Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1471 Start

Chapter 1471 Start

Silly column.

The drunk silly Zhu leaned against the wall of Suyi Gate, covered in dust and grass roots, and he didn't know how many times he fell on the way back.

Hearing Su Yi open the door, he narrowed his eyes and stared at Su Yi carefully for a while, then grinned: "Yanchao, come and have a drink with me!"

"Hair is a bit dirty..." Su Yi said.

"Ah?" Silly Zhu didn't hear clearly.

Su Yi went out, picked up the collar of Sha Zhu's neck and walked towards the middle courtyard.

"Fly! Hehe, fly!" Silly Zhu felt that he was flying through the clouds and spread his arms.

Su Yi strode over to the vegetable sink, pressed his head under the faucet, and turned on the switch.

Shazhu was about to struggle when he was stimulated by the cold water, but Su Yi pinched a certain part of his back and spine with his hands, and he suddenly lost his strength, not even the strength to speak.

At this time, the sky was still a bit cold, and the water at night was even bone-chilling, and Sha Zhu was shivering from the cold in no time.

Then Su Yi turned off the water and carried him to his house, turned on the light and threw Silly Zhu on the chair by the table, and then threw him a towel.

"You, your uncle Su Yuanchao..." Sha Zhu shivered, wiping his head and face, cursing.

Su Yi was not annoyed either, and looked at him with a smile.

"Are you awake?" he asked.

"Wake up." Silly Zhu said in a muffled voice.

"Then go to bed quickly, I'll be back." Su Yi turned around and was about to leave.

"No, you put my head under the cold water and rushed, that's it?" Silly Zhu was anxious, "Is there anyone like you as a buddy?"

"Do you want to do it again?" Su Yi asked.

Sha Zhu shrunk his neck and waved his hands hastily: "Forget it, forget it, I can't offend you... It's weird, you kid don't know where you are taking me, I couldn't use any strength just now."

"You drink like mud at night, what are you doing?" Su Yi asked, "You can't stand such a little setback? Isn't it just sweeping the street?"

"I didn't do it for that!" Silly Zhu waved his hand, his face somber, "I'm going to ask the old lady and the uncle today. I had a meeting on the day I was arrested, and I know everything about it. Qin Huairu... Oh, forget it, I voluntarily, I deserve it.”

He shook his head: "It's as if all my heart has been fed to the dog for so many years."

"Is your heart cold?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"It's freezing." Shazhu smiled bitterly, "Won't you let it go? I just can't figure it out, why? She is not the kind of wolf-hearted person, why is she treating me like this?"

Su Yi said: "Think slowly, I'll come back."

"Can't you stay with me for a while?" Silly Zhu complained, "At least you answer my question before you leave!"

"You have to find the answer to this question by yourself, it's useless no matter how much others tell you." Su Yi said with a smile.

"I can't figure it out, and I don't want to think about it anymore. I just think that this person, life is actually quite boring." Silly Zhu said in a dull voice, "I feel very stupid now, I'm just a useless one."

Su Yi said: "Manly man, touch the crotch."

Silly Zhu gave Su Yi a blank look: "Don't make trouble."

"Who is making trouble with you?" Su Yi said, "It's a big man, you have to stand up. You have to be like the one in your crotch, able to bend and stretch, soft and hard. When you are hard, you can kill nine in and nine out , If you are soft, you will have to give up. Don’t you say the old saying? Be brave and not afraid of difficulties.”

"Where the hell is this old saying?" Sha Zhu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Let's go." Su Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

"Wait a minute!" Silly Zhu stopped him, "Are you scolding me? Are you scolding me for being worse than me?"

"This is not scolding you, the next one is scolding you." Su Yi said, "You beep beep, beep beep beep*****..."

"That's enough, that's enough!" Silly Zhu hurriedly stopped, and said depressedly: "You go, your mouth is really dirty."

"Tomorrow, it's time to sweep the streets and sweep the streets, and sweep away the bad luck in your heart." Su Yi said something, turned and went out.

Sha Zhu stared blankly at the ceiling, and suddenly sneezed.He sniffled his nose, and cursed angrily: "Su Yuanchao, who has lived long enough, gave me a cold!"

As he said that, he hurriedly hunched over and got into the bed, shivering for a while, and snoring after a while.

The next day, Siheyuaner woke up from his sleep and soon became full of life.

Su Yi got up early in the morning, greeted his neighbors with a smile, washed his face and brushed his teeth, and then went out by bicycle.

Not long after he left, Kong Damin came with an engineering team, knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered, but he summoned Mr. Zhongyuan.

"Are you repairing the house for Su Yuanchao?" Yi Zhonghai was still wearing a mask because his face was scratched by Jia Zhang.

"Yes, yes, you are?" Kong Damin hastily greeted him with a smile.

"I'm the uncle in the yard. Yuan Chao told me about the repair of the house yesterday. You should do your work, but don't disturb the neighbors. Try to do the work during the day, and everyone should rest at night. Stop rushing to work."

"That's for sure, we all understand the rules." Kong Damin hastily handed over a cigarette.

Yi Zhonghai waved his hand and refused, then turned his head and said loudly to the people surrounding him: "Neighbors, this Aidochao family is repairing the house. He told me yesterday that if he disturbs everyone, he will pay for it first. When the house is repaired , and thank you all one by one.”

The third mother's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she hurriedly asked, "Thank you for the gift? Is Yuanchao talking about the gift of thanks?"

"If he's right, it's a thank you gift." Yi Zhonghai glanced at her.

The third mother patted her thigh and said happily: "This aid to the DPRK is too generous. Who doesn't build a house or something? What kind of gift is there to thank? This child is too particular."

"That's right, college students pay attention to people!"

"This Yuanchao is an honest boy..."

Everyone was happy to hear the good news early in the morning.

Yi Zhonghai glanced at Kong Damin and said, "Did you see it? You have met a good employer this time."

"That's great, that's great, I also thank the neighbors for their size." Kong Damin clasped his fists in joy.

The neighbors are all done, so there will be less trouble and conflicts during construction.Kong Damin works in engineering. Every time he worked in the past, he always met those neighbors who had nothing to do. They interfered or even hindered the construction. It was scrambled yellow.

This time the neighbors were so supportive of this job, Kong Damin said that this time the job would definitely be completed smoothly, and he felt a little bit happier.

Qin Huairu stood in the crowd watching for a while, then turned and went back to the house.

At home, the three children were still asleep. When Jia Zhang saw Qin Huairu coming in, she turned her head away with a dark face.

Qin Huairu said: "It's useless if you ignore me, you must continue to go to school. Yesterday we tried everything we could think of, and we lost people who shouldn't be lost, but it's useless, so there is only one way, you Bring sticks back to the countryside to go to school."

"I'm not going!" Jia Zhang said with a dark face, "You say ten thousand and ten thousand, but I'm not going either! Qin Huairu, I'm going to the countryside, how many days can I survive? You just want me to die You remarry! Don't think I don't know what you think! Let me tell you, even if you don't go to school, I still have to watch you!"

Qin Huairu sighed and said: "Mom, I don't want to quarrel with you, Bang is still so young, why do you let him not go to school? See Tian'er go to the streets to hang out? The streets are full of stubborn gangsters, Bang What good can you get out of following them? You really don't think about these consequences?"

"Anyway, I'm not going to the countryside!" Jia Zhang said, "I can't stand it, I'm sure I'll die there!"

Qin Huairu said: "Then how can my parents live well in the countryside? Why can't you?"

"Then you give the stick to your parents and let them take it! The stick is also their grandson!" Jia Zhang said.

"Tell me yourself, does this make sense?" Qin Huairu frowned, "They have their own grandson to take with them, why should they take the Jia family? Besides, are you at ease? Are you willing? I don't even feel at ease!"

Jia Zhang said: "Then don't go to school. There are many children in this alley who don't go to school. I haven't seen them all fail in school."

Qin Huairu shook her head and said: "I can't explain it to you, so I won't. But my own son, I have to think about him. I can't listen to you about this matter. If you really don't want to bring a stick Go back to the countryside to go to school, then I will go by myself."

"Are you going? You don't want to work?" Jia Zhang sneered, "What do you eat? What do you drink?"

Qin Huairu stood blankly for a while, and said, "At worst, I'll remarry and find someone to help me raise my son."

"How dare you!" Jia Zhang was furious, and jumped up against the case, "Qin Huairu, you bastard, you finally spoke your mind!"

"You scold me, for the sake of stickiness, I will give up anything!" Qin Huairu glanced at her coldly, turned and left.

Jia Zhang shivered with anger.

On one side, Bang Gon woke up at some point and said, "Grandma, I don't want to go to the countryside. My classmates say that the countryside is miserable, and I don't want to suffer."

Jia Zhang sighed, "But if you stay in the city, you won't be able to go to school."

"It's better not to go to school, I won't be able to learn anyway." Stick said, "Grandma, please talk to my mother carefully, I promise I won't learn bad things, okay?"

Jia Zhang gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, my dear grandson, grandma has worked so hard to keep you!"

"Morning, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su!"

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su is here? I didn't see you yesterday, where did you go?"

"Hey, isn't this a brave hero? Come, come, shake hands, be happy..."

Although he disappeared for a day, the popularity of Su Yi's report seemed to remain undiminished. Along the way, Su Yi was in a state of being greeted and watched. From the factory gate to the office, he walked for 10 minutes.

After closing the office door, Su Yi heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Deputy editor, you are here!" Zhang Chunmei's eyes lit up when she saw Su Yi, and she greeted with a smile.

On the other side, Liu Guangtian was cleaning Su Yi's desk with a rag. Seeing Su Yi coming, he hurriedly said, "Morning, deputy editor-in-chief Su, I made you a cup of tea. I used the tea leaves in your drawer and wiped the table clean." Yes, you sit down..."

Su Yi nodded, and before he could speak, the door was pushed open.

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su, Director Shen is calling you." Xue Xinhua said with a smile.

Su Yi nodded, picked up the tea mug and went out.

Arriving next door, Shen Hongyan was sitting on a bench reading a newspaper.

"Aid North Korea? Come, come, come and have a look, the matter of the study base has been reported." He smiled and waved to Su Yi.

"Really?" Su Yi put the tea mug on the corner of the table, sat down and moved his head towards it.

"Did you see it? Three reports! One was an inspection and interview with a big leader, one was devoted to introducing the meaning of workers' theoretical study, and this one. Several experts from the party school were invited to analyze this matter. This time our factory released the report. It's a big landmine!" Shen Hongyan laughed, "The two factory directors went to the auditorium early this morning with their brains. The two of us have to go there in a while, and the office is being divided over there, so we have to occupy a hole .”

While flipping through the newspaper, Su Yi said: "Director, these three reports can be directly reprinted by our factory newspaper as the front page. Today I will take Xiao Zhang to make an exclusive interview with Director Yang and Director Li, and then report The support of our factory for this matter, the manuscript of this issue of the factory newspaper is enough."

Shen Hongyan said: "I was thinking about this just now, and now we are thinking of getting together."

"Heroes see the same thing?" Su Yi said.

"Are you praising yourself or me?" Shen Hongyan laughed.

"I'm just setting it off, mainly to praise you." Su Yi said.

"Tsk tsk, this flattery is of a high level." Shen Hongyan laughed, "Come on, you will report to Director Yang about the interview later, let's go to the office first. But this time you are treated better than me, I'm a member of the group, and you're the director of the admissions office."

Shen Hongyan's name in the preparatory team was just running errands, because there were a lot of directors and deputy directors above him, and they were all in charge of him.

But Su Yi is the director of the admissions office handpicked by Yang Baorui, which means that he has been assigned a separate department and is the leader.

Shen Hongyan's words may not be without a hint of sourness. After all, Su Yi, a clerk in the internship period, has a higher status than him, a regular cadre. How can he be balanced in his heart?

Su Yi smiled and said: "You are here to make suggestions and contact experts, and I am here to run errands. Director, if you think you are not treated well, how about we change?"

Shen Hongyan laughed and waved his hands: "You think beautifully! Young people should exercise more, do it well!"

"Got it!"

The two talked and laughed and headed towards the auditorium.On the way, Zhai Baoguo caught up with him.

After saying hello to Shen Hongyan, he said to Su Yi: "The list has come out, and the production backbones of various departments have been excluded, as well as workers who are inconvenient to recruit. The preliminary draft list is 1000 people, aiding the DPRK. How do you select this person? What do you want? Don't ask the leader to come up with a charter?"

Su Yi said: "When will a thousand people be selected? I think this matter should be handed over to the heads of various departments to select the students in their departments. They are also more familiar with the situation at the grassroots level."

Zhai Baoguo was stunned, and reminded: "As soon as the student quota is released, everyone will be scrambling to get it. If you hand over this right, then you..."

As I said at the meeting the day before yesterday, in order to encourage workers to actively participate in learning, the factory decided that the [-] students recruited this time will spend two days a week off-duty to study without taking up off-duty time.

In addition, each of the [-] students will be given a one-dollar study allowance per month. If they are selected as class leaders, they will receive two extra dollars a month. This is a real benefit.

(End of this chapter)

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