Is Su Yi a scumbag?

That must be counted, he is now on the way to the scumbag and will never return, even eight cows can't be dragged back.

But there are different types of scumbags, and Su Yi belongs to the kind that even scumbags are clearly scumbags.

So he didn't intend to hide the success of the blind date at all.

The vicious value of the four people in front of them is "slowly" rising, and crops pop up from time to time.

However, Su Yi had enough time to relax, and said with a smile: "Aunt Liu from the street office took me to meet four girls today, and I fell in love with the last one. That girl thinks I'm pretty good, so we plan to get in touch and get to know each other better."

"Wait!" Yu Hai blindly noticed Tang Dian, "You said you plan to learn more? Shouldn't you be engaged if the blind date is successful? Why do you want to learn more?"

"I don't think there is any rush for this kind of thing, so I plan to get in touch with that girl again." Su Yi said.

"That means you guys haven't made it yet? You're not sure you want to be with her?" Yu Haitang stared nervously at Su Yi.

Su Yi said: "I'm quite satisfied with her in all aspects. If there are no accidents, there should be no problem."

These words made Yu Haitang silent again, and the malicious value of the four people in front of him began to rise again.

Zhao Ruixue's complexion is not very good either, what's the matter?The blind date ended before it officially started?

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to drop to freezing point, Lou Xiaoe hurriedly said, "Hey, let's not talk about it until we're sure. Come on, drink coffee first and try it all. It smells good to me."

As she spoke, she picked up the coffee pot and poured everyone a cup.

There was no coffee cup, and the enamel mug was used, which obviously did not satisfy Zhao Ruixue, she frowned and complained, saying that only good cups are worthy of good coffee.

Yu Haitang and Xu Damao didn't move, apparently they didn't know how to drink this stuff.

Along with the coffee, milk and sugar were brought over. Zhao Ruixue first poured some milk into the cup, added two spoonfuls of sugar, and then stirred gracefully.

Lou Xiao'e had obviously drank coffee, so she began to operate on her own.At the same time, Yu Haitang and Xu Damao hurriedly wrote down the steps.

Here Su Yi did not "queue", but directly picked up the cup in front of him, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, frowned slightly, picked up the cup and took another sip, and asked, "What kind of coffee beans are you using?" ? Why does it smell like raw beans?"

The others looked over in surprise, and Zhao Ruixue said in surprise, "Do you still know about coffee beans?"

Su Yi chuckled and didn't speak.

"Really?" Lou Xiao'e picked up the cup and took a sip, "I may have added milk and sugar, so I can't taste it."

"Mr. Su has had coffee before?" Zhao Ruixue said, "This Blue Mountain coffee is different from other coffees. This is a high-end coffee, so it is different from what you used to drink. This coffee tastes like this. You need to add milk And sugar, in order to drink the purest taste."

"That's because I'm ignorant." Su Yi chuckled.

Zhao Ruixue took a sip from the cup and said intoxicatedly, "This is the most romantic moment. Every time I drink it, I seem to taste the taste of the Australian prairie."

"It may also be North America." Su Yi said.

If it's really Blue Mountain coffee, it's produced in Jamaica. This girl sips a piece of Australian Blue Mountain coffee...

It is already a gentleman's performance for Su Yi to hold back his laughter.


But Su Yi didn't smile, but Zhao Ruixue laughed. She said, "It seems that Mr. Su's geography knowledge is not good enough. Australia and North America are far away."

Su Yi sighed: "That's why I'm a big bastard. You see, I'll reveal my secrets after just a few words. It's not easy to pretend to be a cultural person..."

"At least you have self-knowledge." Zhao Ruixue laughed.

"Cough cough cough!" Lou Xiao'e coughed quickly.

Here, Yu Haitang was unhappy, and glared: "What kind of a cultural person can drink coffee, and the little bourgeois moaning without illness, these are all counter-revolutionary poisons that should be knocked out of the ass!"

"What a big hat." Zhao Ruixue sneered, "Then do you know that the origin of revolution is in the West, and the doctrine we are talking about now is just something that people in the West have eliminated."

Yu Haitang was about to get angry when he slapped the table, Su Yi tapped the cup with chopsticks, and said: "Eat when you eat, don't talk about Zheng Zhi. Da Mao, sister-in-law Xiao'e, you are the masters today, just say a few words, and we will start the banquet." Right? I’ve been hungry for a long time, I can’t move my chopsticks because of the delicious food on this table, I’m so hungry.”

"Yes, yes, we should have dinner." Lou Xiaoe stood up and said, "Da Mao, let's welcome all the distinguished guests who came today, and thank them for their honor."

"Wait a minute, I'll pour the wine..."

Xu Damao hastily poured wine.

The aroma of Moutai wine is overflowing, making Su Yi, who is not interested in wine, a bit greedy.

Zhao Ruixue was a little disgusted, and said, "My friends and I usually drink brandy or whiskey."

"What place? Foreign wine?" Xu Damao asked.

"That's right." Zhao Ruixue said, "Hua Guo's wine is for the low-level people, very low-end. But brandy is different from whiskey. Do you know that in foreign countries, there is a special drinking culture. Also called wine culture.”

"I know the wine culture, isn't Li Bai the fairy of wine?" Xu Damao laughed.

"Feudal dross, what can I say?" Zhao Ruixue said.

Xu Damao said with a smile: "Just drink it, my house doesn't have what you said. There were two bottles of wine before, and Xiao'e and I have already drank them all. If I say the taste is just like that, this foreigner probably doesn't enjoy it." Happy."

"It's because you don't understand taste." Zhao Ruixue said, "Drinking wine depends on the place of origin, and you have to look at it, smell it, smell it, and taste it. All of them are particular."

After a pause, she looked at Su Yi with a smile: "Mr. Su, do you know wine?"

"I don't understand." Su Yi shook his head, "I'm a big boss."

"Maliciousness from Zhao Ruixue +88..."

"Mr. Su has always regarded himself as a big boss, is he trying to keep me at a respectful distance?" Zhao Ruixue asked.

She went straight to the point, and Su Yi didn't bother to pretend to be with her, so he said with a smile: "Yes, although sister-in-law Xiao'e is kind, but I don't think there is any common topic between you and me, so there is no need to test and test. Everyone today When it’s a dinner with friends, have a happy meal.”

"Maliciousness from Zhao Ruixue +103, anger from Zhao Ruixue +99..."

Zhao Ruixue's expression was ugly, and she said, "Actually, that's what I meant. I didn't like you either. I said you were a college student, but I didn't see where your education level is."

Su Yi sighed and said: "Being pregnant is like being pregnant, it will take a long time to show up. We just met, it's normal if you can't see it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone burst into laughter instantly, and even Zhao Ruixue couldn't help laughing when she wanted to put on a sullen face.

The tense atmosphere instantly melted away.

Su Yi glanced at the dishes on the table, and thought that today's meal was quite unpalatable.

He didn't wait any longer, and raised his glass directly: "Let's have a toast together, and then dinner!"

"Okay, let's have a toast together, everyone is welcome to be our guests..." Xu Damao also hastily politely said.

After clinking glasses, Su Yi laughed and picked up his chopsticks, calling everyone to eat.

He came to eat, not to talk nonsense, and he had nothing to say to a shepherd dog.

Next, while Su Yi ate, he laughed from time to time, clinked glasses with Xu Damao, Lou Xiaoe, and Yu Haitang, and drank a few glasses of wine.

Su Yi was very good at directing the atmosphere, and after a while the dinner became heated again, and then Zhao Ruixue also joined in, chatting and laughing with everyone.

But this girl revealed a sense of superiority without saying a few words, as if she looked down on this or that.

She blows a hamburger into a delicacy in the world, and Coca-Cola has become the greatest invention of the new century.

Su Yi wanted to curse when he heard this.

In the end, I do not know how the topic came back to literature.

Zhao Ruixue said how great Aristotle was, and his works covered all human subjects.

She said how powerful Galileo was in Europe. He discovered the new planet Europa, which caused a sensation in the whole world.

She said that the western economy is developed, but prices are extremely low.A fried chicken leg only sells for one dollar, but a worker there who washes dishes costs five thousand dollars a month.

In the end, the more I talked, the more vigorous I was, and the more I talked, the more dangerous I talked about faith.

After hearing this, no one dared to answer, Yu Haitang couldn't hear it right and replied a few words, but I have to say that Zhao Ruixue is good at eloquence, and Yu Haitang has no temper at all.

Seeing that Yu Haitang kept a dark face and did not speak, Zhao Ruixue ignored Lou Xiao'e and Xu Damao's embarrassing expressions, looked at Su Yi proudly, and said, "Mr. Su, you also study literature, why do you keep silent? It doesn't matter, you Can you express your opinion! Unless, you don’t understand literature at all, you don’t really understand, do you?”

"I understand your grandma's legs!" Su Yi was really too lazy to pretend, he could understand that this girl wanted to show her connotation in front of him, so that he could impress her, but it was really different.

"You can eat well and eat well, but if you can't eat well, get out!" Su Yi said bluntly.

When this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked!

After a long time, Zhao Ruixue's face turned red, she stood up and pointed at Su Yi anxiously: "You, why are you swearing!"

"It's easy to scold you." Su Yi looked at her, "Drink a few drops of foreign ink and even forget who your ancestors are, and open your mouth to foreign countries. This is good and foreign is good. The purpose of letting you learn foreign knowledge is to communicate with the world. Get on track, you're fine, just cheated."


"You, what are you? You are not young and bold, you have red mouth and white teeth, you dare to say anything, you are still Aristotle... Lao Tzu's 170-character Tao Te Ching is both bamboo slips and stone carvings. It was almost not handed down. His more than [-] ancient Greek books, at least hundreds of millions of words, were all written on the parchment scrolls. If you think about it with your nose, it is impossible to preserve it without any damage. The thing that foreigners boast about They don't even believe it themselves, so why did they deceive you?"


"What me? In the Zhou Dynasty of Huaguo, there was Tai Shiling who studied astronomy and calendar, and summed up how many stars orbited. Galileo found a fish that slipped through the net, and they collectively went to court. They looked like they had never seen the world. The key is Galileo. The star map is ours..."


"Nonsense? Okay, let's go on to what you just said about one dollar for a chicken leg, and five thousand dollars for washing dishes. Girl, do you think it makes sense with your heels? This boss sells five thousand chicken legs a month Only then can you afford the salary of a dishwasher. Your family is also in business, go back and ask your dad, which capitalist has such a conscience?"


"Stop talking, the Blue Mountain coffee in Jamaica in North America has been described as something from Australia by you, and foreigners have to worry about it when they hear about it." Su Yi sighed, "Girl, it's not dark yet, so hurry back .Otherwise, I will go back later, I am afraid you will scare others. Do you know why?"

"Why?" It was Yu Haitang who asked Su Yi, this girl's face was flushed red now, her eyes were staring like copper bells.

His voice trembled with excitement.

"Because she lost her face here, she was ashamed on the way back." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Hahaha..." Yu Haitang laughed like a cock being strangled.

Xu Damao smiled shyly, and turned his face away, with a look of relief.

Even Lou Xiao'e's eyes flashed a smile, but he pretended to be panicked and bitter.

In fact, everyone agrees on the basic three views, and the remarks made by this kind of shepherd dog will cause physical discomfort.

"You, you are too much!" Zhao Ruixue burst into tears, cried, and rushed out the door.

"Rachel! Rachel!" Lou Xiao'e wanted to call her back, but Zhao Ruixue's footsteps were only heard walking away.

"Yanchao, are you talking too harshly? Can't you be more compassionate?" Lou Xiao'e said angrily.

"It's not light if you don't smoke her." Su Yi shook his head and said, "The next few years will be rough and rough, and we must resolutely draw a clear line with this kind of person, otherwise we will be easily implicated."

After a pause, Su Yi said to her: "You go and see her off, don't get lost, that would be my crime instead."

"Da Mao, you go." Lou Xiaoe turned to look at Xu Damao.

"Me? No..." Xu Damao was about to object with a displeased face.

"Are you going?" Lou Xiao'e stared, "Xu Damao, I've done enough to give you face today, don't forget the money..."

"Go, go, can't I go?" Xu Damao got up angrily, "Yanchao, wait for me to come back! Really, every aunt is more difficult to serve than one."

After saying that, he chased him out.

Lou Xiao'e sighed and said, "Blame me, I shouldn't call her... I thought that you are all cultural people, and you should have a common language, but I didn't expect..."

Yu Haitang sarcastically said: "This kind of young lady thinks she's so great, but she didn't expect to be fooling people. She said so much, but was exposed by Yuan Chao. Haha, the most ridiculous thing is that she even brags about it for a long time. She made a mistake about the coffee, hahaha, it's so ridiculous..."

Lou Xiao'e shook her head, and said to Su Yi: "Yichao, I really didn't expect you to scold people so harshly."

"Is it cruel?" Su Yi said, "Where is this?"

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