenly down, so naturally he will come to add insult to injury.

(End of this chapter)

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