Chapter 1467
For Su Yi, today is definitely a very fulfilling day.

First, the building of the house was decided. From morning till now, I have had four more kisses, and the fourth time is tentatively successful.

After finishing his private affairs, he didn't delay in work.

After reuniting with Liu Guangtian and Zhang Chunmei, the three of them went to the printing factory together, and they were familiar with the whole process of publishing the factory newspaper.

Su Yi also learned about Shazhu's tragic situation from Zhang Chunmei. Zhang Chunmei asked the question she had asked Liu Guangtian before - why is Shazhu, who usually has a good reputation, being besieged and ridiculed by so many people now?

Su Yi answered her like this.

"This doesn't explain anything. There are more than 1 people in our factory, how many of them ran to mock him? Is there a hundred? If you have to say it, it proves that He Yuzhu is indeed a more upright person, because the person he offended People are villains who exalt the high and trample the low. If all he offends are good people, who would go to ridicule and humiliate him when others are in trouble?"

Zhang Chunmei was suddenly excited and said: "Yes, yes, you are so right, deputy editor! I just said that I feel awkward no matter how I think about this matter. Once you said that, I figured it out! Guang Tian said before that people can't It's too crazy, I'm still surprised, Master Shazhu is not usually crazy..."

"Even if he's not crazy in front of you, of course he doesn't dare to be crazy with you, the deputy editor. Anyway, he's pretty crazy with me." Liu Guangtian scratched his head and said.

"This is also normal," Su Yi happened to see Tie Pian'er leading a group of people talking and laughing not far away, and asked with a smile, "Do you think I'm scary?"

"You are amazing and knowledgeable!" Zhang Chunmei said.

"You're so capable, my dad will convince you." Liu Guangtian also said.

"Will you be afraid when you see me?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course not." Liu Guangtian said, Zhang Chunmei also shook her head.

At this time, Tie Pian'er and the group of people came to the front, and when he looked up, he saw Su Yi looking at him with a half-smile. His expression changed suddenly, and he immediately contributed a wave of fear to Su Yi.

"Master Su!" He hurriedly greeted him respectfully, and quickly stepped aside.

His little brothers were still in a daze, and the little brother who was with Tie Pian'er anxiously said, "This is Su Yuanchao Master Su, what are you doing all the time? Say hello quickly!"

These gangsters just woke up like a dream, and they all gave way to say hello, trembling, not daring to show their atmosphere.

If Su Yi was in the rolling mill and the compound, he would be considered a famous figure at best, but in the circle of recalcitrant masters, he has already become a big devil.

Xiaoba is the most capable person in the Banzhuanhui. He brought more than a dozen brothers, and was single-handedly beaten to the ground by Su Yuanchao. The key person has a reputation for being brave and brave, and the newspapers are all in it.

On the other hand, the minibus group should be shot, they should be imprisoned, it's too miserable!
The little bastard is awesome, right?This is a bully who even the children of the big courtyard do what they say, and they don't give face to anyone, but first they were beaten to disfigurement by Su Yuanchao, and then they were arrested by the police, and they cleaned up clearly.

Also, what happened in the compound that morning has already spread like a miracle in the circle of naughty masters.

The now-recognized version is basically the same as the story of "God of War returns and finds his daughter lives in a kennel" in later generations.

In the circle of stubborn masters, Su Yuanchao is a master who can mobilize the army, and it is recognized as a taboo not to be messed with.

Now, Zhang Chunmei and Liu Guangtian have seen the power of taboo, and this scene is destined to be unforgettable for them all their lives.

Just because of a name, more than a dozen gangsters stood respectfully by the side of the road and lowered their heads, not daring to show their air.

But Su Yi didn't even look at them, and walked past these people with a smile and two people pushing his bicycle.

"See? People play various roles in society. Some people love you, and some people hate you. I look one way in your eyes, but I look another way in their eyes."

Liu Guangtian looked back with lingering fear, and found that those gangsters were obviously speeding up their pace to escape.

At this moment, in his heart, he respected Su Yi like a heavenly man!
Zhang Chunmei is similar, the little girl has admiration written all over her face.

"It's past get off work time now, Guangtian is with me, Chunmei, how do you get to your house?" Su Yi asked.

"I live in the factory's courtyard." Zhang Chunmei hurriedly said, "I'll be there in a few steps."

"Brother Yuanchao, I have to go to the food station. In the morning, my dad asked me to buy food. I have all the food." Liu Guangtian said.

"Then you go by bike, how tired are you carrying the food?" Su Yi gave him the bike.

Liu Guangtian was flattered and hastily declined, but Su Yi waved his hand to tell him not to talk nonsense, then called Zhang Chunmei and walked forward together.

Liu Guangtian touched the bicycle happily, his mouth couldn't close his mouth with joy.

Here, Su Yi and Zhang Chunmei walked all the way, the little girl asked curiously, Su Yi also took the opportunity to learn about the girl's general situation.

Her father is a technical expert who has studied abroad.

This one alone made Su Yi stunned for a long time.

It can be seen that Zhang Chunmei is very proud of her father's identity, but...


Su Yi shook his head, thinking that if a storm comes, even if he is rooted at the grassroots level, his friends, relatives, and people worthy of protection should still try to help as much as possible.

Of course, he won't do anything recklessly, after all, he is also a stinky old man, but the experimental base for theoretical study of workers will be a very good tool.

And Li Xinmin will also play a big role.

At the intersection ahead, Su Yi and Zhang Chunmei separated.

This girl was so innocent that she was heartless. She happily told Su Yi about her family's affairs along the way. It could be heard that she had a very warm family. She was the only child in the family and was very loved. No wonder she was so innocent.

It's not that Su Yi is narcissistic, but it's hard for ordinary women not to develop feelings for Su Yi after being in contact with Su Yi for a long time, but this girl has none at all.

Su Yi doesn't doubt his own charm, so there is only one explanation for this situation——

The girl is a china hammer.

It was already 06:30 when I strolled back to the courtyard. As soon as Su Yi entered the alley, he saw Xu Damao standing at the door stretching his neck and looking around from a distance.

After seeing him, this guy contributed a wave of joy, malice and fear, and then hurried up to meet him.

"Yanchao! You're finally back. I'll meet you at the door and wait for you for a long time." Xu Damao said with a smile.

"Why are you waiting for me?" Su Yi walked forward with his hands behind his back, "You want your notebook? I gave it to your wife yesterday."

"Maliciousness from Xu Damao +99..."

"No, no, isn't it good to invite you to dinner?" Xu Damao said with a smile, "I was delayed by something yesterday, and there was a little misunderstanding between the two of us... Hehe, the past is over, we all Don’t mention it, haha! Ezi has cooked a large table of dishes, all of which are specially made for you! Let me tell you about Yuan Chao, she has never cooked for me like this before!”

Su Yi smiled and said, "Don't just pick the nice ones, did you write the report letter?"

"No, absolutely not!" Xu Damao raised his palm and swore, "If I wrote it, I would be killed by a car when I went out, and I would have no dermatitis after giving birth!"

Su Yi looked at him in surprise: "Come here as soon as you open your mouth, you are really fearless..."

"Of course I'm not afraid of things I haven't done before." Xu Damao took it for granted, "Yanchao, I think someone imitated my handwriting and wrote that report letter, and this person is in our department! Li Chengcheng is very suspicious. ah……"


Su Yi was overjoyed: "If it wasn't for you, what were you running for yesterday?"

"Brother, with your record, one against ten, you can hold down even a silly pillar, am I not afraid?" Xu Damao said with a bitter face, "I was dumbfounded when you took out that letter yesterday. I thought I couldn’t explain it for a while and didn’t have any evidence. Wouldn’t it be better to stay in front of you? That’s why I ran away. I’m a timid person, everyone in the courtyard knows it.”

"You can do this!" Su Yi was startled, "666."

"I know how to punch!" Xu Damao said with a smile, "Let's fight hard tonight, let's have a good drink, and I've prepared all the wine, Moutai, it suits your status!"

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Just for your outstanding performance, I have to just expose the report letter. Otherwise, it would be a waste of your acting skills and brains."

"It's really not me..." Xu Damao explained.

Su Yi smiled and waved his hands: "Do you know that there is something called a fingerprint? I have a friend in the police station, and I can check it out."

"Maliciousness from Xu Damao +99, fear from Xu Damao +99..."

"Yanchao, if you say that, won't the trust between our brothers be ruined? How can we be friends in the future?" Xu Damao said sincerely, "I swear, right? Besides, with my repeated efforts, I My father-in-law also lent the money, 500 yuan is a lot, and I will give it to you tonight. I was really afraid that you would be in a hurry, so I tried my best. Is my sincerity enough?"

Su Yi smiled and nodded: "Okay, let's turn over the matter of the report letter, don't be so impulsive next time. I won't go to work today, otherwise you would have gone to the printing factory for me."

"Maliciousness from Xu Damao +101..."

"Haha, Yuanchao was joking with you!" Xu Damao smiled ugly, "Then what, afraid that you will be lonely, Ezi even invited two guests to accompany you."

Su Yi stamped his feet, frowned and said, "Is it a woman?"

"It's amazing, you can guess right!" Xu Damao exaggerated, "It's two girls, one is our colleague, and the other is the ladies of Ezi. We are all young people, and there are so many people."

Seeing what Su Yi wanted to say, Xu Damao hurriedly explained: "This is not a blind date. Can a blind date invite two women at the same time? We are young people's gatherings, and we have colleagues. Yu Haitang, you also know , your subordinates."

"You guys are quite good at doing things." Su Yi smiled, "Well, you can't live up to your kindness, so let's go."

Xu Damao was overjoyed, smiled and hurriedly walked to the backyard with Su Yi.

When passing by the front yard, Yan Fugui was watching chickens at the door, Su Yi greeted him and exchanged a few pleasantries.

When he arrived at the middle courtyard, he found that the door of Qin Huairu's house was closed, as if there was no one at home.

Xu Damao was very clever, and when he saw Su Yi's idea, he immediately explained: "When I came back from get off work, Qin Huairu's family went out. I heard from the third master that I asked where the principal's home of Banggen School is, so he probably went there..."

Su Yi nodded, expressionless.

In the front yard, the third master hurried back to his home, and said with a smile, "Yan Chaogang and Xu Damao have passed by. Daughter-in-law, didn't your cousin put down Haikou and say that Yuan Chao must be taken down? This time we will create something for him. With such a good condition, the rest is up to her."

"I don't know how Yuanchao's blind date is going during the daytime." The third mother was a little worried, "If we get married, then our work will be in vain. Tonight's blind date..."

"What kind of blind date is this?" Yu Li rolled her eyes, "Where is there a blind date between two girls?"

"What's the matter? Didn't your cousin say it? Are you confident in defeating the enemy?" The third mother said, "Besides, this person is a capitalist lady. I met you when I came back with Lou Xiao'e today. Wearing white silk gloves... ouch, I don't know what to do with such a thing..."

The third mother was stern and disdainful: "This girl is not a person who lives a life at first glance. She said before Yuan Dynasty that he despises people who can't live a life. It is Lou Xiao'e who is unwilling to give up and insists on trying. That girl looks like me. It seems that it is not far from your cousin. The key is that Haitang can do the work and cook. Let’s not talk about the old saying, so why is the water coming in? Where is the water coming in?"

Yan Fugui and Yu Li looked at each other.

"Near water and towers first get the moon?" Yan Fugui asked tentatively.

The third mother slapped her thigh: "That's it!"

"You, just like what his aunt learned, dangling half a bottle!" Yan Fugui said angrily, "If you don't know how to say it, don't say it, it makes people laugh. Where is the water, the brain is watered!"

The three mothers giggled and said: "Anyway, the capitalist lady is definitely out of the game, Haitang is. The girl Haitang is generous, and she is also interested in aiding the DPRK. Isn't this young man's love just a piece of window paper? It will be broken as soon as you poke it. She If the two really get married, our family and Yuanchao will become more intimate in the future. Xie Chengcheng will be his uncle. Then he doesn’t have a job, so why don’t he care?”

"Mom, you really think far enough." Yu Li said sourly, "Whether it works or not is another matter."

"If it doesn't work, we have nothing to lose." Yan Fugui said with a smile, "Your mother's work is really beautiful, no less than my previous borrowing of chickens and eggs. If our family does this, we will need wine and food , It costs a lot of money. Now? Haha, you don’t spend a penny, and the job is done. My wife, I commend you."

The third mother was triumphant: "That's right, we have lived our whole lives, can I learn something?"


Liu Guangtian had already returned, and was cleaning Su Yi's bicycle at the door with a piece of cloth. When he saw Su Yi, he hurriedly got up and smiled and said hello, saying that he was planning to return the bicycle.

Su Yi told him to park the car at his door.

When Liu Haizhong and the second aunt heard the voice, they also came out to say hello, and warmly invited Su Yi to their home as a guest.

Xu Damao was jealous and happy when he saw it.

What is jealous is that Su Yi is now sought after by everyone, even the most snobbish second uncle nods to him; what is happy is that such a powerful person was invited by him today, and he wants to be a guest at his home.

(End of this chapter)

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