Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1466 Good News

Chapter 1466 Good News
"Silly Zhu, aren't you awesome? Why are you here sweeping the streets?"

"Usually when you punch someone with your nostrils up and look at people, if you don't laugh with you, you'll just shake the spoon like an epileptic. You keep shaking, but now you can only shake the broom, haha!"

"That's right, I used to be a stinky cook, what kind of a big shot do I really think of myself? Everyone just gave you a good face because they didn't bother to care about a villain like you. You have a bad temper. Look who still spoils you now." , have you written it off?"

"It should be sent to you to pick up the dung. The dung is the best match for your stinky shit!"

"Retribution, retribution, God has eyes..."

A group of people booed and laughed around the silly column, full of sarcasm.

Sha Zhu's face was darkened and he only focused on sweeping his head and sweeping the floor, but his silence not only did not calm down the matter, but brought even worse humiliation.

Here Liu Guangtian is also a little gloating, pointing to that side and smiling at Zhang Chunmei: "This idiot is really awesome in our yard, he is a bully, no one dares to provoke him, look at what he has become now So? So you must not be too arrogant, and you will easily suffer retribution."

"The idiot is pretty good. Many people say that he is generous and warm-hearted and praises him." Zhang Chunmei looked at this scene a little puzzled, "Why is everyone like this when something happens to him?"

"There are so many people in our courtyard who say he is good, what's the use?" Liu Guangtian sneered, "This man, you can't see how he is when he is good. A friend is a friend in adversity. Only when he is in trouble can he see his true face."

"Is this how you understand this sentence?" Zhang Chunmei felt that what Liu Guangtian said was wrong, and she couldn't understand the scene in front of her, but obviously Liu Guangtian couldn't give her an answer.

"Let's go, our deputy editor is still waiting for us." Liu Guangtian pedaled his bicycle and left here.

On the other side, Sha Zhu was already on the verge of erupting.

A worker who was caught and punched by Sha Zhu for stealing cabbage from the kitchen triumphantly sneered for a long time without getting any response from Sha Zhu, and went so far as to spit a mouthful of thick phlegm on Sha Zhu's broom.

This completely ignited the anger of Silly Zhu.

"I'll go to your uncle!" He stepped forward and punched the man, causing the man to scream.

He grabbed the man's collar and glared and shouted: "Wipe it up for me, wipe it up!"

"Silly Zhu, you dare to hit me... ah!" The man yelled angrily, but was held down by Sha Zhu again.

"I'll wipe, I'll wipe..." The man finally compromised and obediently wiped his phlegm.

"Listen to me, your uncle will always be your uncle. If you see me, walk around a little bit, or I will beat you up if you see you, thief grandson!" Silly Zhu warned, kicking the man I staggered.

The man got into the crowd in embarrassment, and yelled in a stern voice: "You wait for silly Zhu, this matter is endless! You are not a chef now, who is afraid of you?"

Silly Zhu made a gesture to chase him, but the man ran away in fright.

Sha Zhu sneered, looked around, and said loudly: "Get the hell out of here! Whoever says something bad to me again, ask me if I agree with this pair of fists! If you don't believe me, try it!"

Someone sneered: "Silly Zhu, don't be foolish, there are plenty of ways to punish you!"

"That's right, wait until I find out about your sanitary area..."

"It's not what it used to be, you no longer have the qualifications to be awesome..."

The crowd taunted and dispersed.

Silly Zhu stood there for a while leaning on the broom, and suddenly felt that his life was in darkness.

Especially when he thought that he would have to conduct a self-criticism in front of everyone at the next factory workers meeting, he felt a little desperate.

Having grown up so big, he has never lost such an adult, nor has he ever been so downcast.

does it worth?
He didn't want to think about it.

He threw down the broom and walked out of the factory in a daze.

He walked back home somehow, and the aunts in the courtyard either greeted him awkwardly or turned their heads and pretended not to see him.

Everyone used to be very enthusiastic about him...

When he arrived at the middle courtyard, he heard the cries of a stick coming from Qin Huairu's house.

"I don't go to the countryside, I don't go to school, I don't want to study..."

"If you don't study, what will you do in the future? What can you do? If you don't go, you have to go!" This is Qin Huairu's voice.

"Forget it, don't let him go. If you don't study, you don't necessarily have nothing to do. You can read and write. It's useless if you read too much. And if you go to the countryside, I can't take care of him? The countryside is too hard, and my body can't bear it." Toss." This is Jia Zhang's voice.

"Mom, I want to go with Bang Geng, but who will be in this class? Are you going to be in? Who earns money to support this family? Bang Geng must go to school, this matter is not negotiable!" Qin Huairu was very firm.

"Why is your child becoming more and more stubborn now? Isn't he unable to read? Why force it?" Jia Zhang said.

Silly Zhu couldn't feel it when he heard it, he stepped forward to knock on the door, and shouted: "Qin Huairu! It's me!"

The room suddenly fell silent.

Not long after, Qin Huairu came over and opened the door, looked at him worriedly and asked, "Yesterday, I knew you had returned to the factory, and you have been busy with business, so I haven't seen you, how are you doing?"

"The job is gone, I gave a temporary worker to let me do it first." Silly Zhu said in a muffled voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm the one who hurt you." Qin Huairu said.

"Hey, don't talk about this, no one forced me." Sha Zhu waved his hand and changed the subject, "What's going on with the stick? Has he been fired?"

Qin Huairu nodded and sighed: "Yes, the principal is determined to expel him. I took him all over the nearby schools today, but I didn't want to accept him... What should I do..."

As he spoke, he wiped away tears.

Silly Zhu felt even worse, thinking that I haven't finished my job yet, why didn't you shed a tear for me?
"If it doesn't work, don't read it, just learn how to cook with me." Silly Zhu said.

Qin Huairu pursed her lips and said nothing, but at this moment Jia Zhang rushed out.

"Learn to cook from you, why should I learn to cook from you? What are you? Let our stick learn to cook from you? Can you speak? Why should our stick grow up to be a stinky cook like you? "Jia Zhang's nose is not a nose, and eyes are not eyes.

The three words "stinky cook" irritated Shazhu. He had heard these three words a lot in the factory before.

"Aunt Jia, you don't need to face backwards instead of facing forward, right?" Silly Zhu glared, "Without me, a stinky cook, bringing food to your family, your family of five would have starved to death!"

"Fart your mother!" Jia Zhang opened her mouth and scolded, "Our family's Huairu is working, doesn't she make money by herself? Is all your wages paid to our family? Bring some leftovers every now and then It’s such a great favor for the food to come back! Did our family beg you? Did you bring it? What’s on your mind for bringing such a little food? Do you still need me to figure it out?”

"Mom! Stop talking!" Qin Huairu stomped her feet and said, "Silly Zhu, my mother feels bad because of the sticky thing, don't take it to heart, go back and rest first, and don't think too much .”

"Are you driving me away?" Silly Zhu is very sensitive at the moment, pointing at himself in disbelief, "Do you also think what your mother-in-law said is reasonable? Huh? I used to bring food to your family because I was a bitch, right? ? You don't appreciate it at all? This time I'm for the stick..."

"You can pull it down, you are for the stick, you still have the face to take the place of the stick!" Jia Zhang interrupted him, "If it weren't for you, the stick thing wouldn't be such a big deal! If it weren't for you, our stick Go and say a few good words early, as for today? Silly Zhu, it’s all because of you that you can’t go to school!”

Silly Zhu felt that his head had been hit hard by a hammer, he was dizzy for a while, he staggered back two steps, and said in a trembling voice: "Aunt Jia, what you said is so unconscionable! Qin Huairu, do you think the same? "

"Silly Zhu, I thank you for standing up for BangGong! I know you mean well, but this matter is indeed messed up!" Qin Huairu said with an annoyed face, "You go back quickly, don't make trouble now !"

"I'm making trouble?" Silly Zhu's face became even paler, almost without blood, "Qin Huairu, you are so heartless! After so many years, I almost gave you my heart, liver and lungs, you said this to me today ? I'm making trouble..."

"What are you talking about? What are you farting here!" Jia Zhang raised her eyebrows when she heard what he said, "Silly Zhu, you wicked smoking thing, what are you talking about with a widow? Are you playing a rogue? Ah? You are still in front of me? You shameless..."

"Mom, stop talking! Do you still think our house is not messy enough!" Qin Huairu almost collapsed, and dragged Jia Zhang back, "Silly, you go first."

"Is it safe?" Jia Zhang stared, "Qin Huairu, I warn you, even if Bang Gener and I starve to death, you are not allowed to find a gangster to embarrass our Jia family!"

"What are you talking about, mother?" Qin Huairu exclaimed excitedly.

"You know what I'm talking about!" Jia Zhang's face was ashen, pointing at the silly pillar, "This silly boy has no job now, it's temporary, it's not obvious that he wants to rely on you, pointing at you to support him? I Let me tell you, Qin Huairu, if you have such thoughts, give up as soon as possible! Don't be stupid! Even if you really come to help me, you can't find a temporary worker who can't support yourself!"

"You are such a wicked woman, you, Mrs. Jia Zhang, I can see your true colors today!" Silly Zhu was so angry that his face turned blue, "Let me tell you, I, He Yuzhu, have hands and feet, and I don't need any help." People support! You think too much about you!"

"That's not necessarily true." Jiazhang sneered, "Your old He family has a tradition of being close to widows. Didn't your father go to help others?"

"What did you say!" Silly Zhu was completely irritated, and Jia Zhang poked at the pain and unbearable that he least wanted to mention in his heart, "Say the old thing again!"

"What, you want to hit me? Come on, come on, hit me!" Jia Zhang straightened her waist and squeezed in front of Sha Zhu, "If you don't hit me, you're a beast! If you kill a stick, then beat your mother-in-law to death." , you just happened to snatch the widow, you are really promising, you black-hearted bastard, a bastard with no one to raise..."

"I'll go to you Mad!" Sha Zhu pushed Jia Zhang away furiously, and Jia Zhang rolled on the ground, crying and wailing at the top of his voice.

"Beat someone! Beat someone! It's unreasonable..."

"Shazhu, are you crazy? What the hell are you doing? How can you beat an old man?" Qin Huairu angrily pushed Shazhu, and beat him twice in anger.

Normally, Sha Zhu wouldn't take it seriously at all, instead he thought it was Qin Huairu who was getting close to him, even flirting.

But now, his heart is extremely sensitive, Qin Huairu's action of pushing and beating him is like cutting his heart with a knife.

"Master Sha Zhu, you dare to hit my grandma, get out, get out!" The stick also rushed out, pushing Sha Zhu angrily like a calf, and Sha Zhu who was caught off guard was pushed. sit on the floor.

Seeing the hatred glaring at him, Silly Zhu lost all hope at this moment.

The neighbors who heard the movement all ran out at this time and surrounded them.

This one said "No matter what you do with the old man", the other said "How did this kid become like this now", and some cursed and said that they haven't learned their lesson...

Sha Zhu let out a miserable laugh, got up and walked outside.

He turned a deaf ear to the noise behind him.

It seemed that someone was holding him back and not letting him go, and he threw it away.

He walked out of the compound in a daze and walked to the entrance of the alley. Someone grabbed his arms and shook them vigorously, and he came back to his senses.

"Rain? Why are you here?" Silly Zhu saw clearly that it was his sister.

"I heard from Shangdong that your matter was transferred back to the factory, saying that you don't have to go to jail, so I came to see how you are doing." He Yushui said, "I heard that something happened to you, bro. , Could it be that you sold the stick? Our He family can't be so conscientious in doing things, Sister Qin said yesterday that if you go to jail, she will take care of you for the rest of your life. "

Silly Zhu smiled sarcastically: "Take care of me for the rest of my life? I've been like this before I've been in prison. I'm afraid I'll forget my name after I get out of prison! You can't believe a word of a woman. They are all dogs. Turn your face and deny people!"

"Did you quarrel with Sister Qin?" He Yushui frowned, "Brother, could it be that you really confessed the stick?"

"It's not me! I didn't say anything." Shazhu sighed, "It's Yuanchao and the old lady who don't want me to go to jail."

"Su Yuanchao? Isn't he unwilling to save you?" He Yushui frowned even more, "What's the matter with this man? Why did he change all of a sudden?"

"Who said he didn't want to save me?" Silly Zhu asked.

"Sister Qin." He Yushui said, "Sister Qin said that she went to Su Yuanchao and wanted Su Yuanchao to go to the police station with her to make it clear that you didn't steal the things, but Su Yuanchao only admitted Money doesn't do things, I said at the time, look at what kind of cronies you make?"

"It's impossible." Shazhu shook his head and said, "If it wasn't for Yuanchao this time, I would definitely go to jail. This time it was the old lady who asked Yuanchao to help me."

"I'm a little confused..." He Yushui wondered, "Brother, what does this matter have to do with the old lady? The police knew that the thing was stolen by the stick. Didn't Sister Qin volunteer to sacrifice the stick to save you?"

"No way?" Silly Zhu's heart was pounding, and infinite hope suddenly appeared in his heart.

Did Qin Huairu really do this?
That shows that he has not been treated as a donkey's liver and lungs for all his hard work!

(End of this chapter)

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