Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1472 Quota

Chapter 1472 Quota
Su Yi, the head teacher of the admissions class, alone holds [-] "salary increase" places, which is a lot of power.

The greatest charm of power is that it can bring both material and spiritual satisfaction to people. It can put you in a position of dominance and give birth to the feeling of being superior to others.

The four words "I have the final say" have a fascinating magic power, and it is difficult for anyone to resist it.

Su Yi is not a fledgling Xiaobai, of course he knows that these [-] quotas are definitely too crowded for ordinary workers to want.If he holds this power in his hands, and if he manipulates it a little bit, he will definitely reap great benefits.

Even if you don't accept gifts, you can still gain a lot of favors.At that time, heads of various departments will definitely come to him to ask for a quota. This is an opportunity to make connections.

But why did Su Yi divide this power?

This is a matter of vision.

Su Yizhen held the power in his own hands, and then waited for the leaders of various departments to come to him to ask for places and share the cake. Then they will ask you for the places that Su Yuanchao wants to come with favors, and you will call back the candidates who are reported. ?
If you put an illiterate person who can't read big characters over here, you have to consider the issue of human relationship, and you have to discuss it with the person before "returning the product".

In the future, if you encounter thorny students after the class starts, you will offend them as soon as you clean up.

Moreover, this power is in Su Yi's hands, and he can get nothing except this useless favor.

Waiting for the workers to give him gifts?Does Su Yi need this?

So it's really useless, it's better to divide it out.

This is efficient and does not offend others. Everyone still thinks that Su Yi is generous, sensible, and low-key.

The most important thing that Su Yi delegated was the right to sign up. I have to review your quota, and the final decision is still in Su Yi's hands.

"Director Zhai, I'm busy with the factory newspaper and recruiting students, so I really don't have time to select candidates one by one." Su Yi said with a smile, "Let the leaders of each department choose. You can decide how to allocate the quota for each department. Today Just bring the list to me before you get off work."

This is for the benefit of Zhai Baoguo. Zhai Baoguo has the final say on which department has more quotas or fewer. This is also an opportunity for Zhai Baoguo to make good friends with the leaders of various departments.

Zhai Baoguo immediately gave Su Yi a wave of joy.

Before he could express his opinion, Su Yi changed the subject and said: "But I have something to say first, the applicants must have a certain level of education, at least there is no problem with normal writing, and there will be a unified entrance examination at that time. Besides, I am recruiting students, not here to dawdle, and if I don’t focus on my studies after I come here, or disrupt discipline, I will never tolerate it!”

Su Yi is qualified to say this, because in addition to being the head teacher of admissions, he is also the head teacher of the future.

Zhai Baoguo nodded hastily and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter, and I will convey your thoughts to all departments."

Zhai Baoguo, a leader of the official department, talked to Su Yi in this way, but both of them took it for granted, and there was nothing awkward about it.

When we arrived at the office area of ​​the auditorium, it turned out that a group of brains were surrounding Yang Baorui and Li Xinmin, clamoring for office space.

The offices here are limited and cannot accommodate so many people. There must be many leaders who have to work together.

Even though they may not stay here for long, it is definitely better to use an office alone than to share an office with others.Being able to use a small office is definitely better than staying in a large office with more than ten people.

The various departments of the preparatory team are fighting for this, and everyone wants better office conditions.

When Shen Hongyan saw this posture, he flinched on the spot: "Well, I'd better stop arguing, let's get where we are."

He is not even a regular leader here.

Zhai Baoguo also smiled wryly: "Director Su, it's up to you where our admissions office works."

Su Yi has to contend with this matter, the enrollment work has already started, and the qualifications will be reviewed tomorrow before the unified entrance examination, so it is impossible to not have a quiet office place.

Besides, he will be the head teacher in the future, and he will often work here, which is different from this group of leaders who are just occupying holes.

When the time comes, he will leave so many empty offices unusable by himself, and he will have to squeeze with others, so what's going on?

Without saying a word, Su Yi squeezed into the crowd.

"Director Yang, Deputy Director Li, hello leaders!"

Su Yi smiled and said hello, then turned to Yang Baorui and Li Xinmin and said straight to the point: "Leader, the Beijing Daily has already published news, and our factory newspaper has to keep up with the publicity. Do the two leaders have time to do a simple interview now? If possible, I will publish the first draft in the afternoon, and strive to finalize the version today and publish it tomorrow.”

"Aid Korea is being done vigorously and resolutely." Li Xinmin said with a smile, "Director Yang, it seems that you have chosen the right person."

Yang Baorui is also very satisfied with Su Yi's work efficiency. After the accident of the former editor-in-chief, he was actually ready to suspend the publication of this issue of the factory newspaper, but he did not expect that Su Yi, who was ordered in a critical situation, not only did not suspend the publication, nor even asked for an extension, but completed it ahead of schedule. Task.

"Okay, then let's just say a few words to support the propaganda work." Yang Baorui said with a smile, and he looked around, "The assignment of the office will be delayed, and everyone will be busy with their own affairs first."

He was also troubled by these leaders. Everyone wanted a good office, but who would not give it to whom?

Su Yi came just in time and helped him out.

"Director Su, how do you arrange the recruitment? The candidates for our third workshop have been submitted. What's the next rule?" A workshop director asked.

"Leaders discuss this matter with Director Zhai. I will only do the final assessment here..." Seeing that most of the department leaders were present, Su Yi simply repeated the previously planned regulations.

Sure enough, these leaders were very satisfied with this plan and unanimously agreed to do so, and immediately surrounded Zhai Baoguo.

Su Yi took the opportunity to make a request to Yang Baorui: "Factory manager, I will definitely focus on this side of my work in the future, and the report of the factory newspaper will also focus on this side. In addition to recruiting students and specific work in the later period, it is really impossible to not have an independent office. For now, the two of you can't do interviews in the big office, can you?"

Yang Baorui pondered for a while, and said: "That's right, you want to stay here...Xinmin, who just wanted the small office at the entrance of the corridor?"

"Deputy Director Sun, he is in charge of recruiting teachers," Li Xinmin said.

"After that, he will be withdrawn after it starts to run. He still needs to focus on production. He will rarely come here in the future. Why occupy an office?" Yang Baorui waved his hand, "Let him squeeze with you for a while, and the room at the door is for Xiao Su. Let someone hang up the signboard of the Admissions Office!"

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +68..."

"Good boy, your salary is higher than mine." Li Xinmin looked at Su Yi speechlessly.

Su Yi said with a smile: "This means that the emperor is not short of hungry soldiers, what kind of treatment am I not given by you two?"

Li Xinmin pointed to Su Yi: "Let's go, hurry up if you want to interview, there are a lot of you have an interview outline?"

These are all temporary decisions, there is a hair.

"Yes, they are all here, go in and report to you two." Su Yi pointed to his temple, and said calmly.

The office arranged for Su Yi was originally the reception room of the auditorium, and he could basically come to work with a bag.

Next, Su Yi showed the two factory managers what it means to be confident.

What questions were asked to the two of them, what were the two to answer, the scope and outline of the answers, Su Yi had clearly arranged them.

Then pick up the pen and move the pen like flying a shorthand.In less than half an hour, everything was done.

When Su Yi showed the interview draft to the two of them, the two were amazed and couldn't find anything wrong with Su Yi's work.

After finishing the work, the two factory directors withdrew.

The big and small leaders outside were also busy. Su Yi watched the logistics staff nail the "Admissions Office" sign on the door of his office, then locked the door and left with a new key in satisfaction.

At this time, it was well known that the factory established a theoretical study and experiment base for workers, and recruited students from the whole factory.

Zhai Baoguo and the leaders of various departments basically finished dividing the cake, and all departments went back to confirm the quota.

Just as Su Yi and Zhai Baoguo had expected before, the workers could get an extra dollar a month after hearing that they would not have to work for two days to go to class, and it was a shame to fight for it.

The leaders of various departments held the quotas in their hands, and each of them immediately became a favorite.

In Qin Huairu's workshop, Guo Dabao asked for leave, and the deputy director took over the matter.

The deputy director is a very old-fashioned old technician, and he doesn't like people like Qin Huairu who loves to steal and play tricks. The two even quarreled several times before.

But he really has nothing to do with Qin Huairu.

These days, even if Yang Baorui wanted to fire a factory worker, he had to have a legitimate reason and had to report to the higher authorities for approval.There is a department that does not stamp, but the worker still goes to work.

Silly Zhu is an exception. This kind of employees who have already violated the law and made serious mistakes will not be happy if you don't ask your superiors, because you feel that your team is not pure.

Qin Huairu usually used his status as a worker to contradict the deputy director and ignore him, but this time the consequences became apparent.

She also wants to join this study class. She can take a two-day break and get an extra dollar a month. Where can she find such a good thing?

The most important thing is that the production tasks in the factory are fixed, and the production quota delayed by the two days of absence of workers who go to study classes will be burdened on other workers.

If you can't compete for this spot, not only have no money to get it, but also work for others, how can Qin Huairu be willing?
It's a pity that no matter how much she apologized, the deputy director did not let go, and even said directly: "Qin Huairu, you should give up your heart! Even if you invite Director Guo back, I will definitely not take this position." Let you get it! You just stay in the workshop and work honestly. If you can’t complete the task, I will try my best to lower our collective level in the evaluation at the end of the month, and I will give you the worst!"

"Old stubborn, are you avenging your personal revenge? I'll sue you!" Qin Huairu had been in trouble for the past two days, and now he became angry.

"Sue! You can sue now!" The deputy director was not afraid at all, "I am not afraid to tell you, it is useless for anyone to come, and I will give up if I am in a hurry! I don't believe that I can't cure you..."

Qin Huairu rushed away angrily.

She kept thinking about the loss of one yuan this month, and before she knew it, she found herself walking into the kitchen, and she froze in place.

She was wronged before, and she was used to coming to the kitchen to look for Sha Zhu, but now...

She forgot that Sha Zhu was sweeping the yard now, not in the kitchen.

"Qin Huairu? Why are you here?" In the kitchen, Liu Lan came out from behind and said in surprise, "Silly Zhu is no longer here, you still don't know? Impossible?"

"I'm not looking for him, I'm just wandering around." Qin Huairu forced a smile.

"Wandering..." Liu Lan looked in disbelief, it was the production time and you came here for a stroll in the kitchen, who is fooling you?
Qin Huairu turned her head and was about to leave, when suddenly she thought about the relationship between Liu Lan and Li Xinmin, she immediately turned around and said with a smile, "Actually, I want to ask you something, but I'm afraid I'll cause you trouble..."

"Looking for me?" Liu Lan asked suspiciously, "What are you looking for?"

"It's about the number of places in this study class." Qin Huairu said, "I want to ask you which leader is in charge of this matter?"

Since the deputy director in the workshop blocked her and refused to give her a place, Qin Huairu felt that he had better bypass the deputy director to find the leader.

If Li Xinmin is in charge of this matter, then please beg this Liu Lan to see if it can be done.

Before Qin Huairu could make up his mind, Liu Lan said strangely: "You still need to come to me for this matter? You don't know? Su Yuanchao, who lives in your courtyard, is in charge of recruiting students."

"Ah?" Qin Huairu was stunned, "He? He's not... a newcomer, is he still an intern? Isn't it an exception for the factory to let him be the deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper? How can he manage this matter? ?”

"Hehe, then you underestimate him. He has a bright future, and it will be a matter of time before he gets promoted." Liu Lan chuckled, "He is the director of the admissions office, and he is in charge. If you want to ask about this, directly It's right to find him."

Qin Huairu was stunned for a while before recovering, her mood was extremely complicated.

The night before yesterday, when Su Yi talked to her, he tore half his face.

She guessed that Su Yi had a bright future, but she didn't expect it to be so bright.She is extremely regretful now that she didn't put in more thought and effort...

Now go to Su Yuanchao by himself, will he give himself a place?

Qin Huairu really has no idea.

But no matter what the truth is, she has to bite the bullet and go to Su Yi to ask about it. After all, there is an extra dollar a month and eight days less work. This temptation is too great for her.

She bid farewell to Liu Lan with extremely complicated feelings, and went to find Su Yi.

She knew that the study class was held in the auditorium, so she went there directly.

When I arrived, I happened to meet a few people pointing at the "Admissions Office" sign, and the topic of discussion was Su Yi.

"See, you want to tell me that Su Yuanchao has no background, I ate this brand! In the morning, the directors and section chiefs fought for this office all morning, and they blushed from the quarrel. The factory manager didn't let go .Turn your head around, and arrange an office for Su Yuanchao first, or a separate small office."

"Who says no? What level is he? This salary is higher than that of the deputy factory director! Let me tell you, Su Yuanchao is definitely the junior of the big leader above, that's right! If I'm wrong, I'll take your surname... "

(End of this chapter)

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