Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1473 Shura

Migrant workers, migrant souls, migrant workers are the masters of the family!
This must be the busiest morning when Su Yi came to this world.

After returning from the auditorium, Su Yi began to organize the interview materials into manuscripts, and at the same time reviewed the two sub-edition manuscripts Zhang Chunmei was in charge of.

Liu Guangtian had no experience in this area, and he was not good at playing with words, so Su Yi asked him to take care of the logistics and run errands for Zhang Chunmei and himself.

During this period, Yang Shutan came to Su Yi, it was about the radio station, the factory had to issue three notices, and Su Yi, the radio station manager, was required to draw up the broadcast draft according to the documents, and after passing it to the superior for approval, at ten o'clock in the morning Broadcast it before one o'clock.

Su Yi waved his hands and handed the matter over to Zhang Chunmei.

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su, I am the editor of the factory newspaper, not the radio station." Zhang Chunmei protested with a bitter face.

She was not as efficient as Su Yi, but was urged by Su Yi, who told her that all manuscript collections must be completed before four o'clock in the afternoon, and a sample version should be typed out for review by the leaders. The factory newspaper would be published tomorrow morning.

Because of the propaganda reform, the distribution scale of the factory newspaper will be much larger than before, and all the people in the leadership positions above the deputy chief staff member will have a copy.

In a factory with more than 1 people, there are more than 1000 leaders, large and small, and this circulation is not a small number.

Zhang Chunmei Alexander!
So she is very resistant to extra work.

"I'm really too busy... Isn't Yu Haitang idle?" Zhang Chunmei evaded.

"Yu Haitang?" Su Yi thought about it, but it's not impossible.

Although Yu Haitang's writing ability has not been verified, but as the saying goes, a long illness makes a good doctor. She broadcasts a lot of manuscripts, at least she knows how to write the manuscripts.

"I'll let you go!" Su Yi turned and walked towards the radio station with the manuscript in hand.

Zhang Chunmei sticks out her tongue with joy, and gets busy again. After a while, the door opens, and Wen Hui pushes it in.

"'s you! You, you..." Zhang Chunmei froze for a moment, her face flushed red, she stood up abruptly, stuttering and unable to utter a word.

Liu Guangtian on the side didn't feel much better, he was at a loss with excitement, and said, "You, who are you looking for?"

Both Zhang Chunmei and Liu Guangtian had seen Wenhui from afar, and knew that this was a big reporter following the big leader.

Before the two of them were whispering in the crowd, Zhang Chunmei said enviously that I could be like her.Liu Guangtian said that if I could marry such a woman, my whole life would be worth it.

Then the two looked at each other, Qiqi gave each other a contemptuous look.

The words are still ringing in their ears, today the big man in their mind actually came to the door.

Wen Hui was quite friendly, and asked with a smile, "Is Su Yuanchao working here?"

She has spoken!

She talked to me!

Liu Guangtian was ecstatic, trembling with excitement.

Zhang Chunmei on the side also reacted at this time, excitedly said: "It's reporter Wen! Hello, hello, I am Zhang Chunmei! I am a soldier under Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su!"

She was very excited and rushed up to shake hands with Wenhui.

Wen Hui had a good impression of this little girl who spoke very forcefully, and said with a smile, "Hello, comrade Zhang Chunmei."

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su has gone to the nearby radio station. I'll call her for you," Zhang Chunmei said.

"You, sit down, I'll make you tea..." Liu Guangtian stammered.

"Don't bother, he's next to you, right?" Wen Hui smiled, "I'll just go and find him next to him, you guys go about your business, goodbye!"

She smiled and waved, turned and went out the door.

She walked for a long time, and the two of them in the room were still a little confused.

Liu Guangtian said in a sour tone, "Reporters from Wenda actually know our deputy editor-in-chief?"

"Yesterday I heard people say they saw them walking together. I thought it was a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true!" Zhang Chunmei was very excited, "They are so talented and beautiful, they really match each other!"

Liu Guangtian was a little unconvinced, and said, "I can do it in a few years."

Zhang Chunmei rolled her eyes: "In a few years you will be Lao Liu, what can you do?"

"Hey, I found that you little comrade has a very poisonous mouth, you!" Liu Guang was in a bad mood, "I can't be a leader or something?"

"I don't think about any formal ones, but you think a lot about temporary ones." Zhang Chunmei giggled, "Comrade Xiao Liu, don't be so ambitious!"

"You're younger than me, you're called Brother Liu!" Liu Guangtian stared.

"No, it's Xiao Liu!" Zhang Chunmei insisted on the principle, "Hey, what do you think the Wenda reporter is looking for our deputy editor-in-chief for? Do you want to date him?"

Liu Guangtian sneered and said, "What are you thinking? How is it possible? You are Yu Haitang as a reporter for the University of Wenzhou? Then..."

Halfway through the words, he was startled, and his eyes widened instantly.

Yu Haitang!
At the same time, Zhang Chunmei also reacted, staring at Liu Guangtian with wide eyes.

"It's going to happen!" The two yelled in unison, and then ran out at the same time.

The studio next door.

Su Yi put some of the documents to be broadcast in front of Haitang, frowned and said, "Why do you look like a plague-stricken monkey? Does your face look so bad?"

Yu Haitang was feeling uncomfortable after drinking too much wine, but he was so angry when Su Yi said "monkey suffering from plague".

"Su Yuanchao, if you weren't the one I like, I'd have to have a good fight with you today, what is a plague-stricken monkey!" Yu Haitang stomped.

"Is there any rule for those who call me by my first name in the factory?" Su Yi raised his face and pointed at the documents on the table. Notify the whole factory, Ma Liuer is working."

"Su Yuanchao——no, stationmaster Su, even if you don't know how to be sympathetic, at least you should have some sympathy?" Yu Haitang said sadly, "Look at how miserable I am, and you still ask me to write to you?" A manuscript? Yang Weimin never asked me to write a manuscript before."

"So he went down." Su Yi said, "From now on, you will have to write the news releases for the radio station."

"Then what are you doing?" Yu Haitang asked.

"Let me check." Su Yi said, "Otherwise, why should I be the station master?"

"You..." Yu Haitang was so angry that she contributed a wave of malice to Su Yi, "You are not a big person, and you have a lot of airs!"

"You say I'm a bit of an official, I agree, but what's the point of not being a big man?" Su Yi frowned, "Don't be poor with me, drink some hot water, do your work, don't delay. "

Said to go out.

"Station Master Su, Su Yuanchao!" Yu Haitang called him again, "I'm not feeling well!"

"So?" Su Yi asked.

"You rub it for me..." Yu Haitang acted like a baby.

Su Yi said: "You think it's more beautiful than you look."

"You..." Yu Haitang stared, then suddenly smiled again, "At least you have good eyesight and know that I am beautiful. Station Master Su, have you ever seen someone more beautiful than me? We are both talented and beautiful, standing together Who doesn't say that we are a good match? I really can't figure it out, why are you rejecting me? If it were someone else, I would have said nothing. "

At this time, Su Yi had already heard Wen Hui coming from beside him.

"Don't talk about topics that have nothing to do with work during working hours, Yu Haitang, don't take the station master as a cadre!" Su Yi warned.

"Just say I'm beautiful!" Yu Haitang stared.

"You plague-stricken monkey!" Su Yi said.

"You're not allowed to say that about me, you're so mad at me!" Yu Haitang exploded instantly, "I'm just too drunk and hungover, why do you say that about me!"

"Let you recognize the reality and stop wasting time on me. I am doing it for your own good, Wukong." Su Yi sighed, "Come on, let you meet someone."

As Su Yi said, he opened the door, just as Wen Hui outside the door was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, he was taken aback for a moment when he didn't expect the door to open.

"Coming?" Su Yi said.

"Huh? You don't seem surprised?" Wen Hui smiled.

At this time, Yu Haitang also saw Wen Hui, and her eyes widened instantly.

She also knew Wenhui, and she had seen Wenhui from afar when Wenhui accompanied the big leader.

"Hello." Wenhui nodded to Haitang.

It can be said that Yu Haitang is not beautiful, but after all, she has a petty air.

But Wenhui is different.

Her exquisite appearance is second to none, the key is her sassy and generous temperament.

This seemed to be an aura emanating from her bones. Wherever she stood, the first thing people saw was confidence, and the second thing they saw was beauty.

Yu Haitang regretted that she came to work today with such a bad complexion, just like a plague-stricken monkey.

At this time, she wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in.

Her face was pale, she couldn't help clenching her fingers tightly, she bit her lip and looked at Su Yi, her eyes were misty.

Wen Hui was startled, seeing some clues, thoughtful.

Su Yi introduced: "This is Wen Hui, a reporter from the Beijing Daily, and this is Yu Haitang, an announcer from our factory."

Wen Hui nodded, and said to Haitang: "Comrade Haitang, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Me too..." Yu Haitang choked up after saying two words, then suddenly turned her head and pointed at Wenhui and said excitedly to Su Yi: "You said last night that you succeeded in a blind date, so you were with her, right? You are because of her, so That’s why you never promised me, did you?”

At this time, Zhang Chunmei and Liu Guangtian from the next door ran out, staring blankly at this scene not far away, their eyes were filled with a light of extreme longing.

This is the light of gossip.

Su Yi frowned, contributed a wave of malice to the two, and secretly prepared a pair of small shoes for them.

"There is someone else who succeeded in my blind date, not reporter Wen." Su Yi said, "Yu Haitang, it's time to work, stop thinking about these extra things!"

"Not her? Who are you lying to?" Yu Haitang burst into tears, and stubbornly raised her neck, "Except for her, I don't believe you would reject me for anyone else."

"It's true that I haven't been on a blind date with Su Yuanchao." Wen Hui said suddenly, she took a deep look at Su Yi, her eyes were a little complicated.

Yu Haitang was taken aback, but her face was still full of disbelief.

Wen Hui said: "I also just heard the news about Yuanchao's blind date from you. Thank you for telling me this, because I am also one of Su Yuanchao's admirers."

In Yu Haitang's blank eyes, Wen Hui smiled and said: "A successful blind date does not mean you are married. Comrade Haitang, don't be discouraged. I hope you will continue to bravely pursue your own happiness. No matter what the result is, as long as you work hard and have a clear conscience, you will have a clear conscience in the future. There will be no complaints or regrets, this sentence you and I encourage each other."

Su Yi looked at Wenhui and pursed his lips.

Yu Haitang stared blankly at Wen Hui: "You, you encourage me? Why?"

"We are all like-minded comrades on the revolutionary road. Isn't it right to encourage comrades in arms?" Wen Hui smiled, "Although you and I are competitors, I believe that we are good competitors. Influence us to continue to shine for the common cause, right?"

Yu Haitang stared blankly at Wenhui for a long time, and she looked more and more like a plague-stricken monkey. She smiled miserably and said, "I, I quit..."

She was defeated, and she lost in a mess.

Facing such Wenhui, she simply couldn't muster up any courage to compete.

She rushed out of the door in tears and ran away into the distance.

"Hey, writing a manuscript, Yu Haitang! Where are you going!" Su Yi yelled hastily, "The broadcast will be broadcast at eleven o'clock!"

"Maliciousness from Haitang +100..."


Su Yi watched Yu Haitang disappear at the end of the corridor speechlessly, and looked at Wenhui helplessly.

"Didn't you achieve your goal?" Wen Hui blinked, "You don't need to thank me."

"Thank you." Su Yi sighed, "Why are you here?"

"About you for dinner." Wen Hui said, "Tomorrow afternoon."

"Know that my blind date is successful and return the date?" Su Yi asked.

"Happiness from Zhang Chunmei +99..."

"Maliciousness +99 from Liu Guangtian..."

"Wait a minute." Su Yi stopped Wen Hui who was just about to speak, and waved to the two over there.

"Xiao Zhang, come here, Yu Haitang has run away, you put down your work and write out these three press releases first, it's 09:30, I'll give you an hour," Su Yi said.

"Ah?" Zhang Chunmei was dumbfounded, "But..."

"No but!" Su Yi sternly said, "Also, be prepared to replace Yu Haitang in the broadcast!"

"Ah?" Zhang Chunmei's eyes widened, and she hurriedly waved her hands, "No, no, I can't..."

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. This is a task!" Su Yi waved his hand, "Go, the manuscript is on the table inside, go and get it quickly. If you have time to shirk with me, why not adjust your mentality and go to work quickly."

"Oh..." Zhang Chunmei pouted, contributing wave after wave of malice to Su Yi, and went in to get the manuscript.

Su Yi's eyes fell on Liu Guangtian, who subconsciously straightened up and said, "Deputy editor, I'll help..."

"Didn't I discuss the newspaper baskets with the internal staff yesterday?" Su Yi frowned, "Go, we will connect with them now. There are a total of 160 and three newspaper baskets, and they will be loaded before four o'clock this afternoon!"

"Ah?" Liu Guangtian widened his eyes and said in panic, "Isn't this job meant to be done slowly this week? Didn't you say that today is very busy..."

"I have time to watch the excitement here, I don't think you are very busy today." Su Yi chuckled, "Go, go and get busy."

"Oh..." Liu Guangtian understood that the grandson was putting on shoes for himself.

Apart from contributing a few waves of malice to Su Yi, he had no temper at all, and went to work with low brows and embarrassing eyes.

After Zhang Chunmei and Liu Guangtian had left, Su Yi looked at Wenhui: "I've got the truth, my crooked neck tree is not worth hanging up by you."

Wen Hui smiled: "Tell me, what kind of girl is she?"

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