Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1470 Disappointment

Chapter 1470 Disappointment
Zhao Ruixue was scolded by Su Yi, and the happiest person was Yu Haitang.

The girl was so excited that she insisted on pulling Su Yi to have three drinks with Su Yi.

"You don't know, when you didn't come, this Rachel regarded me as a country girl who had never seen the world, she couldn't speak well at all, and there was a few words of English in the good Mandarin, which I didn't understand, and then She just laughed at me, it's so hateful! If you don't believe me, ask Sister Xiao'e." Yu Haitang said.

"She doesn't have any bad intentions, she just likes to be compared with others, and she likes to be praised by others." Lou Xiaoe sighed.

"Why should we support her? A capitalist lady, it's not bad if she doesn't beat her!" Yu Haitang sneered, "The most annoying thing is that sharp mouth, oh my god, I really can't blame her, it makes me so angry have to be the one who aided the DPRK, and the way you just refuted her is just, well-founded, and extremely powerful! I will never forget your way just now in my life!"

"You better forget it quickly." Su Yi said while eating, "I told you clearly that we are not suitable, so don't waste time with me. Besides, I have found a match."

Yu Haitang bit her lip, glared at him and said, "Aren't you sure if you don't tell me? I guess you are definitely not suitable!"

"Don't be crowed." Su Yi warned.

"I'm just a crow's mouth, my mouth is so sharp, I'm going to break you up! I'm so mad at you, just a little bit!" Yu Haitang said.

Lou Xiao'e chuckled and said, "If you ask me, you two are really a good match, and it will be fun for you two to live together in the future."

"Look, Sister Xiao'e said that!" Yu Haitang's eyes lit up, and he boldly grabbed Su Yi's hand, "Yanchao, it's the first time I love someone so much when I grow up, just promise me!"

She was already bold, but after drinking, she became more unrestrained.

Su Yi broke her hand and said, "Young man, I advise you to take care of yourself. The water here is too deep for you to grasp."

"I can grasp it, let me try!" Yu Haitang was very stubborn, and grabbed Su Yi's hand again, but Su Yi quickly stuffed the teacup into her hand.

"You have leeks in your teeth, rinse your mouth first." Su Yi said.

"Ah!" Yu Haitang was stunned for a moment, her face flushed, and she hurriedly turned to take the teacup to rinse her mouth.

After taking a sip of water, he suddenly reacted, swallowed it quickly, pointed at Su Yi and said angrily, "You lied to me! We didn't eat leeks at all today!"

Su Yi sighed and said, "Look at you, your IQ is not worthy of me..."

Lou Xiao'e was amused by Su Yi and laughed, leaning back and forth.

"You two are so interesting..." She wiped her tears and said, "Haitang, I support you, come on!"

Yu Haitang was discouraged, sighed, picked up the cup on the table and emptied it, saying: "This must be retribution. Yang Weimin loved me crazy before, but I didn't feel anything for him. Now I'm in love with him." You, but you can't see me..."

Su Yi said: "You are possessive. There is a kind of love called letting go. Giving up for love lasts forever."

"Fart! Don't try to trick me into letting go, I'll tell you Su Yuanchao, I will definitely stalk you!" Yu Haitang yelled angrily, then turned around and walked out suddenly.

"Haitang, why are you going?" Lou Xiaoe called out hastily.

"Pee!" Yu Haitang's voice came from the yard.

"Bah!" Lou Xiao'e frowned, "This girl is really drunk, she doesn't feel ashamed."

Su Yi also stood up and said, "While she's gone, I'll also quickly rub oil on the soles of my feet. Sister Xiao'e, thank you for the hospitality. Today's dishes are very rich and delicious. I have a chance to invite you and Da Mao to my house some other day."

"You're leaving now..." Lou Xiao'e stood up hastily, "I haven't finished the wine yet, and besides, Da Mao hasn't come back yet."

"Don't wait for him." Su Yi picked up his coat and said with a smile, "As for Yu Haitang, I'll leave this trouble to you."

"You really don't bother at all." Lou Xiao'e clicked her tongue, "Wait a minute, don't leave yet."

As he said that, he hurriedly went to the back room to take out an envelope and handed it to Su Yi.

"I promise you the money, you order it." Lou Xiao'e said.

"What can I order?" Su Yi smiled and put it in his pocket, "Thank you!"

Lou Xiaoe said: "Da Mao is a small-minded person. If there is something that offends you at work, please bear with me."

Su Yi was surprised, and said with a smile: "I hope your heart will not be let down." He waved his hand, turned and left.

Lou Xiao'e watched Su Yi go away, and for a long time, she still chewed on Su Yi's words before leaving, feeling a little disappointed, and said with a wry smile: "I have been let down..."

"What's wrong with uncle? Isn't he discharged from the hospital?" Xu Damao came in from the door.

"Didn't I ask you to send Rachel there?" Lou Xiaoe frowned, "Why did you just come back? Where is Rachel?"

"Oh my God, don't mention you to me as a young lady anymore, and don't bring it to our house in the future, I can't afford to serve you!" Xu Damao said angrily, "I provoked him, If you kindly send her off, even I will scold you!"

"No, why is she scolding you?" Lou Xiaoe asked.

"Crazy." Xu Damao's eyes dodged a little.

He wouldn't tell Lou Xiao'e that it was his flirtatiousness that was bullied by others.

"Where are they?" He hurriedly changed the subject.

"Su Yuanchao left, and Yu Haitang went to the toilet." Lou Xiaoe said.

"Gone?" Xu Damao was surprised, "Did he throw Yu Haitang to us?"

"That's right." Lou Xiao'e said, "People look down on Zhao Ruixue, and also look down on Yu Haitang."

"It must be a fake." Xu Damao said disdainfully, "Yu Haitang is the most beautiful girl in our factory, who wouldn't want to kiss Fangze? What kind of big-tailed wolf is he pretending to be? He just doesn't dare! He has deep thoughts, and Yu Haitang I talked to Yang Weimin, the son of Factory Manager Yang, before, and Su Yuanchao was afraid that being with Yu Haitang would affect his future."

"Really?" Lou Xiao'e was a little skeptical when he saw that he was speaking seriously.

"Of course it's true!" Xu Damao sneered, "Haven't you understood what happened in the past few days? This Su Yuanchao is definitely a ruthless and unscrupulous master! How can this kind of person be swayed by mere beauty? "

After a pause, he asked again, "Did you give him the money?"

"Yes." Lou Xiaoe nodded, "I told him too, let him take care of you."

"What did he say?" Xu Damao asked with concern.

"He said he hoped you wouldn't let me down!" Lou Xiaoe stared into Xu Damao's eyes, "Didn't you say that Su Yuanchao is capable? Did he see that you would definitely let me down in the future, so he said that?"

"This grandson, I lent him money, and he gave me eye drops!" Xu Damao was furious, "How kind to feed the dog!"

"He has to pay you a favor." Lou Xiaoe said, "Who can give him so much money at one time these days? That's 500 yuan! Seriously, he can't use that much to build that room, I don’t know why he borrowed so much money.”

Xu Damao sneered: "Look, I will soon let him know what it means to eat people with soft mouths and short hands! My Xu Damao's food is not so delicious, and my Xu Damao's money is not so easy to borrow! "

"I cooked the rice, and I asked my dad for the money. What does it have to do with you?" Lou Xiao'e gave him a blank look.

"Do we husband and wife still share each other?" Xu Damao apologized.

Lou Xiaoe said: "I will send Haitang away later, I have to go back. Although my father promised to borrow money, he is still waiting for my reply."

"What's the answer?" Xu Damao asked.

Lou Xiao'e glanced at him and said: "Our family's own business has nothing to do with you. Okay, I'll go to the toilet to see why Yu Haitang hasn't come back yet, did he vomit?"

After watching Lou Xiao'e leave, Xu Damao gritted his teeth and scolded, "Your family has nothing to do with me? You bitch, I'll let you know sooner or later that everything in your family belongs to me!"

Yu Haitang really vomited.

In fact, she doesn't drink that much, but today her mood was a little ups and downs, and she got a little distracted after drinking this wine.

When Lou Xiaoe went, Yu Haitang vomited all her bile.

Anyone who has finished drinking knows that when the wind blows this night, one will be drunk even if one is not drunk.

Lou Xiao'e took great pains to help her to Yu Li, and asked Yu Li to wait on her to wash up.

As soon as Lou Xiao'e left, the whole family of Lao Yan's family cheered over.

"Isn't it a blind date? How did you drink like this?" The third mother asked anxiously, "Is this a success or a failure?"

"Didn't Jiefang say that the eldest lady left angrily before?" Yan Xiecheng said, "There is only Haitang left. This is called victory without fighting, and it must have been accomplished."

"Then why did you drink so much? Are you happy?" Yan Fugui wondered.

"Give way, don't surround yourself!" Yu Li came over with a basin of hot water, "It's all right, let's go, we'll have to wait until she wakes up tomorrow to see if it will work, what are we going to do?"

"Aren't you in a hurry?" The third mother said, "I have discussed it with your dad. If it happens, I will ask your dad to bring melon seeds over to congratulate me tomorrow, and I will mention it as a matter of work by the way. .”

"They are short of your melon seeds?" Yu Li couldn't help complaining.

"What you said, if you want to say that you don't need anything without him, isn't that intentional?" Yan Fugui said, "If it is really solved as a solution to the work, wouldn't it be the benefit of the two of you? Who is your mother doing this for?"

"Dad, what Yu Li means is that it's a little less to just grab a handful of melon seeds?" Yan Xiecheng smiled, "Yesterday, they gave me another box of snacks. Although they can't be sold without packaging, it's just so generous. Jiner, do you mind if we take a handful of melon seeds?"

"You don't understand this. If the matter is done, then our family must have a big thank you." Yan Fugui said.

"What if it doesn't make a handful of melon seeds?" Yan Jiecheng said speechlessly, "Dad, I'm not a fool..."

While talking here, Yu Li was wiping Yu Haitang's face with a hot towel, but Yu Haitang grabbed her hand.

"Yuanchao, please promise me, please promise me, I love you crazy, please promise me..." Yu Haitang muttered.

Everyone in the room was stunned.

Yu Li was stunned for a long time before saying: "Hai Tang, Yuan Chao didn't like you?"

Yan Fugui and his wife looked at each other in dismay, uncertain.

"He doesn't like me, he doesn't want me, woohoo...Yuanchao, why do you look down on me? What do you think is wrong with me? I'll change it. I love you, I really love you..." Yu Haitang cried Out of breath.

"Bah! Don't be ashamed to say whether you like it or not!" The third mother's face was very bad, "Well, it didn't work, we are blind people lighting lamps, it's a waste of wax!"

"Why didn't it work?" Yan Fugui couldn't figure it out, "Begonia is so beautiful, so progressive, and smart, it shouldn't be..."

"Yeah, I don't think it should be." Yan Jiecheng also frowned and thought hard, "I can understand that he looks down on the capitalist lady, but our Haitang's background is fine, the job is formal, and people are Pretty, why is he? It doesn't make sense..."

Yu Li's movements stopped, her eyes flickered slightly.

"Okay, let's go." Yan Fugui sighed and waved his hands, "This way is not going to work, so we can only rely on favors to spend money. I will find an opportunity to talk about this with Yuanchao another day."

Yan Xiecheng said: "Dad, why don't you let Yu Lititi? She cooks for Yuanchao, so there are more chances to speak up."

Yan Fugui said: "That won't work. There is no one in our old Yan's family. Let the woman ask for help? Let people see the joke. You don't care about this matter, I will look at Zhang Luo."

The third mom sighed and said, "Just have a good time, oh, that's fine, go to bed early. Xie Cheng, you will sleep with Jiefang today."

After a pause, he said again: "Not charging your room fee today is a big deal after all, isn't his father?"

"No charge, no charge." Yan Fugui had already left the room while speaking.

Pay the door.

Su Yi put down the book and sighed.

To say that this person's ears are too good is also quite troublesome.

In the dead of night, Su Yi heard the conversation on the other side clearly.

So Su Yi actually heard the conversation between Zhao Ruixue and Lou Xiao'e in the kitchen before.

In fact, Su Yi is already relieved of Yan Jiecheng's work. After all, he has that kind of relationship with Yu Li, so why don't you arrange compensation for him?

So here comes the question, Yan Fugui really asks for it, does Su Yi want to charge a second time?
Take it, I'm a little bit sorry.

Don't accept it, the third master must think, why don't you accept my money for such a big event?

Shouldn't it be...

So the money has to be collected, and it can't be too low.

really annoying...

Su Yi shook his head and continued to read.

He has developed a good habit of reading now, and it is quite refreshing to read a book before going to bed at night.

But reading books will have to stop tomorrow, he has already planned the digging of the basement, and he has to start work at night while the construction is underway tomorrow.

Su Yi was drinking tea under the lamp while reading a book, thinking that if there is a red sleeve adding fragrance to the evening flute, it would be perfect...

Alas, I have lost my appetite, and I have fallen, so I have to criticize myself.

By eleven o'clock in the evening, almost everyone in the courtyard had fallen asleep.

Su Yi was about to go to bed and rest when he heard footsteps outside.

He hastily pricked up his ears to listen, and when he heard it, he immediately showed disappointment.

I thought it was my sister-in-law sneaking over...

It was a man.

The man was obviously drunk, and staggered to the outside of Su Yi's house, and it sounded like he was sitting on the ground, wheezing.

 It was windy and cold last night, and I slept all day, so it was a bit late, and there was another chapter around twelve o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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